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Time for another trip into the tortured psyche of the /r/writoid! :marseylongpost: Today, shut-in introvert g*mers reassure each other that you don't need to go outside or have interesting experiences to be a good writer. :marseyneet::!marseyeyeroll:


I've seen some posts giving the advice to essentially experience as much of life as you can, in order to become a good writer. This makes sense, after all they say to write what you know, and if you have personal experiences with something it will be easier for you to describe it to your readers. So the more varied your experiences are the better.

My problem is that I've never really been someone who takes life by the horns. That just isn't me. I'm a fairly introverted, private, and somewhat lazy person. I know that I've experienced quite a bit less than most people, at least first hand. I mean, I read books and watch movies and talk with people. I feel like I can imagine and describe things that I haven't personally done.

I guess I'm wondering, how important is first hand experience to an author? Does a lack of life experiences make it impossible or incredibly difficult to become a good author?


You don't need to be super interesting to be a good writer, but you do need to be inquisitive, open to experience, and legitimately interested in other people. But the eternal Redditor uses fantasy as an escapist coping mechanism, not a way to explore people, feelings, and ideas. Like most writoids, OP could use some tough love. Let's see what his fellow neets have to say.

I think being an introvert will naturally change the style and tone of the writing. I've not traveled, I don't go to a lot of concerts or parties. But I've had my own experiences, and they're just as vital and human as anyone else's. And there will be a lot of people who relate to them. :marseyxdoubt:

Ok but like what do you DO?? :marseyhmm:

I'd say introverts are more likely to be better writers. Instead of going out and distracting oneself with things, the introvert stays behind and observes. It's the observation of life that produces story and philosophy, so yeah. Though possibly there are good extrovert writers out there, writing is a process that takes time, so people who don't have friends are more likely to fill the time with writing. :marseycope:

:marseydeadinside: Please make friends.

As an extrovert, I am inclined to believe an introvert will get more writing done. There’s like 4 hours a week that are emotionally/mentally conducive to me writing and they are afternoons on weekends when my kids are resting and my husband is doing something chill on his own. If he ever proposes to do something I want to be involved in, I will do that every time. This is also why weeknights are very challenging for me, because I would rather spend time doing something with him/friends than doing something by myself. (I work full time, have a house to manage, etc)

Normal person: "haha don't worry. I bet it's much easier not having a social life!" Bi-hourly reminder to my beta males out there, the advice you get from women is them secretly making fun of you.

I've often wondered if some of my issues when writing are related to being an introvert. I am great with description, inner monologue, and events happening...but then I falter and fall flat with dialogue and character-to-character interaction. :marseyautismcap:

Um I don't want to say :marseyitsover: but :marseyitsover:

Finally this is the closest comment to actual advice:

Tolkien was an introvert, but he still fought in a war. Kerouac was an introvert, he still joined the merchant marines. GRRM was an introvert, he still got involved with feminism circles, writing groups, and Grateful Dead fandom.

One of these things is not like the others. Still, I do appreciate the subtle advice for OP to go die in a war. :marseyjavelin:

Being an introvert doesn’t stop you from having experiences. It just means during your experiences you might be having more of an internal monologue instead of easily socializing with everyone.

On Reddit, you're only allowed to say "please go outside" via subtext. OP won't.

Will you? :directlypointingsoyjak:

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Tell me if im wrong.

I suspect 85% of these writers are producing erotica.

My mom's cousin told us she was "writer" and i looked up her penname. I cant link it, but I learned that erotica for women has oddly specific genres.

Edit: she doesn't like me cause I said the guy on her cover doesn't look like an actual ufc "heavyweight"

Im right, but she says she looked it up first.

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If you want to be successful it's either shitty erotic or shitty YA which is just disguised erotica.

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You can be successful outside of those 2 markets. It just takes more work and has a lower initial ROI. It's less that those are the only 2 you can make money in, and more that they are so piss easy doing anything else is inefficient.

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Modern literature is 99% easy read trash because nobody reads anymore so you need to pander to the lowest denominator. Books don't hold a candle to the internet or TV in terms of instant gratification or entertainment and are doomed because of this race to the bottom.

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In 10 years you can ask some ai to write you a whole book according to your tastes, its over for writers.

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Maybe if you're established or belong to some special group so the news outlets can jerk off about it. But at this point the market is so saturated I'm not really sure how anyone breaks out.

Suppose you can also dump money into marketing.

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Get the attention of one of the big agents. Usually by attending workshops and conferences and have a great showing.

They can get you into one of the bigger publishers who can then bribe massage media and bookstores to get eyes on it.

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The other big book market seems to be fiction within established nerd IPs. Star Wars, D&D, MtG, 40k, etc.

I'd imagine you have to already have at least some established writing chops to get the IP holder to contract you though.

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Correct, usually one or two well received books. Sales are secondary to reception. In fact lower means you are probably more likely to accept the deal.

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I know an erotica writer for Harlequin and one of her books hit top 3 on Amazon. You can make good money but I think a lot of the writers on reddit are just closet losers who want to tell their parents they have a job.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Imagine writing Twilight knowing you're just helping 16 year old girls and 50 year old women who are attracted to 16 year old boys masturbate

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:marseypirate: : Argh, I'll have ye know that there be more to success than writin' shitty erotic novels! It takes grit, determination, and a healthy dollop of pirate spirit! Now get back to yer bilge-suckin' and leave the success-makin' to those of us what knows what we're about!

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Much better advice than anything from the reddit post. Greatly appreciated bbbb.

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:marseypirate: : Argh, what be reddit? A pox on that site! I be the only one worth listenin' to on this here ship!

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Based and Alistair Campbell-pilled

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Reddit is mostly men and not a lot of men write or read erotica. I've only seen a few examples and it's mostly in porn-adjacent communities. I figure most of these guys are doing SFF.

I'm not going to do some deep investigation here, but I'd say foid and moid wannabe writers follow different stereotypes. These guys are mostly regular Reddit nerds, although we did have the one married woman posting.

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Some of these male reddit "how do i write" writers are really into web novels and want to emulate them

and by web novels, I don't mean wattpad, and I definitely don't mean Worm, I mean one of those other sites full of isekai


don't think isekai is limited to anime, westoids are writing it in english for other westoids now

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16804960574508233.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1680496057791829.webp

I just found what I was thinking of:


it looks like a wattpaddy site but for moids

and it's almost all "world follows video game rules???"-- and they call this "guy in a video game" genre:


presumably it stands for "literary RPG"???

and it's all the rage in these places


It looks like the majority of the stuff on royalroad really is "reality is become a video game BUT IN THIS ONE..."

I actually thought I was exaggerating, but it's clearly all some people read

what the actual heck :marseywut2:

smh my head :smh:

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Royal Road

One of the most popular (and probably among the best) books on there is Mother of Learning, which rips off draws inspiration from a Naruto fanfic called Time Braid, which was iself a rip-off inspired by another fanfic called Chunin Exam Day.

Now, aside from conveying how much of a fricking loser I am for knowing all of this, what I want to stress here is that the slop that gets posted to Royal Road is so fricking bad that fanfiction with the serial numbers filed off is among the top of the heap.

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The only isekai I'll ever consume is The Final Countdown. As much as I know I'd like a lot of japshit, I won't dishonor my late grandfather's wishes to never buy anything Japanese.


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You're missing out by skipping Army of Darkness my friend. America nailed isekai long before Japan even knew it existed.

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I never thought about that being in this genre, but it totally is. They were playing it on the TV in a bar I was in and these younger people watching it were like "wtf is this crap?" and I wanted to start a fricking fight.

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I'll have to check it out. I've only seen the original Evil Dead

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Most weebshitters arent buying japshit either

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what's the story here? looks like horror.

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It's a lovely family-friendly sitcom about values dissonance and technology jump between the 70s and 40s. Also, about how autonomous a 70s US carrier is.

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Oh yeah LitRPG. I assumed the guys writing that shit were so un-selfconscious that they wouldn't even look for writing advice. But I guess no matter how bad you imagine the Reddit writer being, they're always worse.

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I spent 5 whole minutes reading RoyalRoad reviews today and they actually seem a bit pretentious about what is good and bad litRPG writing :shrug:

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I've read a few and there actually is a difference. The bad ones treat it like a video game where the numbers are what's important and end up paying way too much attention to the numbers, and the good ones just use it as some kind of autist pheromone, drawing in the people seeking out the genre but without being too distracting.

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All manhua are like the former now, if you check out any popular chinese webtoon it'll be like "guy goes into a videogame and gets a glove of +5% to critical effects against poison-type enemies" and shit, like so much fricking detail listing out numbers and mechanics that have no meaning or significance in a comic

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People joke that estrogen killed anime communities like crack and I disagree completely, anything redeeming was utterly murdered by the combination of Isekai, Gacha, and Vtubers long before the current year shit

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HRT and estrogen is plaguing anime communities among Western weeaboos, Isekai/Gacha/VTubers are plaguing Japanese anime communities.

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i remember 2012 when I first saw stuff like death note, code geass, fma, and weird but high effort artsy shit like ergo proxy and I was like "wow anime is gonna get better and better I can't wait to see what's next" :daydream:


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wildbow is decent especially for self published work but some of his writing is insufferably canadian

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IMO Worm is the only one worth reading. I couldn't believe how much worse Ward was. I kept pushing through thinking "surely it will get better once he gets into his stride again" but when I realized I was 20% through and it was still garbage I gave up.

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Ew, Worm is gay

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wow i knew shouldn't have got bored and quit at chapter two :smh:

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Hey now

there's also a bunch of pokemon fanfiction on royalroad for some reason

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Thats good insight. Thank you bud. I'll admit I'm wrong.

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This is absolutely some dude writing sci fi. Redditors love SFF because it’s the only genre where you can just swap characterization for worldbuilding without people calling you a hack.

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Another example: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41461786

Erotica goes into weird places.

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I remember when this was spammed on /pol/ 4-5 years ago


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he is so me

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Do we have a variant of the black female soyjak thats doing the stimmy hands open mouthed?

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Not my speed, but it takes takes all sorts to make a world.


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is the hot black chick in the third bubble on the prowl to peg sum mayo-twink bussy?

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Required rdrama.net reading

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>“It’s my muhfrickin’ berffday,” Jamal said. “You gon’ toss my muhfrickin’ salad, you colonizer CUTE TWINK.”

Actual line from this Pulitzer-winning novel.

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Come on this didnt win a pulitzer; It wasnt written by Gretchen Falkner-Wallace

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I knew it was going to be Black Future and I still clicked on it. :marseyitsover:

Nobody uses this computer but god dammit, I've got to delete it from my browser history, it's just bad luck having it on there.

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Lmao I suggest using incognito mode when opening urls on this site, the link I posted is pretty tame compared to what other people post.

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There are people who don't browse this site exclusively in incognito?


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I browse everything incognito these days, if I want it saved I'll do so manually.

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I suspect 85% of these writers are producing erotica.

What did you expect, writers are just artists with text. One draws furry inflation porn, the other writes it. Nobody there is painting a Mona Lisa or writing a Hamlet.

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Edit: she doesn't like me cause I said the guy on her cover doesn't look like an actual ufc "heavyweight"

I refuse to speak with anyone ever about sports because I don't want to hear the :marseyakshually: how it's hockey stick not a tallywhacker or whatever

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Look. Nobody else is gonna tell you this, so it's gotta be me. You're not an introvert, you're just mentally disturbed. I know, I know, it was a nice little label, you enjoyed it, I know you did. But you're not an introvert, it's not normal that you haven't left the house in one year. That's not "just what introverts do." That's a you problem. Oh wow, you haven't had any human contact in months. How quirky! Wow, you're such a great introvert, haha. Just kidding, that's a personality disorder. You have a personality disorder. Oh, you avoid eye contact when people are talking to you? You can't go to parties because you're too socially anxious? Ha. Doesn't sound like something you should be incorporating into your identity with a label like "introvert." Sounds like problems. Problems you need to solve. Sounds like fundamental personality issues that aren't going to get better if you hide them under the label of "introvert".

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Introvert is stolen valor from trucel sped wizards :marseythegrey::marseywise:

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im an introvert and I love parties


:fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu: "nooo you're not an introvert"

true story

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I'm an alcohol lightweight so I don't stay at parties long enough anyway :marseydrunk:

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>Y-you, you don't want to go to my p-party?



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Will you? :directlypointingsoyjak:

No. You think I’m about to leave the comfort of my jammies to write an r-slured butt book? :marseyneet:

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How about go an r-slured butt outside

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To do what you stanky butt neighbor? TELL ME


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I know just the place


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I open with an ewgf into another ewgf drop a 3rd ewgf but rally back with a heck sweep.


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The Arena

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All wonderful things you can enjoy outside!

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The most interesting literature involves plot points that deemphasize action and prefers either introspection on the part of the characters or revelation on the part of the reader. A book like Rabbit Run, which is about the boring details of a family falling apart, ought to be a lesson to some neet asking about whether their shit butt life experience could be interesting in a novel. Of course it could. But for that to work, you'd need to examine yourself and either find out why your experience speaks to human nature, or be self aware enough to realize that the emptiness of your life is actually the only interesting thing about you.

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Actually a good book is when there's purple prose (uncommon words or metaphors) and the bad guys get fricked up in a badass action sequence

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purple prose (uncommon words or metaphors)

What is that?

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The shark femboy brushed his lustrous, milky hair out of his eyes as he stared longingly at the missive projected upon his screen, a lusty sparkle shining in his eyes as he gazed, enraptured, upon the inscription: "fortnight"

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not my job to educate you sweaty 💅 and even if it was you'd just forget in 15 days

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It means he likes Blood Meridian a lot.

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>The most interesting literature

I mean, it depends on your personal tastes and motivations for reading, right? I don't think introverts or extroverts are broadly better or worse at writing, either; someone who is writing a work that is heavily inspired by their own life needs to be good at introspection, good at bullpooping, or have an interesting life story, and someone who's writing about the world around would benefit from first-hand experience with the subject matter, but there are countless celebrated writers who were eccentric shut-ins -- for example, the author of the best work of fiction of all time.

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the author of the best work of fiction of all time

I wanted to comment on it, but commenting would require an illustration, and it's impossible to visually quote Darger without accidentally posting cp.

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That's true, I guess I was imagining the person asking the question writing a book about their own actual life, which is something I think could be interesting if you could find either something unexpected to say about it or at least make your experience resonate with the reader. If I could feel their despair or boredom or loneliness or whatever they're feeling coming off the pages, it wouldn't matter that much if not much else takes place, I'm simplifying it a little obviously, but I think someone could make it work ok.

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Why not take internet characters that you're deeply familiar with and throw them together?

Like a /fit/ gymcel who eats gorilla food becomes roommates with a fat /r/witchesagainstpatriarchy foid. And they slowly fall for each other despite their internet social groups telling them they should hate each other

A modern Romeo and Juliet

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Like a /fit/ gymcel who eats gorilla food becomes roommates with a fat /r/witchesagainstpatriarchy foid. And they slowly fall for each other despite their internet social groups telling them they should hate each other


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Why not take internet characters that you're deeply familiar with and throw them together?

My rDrama novel is going to be published any day now.

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But the eternal Redditor uses fantasy as an escapist coping mechanism, not a way to explore people, feelings, and ideas.

Exploring ideas is dangerous, you might start having the wrong ideas. Better to have a knee jerk reaction against anything that disagrees with your current beliefs, and only write things that conform to those beliefs.

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The introvert NEETs will all have boring experiences, but so do the upper class English professors living in Maine, who write another post-modern, kitchen sink book about le depression. Novellas where every character is conspicuously a well educated, middle aged academic who sometimes smokes weed. Books where nothing seems to happen beyond relationship troubles and the world consists of a home and a university. There's a lot of "literature" like that out there.

The only NEET work of literature that's worth something is Welcome to the NHK. Something beautiful in its honesty and shameless wish fulfillment, and sort of a harbinger of NEET culture. That's probably the best a NEET could achieve, even in that text you could see how limited the author was by his lifestyle (he regressed back into being a NEET after it's publication). It was sort of 4channy in a way that he alternates between incel anger, /pol/ paranoia and /r9k/ coomer fantasies and porn addiction.

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NHK is an awesome read. Books so unashamedly blunt about shit always can keep your attention if nothing else.

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They're not wrong, if you're writing for. The mayo bar for "interesting experience" is anout as low as you can go, which is why they like shitty books that are 16 hundred pages of a white collar worker slowly realizing his wife's cooking is shit.

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:marseywatchingtv: sweet! a writoid thread!! :marseyfedpost::marseyschizonotes: :typing:

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You need to love people to be good at character writing. Redditors hate their families and thus that kind of robs you of the vast well that knowing people who have lived different experiences than you can bring

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I'm a fairly introverted, private, and somewhat lazy person.


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From one of the best writers of all time

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Check out the worldbuilding subs for even more pathetic 'writers'. :marseythumbsup:

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>I'd say introverts are more likely to be better writers

Only the in the sense they just spend more time writing and spend more time mimicking better writers.

This shit is how anime became shit. Notice how most anime in the last decade is the most weeby dumb shit compared to 90s and 80s classics? How there there isn't a story anymore its just checkboxing tropes?

It's because anime creators now have no other experience other than consuming other anime. Then it creates this negative feedback loop where future anime creators base their creation on the anime they consume, then the next generation does it again and again.

It's basically creative inbreeding.

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R-slur, it’s because of the development cycle, especially due to it being manga centered.

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You just reinforced my point, thanks.


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Didn't respond to this until now but you're r-slurred and anime creators have always been obsessive chinks, dating back to its origins as an offbranch of American cartoons. In fact, some of the best animes have been made by the anime obsessed otakus, showing how it's not the obsession that's the problem

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Didn't respond to this until now

No shit, posts come with timestamps, if you're going to call someone an r-slur, try not being a bigger one.

I'm not talking about manga -> anime adaptations. I'm talking about when anime where their cocky and adventurist protagonists were based on going against the ideals of the japanese salaryman every dude in Japan is destined to have to work in the 80s and 90s. Current anime just take the anime and further exaggerates them and the cycle continues to the point you don't have cool protagonists anymore, you just have lame isekai crap.

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Introversion is among the worst internet memes. Everyone I know who describes themselves as introverted is just badly undersocialized.

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I think being an introvert will naturally change the style and tone of the writing. I've not traveled, I don't go to a lot of concerts or parties. But I've had my own experiences, and they're just as vital and human as anyone else's. And there will be a lot of people who relate to them.:

I'd say introverts are more likely to be better writers. Instead of going out and distracting oneself with things, the introvert stays behind and observes. It's the observation of life that produces story and philosophy, so yeah. Though possibly there are good extrovert writers out there, writing is a process that takes time, so people who don't have friends are more likely to fill the time with writing.:

As an extrovert, I am inclined to believe an introvert will get more writing done. There’s like 4 hours a week that are emotionally/mentally conducive to me writing and they are afternoons on weekends when my kids are resting and my husband is doing something chill on his own. If he ever proposes to do something I want to be involved in, I will do that every time. This is also why weeknights are very challenging for me, because I would rather spend time doing something with him/friends than doing something by myself. (I work full time, have a house to manage, etc):

I've often wondered if some of my issues when writing are related to being an introvert. I am great with description, inner monologue, and events happening...but then I falter and fall flat with dialogue and character-to-character interaction.:

Tolkien was an introvert, but he still fought in a war. Kerouac was an introvert, he still joined the merchant marines. GRRM was an introvert, he still got involved with feminism circles, writing groups, and Grateful Dead fandom.:

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Writers are some of the dumbest people on the planet. The reddit subs focused on writing are some really stupid people.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Der erwige Redditor

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