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EFFORTPOST :marseycapysorenjump2: [Effortpost] African moid goes to Egypt to reconnect with his Pharoah roots. Disrespects historical sites and native Egyptian population. Gets called out and calls Egyptians "racist arab colonizers"


Background Infomation :#marseyreading:

Chakabers is a African moid instagram influencer with over a million followers on his instagram. He travels around taking pictures in Africa. This website describes him as spreading social justice by:

producing content on pan-Africanism, spirituality and education, millennial humor and vegan lifestyle. His content also includes his own first-hand contributions to improving the lives of under-resourced global communities.

Social justice? :marseystonetoss:

This is Africa :#marseykente:

Our story begins with Chakabers taking a trip to the great pyramids in Egypt as a way to return back to his roots of being a former kang (more on this later). But during his time there he encountered trouble. In a reply to a now deleted tweet he claims:

I got called n*gger in Egypt, Abt and now you clearly a Caucasian Arab think it’s ok to be racist! I will report this to Twitter for racism.

:marseypearlclutch: I cant believe this! Why would the Arabs (Egyptians) do this to this poor African man?!? Well it turns out that Chakabers during his trip to the pyramids, conveniently left out some details that would change the story. On his Instagram he posted this picture:


For those of you who are :marseyautism: typically when going to historical sites you don't want to climb on the stuff there. I know it looks fun, but it's against the rules and the local population wont like it. :marseysad:

Shortly after posting the previous picture, Chakabers posts this picture to his instagram:


Here's a video in where in the first couple seconds shows what happened in the intial encounter. You can stop watching once the foid starts talking because I summarize what she’s saying in one tenth of the time. Foids lmao:

In the video Chakabers calls the Egyptian moid telling him to leave an Arab. Chakabers is also shocked that he has to leave "his ancestors temple". Chakabers goes on to purity test the man asking of he's really an African. Chakaber says to the man "Your skin doesn't look African and that it says Arabs". Typically, Egyptians don't like being called Arabs because it's considered racist or xenophobic or something like that.

Additionally Chakabers posted this picture but I wasn’t able to find context on when or where it occurred. I assume it's after the intial encounter,

But either way highlights his attitude toward mayo Egyptians (Arabs):


Some lore and the Arab question :#marseyimam:

If you haven't picked up on it, Chakabers has certain feelings toward Egyptians that many would call "problematic". Chakabers doesn't believe that Egyptians are the actual Egyptians but just mayo/arab colonizers. Chakabers unironically believes in the idea of "We wuz kangs" being reality that is suppressed by these chuds. In a tweet he posted around the same time as his trip he wrote:

Rn whenever Afro people who are doing their research, speak of the atrocities committed by Caucasian Arabs who trafficked us, we are called Islamophobic, if we speak about the structural violence committed by the Caucasian Jewish we are called antisemitic. Y’all truthophobic

Further proof is of this claim is provided in a hilarious tiktok he posted on his account. In the video, Chakabers is walking around an Egyptian museum filming the statues with the caption "No nose. We all know why" with spooky music playing the background. Implying the mayos took the noses off so kangs wouldn't realize the truth

Chakabers has also gotten into previous related incidents unrelated to this one. Some of which include: Doxxing a someli doctor that promoted the covid vaccine, "Questioning" the coof vaccine, and Islamophobic comments (yikes). So he's a bit of a controversial :chudsey:

Always double down no matter what :#marseygambling:

After Chakabers posted the pictures to his instagram he started picking up hate from mostly Egyptian people since they were the most affected. While most would just apologize and try to move on from an incident like this, Chakabers has a different approach. Double down and call the Egyptians racist colonizers. He tweets out:

Rn a bunch of colonizers are trying to come for me because they don’t want to actually admit that they are racist, colourist colonizers. You will not gaslamp me, I have videos of the mad racist I’ve experienced in North Africa, by straight haired, nearly white people.

Obviously many Egyptians wouldn't take to kindly to being called racist colonizers so slapfights breakout on who's pigment was actually that of the Pharoahs:

the “colonizers” in the question look at them, they ain’t YOU

Acting the victim while being the colorist is the funniest part. Coptiks are not consider white by no one but confuse black people.


You're just a grifter trying to earn money from insecure people, by pushing anti-Egyptian rhetoric to ppl who are wrongly taught by ppl like you that they are Egyptian. You insult real Egyptians out of spite, and put your feet on sacred temple walls. What kind of respect is that?

In a lot of the tweets you'll find a lot of followers of Chakabers ideology posting boomerbook-lite "memes" making some vague connection implying that African kangs were actually the real kangs. Weirdly enough no one actually provides a source that isn't some shitty jpeg :marseyhmm:

Chakabers further goes on his tweet spree and says:

These are the same colonisers who had all the monuments sent all over Europe. These are the same people who are grave robbers, y’all know where your sultans and Imams are buried, you don’t dig them up and disrespect their bodies. I’m from the Caribbean, we don’t do that our dead

To be honest I dont really know what he's talking about or how it applies to his other arguments but GO OFF KANG. Funny enough someone then posts the picture of him hanging off the tombstone walls to counter his point about "disrespecting dead bodies".

Chakabers then shifts his position to actually not giving a shit about North Africa because they're all racist:

All these North African caucus, I stay in west, central & east Africa, I don’t care for the north because of the racism there. Colorism is running it right now & you treat dark skinned people like sh*t, I saw the way you were treating South Sudanese, the creators of Ancient Egypt

People in the tweet begin unironically using physiognomy to actually determine the descendants of Pharoahs:

south sudanese are of Nilotic ancestry, they weren’t the creators of ancient egypt, nor do you have anything to do with them, yet you went into an Egyptian temple and said “my ancestors” you have a severe identity crisis, i recommend taking a DNA test

Not all Africans have that nose shape tho

Finally, Chakabers ends his argument by tweeting out a link to the Wikipedia page to the Trans-Saharan slave trade and says:

For all the colonisers in my inbox

What happens next?

This story is still relatively fresh so we'll have to wait and see what happens next. Currently some Egyptians are taking this seriously and trying to get Chakabers banned from coming to Egypt:

we also reported this to TourismandAntiq for racism and vandalism and working on you hopefully never stepping foot in OUR country again

I wont lie I hope our Egyptians kang gets banned from his homeland. The drama that will arise from that would be amazing. I'll keep you kings (kangs) updated on the situation. Until next time!


@JoeBiden !soren !merari !effortposters !schizomaxxxers @SmallNips discuss

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Good finding, why are American :marseyblack: so obsessed with Egypt? Most of the blacks from the Americas descend from west Africans, primarily from today’s Congo, Ghana and Angola. It would be like me going to Hungary and claiming Hungarian heritage while calling Hungarians fake :marseyquadmagyar: just because Hungary is an European country

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why are Americans so obsessed with Egypt?

Egyptomania, the orientalist and exotic foreign fascination with Egypt has been a thing since ancient Roman times.

This is weird because most of the hotep tards who claim that Ancient Egyptians were black kangz are guaranteed to also think that the real Israelites were black, so during the Exodus, does this means that black kangz enslaved themselves? :marseythonk:

Most of the blacks from the Americas descend from west Africans, primarily from today’s Congo, Ghana and Angola. It would be like me going to Hungary and claiming Hungarian heritage while calling Hungarians fake :marseyquadmagyar: just because Hungary is an European country

This is because amerimutts are r-slurred when it comes to race, and reduce billions of humans to just a few 6-ish racial categories that change every generation.

Like how Amerimutts view that everyone below Texas is a Mexican Mestizo, and everyone in Africa must be just like Will Smith, just all black people who all look the same and speak the same and think the same, neverminding the endless ethnic separatism and genocides that have been ongoing in the continent since ever.

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Egyptomania, the orientalist and exotic foreign fascination with Egypt has been a thing since ancient Roman times.

>this civilization has existed for half of the entire human history, and no, you cannot see it, it totally disappeared thousands of years ago


Yeah, I understand people trying to isekai themselves into Egypt, it's basically free real estate intellectual property.

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The Egyptian civilization ruled by native ethnic Egyptians as it is known for arguably ended in 340 BCE, when it was conquered by Persia :chadjihadi:, and then the Greeks :marsey300:, and finally the Romans :marseyemperor: which ended their independence, and then inevitable Islamization, by the time the Romans annexed Egypt, it was already almost like a living museum, with many of the famed temples having been neglected or even abandoned for centuries, and the native Egyptians being treated as second-class citizens by the Persian/Greek ruling elites.

By the time Jesus (PBUH) :chadjesus: was born, Egypt was already a 3100-year-old ancient civilization, and Ancient Romans were as fascinated with the exoticness and mythos of Egypt as people are today, and also, I really liked your Isekai analogy! :marseycool2: because an Isekai LARP is literally what the foreign conquerors of Egypt often did! whenever they conquered Egypt, they (sometimes, not always) declared themselves to be the Pharaohs, started LARPing as if they were native Egyptians, started worshiping the Egyptian gods in the European parts of the Empire, built literal ancient Chinatowns by making Egyptian-themed streets and markets in Rome (Little Egypt!) and (for the Ptolemaics, not the Romans afaik) even adopted their incestuous sister-frickin' traditions! :marseypharaoh::marseypharaoh2::marseysphinx:

It's so cool to read up on the "Roman Pharaohs" topic, Roman Emperors were seen in Egypt as Pharaohs, even if they never visited the place in their lifetimes, the Emperors that everyone is familiar with were depicted on walls and monuments in Pharaonic clothing, were called the sons of the Egyptian gods, and a few of them even visited Egypt to have a full-blown traditional Pharaonic cornation ceremony, complete with all of the cosplays and all! must have been pretty cool to be crowned as a Pharaoh when you are not Egyptian nor give a shit about Egypt! :godiwishthatwereme:


Something interesting is that as far as I remember, the Egyptian hieroglyphs for the Roman Emperors were alongside the Rosetta stone used to decipher the Egyptian hieroglyphs!, for example, this is the famous Emperor Nero:


This is one of the ways to write his Greek name:


In Egyptian, it says "Neron Klaudios Kaisaros", so by seeing what hieroglyphs spelled out the names of the Roman Emperors in Greek, you could start knowing what each letter of the Latinx alphabet the Hieroglyphs meant!

!macacos ae me deem uma ajuda aqui, foda-se, nao tem nada a ver com o Brasil, mas spergei geral aqui, nao sei outro grupo de ping pra invocar aqui pra lerem meu autismo, então convidem ae vocês alguns neurodivergentas de história pra ler isso! :marseymarseylove:

@Schizo @funkykongpathianflorist hey hope that you liked my neurodivergent spergpost about Egypt and Rome! :marseymarseylove:

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Imagine being a random local Egyptian and having to entertain another Roman Egyptboo on their bullshit

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In a certain way, the Romans were Egyptoboos in the same way that many Weeaboos are today viewed from a social and cultural viewpoint - they really liked Egyptian aesthetics, arts, myths, gods, and cultural traditions, but at the same time, much like the Persians and Greeks previously did, they were very racist against the Egyptian people themselves, and actively discriminated against them all the time in all outlines of society, the ethnic Egyptians were treated as inferior low-caste citizens and used for manual labor in their own kingdom, by foreign invaders who proclaimed themselves to be the Pharaohs and sons of the Egyptian gods that they have been worshiping for the past 3000 years :marseydarkxd:

Kween Cleopatra was famously the only Ptolemaic Greek Pharaoh to have actually learned and spoken the Egyptian language, the previous Greek Pharaohs flat out refused to learn the language of the inferior plebs and even refused to marry Egyptians (hence why they were so fricking inbred), they only spoke Greek while living in the Greek cultural capital of Alexandria, and afaik, after the Romans conquered the Ptolemaic Kingdom and annexed Egypt, the Hellenization of all of Egypt as a whole was encouraged by the new Roman rulers, and ironically, under Roman rule, Greek supremacy was even more powerful and discriminatory than it was under Greek rule itself. :marseybruh2:

Roman Egyptboos remind me a lot of modern Reddit/Twitter/4chan Weeaboos - they love Japanese anime, manga, vidya, music, toys, porn, aesthetics, culture, and media :marseyneckbeard:, but at the same time, they dehumanize Japanese people by viewing them as disposable s*x dolls/funny NPCs (in case of rightoids :marsey4chan:), or problematic racist/misogynistic savages that need to be civilized by the superior Western world, so that their primitive and barbaric culture can get on the right side of history (in case of shitlibs :soyjakhipster:), TL;DR: R-sluration, R-sluration never changes. :marseyvault: @homofascism

!macacos tá aqui meu outro spergpost comparando os Romanos com os Otacos


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Muito interessante :marseynotes:

Tu tem alguma recomendação de livros sobre o Egito dos ptolomeus?

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Tu tem alguma recomendação de livros sobre o Egito dos ptolomeus?

Maioria do que eu leio é coisa aleatória baixada do archive.org, ou pdfs que eu achei espalhados pelos anos, já que sou pobre hue.:chad:

Livros modernos:

  • Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra - Michel Chauveau

  • The Last Pharaohs: Egypt Under the Ptolemies - J.G. Manning

  • Ancient Alexandria: Between Egypt and Greece - William V. Harris & Giovanni Ruffini

  • Creating a Metropolis: A Comparative Demographic Perspective - Walter Scheidel

  • The Oikos of Alexandria - Livia Capponi.

  • Alexander to Actium - Peter Green

Livros de história escritos na era antiga (não só focam no Egito Ptolemaico, mas são meus favoritos, foda demais entrar no mundo de mais de 2 mil anos atrás):

  • Polybius - Histórias (escrito em 118 AC)

  • Bibliotheca Historica - Diodorus Siculus (escrito em 30 AC)

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Ótima lista :marseythumbsup:, obrigadão

Falta um hole de história nessa bosta de site

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Pelo menos agora nós sabemos qual sua classe de autismo

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Eu sempre achei que os romanos fossem mais otacos dos gregos do que dos egipcios. Mas pensando bem o Egito da época era bem helenizado

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Mas pensando bem o Egito da época era bem helenizado

Cara quase todo o Mediterrâneo, Oriente Médio, Ásia Central, e Índia eram extremamente helenizados, mesmo na época do Império Romano Grego ainda continuou sendo usado (e como eu já falei, era até encorajado), tem um motivo por quê o Novo Testamento da Bíblia foi escrito em Grego - era a língua que basicamente todo mundo daquela área falava.

Teve até mesmo esse reino extremamente neurodivergenta - um reino Grego na atual Índia e Paquistão! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Greek_Kingdom

Acho fascinante ver o "globalismo" do mundo antigo, o quão longe os Gregos foram e espalharam sua cultura, acho bem r-slurado e bizarro ver esses Direitóides e Nazipardos adorarem o Alexandre o Grande, quando o cara politicamente uniu três continentes, criou um império absurdamente multicultural e multi-racial, favoreceu Persas no lugar de Gregos, e fez com que as línguas nativas da Anatólia (atual Turquia) fossem extintas e todas trocadas pelo Grego, o Alexandre foi o globalista original!

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Alexandre tambem era viado e tinha sexo anal com os seus soldados enquanto eles lutavam guerras imperialistas, literalmente era o Globo HOMO. :marseyhomofascist:

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Alexandre o Grande a origem do Globohomo

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A vida do Alexandre foi muito foda. O cara conquistou metade do mundo conhecido antes dos 30 anos. Eu li um livro sobre Jerusalém https://i.rdrama.net/images/16822138584921036.webp

Que falava como na época de Cristo os judeus de classe alta, os fariseus principalmente preferiam, falar grego e vestir a moda helênica. Parece que Jesus era um anti (((globalista)))

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Amon cult nonsense :marseyhomofascist:

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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I didn't knew about those roman pharaoh. This is cool:marseyhomofascist:

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Remember to ping some history spergs to read my spergpost too! :marseythumbsup:

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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>This is because amerimutts are r-slurred when it comes to race, and reduce billions of humans to just a few 6-ish racial categories that change every generation.

Brazil is slowly doing the same thing and is even more r-slurred as our pardos, despite their darker skin tone are still predominantly European, and most of our self declared “pretos” are actually mulattoes. And the whites not descended from recent migration waves typically have 5-10% African ancestry.

And yet, the fricking government uses the Peter Griffin color skin meme to apply affirmative action.

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Sounds like you're mad you're too white to pardomaxx some benefits

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Sulista com sobrenome alemão, então basicamente bolsominion, integralista hitleriano

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Asians: We wuz Samurais n sheit

Crakkkers: We wuz Romans n sheit

Arabs: We wuz Egyptians n sheit

Latinx's: We wuz Aztecs n sheit

Blacks: ...

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>Crakkkers: We wuz Romans n sheit

1930s nazi Roman larpers were hilarious for the same reasons considering 1st century AD krauts were living in mud huts and had no written language. All while claiming the Roman leadership was part of the “aryan” race :marseycope:

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At least 90% of German history and probably more consists of LARPing as Romans (mostly in the form of the Holy Roman Empire), this goes back all the way to Charlemagne.

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It's funny because just a little bit south in Ethiopia they have an actual ancient African empire they could be talking about instead of making shit up

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West Africans are not descended from Nubians and Ethiopians, so it would still be making shit up. There were though many west African kingdoms, however many of them were into the slave trade thing :marseythonk:

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I think it's because it doesn't left much impact of the modern world, a lot like ancient China outside of a few inventions.

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African American blacks truly have no historical culture because the African Africans conquered them, wiped out their culture and sold them into slavery across the ocean or without their peepees.

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Africans barely have any culture because they never wrote anything down and were mostly conquering nomads. Then the chozos came along and started selling them off

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New hailvictory lore just dropped

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Ew gross fixed

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Yea but like west Africa kinda sucks butt Egypt at least has pyramids and shit

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True and kind of sad. But geez, insulting actual Egyptians, chimp out calling them Arabs and fake Africans. He was lucky the only bad thing that happened to him was getting called the n word

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The blacks have no culture so they made one up

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