How he describes the incident:
I pulled her aside after a study session last week and once everyone else had left I brought up how we're both single and asked if she wanted to be friends with benefits. She asked what I meant and I said that we could hookup sometimes and otherwise keep things the same and still be friends. She said that she really isn't interested in that and that she doesn't see me that way. I just said "oh, ok. see you tomorrow then" and left.
Her response:
At the study sessions she sits at the other side of the table from where she used to. She only works with other people in the group and doesn't even glance at me except if I directly ask her a question. Yesterday, I tried to walk alongside her as she left the study session and said "hey, I haven't seen you in a while, how's it going?" She said that she didn't want to talk and that she feels weird about me.
His response to her response:
I left her alone after that but I'm crushed. I understand why she's mad at me and I know it's all my fault. I was incredibly stupid and I don't know if I can undo what I did. I thought if she said no she would just tease me a little and leave it at that but I understand that what I said really hurt her. Is there any way I can get her to be friends with me again? Should I apologize and if so how should I word it? I really don't want to lose her as a friend.
So far so good, right? Surely s*x-positive redditors won't wildly overreact to this turn of events.
A few comments:
I think she was interested in you until you reduced her to the status of a rubber doll. FYI, don’t offer to use women friends as s*x objects in the future. If you don’t want to date them just go on tinder for you FWB’s.
Ok, thanks for the advice. I don't think she's going to want to talk to me yet but when she's hopefully cooled down I'll include what you've said.
She doesn’t need to “cool down”, dude your usage of language is atrocious.
She is rightfully freaked out! You’re coming off like a s*x offender!
Further developments:
She told me to leave her alone and to not talk to her at the study sessions.
I didn't reply to that and I'm not going to today's study session. I feel ashamed and embarrassed at what I did, but I'm also very hurt that this happened. I'm upset that she's throwing away our friendship over this even though I know I shouldn't have asked her that.
He then starts getting a bunch of randoms coming at him calling him a creep and making fun of him and such.
This situation has been stressful for both of us, so I don't know why she's making it worse by telling people about it. We've both suffered enough already and would be better off if we just move on. I'm still devastated at losing her as a friend and at being rejected so I just want to lick my wounds and slowly get over it.
Pretty reasonable, right? He accepts that he's fricked up, leaves her alone, and wants to sit in a hole feeling bad about losing her as a friend for a while and then move on. Surely redditors will respond normally to-
Also, he doesn't get the fact that what she's doing now is her way of making sure he doesn't "try anything" with her. You know, like assault/r*pe/murder. IMO, women don't have the luxury of 'forgive and forget', they can choose to forgive, but can't afford to forget because one of these creeps could be the end of her (at the worst case scenario).
He thought the issue would stay between them, like the issue was him asking for a $20 loan or something. He creeped her out, and the girl might be thinking this is the best way to protect herself and her friends from OP.
You learned nothing from your last post. She is ABSOLUTELY entitled to tell people what you did, she has ZERO obligation to keep your creepy little secret.
You really cannot wrap your pea-brain around how utterly inappropriate and inexcusable what you asked was.
How dare you sook and play victim because she did nothing but tell the truth about you. Grow the frick up.
She’s warning other women away from you. What you did is beyond the pale and there should be a warning put out on dudes like you. You still don’t get it, you think it’s just that she reacted weirdly. She didn’t. She reacted normally. She’s keeping her friends safe. Because you still think it’s not about you.
Yes this man is clearly a violent threat to women everywhere. I'm shocked nobody has called the police.
Everyone in the original threads seems to be in agreement that OP needs to see the inside of a jail cell, but the controversial sort in the metathread yields some interesting slapfights, including people saying he did nothing wrong
I am so confused. Since when is it wrong to ask friends in college if they wanted to hook up????
College isn’t a free pass to ask anyone you like to frick without strings and not expect consequences for your shitty behaviour.
Speaking as a man whose social skills are built off decades of frick ups, I’m biased to want to keep this private. That said, I absolutely acknowledge that women need to protect themselves by spreading the word like this.
she can and should share anything she pleases about things that happen in her life. it's not her job to protect him or worry about his reputation or future prospects or set up a nice protected social learning environment for him at school so he can practice on the other girls. ew.
Why should women cater to him and why should we treat him with baby gloves? He’s not entitled to women giving him a chance, and women are not obligated to give him a chance. If he fricked up, he has to live with the consequences of his actions, and I think it’s well-deserved based off of his comments. Dude is so much in denial and with every additional comment he makes, it seems like he’s thinking more of himself & his (nonexistent) s*x life than the girl. He’s an absolute creep who reduces women to sexual objects. The girl has every right to warn her friends to stay away from this dude
Edit: all the incels downmarseying me for stating very reasonable criticisms lol. I can’t with men 🤦🏻♀️
And so on and so forth. Enjoy!
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!biofoids is realizing a guy wants to plow u like a soft field really that traumatic or is this female autism?
lmao foids do u really?
lol wut? Is "Hey wanna sit on my face a while?" really beyond the pale?
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This is neurodivergent behaviour and honestly women like to be treated like ladies, or at least for there to be some feeling out/build up to asking for s*x. That kind of thing is neurodivergent and weird to ask bluntly. She didn't know what fwb was so I'm assuming they are both young, awkward and inexperienced.
I couldn't be friends with a guy like that and I wouldn't frick a guy who didn't have game like that lol. And yes I would tell my friends about it.
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Imagine a world in which women were honest about the way they wanted to be treated.
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Women's emotions run fickle and deep, and honesty takes a lot of self awareness, emotional control, humility and vulnerability. It also involves working through the complicated social issues of "internalized misogyny" women have drilled into their heads today. Some women will kinda view you as a race traitor if you even admit women are kinda crazy sometimes. You're hard pressed to find women under 25 with the skill to navigate all this.
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nobody is gonna treat foid slike "ladies" anymore because you're all pieces of shit.
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fun fact, most people DON’T think like you do. this is a good thing
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no lmao, we all think like this. Most just aren't upfront.
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if thinking that makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead lil buddy
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I know this for a fact. All men hate you, we dislike being around you. We put up with it for s*x.
If realistic s*x androids were invented tomorrow 95% of you would be single for the rest of your lives.
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wrong. sorry your life sucks this much though
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Not wrong, why do you think anti-foid rhetoric is so popular online?
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Look at gay men's attitudes towards women, and the attitudes of men who've given up. Isn't it odd that the men who don't have to put up with women all express the same attitudes about them?
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The given up ones are resentful, of course they’d act like that.
The gays are a mixed bag.
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One of my dad's favorite phrases is "can't live with em, can't shoot em" when it comes to women, and that's stuck with me since I was young. Most straight men find women annoying and petty, and they would rather spend time with other men. Almost every man I know would much prefer to work in an all male workplace. They don't hate women though and definitely don't want to hurt them like incels.
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Nah ted he's right, I had a period when I had all but eradicated my sexual desires and I got really misogynistic. For a lot of shitty women, s*x is all they have to offer.
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Women tell their friends about absolutely everything. Expecting anything a woman learns about you to remain private is foolish. I feel bad for young guys with no older brother/mentor to teach them these things. Covid isolation made these zoomers going into college even more socially awkward. A young man only has so many years to learn how to act around women before it's pretty much over.

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Good for you that you have an older brother or mentor to teach you how to act around women. Too bad the rest of us have to learn the hard way. And by the way, not all women share everything with their friends. Some of us know how to keep a secret.
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Frick off foid
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I'm not sure what a "frick off foid" is, but it sounds like you're telling me to leave you alone, so I will.
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That was very respectful of you bbbb, I appreciate you
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Why thank you, you pompous butt.
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going up to a person you barely know and instantly asking them to bang is peak
behaviour, she’s just politely avoiding him. sort of like when a tard starts yelling in your direction on public transport so you stare at your shoes until it’s your stop
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this is def an autism moment for the guy but i thought he said they were friends, not strangers?
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He said friend who was part of a study group which could mean anything really. Regardless he's not mentioning anything about having chemistry or even flirting at all so idk what he expected.
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ohhh ok makes sense. i knew way too many guys like that lmfao its so weird
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Something about stones in a glass house
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What I'm saying is proposing s*x to a classmate out of nowhere is weird af.
Proposing s*x to someone you met on a website for maladjusted neurodivergent trolls is way weirder.
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i see. however, i was not the proposer, but the proposee! nice try though
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tbh hes all over both threads giving more detail, I didn't include it because it would be insanely long but he insists they are actual friends who hang out outside of the study group with just each other and all that
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Yeah what the frick of course it makes things incredibly awkward, especially when they're acquaintances who are part of a study group or work. For the most part when foids say it's good to be forward they just mean being forward in the way they think being forward is. Even most Chad types that have hookups and FWBs have to flirt and play the game a little bit.
When PUA gurus advocated cold approaches the idea was to get the inkwell used to rejection and develop their conversational skills when they weren't immediately rejected. Eventually the PUA-in-training would learn to be able to establish a rapport and gauge their chances and then determine the best angle of attack.
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I'm a biofoid and I usually side with the chick in this sort of situation but I can't come up with any way that his behavior can be construed as threatening at all lol. Seems like a huge overreaction on her part unless he's leaving out major parts of the story.
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👏literally 👏r*pe👏
Weird redditors didnt ask op if he has autism cause yikes this might be punching down and ableism.
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come on be reasonable why would someone suffering negative repercussions for IRL actions ever leave out part of the story when they ask for advice online
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True but this is the only info we have to work with about the situation so you more or less have to take it at face value.
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taking things at face value is very pro-drama
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I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone after knowing they only wanted s*x lmao. It’s not tramautic it would just be too awkward afterward to have your relationship be anything more than civil 💀 She’s not cussing him out or anything just keeping him at arms length. Telling all her friends is embarrassing for him but tbh I’d do the same
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he clearly wanted to be friends with benefits how do you miss that
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He isn’t going to be friends with or without benefits after asking that 💀
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Did he say he only wanted s*x though? Like no more friends, just benefits?
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Wouldnt say it's traumatic but moids generally stop talking to you completely after a rejection orrrr just kinda wait a bit after then ask again and cut you off after the next one
So it can be kinda exhausting. I feel naive af when I trust a guy to just genuinely be over it and okay with it lol. It's happened but generally best to save urself feeling hurt in the future when he turns out to not be capable of just being a friend
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It's why you gotta lure the moid into the friendzone then cuck cage him in there. It's the exact opposite of moids chasing foids with flowers and gifts except you up with a simp.
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
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it can be a little awkward, especially if it wasn’t someone i was attracted to, but not a huge deal overall. she’s definitely overreacting
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Lesson about foid mind.
If he managed to get girlfriend and she saw him hanging around with her. This ex-friend would instantly approach him again.
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It’d be possible once she’s certain he’ll be less weird. A gf is basically a lass vouching for him, and an outlet for the kind of energy she didn’t want tbh
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Foids want what other foids want. Male Hotness and attractiveness is social construct. And foids need to know if its acceptable gor other foids to be with moid.
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being propositioned by a sub8 is akin to physical assault. they cant just come out and say that,so youll get some wishy washy bullshit about being a "creep" instead.
thats just a general point but oop ITA for this one in particular
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