I'm done. For years I've been saying to myself "foids will get what's coming to them, just let nature heal." And every single year the foid grows more aggressive and more demanding.
Every year the foid extracts more and more of our tax dollars, subsidizing their lazy butt lifestyle.
When they can't suck tax dollars out of us by trapping a moid (spermjacking is more common than the msm admits) they start an OF and squeeze what little money many hard working moids have.
Remember this post. A solution to the foid question will be presented.
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I agree entirely except on this point
women degrading themselves and being encouraged to do so is an issue for sure but it's entirely the moid's fault if he gets findommed by a bitch online he's never spoken to
I guess I'm just trying to say
Kill simps. Behead simps. Roundhouse kick a simp into the concrete. Slam dunk a simp's cumsock into the trashcan. Crucify filthy moids. Defecate in a simps food. Launch simps into the sun. Stir fry simps in a wok. Toss simps into active volcanoes. Urinate into a simps gas tank. Judo throw simps into a wood chipper. Twist simps heads off. Report a simps favorite e-whore to the IRS. Karate chop simps in half. Curb stomp pregnant single mothers (simp producers). Trap simps in quicksand. Crush simps in the trash compactor. Liquify simps in a vat of acid. Eat simps. Dissect simps. Exterminate simps in the gas chamber. Stomp simp skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate simps in the oven. Lobotomize simps. Mandatory sterilization for simps. Grind simp penises in the garbage disposal. Drown simps in fried chicken grease. Vaporize simps with a ray gun. Kick old simps down the stairs. Feed simps to alligators. Slice simps with a katana
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Simps are unironically the source of the vast majority of gender issues. Shitty men enable shitty women.
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Simps killed the mockingbird.
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Women give birth to these shitty men out of wedlock, raised with no father, then they become gigasimps or hoodlums who continue the cycle
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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.
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