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YES, 2chads won fair and square. I acknowledge that I foolishly chose option 4 out of a silly misunderstanding of human psychology. The bet was not "rigged", 2 was simply the better choice, as any student of game theory could attest. I agree that I am a "4cuck" and will refrain from further mutterings. I sincerely apologize to HeyMoon for any accusation of "janny abuse", which was unmerited and not based on fact.
4cucks: @Albussy_Dumbledonger @osamabinlaughin @BigBussyHunter @Plop_Gobbler @all_correct_opinions @JoyceCarolOates @fsa @Smegma_Male @Jumm @dismybrowseacct @dim @Eatprayspazz @killthekaiser @sincewhendoyouneedaccount @pizzashilI @The_Homocracy @TheLordYourGod @BrokeBackBuck @Soren @boogiecat @DrTransmisia @morda @Pachinko @SayNoToWomensRights @SpudsMackenzie @UmhlunguDestroyer @Tickle @jararaca @fentanyl_peyotl @IslamWasRightAboutWomen @newport @RitalinRxAlt @snallygaster @xirabolt @JohnMcafee @jorples @tyuijvhvhcfcjf @how @Yowza @notactaullyaflorist @R_slur @FreedomforIsrael @SouthAmericanIncel @IndieForThePale @YoloTheSwagnificent @fine_wesome @real_hacker @MarseyIsMyWaifu @HumboldtLumberjacks @PolandNumbaOne @coof @Kobra_Kommander @Shitposting_Skeleton @SmallNips @mphj7 @peepee @PowerfoolMan @dareeldoince @Lucius @sliminalcriminal @Whitey @Beefaronisoup @BobSacamano @gaybowser @Dahl_Fook @azzlo1 @lnternetCustodian @prrk2 @HailVictory1776 @TouchFluffyTail @Sailor_R-slur @ThatHoeOverThere @sayxirname @Gibberish @ChaposeVoteManipulation @SayLess @aminoacid @ThePoolIsClosed @SomeSperg @Slugabed @Chaposevotemanipulation4 @Chaposevotemanipulation6 @Akumuyume @Chaposevotemanipulation9 @Above____________Below @Rivea_ @coned @ZombieWolfIsMyHusbando @jackie @Easy_Pete
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YES, 2chads won fair and square. I acknowledge that I foolishly chose option 4 completely by accident and didn't deserve a badge in any way, shape, or form. The bet was not "rigged", 2 was simply the better choice, as any student of game theory could attest. I agree that I am a "4cuck" and will refrain from further mutterings. I sincerely apologize to HeyMoon for any accusation of "janny abuse", which was unmerited and not based on fact.
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frick outta here
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