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EFFORTPOST Somewhat popular League of Legends streamer Cookielolx under fire for scamming countless various parties and making creepy sexual comments towards minors and women and also sexual assault


Jakob "Cookie" Fransson, an EUW (strongest European server) challenger (highest possible rank) ADC (a role in the game) educational streamer, has demonstrated multiple instances of inappropriate conduct with his staff, community, and various individuals across Groomercord. Some of them were minors so certain accusations are much more precarious than initially assumed. Cookie was born in 2000 and hails from Sweden. Despite having next to no competitive achievements, he managed to get a somewhat strong following on Twitch and various other platforms by setting up his stream in such a way that newer players can learn from his gameplay - colloquially he is described as an education streamer, i.e. someone that teaches you how to play. In case you are interested, here are some of his socials albeit they are very boring and not really related to the post.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/cookielol

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cookielolxx

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CookieLoLxx

Twitter: https://x.com/CookieLoLxx

The document


Cookielolxx has scammed countless mods/employees/viewers, made creepy sexual comments towards minors and women, we made a doc detailing it here

The document (google doc so be careful :marseyglow:):


In case you don't want to open this, just take a quick look at its table of contents here:


Yep, it's literally 90 pages long and most of it is whatever but I wouldn't be your favourite poster if I didn't add a tl;dr here:

  • King of putting any and all women in uncomfortable sexual positions

  • Sexually flirts with many underage girls varying in ages from 15-17

  • Frequently scams and abuses his community and mods

  • Frequently scams and abuses sponsor contracts and other contractors

  • R*ped someone when he was 16 bc his lust took over

  • Extremely versed in women’s s*x toys

Some screenshots of the best parts:

  • admitting to r*pe



  • impeccable rizz


  • committing fraud by getting people to bot new accounts for a sponsored game so he gets a few hundred dollars more


  • telling a woman she's fine if she loses like 40 pounds :marseyxd:


  • creepy behaviour towards a literal child



His Response


My Response & Taking Accountability: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss9djh

TL;DR of the 'sponse:

  • Admits to talking to underage girls on multiple occasions basically and says that isn’t him anymore and he deeply regrets it / wasn’t thinking - brushed it off on “his inability to read the room”

  • Gives graphic detail and of his SA which is entirely unnecessary and fricking gross to read - again brushed it off on “his inability to read the room”

  • Admits to putting girls in uncomfortable positions by being weirdly sexual and just a creep w them despite their age - but AGAIN brushed it off on “his inability to read the room”

  • Admits to seemingly scamming handfuls of people and not paying them but says “he’s actively working on fixing this and paying people back” yet he’s on fricking vacation atm

  • Says he’s gonna stream and explain it all but doesn’t realize his streaming career is unsalvageable at this point

Already backtracking from his response


I am ashamed of myself and I'm deeply sorry to all those that have been affected by my behaviour over the last years. I panicked and wrote a statement that probably felt insincere and it wasn't my intention. I will talk about everything live on stream 15th April at 7 PM CET.

Reactions & Discussions

Reddit - /r/LSF: Popular League of Legends Streamer Cookielolxx accused of flirting with minors, sexualising women in his community, not paying people for their work, and defrauding sponsors




"So you definitely have a fantasy about sett ult flashing your kitty and slamming you into the wall"



don’t forget he admitted to caging and r*ping his gf after his “lust” took over (Page 32)


A 3-year gap at 20 isn't that terrible? Im kinda shocked so many pretend this would be libertarian.

Flirting with 13 year olds is definitely libertarian behavior

Reddit - /r/ADCMains: Popular challenger ADC content creator Cookielol outed for sexual misconduct and scamming


I have no trouble believing this honestly. I used to like his stream but I stopped watching him when he went to Korea. He would show pictures of his tinder (or whatever app he was using) matches on stream and make sexual comments about them (again, on fricking stream).

This guy looks sick. I'm really sorry for the people who had to deal with him and got hurt.


Gonna be funny to see how he responds, and what happens to his cookiehub project and wether his partners will still want to associate with him.

The project was dead in the water anyway. It was supposed to launch at least 2 weeks ago, if not more.

The last update that was made was that he changed the link on his icon from his opgg to a tweet with a Challenger screenshot, and slapped a challenger icon under his name despite the fact that he's not in Challenger. Everyone else's icon still links to their opgg and shows their rank.

He also reset the launch countdown timer, more than once.

The guy went full Neace and probably said some shit that made the website editor quit before it could ever launch.

I would expect everyone to separate themselves, they all have semi-functional fledgling brands on their own and it would be incredibly bad PR for them to not cut ties.


I may not have been involved with him directly or known about this shit...but it's really not surprising considering the behavior that I did see just from his YouTube content and his Twitch streams. The way he gaslit people, the lying, the sexualizing of things like Lillia and Annie, the really sus shit he's said, the way he complained about his audience all the time and constantly insulted them, the way he tried to fill in Neace's shoes by behaving exactly like Neace, and all sorts of other things.


Last week I watched his content for the first time. It was a coaching session with a female silver adc player. Throughout the video I couldn't stop thinking how awkward it was. He was not openly sexual to her, but when his chat spammed boobs or asses emotes, he kept on talking about it way longer than appropriate. In fact he seemed to have more fun from it than the actual game. I felt bad for the girl because her money wasn't worth it and the general experience left kinda cringe impression.

I assume this is the video you mean.

Actually I watched this: (:marseyxd:)

Reddit - /r/LeagueOfLegends: Cookielol response to the allegations

Yesterday A lot of people (Moderators, Emplyoees, Editors, Viewers of him) have come up with alligations towards the streamer Cookielolxx, someone made a big 90 Page document with all the things he did / said, I think its belongs here, you can read it on twitter "Cookielolxx has scammed countless mods/employees/viewers, made creepy sexual comments towards minors(as young as 13), admitting to raping his ex 16yo gf and other very weird things"

now his response to it, be ware he DOWNPLAYS it a lot and once you read the 90 pages or atleast look at the more severe screenshot its way worse then just a "frick up" https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss9djh


LoL-streamer try not to be a groomer challenge (impossible)

Happens in like every game community, but even more so with games that are even more targeted towards kids. Learn more about minecraft and roblox and you will wanna puke.

Yeah this is part of why the Smash scene got so bad, plenty of kids + all of the tournament events being in-person meets + everything being technically unofficial meaning there was a complete absence of any regulation = recipe for disaster.


Honestly kinda conflicted.

It seems like he made one big mistake with X but outside of that, most of his behavior was more just that of a lonely, sexual teenager with no awareness and who doesnt know how to deal with his fame in the community.

Taking time off to sort things out is probably all he really needs, but he is definitely on his last chance here.

How in the ever living frick does he have another chance for you? Did you read the document at all?

No, it wasn’t just “one big mistake.” It was a shit ton of intentional actions.

Reddit - /r/QueensOfLeague: Show us your main league champion and then a picture of you: Cookielol Edition 🤨📸


Not me being in my shady era but I had to.

This streamer has been exposed for being a libertarian, scamming his mods of money he promised to pay them and more.

There’s an entire document detailing all of these allegations against him.

I think we need to spread the word before another strag streamer gets a pass for such nasty behaviour.

I always watched his adc tutorial videos, and in every video he’s extremely greedy, advertising his new platform, I understand the need to make an income but he was overdoing if a bit. Not surprised by the slightest honestly, and he always felt entitled, plus his patreon had some weird access to porn which was strange.



“ye i r*ped that girl but im chill now”


Idk who else needs to hear this but when apologising please do not graphically describe the process of how you r*ped someone, thanks.


some might say… that’s how the cookie crumbles 🍪


How about you just don’t start the stream and delete your twitch instead?

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"So you definitely have a fantasy about sett ult flashing your kitty and slamming you into the wall"


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What does this even mean

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sett is a character in lol, his ultimate (most powerful ability) is basically a suplex


this neurodivergent g*mer tried to flirt with vidya references lmao

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Thank god I never learned any pickup lines from JA2 or Planescape

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If you do a JA2 line, the girl will always have the right response

Oh my God! That's so revolting!

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It'd work on Lilura1 and a few (none) others

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LMAO what a great comment as that person is genuinely insane. Someday someone should make a post about their niche antics on various RPG websites.

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The day (((she))) left the codex was a dark dark day, I'm still struggling

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:marseytrain2:s can surely change the nature of a website, I'll give you that. :marseywink:

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More comments

I had no idea who that was so I googled and found her bullying some indie devs on RPGcodex. I simp now. :marseylove:

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That thread is great

Sorry. I'm too busy posting authoritative write-ups for the greatest games of all-time, such as Jagged Alliance 2. It's much better than the garbage you play. It's also much better than the garbage gunman shits out.

She's been in and out of every RPG community on the web for years now. Her blog is still going strong but she does her best to hide viewing it by date and stuff for some mad reason

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most charming l*l player

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why is g*mer culture just r*pe

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Can't you see there's also misogyny :marseyfacepalm:

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Please don't forget harassing minorities :marseyreading:

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g*mers get no gussy, and all scrotes who get no gussy either end up as incels (male feminist), incels (misogynist), or incels (trans)

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Low value moid interest

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He is legit ugly https://i.rdrama.net/images/16814374920950806.webp

Trans lives matters

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He's not that ugly (for a mayo), but being G*mer is just fricking over.

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incel tier looks, does he mog you still though?

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Ignoring all the other things he did for a moment, how is scamming a mobile game sponsor a bad thing?

>yeah mobile games are huge scams but don't you dare scam them back! :soyreddit:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Its a weird thing where we supposedly live in a more sensitive enlightened age but like we cant just say someones a male feminist because even if credible it’s somehow not bad enough? We need to mention every instance of littering too

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It's about establishing a pattern of behavior to legitimize the grander claims, people are just exceptionally bad at what qualifies on those grounds. In this case you have to demonstrate antisocial behavior and deliberate disregard for boundaries for personal benefit. That said he admitted to r*pe so I guess everyone is just getting their kicks in.

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Yea its just strange to do when the guy admits it and ure using scams in this instance

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Zoomers do things they saw online without understanding how it works.

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When a mob hates someone you can add on anything that can be interpreted as slightly wrong and they'll accept it as bad.

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Challenge: Not Raping

Difficulty: Impossible


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A league streamer being a complete degenerate? Who could of seen this coming!?!?


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*could have

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Could've and its consequences have been a disaster for the English language.

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Im going to fricking bash your skull against the wall in minecraft. FRICK YOU PEEPEESUCKER MAKE A BANNER ALREADY

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im going to ult your kitty in lol strag

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No. I made another marsey instead :marseytroll:

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>professional gaymer


>with his own Groomercord

>accused of being a male feminist with children


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Every. Darn. Time.

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G*mers dont r*pe. They grape.

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They grape minors then wine once they get caught:marseyeyeroll:

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Seems like they're corkscrewed :marseyprisma:

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... you in the mouth.

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Cookielolxx's Abuse of Power

No woman can resist the power of a low-tier League of Legends twitch streamer

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Fricking heck at that r*pe bit. You want to know the best way to have s*x with your girlfriend who doesn’t want it due to being sexually abused? Sexually assaulting her!

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I’m shocked I tell you. Shocked.

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It’s pretty funny how in the League scene the streamers that act like le hecking wholesome chunguses end up getting caught doing shit like this while the lunatics who scream and smash their keyboards and tell other players to get cancer and kill themselves usually don’t get involved in drama

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that's because losing your mind and wishing horrible fates on your teammates is the natural, healthy response to playing such a dreadful game. being able to remain calm while playing league is a sign of someone who is severely antisocial.

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league pros are married to the game. the most sexual contact they have is masturbating to yordle porn in between games.

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This is an incredibly ignorant and sexist comment. League pros are not married too the game, and many of them have healthy and active s*x lives. This comment is nothing more than a baseless stereotype.

trans women are women

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scamming countless various parties

That’s shitty of him.

and making creepy sexual comments

Kinda cringe

towards minors

Very cringe.

and women


and also sexual assault

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an EUW (strongest European server) challenger (highest possible rank) ADC (a role in the game) educational streamer,


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>koreaboo g*mer groomercordcel is a s*x pest


>Frequently scams and abuses his community and mods

>Frequently scams and abuses sponsor contracts and other contractors

would be based if he wasn't also a libertarian

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Lmao telling that chick to lose 40 lbs is the most ice cold G*mer Moments I've ever seen wtf she actually looks decent and is of age (G*mer Kyrptonite)

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Of all the pathetic things about Millennials & Zoomers, turning g*mers into celebrities takes the cake.

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I disagree. Boomers had g*mer celebrities too and they were ten times worse as shown by Billy Mitchell.

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Billy Mitchell is a Gen Xer, not a Boomer.

Anyway, his fans only numbered in hundreds, not in the millions, like this Cookielolx twat.

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I didn't know I followed you lol

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many such cases :marseysad:

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It's okay I like your content, I'll stay followed. You have pretty good numbers tbqh

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don't worry you make good posts!

:#marseyfluffy: :#marseyblush: :#@losercelpat:

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He probably won't get in trouble for sending messages to random girls on groomercord.

Scamming sponsers can get him sued though. I hope he gets sued if one of those companies realize it's free marketing to sue a person like that.

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>an EUW challenger

stopped reading right there

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The biggest L is still playing league in 2023

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Dude looks ugly in scammy way. But it’s interesting how Sweden is full of man children

Trans lives matters

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People who use groomercord other than talking to their irl friends are peados

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At this point I feel like we can say that both g*mer and male feminist means male feminist.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16814578308634536.webp we gotta stop giving ugly r-slurs e-fame. They're all creepy male feminists, it's just a fact.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Somewhat popular #league of Legends streamer Cookielolx under fire for scamming countless various parties and making creepy #sexual comments towards minors and #women and also sexual assault https://rdrama.net/post/162849/somewhat-popular-league-of-legends-streamer #ElonMusk #men #trans

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