[Developing] China's economy is about to fricking collapse 👀

FinTwit's going nuts: https://x.com/search?q=Evergrande&src=typed_query


Good video clip on it: https://x.com/Reuters/status/1439811556792049674?s=19

$305 billion AUM. China is staring down their own 2008 Great Recession event. If the commies don't bail this bank out (lol), the Eastern world's economy is FUBAR.

Remember Michael Burry, the neurodivergent guy from The Big Short who made boatloads of cash from predicting the housing CDO bubble? Here's what he's saying

Bad news for the global economy, good for Dramacoin

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How do I profit from this?

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buy longs on the company that manufactures anti-suicide nets

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Start a chinese rope manufacturing company

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But how to stop workers from necking with your own product long enough to establish market share?

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Use Uighur labor. Suicide sends them to Jahanam

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If you're hearing it first on r/Drama after it was all over Twitter, Wall St. probably already beat ya to it.

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I'm still trying to figure out how the superstonk r-slurs think this is going to trigger GME to MOASS.


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they think reverse repo means that banks lack liquidity so that it going up = MOASS. Also something about ComputerShare

I mentioned it on another post but GME's basically a quant playground and tends to just do whatever it wants. It only had a 6% drop today, which by GME standards is just a slight hiccup of a day.

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The SCMP was running articles about evergrandes inevitable collapse last Monday.

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Darn, you caught it early. Do you work in the Asian markets?

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Fintwit's been talking about Evergrande for a little while. The post from InArteCarloDoss or whoever isn't his first on the matter. There was also that conspiracy theory about Tether being backed by Evergrande commercial paper.

When the bond yields spiked to like 50% or whatever, a bunch of people took notice

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No I just read the South China Morning Post.


8 days ago. I guess that’s not quite missing debt payments. But it’s distress has been in the news.

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Invest in dramacoin.

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  • Luke_Alt : user seems to display a lack of a functioning brain.

Defense industry lol, if the economy explodes Xi is either going to invade Taiwan or India to not get walled.

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if I was a spiritual Jew I’d offer you a 10:1 bet that china won’t go to war in the next two years (really not seein it...)

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Xis options if the economy collapses are war or try to survive the CCP infighting which losing could get him walled. If 75% of the gang of 4 can get thrown under the bus to whitewash Mao some Saudi prince can get Xi's liver

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What makes you think Xi will be killed lol? No Chinese leader is going to execute his predecessor lol, they want to be a superpower now. Not rando banana republic #2345.

If anything a crisis always helps leadership. I've never seen people deepthroat their governments as hard as they've been doing since the memedemic.

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Did you see people deep throat the feds during the 08 recession? I've never seen people hate the government more than then.

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Population of the US united in hating the fricking incompetent Feds and their wealthy, unpatriotic owners

Identity politics springs up from nowhere to divide them all into r-slurred little factions

Really curious

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Really activates the almonds.


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The Big Banking Gay Pride float is so disgustingly cynical that it always makes me laugh

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Ditch the Jew bad shit and this is a pretty good red pill on identity politics in the media.

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big if true

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lol, I've never noticed the jew thing in the bottom corner before. Is that an edit?

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They have played us for absolute fools! but unironically

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Idpol didn't spring up from nowhere lmao. Idpol has been a central component of American politics since literally the very start.

I feel like this is a common anti-establishmentarian talking point and only finds purchase amongst idiots and the 'I'm 14 and this is deep" crowd.

Funny enough people only started taking notice when the zeitgeist shifted and anti-racism became a more mainstream view. But yeah, white rural idpol has been the bread and butter of the GOP since at least the 1960s, and they started flirting with it in the 1920s.

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And the ruling class used that brief moment of leftist upheaval to permanently neuter western socialism by turning it into pink capitalist woke nonsense. Don't underestimate the ability of entrenched rulers to direct public anger at bullshit.

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They were so angry at the bailout, they re-elected Obama.

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The public doesn't have a four year attention span, but if it'd happened a year or two later he would've absolutely lost

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Oh I know. Just sayin that votehogs crying about X doesn't really signify much. If their politicians can't spin their way out of a blunder, the voters will find some excuse to rationalize the blunder away.

If he was capable of pushing a bailout before the end of his term, then he would've won if that crisis happened a year or two later.

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See normally this is what I'd think would happen if the whole population was placed under house arrest for months. That's the reason no one dared to implement such measures during the Spanish flu or w/e, people would start lynching state officials.

There's this game called tropico, you can use media to increase liberty and liberty happiness while enacting laws that reduce it(like banning protests) and end up at the same point. The elites are playing that game IRL and it works.

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The Soviets totally never gaguld and black listed people to officially redeem them years after they died lol

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No soviet premier was ever killed in office. That sets a very unfortunate precedent for whoever's doing the killing at the moment. People who have any foresight, ie non african/lat american dictators don't do that, for that reason.

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The Soviets mostly stopped after Stalin. Even the Chicoms, after grinding the protestors to paste in Tiananmen Square, didn't kill Zhao Ziyang

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China can not take taiwan currently without getting a very bloody nose. Short of Taiwan simply not fighting back China is going to lose a shit load of lives and equipment in a war vs taiwan.

It'd be even worse against India. I don't really see how starting 2 conventional wars China is likely to struggle pretty badly with would be good for him.

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if it collapses then sure

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R-slurs take their investing advice from wsb, real investors go to rdrama.net

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Absolute mad lad. I want to check in a month to see if this would have actually made money, lmao.

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china doesn't really have a history of invasions tho

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Except for invading Vietnam Tibet and India lol

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Offer glorious leader Xi your bussy to take out his frustration upon in exchange for North Korea.

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The only relevant question at this time.

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unironically buy the dip. timing the market gets memed on but theres gonna be a serious crash in the near future

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wat to buy though? 🤔

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some index fund. checking on your stocks every day is no better than a middle aged woman playing candy crush

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Some chinese

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Just get in the money LEAPS on an index fund and go as far out as you possibly can. Just get a strike that doesn’t have some atrocious spread and go off that. I have an “emergency stock” fund just sitting there waiting for time when the market looks like it’s on fire.

We’ve had bear markets before, sure, but modern economic theory is here for the foreseeable future in the west; we’re gonna just have constant inflation for the indefinite future. Might as well ride it.

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So when's the bottom of the dip? Might have to... time the market

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Chink company. It is very risky

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Find the trading partners of Chinese construction companies that seem particularly vulnerable to a down turn in Chinese construction. And then short sell them.

Like this - https://nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/cat/real-time

Now that's already being done. So you're gonna need to double down. Be like "it's not just these one motherlovers, all of China's gonna Titanic in this b-word."

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Well if you want to gamble there are probably places to short various china exposed markets. But I wouldn't call it free money. Can't ever count on the chinamen not pulling something out of their asses.


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buy puts before the next opex unwind, buy index calls in a bit, sell some puts on low margin stocks ~weds/thurs

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