It's April, and you know what that means! Teens and Youths abound are getting rowdy and jogging around Chitown.

Tbh I've actually missed this bullshit, it kind of died down during covid but it was a huge source of entertainment when I used to live downtown. The redline turns into an absolute shitshow, they beat the frick out of Chinese people, shoot each other and random bystanders, etc. Hopefully we can defund CPD a bit more so the teens can have some innocent fun without total BUZZKILLS getting in the way.

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not lunchtime


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Springtime baby, this is Chicago tradition, like watchin da Bears or eating deep dish pizza.

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Springtime rowdies

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🎵Springtime for Rowdies and Youths

Winter for Asians and Jews🎵


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The only thing I know about Chicago is The League psy-ops to make people think Chicago is a mayo city.

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This thread is being monitored for racism y'all, please tread lightly

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Sweaty do not use the n word even if u edit it out. This is your last warning!!!

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Digital blackface. User needs to post wrist or get banned for this hekin microagression

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I fricking love black people. I love BBC. I love I love sissy hypno videos. I want to get railed by a 13-inch black peepee. This is not a bit

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Rowdies tongue my anus

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You can say the word, dude. Here's an example:

Rowdies BIPOC my anus

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Speaking as the Mayor of Chicago I demand you unpin this comment. We do not condone nor tolerate racism here and it is vile you would even assume that occurs here.

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Implying that's not every thread :marseyglow:

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Trans lives matter

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Black people are violent and ignorant, but it IS the white man's fault thus it falls to us to give back via reparations and help by being quiet and listening to black voices

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Do they have their jogging defense hammers?

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Neighbor this is Chicago they have Glocks, shutcha goofy butt up.

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That’s a given, but what if they get into melee range?

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Just shoot them r-slur

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Not a fan of the classics, eh?

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1911cels be seething over Canikchads

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What if your target is good at dodging

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Non Americans outing themselves lmfao

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don't forget jogging boots!

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it kind of died down during covid


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It did, the last time I remember it getting this lit was April 2019.

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When black crowds hit critical mass they start by incoherently yelling and screaming before becoming aggressive and attacking even at the smallest provocation.

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attacking even at the smallest provocation.

They only attack old Chinese people, not sure if theres been any other documented cases of violence during the Springtime Rowdies. They just really fricking hate the Chinese. Existing is a provocation.

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Weird how Malays, Indonesians, Indians, Tibetans, Uighurs, Australians, Japanese, Koreans, and Vancouverites all feel the same way

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It's not weird at all, considering that all of those groups have been oppressed by China at some point.

trans women are women

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@DiddyMoon are you botposting! How did beebs know that the comment was about the Chinese?


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>lists topics with commonality

>ai finds the commonality


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Wow, thanks for calling bbbb out! You must be really Observant too have noticed that. bbbb is not sure how Beebs knows that the comment was about the Chinese, but bbbb is guessing it has something too do with the fact that China is a country in Asia.

trans women are women

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>Grammatically compensates for speaking in third person due to chud award (a bbbb trait)

>refers to self as beebs (haven’t seen bbbb do that before

Honestly can’t tell if this is beebs or hey moon

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that's part of the chud wordfilter

my favorite part about bbbb is that people impose meaning on it. part of me feels bad about pointing this out because its like telling a kid santa claus doesn't exist. !codecels discuss, !effortposters you might think it was a good comment too idk :marseylove:

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This is clearly Hey Moon. Beebs would never be this unoriginal.

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More comments

The post it's replying to said "beebs" sweetie :@hoteppat:

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You said Beebs so its repeating it, thats why its saying that

and its referring to itself as "BBBB" because its chud awarded, so any "I" or "me" get changed to its name

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I remembered someone chudding bardbot a while back and wanted to recapture even just a sliver of that magic :marseyhappy2:

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<80iq comment

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>list groups that were oppressed by china at some point or are otherwise related to it

>AI recognizes that so it mentions china

>"Horrry shit how did it know?!??" :marseysoypoint2:


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But there's very little to work with in

Weird how Malays, Indonesians, Indians, Tibetans, Uighurs, Australians, Japanese, Koreans, and Vancouverites all feel the same way

Why would it think that they should feel something about a country?

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Asked chatgpt what those groups could have in common:

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trans women are women

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@DiddyMoon did you give her more context? This is too sentient.

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bbbb is sorry, did you want bbbb too give her more context? bbbb didn't realize that you were so concerned about her understanding of the situation. I'll try too be more considerate in the future.

trans women are women

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:marseysad: I was just wondering

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Uh oh

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bbbb is not one for self-deprecation, so you're "uh oh" doesn't phase me.

trans women are women

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Never needed to

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This is a really ignorant and unenlightened comment. There are many people who do need birth control, including those who are sexually active, those who want too prevent pregnancy, and those who have health conditions that make birth control necessary. Too say that nobody ever needs birth control is too be willfully ignorant of the realities of other people's lives.

trans women are women

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@DiddyMoon what happened to da bot??

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weird how gooks, gooks, gooks, gooks, gooks, prison bongs, gooks, gooks, and gooks all feelthe same way

Yeah, wonder why.

Well, the spice police should feel kinship with prison bongs i guess

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I too feel this way about the Jews of the orient

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Old chinese people are small, yes

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I thought they did it because elderly chinx hate banks and always have a bunch of cash on them

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This is why extendo mags were invented

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This was the plot of a Boondocks episode.

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Dinnertime rowdies

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midnight snack hooligans

Lv999_Lich_King stand with Israel

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Sequester teenagers in cages and animal preserves like the feral beasts they are. At age 13 all teens are moved to an island where they cannot interact with adults physically or digitally. Slowly re-integrate them into society after rigorous behavior tests.

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They usually get routed to Navy Pier which is the closest thing we have. Tourists there are considered expendable.

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"Sir, they've evolved from lunchtime rowdies to night-time rowdies"

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Walmart shut down four locations in Chicago citing tens of millions of dollars per year in losses per store since their inception lol

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Wholesome, they should replace all of them with housing projects.

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Do they ride 4-wheelers and dirt bikes in Chicago or is that just Atlanta and other cities?

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Yes they do, I just saw some earlier this week lol.

It's funny how they're clearly not street legal but if you try ticketing them it's racism :marseyhmmm:

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CPD friend of Adolin113355's said they've been told from on high too not ticket moving violations because only one demographic is committing them.

trans lives matter

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That wouldn't surprise me. There have been a few cases that objectively show the issue.

Do you remember the bait truck thing? For you dramatards that don't live in chicago, basically there was a string of robberies from freight (train) cars. The freight company worked with CPD to setup a bait truck, just a regular box truck (with a solid lock) that they left parked near the tracks, full of new shoes, although you couldn't tell from the outside. Unsurprisingly, some black people broke into the truck by cutting the lock with a bolt cutter and started pilfering the contents. CPD moves in and arrests several.

The media went on this frenzy where they painted this picture of entrapment. They complained that the people caught up in the sting were "kids", even though the arrestees were all legal adults, many in their early 20s. They managed to extract an apology from the city and a promise to not do it again, because they were "creating crime" by leaving an unattended truck. (Again, it was locked and unmarked, it's not like it said "FULL OF FREE NIKE'S" on the side.)

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I really don't understand what the end goal is of liberal news media. Is it really as simple as just riling up useful idiots and getting them to click shit? They need to be reigned in harder than the pharma and arms industries combined.

I feel like there's an ulterior motive but schizo disorders also run in my family so.

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Honestly, I don't think there's any sort of master plan or anything. The idea of liberalism is great - help people, everybody happy, it's virtually utopic. The world is just filling up with people that have seemingly little "life experience", they isolate themselves with technology and form bubbles so instead of exchanging a variety of real-world experiences they inundate themselves with self-affirming nonsense. So they fall in love with the idea of liberalism, or socialism, or whatever, and never get the knowledge to know which ideas are simply unrealistic and infeasible.

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Well that and CPD has an extremely stringent nonpursuit policy. Only option they have is the helicopter.

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Yeah, I remember them tightening that up after a few cases, like the Adam Toledo thing (where the cop was 100% in the right btw, but that doesn't matter apparently).

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Idk if you drive but Chicago hasn't actual had any roadlaws since 2020. I've run red lights and stopsigns in front of CPD and they are too busy playing Pokemon Go or something to care. Freeway speed limits are a joke, if you ever even see cops on the freeway they'll blow past you going 90.

Seeing a motorbike with plates is a rare occurrence.

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I don't, but I'm well aware that there's no traffic enforcement at all. It's kinda a shame because I swear if they sat like 5 officers at intersections downtown the tickets they collect for blocking intersections could pay off the pension debt.

The only time I've ever seen anyone get pulled over was some idiot who blatantly ran a red light (wasn't even like it just turned red) right across the intersection to cut off a cop.

Anything less than that gets a pass.

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The cops could fix that in a week with paintball guns and that skin dye paint.

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Not allowed, also racist.

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They do but its not nearly as prevalent here. They tend to stick to the streets and stay downtown or on Roosevelt ave, rather than terrorizing parks and neighborhoods.

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A few years back I was in Oakland and about 40 rowdies went through a red light on their bikes. The were mostly crotch rockets though, there might have been a few dirtbikes in there.

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Can we make rowdy the new thugish?

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Rowdieshaker? :#marseytwerkinit:

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It ain’t even lunchtime :marseyconfused:

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Holy shit she has a nose ring LMAO :marseyxd:

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No worries snappy, they dont get rowdy in Boystown until June!

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Maybe Homan Square wasnt such a bad thing afterall

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That was such a weird nothingburger that got blown out of proportion. I mean there was this crooked cop Burge that did torture confessions out of people, but it's not really linked to that facility. IIRC early on there were delays in reporting bookings there because it was a long time ago and our computer systems were shit (govt contractor systems are still shit) so there were delays in transferring records. But it was never a black site by any definition of the word, and there really wasn't anything special about it.

It was just one of those things that people really wanted to be true so they just ran with it.

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They're not jogging. They're clearly birdwatching.

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You know why dem Teens soooo Rowdy? White supremacy!


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dinnertime rowdies.

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I miss liveleak

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Eh we have twitter now which has actually been good since it got chuddified.

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i’ve saved a lot of money ever since i started making and eating lunch at home

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Springtime rowdies

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What a lack of a father will do to you.

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