Minor neurodivergent exchange between incel :marseyblops2cel: and gamedev foid :marseyfoidretard: [Corporate gets involved]


This isn't anything groundbreaking but I stumbled upon this and found the whole thing to be really dumb and pathetic

It all started with the following tweet, in which a foid gamedev complains about how much she is tired of being approached by men at different expos who only want to date her, and a reply by a g*mergate incel who tells her to suck it up


Thankfully a different foid gamedev enters the thread to school this moid on how to behave.

The queen rightfully outs him as a G*merGate 2.0'er, a rightwinger and an incel, a predator and an antivaxxer. The entire thread is pretty wild, but of particular interest is this post in which she exposes him for streaming the game that should not be named on Twitch, amassing measly 18 viewers :marseydicklet:

This seems to be the straw that broke the incel's back, as it prompts him to reply and tag her employers, Devolver Digital, complaining about their toxic employee


This prompted a reply from the company, which succinctly stated


For those out of the loop, Devolver is a publishing company that specializes in indie games, having published notable titles like Hotline Miami, Enter the Gungeon, Inscription, Weird West etc. and are a pretty good representation of the reddit soy indie game crowd. They are also known for their E3 2017 press conference which uhh... well see for yourself.

A pretty good encapsulation of the xd random but absolutely self aware attitude we're dealing with here

Anyways, that reply by them prompted some of the most intense corporate bootlicking I have seen:









And many, many more


Of course it was not without it's share of chud comments, swearing to never buy anything published by them again. I'm sure this will have grave repercussions for the company







So yeah, that's about it. The whole situation is pretty r-slurred. The one question I still have on my mind after all this is whether this was a real exchange or whether all of this was coordinated PR, cause to me it almost seems like there's too much praise, considering how brands usually get treated on twitter. But then again, perhaps being a cringy relatable company is worthy of praise when you do a goodthink

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>Foid seeks attention by complaining about receiving attention

Also lol at the notion that asking someone on a date is 'abuse'.

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Its so weird that weirdo neurodivergents being weird = abuse

Getting you harrassed, fired from your job and homeless = just consequences of speech

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It's just complaining for the sake of complaining

Some women love to do that

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Is that the one thing women and incels have in common?

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Honestly women find anything that makes them remotely uncomfortable should be criminal and result in jail time. Also she seems to be a Quรฉbecoise, probably Montrรฉalaise who are mostly known to be hard line no-fun feminists.... she cute tho.


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Foids are a joke dude. spend as little time around foids as possible and your life will greatly improve.

Interesting enough it seems to only be college educated urban culture foids - working class foids seem to be completely normal.

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There's a reason the first school shooting in Canada happened there

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Actually believe it or not the first school shooting was in the 1970s in Brampton ON I know this because my cousin went to that school.



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zobeezy finna pull up on you cuz

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I don't know what this means. Sounds like ethnic speech to me.



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Isn't he that user that trakcs everyones doxx?

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Not all Punjoos


You just blew my mind

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When i moved to Brampton in 1980 it was very much a Scottish town. Literally everyone I went to school with were McInnis, McLoed, Kellett... There was a fish and chips shop on every corner.

The punjoos started coming around 89 and never stopped.


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Dramatards shocked that a woman who's representing for their work isn't looking to date g*mers at a gaming convention and is allowed to vent about it.

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Foid shocked she has to interact with g*mers after being sent as g*mer bait to gaming convention.

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Man you gotta agree that's pretty fricked. Even the worst hoes shouldn't be forced to interact with the lowest value males all day.

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Nobody should have to interact with bargain bucket value moids. That's why there's a multi-billion industry dedicated to keeping them indoors.

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They can just say no to going, they were making web graphics drivers, there is zero reason to even have a rep there.


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They can just say no to going

Doing that kind of nonsense and seen as very positive by corporate (no idea why). :marseyhomofascist:

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She is getting paid, and I have been informed s*x work is real work, so whats the problem?

Don't want to interact with gross nerds take a different job I guess.

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But then she wouldn't be able to post this and get rdrama moids coping.

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She's allowed to vent, but don't publically call it "sexual harassment." That kind of claim gets people fired, which means it's not just venting, it's an attack. The second you do something which has the potential to take food off somebody else's plate, you're attacking them, which means it's entirely fair for them to coordinate violence against you. A physical attack is totally justified retaliation against a financial attack. When somebody tries to "cancel" you from your job, you're totally justified in cancelling them from existence. (Though to be fair to the foid, the incel did exactly the same thing by complaining to her employer. I'm not motivated enough to read the whole thread to see who made the first "real" attack: I just think random strangers on social media should stop trying to get other random strangers fired simply for offending them, and anybody who can't meet that exceedingly low standard of conduct needs to get killed.)

Honestly I think the best approach to such things would be to simply make a lot of behavior outside work into a legally protected class, so that social media r-slurs could vent all they want, but corporations wouldn't be required to act as judge, jury, and executioner in the culture wars, making hiring or firing decisions based on how loudly a small minority of butthurt human garbage complain. But the control-freaks who want to police everybody else's free speech would never allow this degree of free speech legislation because then they couldn't get people fired for hurting their delicate feefees, so I guess the good guys are gonna have to start killing off the people who oppose this initiative until they learn not to stand in the way of cultural progress. In the end, this legislation is gonna happen one way or the other, the only real question is how many people need to die before it gets enacted.

The next couple of years are gonna be pretty interesting, for sure

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anybody who can't meet that exceedingly low standard of conduct needs to get killed


I'm sorry, Pingie, but I have a rule: don't pay for porn. Even if it's political porn. The free-of-charge competition is too great, I have options.

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Are you talking about the Saratonin account?

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I don't even know what that is

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One of the accounts in the first picture that we're literally talking about here. ngl man that shit you posted was pretty goofy the only one who was getting workplace doxxed if anything was that main femcel.

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I don't support her getting doxxed either. I view her as an attention whoring diva for complaining about guys asking her out like it's "harassment" but the incel is a next level butthole for escalating this to her employer and trying to get her fired so I hate him more

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>decide to work as vendor

>get hit on by thirsty moids


It's part of the job, pinkoid.

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Reported by:

You guys live on this site too much. Like nah man fr asking out vendors you just met at a job convention is pretty weird, not illegal, just weird.

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>why are so many vendors hot women?


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:marseyakshually: I would be flattered if women did that to me!

These women should use this as an opportunity to be mean to these more pathetic moids and put them in their place :marseybongo:

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She knew what she signed up for. Look I knew full well id have to be all pretty eyes for the fat foid in my interview to get my job im not proud about it but it needed to be done

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Become ungovernable undatable

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I'm sick of all these women approaching me and wanting to go out on a date just because i am attractive and into the same things they are into, like wtf leave me alone i just want to play with my bionicles you whore

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>into the same things they are into

The women who are into videogames are not the women who are working for game companies, strangely.

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Gosh, I wonder why young people are fricking less?


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Good. I hate s*x.

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Foid seeks attention by complaining about receiving attention

:!marseykneel: :gigachadqueen::!marseyfoidretard:

That almost took down internet atheism once


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We need to ban women until we figure out what's going on

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Did you see the other tweet by a foid who is super booty mad that her FRIEND got blown a kiss by a grad student and how she is going to be "telling everything" AKA ruining his career over it?? Game development has truly been estrogenified by danger hairs.

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it is btw

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She didn't want a bunch of nerds hitting on her while she was trying to work. Hard for guys to imagine getting so much sexual attention it becomes annoying, but here we are.

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The only part that's hard to imagine is that I'd ever take to the internet to publicly humble brag complain about it.

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