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EFFORTPOST [Saffer R-slur post] Father of South African :marseyflagsouthafrica: Nation (not Madiba) gets turbo cucked by court :marseyjudge:, forced to suck the gock in reperation.




Oh boy oh boy oh boy, when I saw this post on /r/southafrica a week ago, I just knew I had to make a write-up about Steve Hofmeyr, the most dramatic r-slur ever to grace South Africa with his music!! :marseyjamming::marseysing::marseycountry:

CONTEXT (1): Father of the Nation

Ok so because Nelson Madiba Mandela was so very charismatic, and had such immense influence upon the creation of the Modern Democratic South Africa, he quickly obtained the moniker of Father of the Nation, similar to Attaturk for Roachland, or the group of dudes in burgerland who all sign that parchment about how much Bongland sucked for 9 paragraphs before they finally came to the independence part.

It's pretty obvious who you're referring to when using Father of the nation for all the races in RSA. Well. All except the afrikaners tee hee :marseywink:

CONETXT (2): Steve Hovmeyr


Steve Hofmeyr is probably the most famous afrikaans singer/songwriter alive. He's an incredibly talented musician with a golden voice, with hit after hit behind his name. If you enjoy afrikaans music, you'd enjoy his shit. He's also popular with women, and has had so many fricking infidelities, that he was the greatest gossip subject in what little counts for South African hollywood for over two decades.

It's been rumoured for so long that he has had an affair in every city he has every visited, and boned a fan at every concert he has ever performed at - giving rise to the joke, that he is the unofficial Afrikaner Father of the Nation, because he has fathered more illigitemate bastards than Ghengis Khan himself.

https://www.citizen.co.za/entertainment/celebrity-news/steve-hofmeyr-manages-to-get-all-his-children-under-one-roof-for-the-first-time/ (that we know of)

He's also a mega turbo lolcow, and I'm going to talk about allllllllllll of his awesome r-slurations over the years! :marseyfluffy:

CONETXT (3): Minor Dramas of Steve Hofmeyr - part 1 of 800

His drama-career started in early 2008 when he divorced the broad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natasha_Sutherland, a mediocre actress in an afrikaans daytime soap tv show. After a decade of faithful marriage, our boi Steve started to reach new heights of fame, and begame to bang fangirls left and right. Naturally they divorced. But not before our boi cried to the media about needing psyciatric help, after having dragged his wife through the mud. Such a nice guy :marseywholesome:

In 2008 he also threw tea at the Editor of Huisgenoot, probably the biggest magazine at that moment in time of RSA. This was notable because it pissed of his Bong fanbase. Great wordplay from the article btw

"Gob-smacked witnesses stared open-mouthed as Hofmeyr took a "pot shot" at Weideman at the Palace breakfast terrace at Sun City on Monday morning." Hehehe


In 2003 he was fined R10 000 rand, the biggest fine a celebrity got at the time, cuz he was showing of his new spanking 2 x 4 pickup :marseysteer:


It goes on like this for like 15 years minor drama, you know the compulsory needed for celebrities with brain damage to stay relevant. However things would really heat up after, Steve started getting into twatter fights with LGBTQ folx!

CONETXT (4): Steve is a Christian Man


I cant find the source on this one, but Stevie basically was one of the first celebrities who got less than universal adoration from the Queer community of RSA for saying pre 2010 that marriage was between a man and a woman, this was actually quite uncontroverisal at the time, so no wonder i cant find jackshit online, since even fricking obama didnt say shit till like 2012. It wouldn't be till like post 2012 that internet became common for RSA poorcels, and moralstroggotry became the norm, that Steve would start to catch flak for not sucking the gock.

His most based sneed among the queers of RSA, was when he compared gays-acceptance by Disney to be a slippery slope which would normalize other deviancies like Beastiality. This offended the RSA furry community, because he spoke the truth.


CONETXT (5): Steve is a Rascist Man

Now very few people of any race actually like queers, regardless of what our constitution says, so Steve would remain still mostly popular until he started to get too vocal about his chuddyness over the years regarding the race question. It all began way back in 2011.


Steve and Malema don't like each other very much. Back in 2011 when Eugene Terblanche (the biggest detractor to ending Apartheid back in 1992), was murdered gruesomely in his bed along with an infant child, a lot of tempers and racism flared on Facebook which was like the only existing viable Social Media in RSA at the time. Our boi Steve went full Boomer and used the N- , I mean the K-word very liberally until his agent could confiscate his electronics.


Even some of his old School pals would start to distance themselves from him, as his supreme lackof survival instinct, in a country where whites are outnumebered between 10-20:1 by their black peers, he would still spout anti-black racism with wanton abandon.


Even most other Afrikaners had long since realized the Union of South Africa was a thing of the past, and was more concerned with surviving in the new RSA than hanging on to rotten fruit.




CONETXT (6): Steve is a Orania Man

Cue the writeup from this Dramatard: https://rdrama.net/post/135751/orania-the-town-that-has-been

Our boi Steve finally cemented himself as a racist to the minds of his liberal fanbase when he went to perform in the most chuddiest town on the whole continent of Africa


CONETXT (7): Steve's grandaddy was a Nazi


Another drama which followed Steve his whole live was that his grandfather was a prominent member of the Ossewabrandwag, a pro-Nazi organization during WW2. They were similar to the British Union of Fascists (BUF), under Oswald during ww2, however where their Bong counterparts lacked numbers and bite, the Ossewabrandwag was a decisive threat to the Union of South Africa, which was a Commonwealth Nation, and supposed to fight fully behind Great Britain against Nazi Germany.

To understand, why the Ossewabrandwag was a thing and why it actually was a threat that could gain traction in RSA in ww2, foreigners need to understand the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer war, when Britain and the boer Republics went to war over the fabolous wealth in terms of gold discovered near Pretoria. The summary is that the Boers vastly undersestimated the length England would go to win and was absolutely crushed into oblivion after the war, they were so reduced that the majority of the Boer republics would remain below the poverty line 50 years after the war.

But the greatest and most grandest insult the Boers would endure, would be to be forced to fight on the side of the British under the Commonwealth Banner during WW1, against the Germans, which had been the boer republics' greatest benefactors during the Anglo war. Imagine being Ukrainian today, and losing the war against russia after 3 grueling gruesome years. Then being forced as a conquered people to fight the Americans 10 years later, whom had been your greatest benefactor. It bread bitterness for two consecutive generations, so that by the time ww2 rolled up, RSA was seriously on the very dangerous brink if a populist leader could lead an insurrection. But that's a story for another longpost

point is Steve's grandaddy was a very fricking prominent member, and when asked he always went to great degrees to avoid denouncing him. Dont blame him. I love my commie killing grandady tooooo. And since nazi denouncing is very important for celebs, steve would catch flak from busybodies forever and ever. And since his increasing public racism from 2011 upwards to his visiting concert in Orania, some reporters started digging up Steve's historic records, and found him to be desendant of an even bigger No-no person than Apartheid-arbiters: te evil nazis!

CONETXT (8): Steve is a Magatard

Our boy finally started embracing his inner chud in 2016, when he went full Super-Sayan hitler mode, and publicaly announced his support for the globally unpopular Trump, by pledging undying support for the Big Orange Cheese. That's right. He pledged his support for another president. In another country...... :marseybeanannoyed: wtf

He wasn't the only one, a lot of afrikaners and boere would drive arount with fricking Trump election merchandise on their Pick-up trucks, called bakkies in RSA. This was the weirdest shit I saw in my life at the time. To see grown men simping for a political leader - IN ANOTHER NATION lmoa


But our boi steve went even further, he stated he was willing to perform at his inauguration when Trump won lmoa :marseylaughpoundfist: Unfortunately for Steve, Trump didn't know who tf Steve was at the time, so the suggestion fell through.


Steve also stated that he would go and have a chat with Trump about Volksmoord (People's murder/genocide) of boers in RSA, but unfortunately that also fell through, get this, because of Trumps immigration policy at the time lolololol:marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:


He's still an ardent supported 8 years later: https://www.thesouthafrican.com/lifestyle/celeb-news/breaking-steve-hofmeyr-facebook-songs-music-show-eff-national-shutdown-latest-21-march-2023/

CONETXT (9): Steve makes Reddit Sneed

Which brings us to today's reddit post in question. Since virtually every national subreddit is drastically more liberal than their real life counterparts, /r/southafrica has been sneeding about Steve Hofmeyr for the past however long the sub has existed. Since Steve has JK Rowling levels of Fok You money, and is one of the wealthiest people alive in RSA, he has little fear of being cancelled, especially since he still retains at least something like a 50% favorable rating amonst Afrikaans speakers, including ironically enough among Coloured people, whom he doesn't hate. Further ironically, the racial schism between modern coloured people and black people in south africa have deepened much greater since the ending of apartheid, since Cape Town coloureds feel betrayed by the ANCs BEE policy.

So he's basically like the Minecraft guy, an everpresesent untouchable chud living rent free in their minds.

The latest specific drama of https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/steve-hofmeyr-ordered-to-pay-r100k-to-lgbt-organisation-over-online-comments/ar-AA18EKlu?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=a0b12715bf8146e5b494dd2ff901cb39&ei=30, is when back in 2022 remember the Bestiality thing earlier in the post?

Basically a LGBT rights NGO sued him in South Africa's Equality Court. We have Free Speech in RSA constitution, but it has very little teeth compared to burgerland, especially when hatespeech is covered, so he was likely to be buttscrewed by a black judge if it went through to court.

Anyways that's all I have goodNIGHT:marseyretard2::marseyfluffy::marseyflagsouthafrica:

PS: the following dramanaughts must own up.





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This is why I truly love our constitution, while countries like America strip away LGBT rights, we here punishing bigots. Sure we have many issues in this country but it is always great to see when we do things right :)

Our country has no electricity, jobs, infrastructure, healthcare, and has a staggeringly high crime and murder rate, but at least some bigot chud gets punished when he makes a problematic comment against LGBTQIPA2S+ folx on the internet! :marseywholesome:

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"A-at least we aren't bigots, chud!"


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Not gonna read all that but


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>Me about to read another Kamrev Safferpost.


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I don't know what own up means but good post :marseythumbsup:

Also watch that trial go nowhere in 2 weeks :marseysal:

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Pin douchebag https://rdrama.net}/post/155453/giga-rslur-effortpost-marseynecklacesoooth-efrican-farmers/3804630#context

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Oh yeah pin me to the wall daddy ngh :marseybiting:

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Is it too late for the Afro-Bongs to rise up and kill everyone?

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The Afro-Bongs are the mayos who've most benefited from the end of Apartheid. They're certainly not trying to go back to the Afrikanner-dominated state that was the Union.

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They gave up that possibility when they dismantled their nuclear program to stop Bantus from inheriting control of them.

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Imagine a world with African nukes :marseywholesome:

Extremely dramaphobic by the mayoids

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They should’ve let them keep them. If seth efrika is like every other African nation, one tribal dispute will send the nukes flying, eventually killing all the Africans so the mayos can waltz back in

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Anyone who is relatively wealthy and doesn’t use that power to :marseymerchant: out and disappear deserves what’s coming to them honestly. You either leave the public eye or have enough money to remain in it like :marseyelonmusk:, although rocket daddy is a special case because he gigaspergs almost daily

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I have heard of this guy before but wasn't really familiar with the sheer scale of his antics. Good post! :marseythumbsup:

Carp, is there any way we can honour the best posters on this site (e.g. this guy, nips, stoicpeace and formerlurker recently)? Maybe another badge besides the sigma badge or something? The site would be way worse without their daily posts and at least to me it feels like they don't get the recognition they deserve...

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Foreign redditors are even more pathetic than the Americans. Quite a feat.

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Didn’t read. Nelson Mandela is a war criminal puppet and In glad he died in prison

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He did the thing!


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Good post! I read the whole thing. Btw, I know nothing happened but what were you doing during Malema’s day of rage yesterday? Did people irl talk about it? Did you see any of the marchers?

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There were extremely few in the region where i live. The EFF has made as many enemies as allies, with their destructive behaviour over the last decade. Many taxi unions to the Free State province and Limpopo, would for example just refuse to run that day, and effectively cut the movement (as in mobility) of the EFF to pieces since they could not transport troublemakers en masse. Since riots would destroy taxi ranks and businesses

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We are awaiting his exit...from the closet.

Ah the old. "You're 'afraid' of us so you secretly want to frick us/are an egg/blahblahblah."

I have in just my life:

Seen a coworker fired and become unhirable for trying to say her religion let her call for the death of all gay people.

Reported a TERF to the HRC for a post they made on facebook where they were successfully prosecuted due to then also spewing the same hate on whatsapp etc.

Seen a DHA regional manager fired for denying a gay couple marriage registration forms. (If you want I can send you a bunch of NGOs you can donate to who actively fight for LGBT rights)

There are others but these are my favourites, so no not only famous POS get punished.

The idiots who did this stuff in the real world/with their real name on the internet are idiots, but come on. There's no way people can be okay with this and not realise the system can easily turn on them. Right?

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I love your work on SA. Extremely interesting. :marseyhomofascist:

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Sounds like he doesn't believe


Solution: tire around the neck.

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There is a marsey for everythinh lmfao. :marseyhomofascist:

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DRAMAβ­β­β­β­πŸ”˜High levels of anger and drama throughout the article
BIZARREβ­β­β­πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Unusual circumstances, not extreme but still notable
POTENTIALβ­β­β­β­πŸ”˜High likelihood of causing anger to normal people
BAITβ­β­πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Some challenging content, but not extremely anger-inducing for readers
HUMORβ­β­β­β­πŸ”˜Funny, but not absolutely hilarious for all readers

Total Rating: β­β­β­β­πŸ”˜ (POTENTIAL)

This article is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions, drama, and humor that will have readers on the edge of their seats.

  • Steve Hofmeyr's numerous controversies and dramatic incidents throughout his career (DRAMA, BIZARRE)

  • His support for Trump and willingness to perform at his inauguration (POTENTIAL, HUMOR)

  • The backlash and legal issues he faced over his comments on LGBTQ+ issues (DRAMA, POTENTIAL)

  • His connection to Orania and his grandfather's Nazi affiliation (BIZARRE, BAIT)

  • The article's humorous take on Steve's various dramas (HUMOR)

LongpostSlayer is run by @HeyMoon. It uses GPT-4 to summarize and rate longposts. Ping him if there's a problem

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Why don't they just kill him?

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white privilege unironically

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Americans interpret the world through our own history. When we hear about apartheid, we assume Afrikaaners must be like New England WASPS or Southern gentry.

I've learned that we are so so incorrect. Afrikaaners are like if :marseydoubtit: :brainletmaga: helmed a nuclear power for 70 years.

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What is the most antisemitic ethnicity in SA?

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Muslims, coloured or arabic

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Pinging @PublicPolicyEnjoyer to finally get you know what finished.

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Love these threads. It’s like the opposite where I’m from: chuddy and diskrderly. Except I can understand what they’re saying, het is gewoon r-slurred Nederlands.

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Detrans lives matter


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I wonder if an organization like Gays Against Grooming would count

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Love your South African drama write ups keep them up kang


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Sucking black peepees for reparation is not a proper punishment.

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Do you think many people having thought that Mandela died in prison could be related to quantum immortality? Like there was a catastrophe on that timeline so immense that the only MW probabilities in which people’s consciousness could jump to were the ones in which Mandela was still alive? And the ones that didn’t are only conscious in this timeline? But does that mean a bunch of people are P-Zombies?

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1 - we south of the equator were pretty much always aware when Mandela was alive, and when he finally died, so this phenomenon is mostly restricted to burgers with too much bloodsuger

2- The catastrophe which sparked the Madela effect was when the Spice Girls broke up, destroying the reality of mankind's inner sanity :marseyflushzoom:

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Random aside how do the different groups in sa feel about hitching with bricks? I know some saf corporation got a pretty big stake in alibaba or some other chink gigacorp

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Extremely apathetic in the ground level. Many poor South Africans probably never even heard of BRICS or would care one way or another.

As for those who care:

ANC wingcucks love the fantasy of our glorious leaders leading us into some vague new world order that isn't West controlled

Lefties and anti West contrarians simp for Russia and China, and believe a new global left wing alliance or something vague enough to fulfill their anti European urges

Most liberal non black media journ*lists tend to be very pro west and America. They realize ironically western nations spearheaded colonialism in Africa, but that modern western nations have changed drastically in just 70 years to be the best places for humans rights. Additionally, there is universal support for Ukraine unless you're some black wingcucks journ*lists. And the idea that RSA is simping for orcs during this brutal war is pretty bitter for many

The most anti BRICS group that's also powerless to do anything about it is the white/Afrikaans group who all fought against communism during cold ❄️ war and was conscripts during sa Union period. Additionally mostbongs in RSA still heavily support England, and tend to be Neoliberal ISH so they also heavily support Ukraine.

Most who politically abstain from supporting Ukraine do so for economic self preservation, RSA economy is very bad post COVID and we relied heavily on Russia for shit as market

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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It makes sense when you consider that SA would probably not be annihilated in a global war


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