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:boomer: Desantis wants to ban porn from schools, :marseypicrew: most affected

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Watching porn becoming a staple of progressive ideology has been interesting :marseygigathonk:

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I'm sure is run like a worker-owned co-op and the women there are treated with profound respect :marseyclueless:

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Whats efrickt

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Porn humor site, they post the most fricked up, wierd or funny footage from porn they can find.

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I think that's just one guy editing preexisting footage.


Ok two editors now and whoever owns it.

Neighbor having a mental health crisis from it :marseylaugh:

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efukt editor has mental issues


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I feel bad for a decent amount of the people we make fun of here but this dude should actually :marseyropewithme:

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But the projectile vomit edit had to be just right :soycry:

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Frick I wish I cared about anything as much as this neighbor cares about his porn edits

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Love those neighbors i still got some efukt tshirts lying around I sent em like $5 they gave me 4

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anyone with a functioning brain wouldn't ban porn from schools, lol.

Literally everyone is watching porn and being literate as to what it is and why it isn't reality is important.

You ever see those absurdly sexually awkward indians that have no idea how s*x works? that's what a culture that just bans discussion of s*x ends up in.

porn literacy is probably something that should be in every s*x ed course. Even s*x toy literacy is something that should be in every s*x ed course.

Anyone trying to argue otherwise is just low IQ and living in a fantasy world.

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why porn books in libraries tho?

america has s*x ed and doesn't barn porn sites, can't you jerk it at home?

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the issue is tweens and teens just being r-slurred.

Do you know how many men have completely detached from reality ideas about s*x directly due to porn and never learning any kind of porn literacy?

You know all of the fetish shit you r-slurs blame on porn? all of that exists because there's basically no porn education in s*x ed.

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>porn education

>porn literacy

My shitty blue state public school just told us not to emulate pornography in our own lives. We didn’t have to watch Gay Anal Monsters 14 to learn that.

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Nah dude you don't understand, this is absolutely necessary


This is totally not pushing an agenda btw, it's strictly required curriculum


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Lmao of course the only feminine looking foid has to have a shenis

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Lmao @ that first pic, totally not a fetish

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Whoever drew that first image needs professional help because they were defo sexually abused when they were young.

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That's just the typical gay man

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>Scanned with CamScanner

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why is the second image bad despite them being fugly tumblr art esque

the first one is just :marseysick: scary

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basically no porn education in s*x ed

Do you really think they're gonna tell kids to not watch porn? Trying to educate kids about porn by telling them porn isn't real life isn't going to make them less damaged as coomers. In fact the average zoomer would tell you that porn and social media aren't real life, but that doesn't matter because zoomers still continue to use those things as if they were.

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S*x ed teachers are not going to condemn porn. They will say it is not like real life. But they will not tell kids to stop using it.

The "s*x ed" curriculum creators are not cool and normal s*x havers but weirdo LGBTQ+ danger hairs who think porn is important for future GRIDS patients. Understand?

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:marseyseethe: wingcuck

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I mean that is the current defense for porn among "s*x educators", the idea that without LGBTQ+ youth would be lost without porn despite it not being representative of real life s*x. Really makes you :marseythonk:...

Also I really really like using the term "GRIDS", it's just funny as frick to say.

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I think?

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God i love using the term GRIDS but nobody else at work gets it.

Foreman is out for the day? "Idk he's got gout or GRIDS or something, said he'll be in tomorrow"

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You're right, pizza. The sexual deviancy and fetishes that the young are indulging in are because of how puritanical American society is, not because they have a near constant stream of soft- to hardcore porn literally every hour of the day in their hands.

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You don’t understand, they need their teachers to help them find the good porn.

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I'm sure a porn appreciation class would suck all the joy out if it the same way my film appreciation class did.


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DeTrans lives matter

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Do you know how many men have completely detached from reality ideas about s*x directly due to porn and never learning any kind of porn literacy?

Porn makes people r-slurred about s*x, so we should teach porn in school :marseygigaretard: wow congratulations pizza you out-pizzad yourself

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Why should prepubescent children see this? People make the argument you're making, but they don't even wait for the kids to hit puberty because they start teaching them anal.

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>You know all of the fetish shit you r-slurs blame on porn?


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Hi @collectijism,

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Why do you need to physically show porn to children to tell them "hey kids, porn ain't real life."

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Because s*x ed requires in depth teaching.

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in depth? you want hands on too?


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This might be one of your worst posts yet, that's an accomplishment.

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ya know i'm not calling you a libertarian but you're a weirdo

you're weird as frick

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>alright kids, time to look at my cumshot comp vids and describe in detail that most women do not like getting hit in the face with jizz. This video will be two hours long but it’s important education.

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What? There's a difference between an accurate and medically useful description of s*x and a pornographic view of it.

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Hehehehehehe… depth


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Why should that include pornography?

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"Okay, what is real life?"

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I demand s*x ed teach scat literacy.

I demand s*x ed teach peepee and ball torture literacy.

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mom: you'll never amount to anything

me: becomes a peepee and ball torture teacher



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Yes uh before pornography existed everyone just acted like neurodivergent sexy Indian dudes what a great take my guy.

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This is the worst take I've ever read from you

You are a child molester

Keep yourself safe

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>Even intercourse toy literacy is something that should be in every intercourse ed course.

I was with you until here. Wtf man lol

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ok kids welcome to pizza’s class. First thing we are going to do is take our big black dildos and do training to find out the best way to squat on them and get them fully inserted into your anus. This is an important life skill.

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Tbh it probably was for pizza :#marseypizzashillblacked:

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also love how he pretties up the shit he's saying, just like b a r d f i n n

>Even intercourse toy literacy is something that should be in every intercourse ed course.

=>they should teach what anal beads are in school

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 01 hours 08 minutes and 50 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was peepeehands which was 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds

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██████████           19 03-07
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█████████████████    34 03-09
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Best friend is ACA with 195 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 219.522 µBardyhertz with 2902 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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>Banning shitty mindgeek goyslop hyper-commodification of s*x from schools

99.999% of videographic porn on the internet shouldn't be consumed by anyone. However, this talking about books with mentions of s*x. Just your typical idiot conservative passing laws that ban free speech and then mega-seething when those laws are used against them once their opponents are in power. :soyjakmaga::soy4dchess:

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"mentions of s*x" my brother this is full on cartoon porno with underage characters, this is shit even furaffinity wouldn't allow

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Mentions s*x? Uhhh they’re mentioning literally libertarianism and deviancy

“Free speech is when we get to expose your kid to BLACKED”

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Based groomershill! :marseywave2:

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Anyone with a functioning brain (or non-functioning, I'm a literal r-slur and figured it out) should be able to realise that porn isn't real. Next you'll be saying we need to have classes explaining to kids that capehsit movies aren't documentaries and the Avengers aren't real smh

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Porn education in school is gonna lead to scrotes thinking jackhammering is good s*x, and holes thinking they have screech like a struck pig.

Actual s*x and intimacy is gonna suffer. Online Porn has been an absolute disaster for sexual education and intimacy among teens/tweens.

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Don’t ever have kids. Dems really are groomers eh?

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This take should have stayed int eh drafts boo.


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I warned you


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I get a lot of mileage out of this image tbh


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red pill me bra

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Those hands, that chin, that long face, that nose, the schizo-writing about how we should do a hecking revolution and kill millions. You can't seriously tell me Solanas wasn't a choo-choo.

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Who's this

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Kill moids. Behead moids. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy scrotes. Defecate in a moids food. Launch moids into the sun. Stir fry moids in a wok. Toss moids into active volcanoes. Urinate into a moids gas tank. Judo throw moids into a wood chipper. Twist moids heads off. Report moids to the IRS. Karate chop moids in half. Curb stomp pregnant ftms. Trap moids in quicksand. Crush moids in the trash compactor. Liquefy moids in a vat of acid. Eat moids. Dissect moids. Exterminate moids in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate moids in the oven. Lobotomize moids. Mandatory abortions for moid babies. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown moids in fried chicken grease. Vaporize moids with a ray gun. Kick old moids down the stairs. Feed moids to alligators. Slice moids with a katana.

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New snappy quote :marseyraisinghands:

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why not add all variations of that copy pasta :marseyexcited:

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It's truly a tragedy that feminists tried to claim that Queen Val was writing satire despite 100% meaning what she wrote to the point where she popped a bullet in Warhol just to prove her point.

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Least r-slurred :marseyfeminist:

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"Life" in this "society" being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of "society" being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male s*x.

Literally radfem!Joker.


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Based foid from the 60s

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How so? 90% of progressive endeavors have something to do with s*x. The only thing the progressives actually managed to do is promote sexual ideology. Of course they support porn. They are literally just a political bloc of coomers.

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Psychology is an absolute meme

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psychology is a pseudoscience

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Me, watching Poopy Peepee A2M Piss Sluts #12 to become more egalitarian. :marseywatchingtv:

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It's a good show!

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Demons stalk the internet

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Considering how gay modern porn is and pushes a bunch of weird shit for no reason explains a lot

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