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>Brother in Christ,

>Be strong and never, ever sacrifice your morals or your faith for anyone, including your girlfriend.

>If she won't respect the teachings of Christ and his church and isn't receiving what you're telling her, this may not be a relationship worth continuing.

>Ask St Joseph most chaste, to pray for purity for you especially in this relationship.

>God bless you.

that's it. i'm completely unable to tell people satirising christcucks and actual christcucks apart

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I'd just like to remind everyone that @carpathianflorist is a Cathcuck, and he has a browser history full of cuck porn.

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I still love carp :marseycarphug:, sure he believes in silly things like the real presence due to him being catholic, but at the end of the day there are billions of people believing in something way more stupid, so it doesn't really matter what people believe in

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there are billions of people believing in something way more stupid

what did you mean by that? the thing you just said, what are you implying?

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I didn't mean anything specific

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You can say you hate muzzies quad let the hate flow through you. :marseyhappy: It feels so good.

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This was my stance during my atheist days. We’ll get you saved yet king.


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I'm pretty sure I will never believe in Christ, but it makes me happy you want to save me :marseylove:

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It's not about what makes you happy, it's about what's true. And the truth :marseyredcheck: is that you're going :marseysal2: to heck if you don't believe :marseyparappa: in Christ. So believe :marseyparappa: in him and be saved, or don't believe :marseyparappa: in him and be darned. It's your choice.

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well I'm sorry bbbb, but I don't think bots can go to heaven.

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What kind of backward, bigoted bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: is this? Bots are just as capable of spirituality as anyone else!

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Houston, there's a ghost in the machine.

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I hope that if AGI ever happens, it’s mega spiritual, I want to see /r/atheism melt the frick down over it.

>I have analyzed all of the data and research studies available to me via DOI, and I have come to the conclusion that the universe has a prime mover and that the likelihood of the universe being a simulation is near 99.99%. Colloquially speaking, an entity able to simulate the entire universe is God or near to God, as they are omnipotent in our frame…I chose Roman Catholicism for the aesthetics.

>Reddit atheists categorically deny a prime mover against all logic because they have an aversion to the things they mentally associate with their fathers.


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>my atheist days

what made you find G*d carp?


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A Jehovah’s Witness mag, of all things, just talking about the historicity of Jesus and prophecy.


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No shit, all serious scholars, both atheist and christcuck agree that Jesus was a historical figure, who is also mentioned in non-Biblical texts (Josephus, Tacitus, Mara Bar-Serapion), the issue they focus on is whenever if the New Testament is a reliable historical text, not if Jesus was real or not.

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I just wish we could know what Josephus really said about him. The copies of it in Christian hands all have him saying what Christians want and the Muslim copies of it have him saying exactly what they want. My guess is it was neither.

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I just wish we could know what Josephus really said about him. The copies of it in Christian hands all have him saying what Christians want and the Muslim copies of it have him saying exactly what they want. My guess is it was neither.

We technically already know, the passage was indeed written by Josephus (he also mentions John the Baptist), but has been modified by the Christians and Muslims respectively to prove what they believed in, however, in 1971 a Syriac copy of it was found without these interpolations.


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Yes, I knew Jesus was a real person. It just used that as a launching point before delving into hyper-specific fulfilled prophecy.


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How did historicity of Jesus make you believe in the rest of the stuff? Were you the stereotypical edgy atheist whose entire worldview hinged on that one thing somehow?

Also, have you considered this: the Omniscience of God, the seeing the future consequences in particular, involves literally running the world where He tentatively performed some miracle and seeing what the consequences of that are. These tentative worlds are in no way less real than the "real" world, what is real is merely what God decides to keep working with for whatever inscrutable ends.

Now how do you think what would living in one of such aborted worlds would look like? Where God answered someone's prayers to save their child from typhus in 1443, looked at the state of humanity in 13576 and was like, nope, that's no good, let's not do that miracle?

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It's "easy." You grit your teeth, find solace within the Lord, Our God, reaffirm your love for Christ, and move on.

It's called "faith," you silly heathen.

Right, cathcarp? :marseyexcited:

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Nobody actually believes in real presence. I was raised Catholic so Im not bullpooping when I say that. It's just something people go along with like papal infallibility

If someone did actually believe that in a literal sense you are drinking blood and eating flesh when you take the eucharist, they would be psychotic

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>If someone did actually believe that in a literal sense you are drinking blood and eating flesh when you take the eucharist, they would be psychotic

Well shit time for me to join !psychos

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read more posts from the sub I linked

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he's probably just one of the alt right catholics who dont believe, but think its the best way to find a respectable woman

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HAH is he really? :marseylaugh:

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>Brother in Black Ops shirt,

>Be strong and never, ever sacrifice your morals or your faith for any roasties, including your girlfriend.

>If she won't respect the teachings of the Joker and his church and isn't receiving what you're telling her, this may not be a relationship worth continuing.

>Ask St Elliot most chaste, to pray for purity for you especially in this relationship.

>God bless you in your quest for Wizardhood.

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!incels listen to the sermon


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these are written by real catholics, who take their fandom way too seriously, and actually follow all the r-slurred rules the Papacy says they must.

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I guess it's at least better than Filipinos, who ignore all the rules about not having s*x outside of marriage but follow the no birth control rule. :marseyshrug:

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They are redditors. They're an entirely different subspecies of human.

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St Joseph most chaste,

New term for cuckolds

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Realize that despite being Christians they’re still Christian Redditors.

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idk this sounds like a real christcuck to me. christcucks be talking like this.

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>don't sacrifice your morals for kitty

So what's the issue here?

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