After a month off, banner design themes are now back. As per this poll, the two themes running now are "Deep alliances with various subreddits - 99 votes" and "Dating site looking ads - 56 votes". What does this mean? Probably exactly what you think it means. I will expound upon this below.


Simply put: make rDrama look like a dating site. Feature Marsey if you can, definitely feature "rDrama" somewhere. Possible concepts: gay relationships, trans relationships, interracial relationships, fetishes, polyamory, disabled, incestuous relationships (NO KIDS), mental illness, animesexuals, tulpas, incels, femcels, interspecies, furry. More traditional "HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA" sort of ads are also welcome. As is anything else. It's your banner(s), have fun with it!


Pick a subreddit. Any subreddit. Optimal targets are ultra-SJW ones and bizarre fetishes. The ones listed in our sidebar are a great place to start. Use the banner to namedrop the sub and make it seem that rDrama is an official affiliate, or even outright offsite home, of these subreddits. Incorporate visuals pertaining to the topic of that sub. Over the top SJW stuff is, as always, very much preferred. If you can make the sub in question look retarded, that's also obviously desirable.


  • Your first approved submission per category: The slick badge (and the banner artist badge if you don't yet have it) associated with the banner you submit

  • Your second approved submission per category: 1000 marseybux

  • Your third and beyond approved submissions per category: 500 marseybux each


  • 2400 x 250 ARE THE DIMENSIONS. Animation is acceptable! Please ensure that the file is under 1mb when converted to webp, though.

  • REPEAT: YOUR FILE MUST BE UNDER 1MB. THE SITE DOES NOT ALLOW FOR ART UPLOADS OVER 1MB. STOP SUBMITTING HUGE SHIT. PNGs will obviously automatically optimize with the upload, but your giant gifs do NOT.

  • Must say "rDrama" or "" somewhere!

  • Ideally it will, but does not necessarily have to, feature Marsey (can be existing Marsey(s) or a new one, bonus points if you upload a new Marsey separately!)

  • Post your entries in this thread LINKED HERE CLICK THE LINK



Quality control will be exercised, do not submit garbage

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>Quality control will be exercised, do not submit garbage


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>name changed back to kong name

What does this mean :#marseynotes:

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Can I have the banner artist badge? I have the DK specific one :marseytroll:

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!badgemaxxers 10 days remain

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oh shit oh shit oh shit


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2400 x 250 ARE THE DIMENSIONS. Animation is acceptable! Please ensure that the file is under 1mb when converted to webp, though.

My neighbor why do you make this the requirement and then resize the banners to 1200x125? Animated banners can be 4 times as r-slurred if you make the smaller size the requirement. Or just let it be any 48:5 aspect ratio :#marseyrage:

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Me omw submitting a 48x5 pixels banner


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I really wanted to participate but its end of my uni course so I literally can't afford it in time :marseyraging:

KongDong_of_Uganda even had this cool idea for the banner too make it look like rdrama along with AHS and some other shitlib subs are part of the UN antihate efforts and that we are also recipients of different diversity and inclusion grants from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

KongDong_of_Uganda say this as a feminist ally

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These badges are too high effort for me. :marseygiveup: Frick newstrags, bring back the bimonthly polls. :marseyantiwork2:

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We've almost tripled our total banners since these began like a month and a half ago and the site looks better than ever because of it. Banners are GREAT.

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They are but the deadline sucks if you dont have an inspiration at that time. Or are lazy. Or busy I guess.

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It’s two weeks BIPOC damn

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Make it two years pls

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Give me all your DC and I'll make a banner for you since you're a LAZY PIECE OF SHIT WHO CANT FIND 10 MINS IN TWO FRICKING WEEKS TO SIT DOWN AND MAKE A BANNER FRICK YOU PEEPEESUCKER. That goose edit is rad af tho.


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I could find the time but a real artist cant work without inspiration sweaty πŸ’…πŸ’…πŸ’…

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submit your BLACKSOULS banner and claim it's pledging allegiance to /r/hentai

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It was already added :marseyitsover:

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Just steal my idea for this event, ill think up something better anyway.

Go take the fat furry art used in that mock game chip made from turkey tom’s recent β€œdon’t make art twitter mad” video and the furry inflationist art from that one ssethtzeentech video then just make a brap banner with them promoting twitter artists using rdrama.

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UI redesign contest?

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Please give me every badge there is

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Can we have a tulpa competition or something

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:#marseyinvisible: :!#marseybooba:

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Heck yeah my NEIGHBOR! Badgemaxxers amd banner artists are eating gooood tonight.

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I dont know how to make banners

Can I still get the badge (I just want It)

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pay me 1000 DC and I'll make a banner and submit it in your name so you can get the badge.


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I already have the scammed badge

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I would never scam anyone bby. I regularly sell my nutsack photos on the site and already sold two c*m tribute videos for DC. I sell my services out in exchange for gambling money. I lost another 10k in the casino and need TO WIN IT BACK.

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how much for a nutsack (with c*rp written on it) & butthole?

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My nutsack photos are 1000 DC. My butthole is 2500 DC. My c*m tributes are 5000 DC. Friendship is 1000 DC. I do this purely for gambling reasons. I have to fuel my addiction somehow.

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I'll have to earn some DC and get back to you

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Since you are a fellow shithead user. Everything I offer is half off bby.


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I always tip my shittas 100% :#marseyshitlover:

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Step 1: download 'picsart color' from appstore or playstore

Step 2: open the app

Step 3: tap on the dimensions BELOW the big plus in the top left corner

Step 4: tap on custom (or whatever it says in your local language) in the BOTTOM RIGHT

Step 5: type in the desired dimensions (2400 width x 250 height)

Step 6: tap on 'OK'

Step 7: tap on the tick in the TOP RIGHT CORNER

Step 8: now the plus in the top left shows your desired dimensions, so go ahead and TAP THE PLUS to create a new project with your custom dimensions

Step 9: draw whatever banner you desire (make sure its high quality)

Step 10: when you are finished, tap the arrow in the TOP RIGHT of your screen

Step 11: tap 'GALLERY' (or your local equivalent) to save the image to your gallery

Step 12: now the banner is in your gallery, so all that is left is to post the picture to the banner thread and pester carp until he adds it

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yea but how do i draw marsey without a pen

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Your finger

Or just use an existing one

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I use MS paint :marseypaint:

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Carp please approve my marsey.

Edit: yay thank you carp


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Instead of lame banner events you should do something for the nhl playoffs

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Yes more badges

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I'm going to be submitting an /r/SexPositiveHomes banner


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Suggestion for the next event: obesity or anorexia themed banners

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bizarre fetishes

Incorporate visuals pertaining to the topic of that sub

When does this become too disgusting? I'm trying to find "visuals" from some bizarre fetish subreddits but obviously they are not exactly tasteful...

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Uhhh nothing outright pornographic but besides that you should be good. I can help you create some OC visual aids for examples of what not to do, even.

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This is too complicated.

Just give me stuff. Thanks.

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I made a fun game called fill in the blanks

People who care about drama badges:

People who have s*x:

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Out of curiosity what’s the status on the DK event? I was using your name as a metric and you changed it back to Carpathian, but now it’s funky again?

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Did you just told chud amnesty ? :marsoyhype:

Trans lives matters

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>jannies don't just work for free

>they pay other users to do their job for them


We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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um i was given 200k mbux to use as a prize fund

ive paid out like 25k and i have 300k left

after starting with 200k

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give some to Joan so he can run some more literal shitposting contests before the cancer kills him

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Carp would never do anything that benefits anyone but himself.

Nice try tho.

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How do the banners benefit me

How does β€œfind a picture of a redditor” benefit anyone

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>How does β€œfind a picture of a redditor” benefit anyone

It doesn't. It's just a time wasting thing that anyone can participate in. That's kind of the point.

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You clearly don't understand how this site works. Maybe you should take a break and come back when you're ready too actually participate in the community.

trans women are women

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Who paid you? Certainly not any one of us

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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is there income tax on rdrama dot net? capital gains on goomble winnings? how does the dramaconomy function? do they just print marseybux?? do I have to fill out a W-2 for my earnings, my meager coin? They are getting the funds somehow... they always find a way:platyhappymerchant:


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It just works

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.


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