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Texas Shooter identified as Mauricio Garcia. Gracia being investigated for possible ties to white supremacy :marseypopcorntime:

Note: Picture is from a previous arrest.

The picture may not be Gracia. Just another latinx with the same name. However the picture listed below does appear to be him.

I believe he has only misdemeanors and no felonies on his record. There are currently there names that are circulating on what his name. Its not exactly sure what his true name is. Here are some of the associated pictures:

A lot of unconfirmed infomation is floating around. There are claims he has ties to the latin kings but no evidence is confirmed outside of his name. However Authorities appear to have raided his parents home

Its confirmed he was a (possible) illegal immigrant (probably) and lived in a motel and worked as a security guard

NBC news article

Allen outlet shooting suspect identified as 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia


Allen, TX shooter that killed 9 and injured 7 at a shopping mall identified as 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia.

WSJ Tweet

Authorities looking into the motive for the mass shooting at a Texas mall on Saturday are investigating the gunmanโ€™s possible links to white-supremacist ideology

For crying out loud! The Allen,Texas mass shooter, Mauricio Garcia, was NOT a White Supremacist.

maybe he identified as one

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If thatโ€™s the truthโ€ฆsounds like the classic /pol/ tradition of โ€œbeing a white supremacist despite being black/Latinx/Asian/etcโ€ is holding strong, huh?

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Whitest Neo-Nazis in 2023:

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That N64 in the background is just :marseychefkiss:

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And also the Cowboy Bebop poster on this nibba :marseyxd::pepebebop:

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Holy shit I thought it was ironic, he actually got le neurodivergent windmill tattooed? who is this crazy frick?

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No idea, this pic is like from 2006-2008.

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You think he's still alive?

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I saw a Newgrounds poster too

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That and the res that pic must be old as shit, mid 2000s at best

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I wish i could read the titles in his baby b-word :marseyarthoe8: library

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who is this guy

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well, the island chinks did ally with h man

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If you want to find ethnic mayo political groups in US, join socialists.

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>neighbor got a Prison School shirt :marseymanysuchcases:

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mexicans love dragon ball so much its unreal

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I thought that was blacks.

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Both love it, but it was only Mexicans holding pirated streaming parties projected in the town square of the new Dragon Ball movie.

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Now that you mention it I'm wondering how African :marseyblack: Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: watched dbz with no cable.

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I never :marseyitsover: seen basketball :marseyblack: loving :marseyblowkiss: death :marseymidsommarchristian: note

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>dude crouching with the milk


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That neighbor :marseyfrickyou: got a half gallon of milk

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It was a meme back then, that milk was white supremacy because white people have the lowest levels of lactose intolerance.

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brazilian commies on /r/brasil still believe to this day that it's a le evil racist dogwhistle

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Brazil is late for everything, in 2027 our r-slurs are going to still be saying that the ok hand sign stands for mayo power, and will be linking to amerimutt websites from 2016 to explain it :marseyeyeroll:

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No momento estamos na parte do ''matemรกtica รฉ racista'' que os US estavam a um tempo atrรกs

Se tu for pegar toda moda que brota no US e depois brota aqui dรก pra fazer uma linha exata de quantos anos estamos atrasados em relaรงรฃo ร s besteiras deles

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For a country with cities full of kids eating from trash cans and gangs with more guns than the average military you sure have a lot of people worried about SERIOUS SHIT like that

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a country with cities full of kids eating from trash cans and gangs with more guns than the average military

This is Benezuela, not Bostil :marseyclueless:

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I wonder how many peepees venti blowed that night

Also how many of those guys :marseytrain2:ed out

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Waffen SS (SchutzSombrero) :marseyxd::marseyhitler::marseymexican:

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The que que que

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I need a SS skull wearing a yarmulke but canโ€™t find one the Internet is crap

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make it then lazy assssss

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:marseyxd: this is too good, it has to be a self-aware joke

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How are you gonna be black and still end up with the chud phenotype? Dude never had a chance

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Inceldom knows no race, religion, or nationality, everyone can be an incel r-slur! :marseymarseylove:

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Me on the bottom right.

I live in curryland with almost no whites in sight ever, and my female friend had to bring up and brag about going on a date with a white guy once.

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Well, yeah, because whitey is rare so she had to brag. I hope you ignored her babbling, my sexy guy. :marseytunaktunak:

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Well she married a curry and my bf is whiter than hers so it all worked out in the end :marseyshrug:

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>my BF is whiter

You're doing the same thing. :marseyxd:

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He's getting TOPPED by a cracka

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It's a color thing, not a race thing :marseysipping: whiter is better till a certain threshold :marseyshrug:

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quit yer bitching

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More inclusive than the rainbow people in (current_year)

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lmao I knew an Indian dude exactly like that last one. Even complained that his sister only dated white guys.

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Ew nesquick looking :marseyoperasmug: fricker

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Qualquer reuniรฃo do PSOL ou do PCdoB tem mais brancos que entre esses โ€œneonazisโ€

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Perfeito que tu puxou logo uma imagem que tem o Lula.

Olha sรณ esse tรณpico que saiu no rBrasil tem um tempo:

Nada muito inesperado nos comentรกrios, nรฃo รฉ mesmo?

Agora, pq nรฃo damos uma olhada no fio sobre a comitiva do Lula?

Comitiva do Lula pra viagem ร  China

Casamento do Lula

Deixo com vocรชs ler os comentรกrios e analisar o teor

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Deixo com vocรชs ler os comentรกrios e analisar o teor

Eu sinto que perco os meus neurรดnios cada vez que entro no /r/brasil. Mas falando serio, a maioria da populaรงรฃo do sul e do sudeste e branca, e ร  populaรงรฃo de nordeste sempre foi historicamente negligenciada, eis o motivo pelo qual brancos sรฃo a grande maioria do judiciรกrio, porรฉm isso ja esta mudando e nรฃo foi produto de leis de segregaรงรฃo como no caso dos EUA. O problema desses esquerdistas online e que eles sempre pegam comparaรงรตes dos EUA e nunca analisam a nossa situaรงรฃo particular nem a nossa evoluรงรฃo histรณrica.

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nรฃo foi produto de leis de segregaรงรฃo como no caso dos EUA. O problema desses esquerdistas online e que eles sempre pegam comparaรงรตes dos EUA e nunca analisam a nossa situaรงรฃo particular nem a nossa evoluรงรฃo histรณrica.

Acho estranho como o /r/Brasil e muito da esquerda brasileira dizem que odeiam o Imperialismo Amerigordo e a influรชncia que os EUA teve e ainda tem na Amรฉrica Latinx, mas ao mesmo tempo sรฃo absurdamente chupadores de pau da mรญdia, internet, e cultura Norte-Americana, e tentam importar ideias que surgiram do contexto da histรณria dos EUA para o Brasil, um paรญs que teve uma histรณria totalmente diferente daquele paรญs, eles sรณ nรฃo gostam de Imperialismo Econรดmico e Militar, mas amam o Imperialismo Cultural do Tio Sam! :marseypatriot:

Pelo menos os nossos direitรณides admitem sem vergonha que adoram ser escravos dos EUA, e que os EUA ser o nosso chefe รฉ uma coisa boa, jรก que nรณs macacos somos inferiores, e devemos obedecer o nosso chefรฃo, principalmente adotando a sua cultura superior.

Sobre essa visรฃo Norte-Americana sobre raรงa, o Brasil nunca teve leis anti-miscigenaรงรฃo e segregaรงรฃo do estilo Jim Crow que os EUA teve, especialmente essa loucura de "one-drop rule", na qual se um ancestral seu รฉ negro, entรฃo vocรช tambรฉm รฉ negro, mesmo se vocรช รฉ pรกlido pra caralho, muitos "negros" dos EUA seriam considerados brancos ou pardos no Brasil, aqui รฉ possรญvel vocรช ter atรฉ avรณs negros, e ainda ser considerado branco.

Isso me lembra de um ledditor alemรฃo que disse que ele tem uma colega imigrante Turca, que mora na Alemanha, que sรณ vive nas redes sociais Americanas, e diz que ela se emociona quando vรช alunos negros, e que as vezes quer pedir desculpas para eles, por quรช como uma mulher Turca imigrante na Alemanha, ela รฉ "branca", e รฉ historicamente responsรกvel por ter feito mal a... uns estudantes Africanos? :marseyeyeroll:

Vai tomar no cu, esse autismo de "branco vs. preto vs. amarelo" nรฃo existiu atรฉ o sรฉculo 19, รฉ diferente em cada paรญs, e tรก sempre mudando toda geraรงรฃo, veja como os amerigordos ainda nรฃo sabem se os Italianos, Espanhรณis, Russos, e Polacos sรฃo brancos ou nรฃo.

@jararaca @Horned_waifus_shill

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Todo esse negocio de raรงa e estรบpido e pedir disculpas mais ainda. No meu caso por exemplo, meus tataravรดs por parte de mรฃe eram um bando de pรฉ rapados vindos da Alemanha que venderam tudo pra vir pra cรก e ser donos de um mรญsero pedaรงo de terra. Por parte de pai uns vieram da Espanha e supostamente uma tataravรณ dele era negra, isso me faz negro tambรฉm? Nenhum deles teve escravos, e mesmo para os descendentes de propietarios, e dai? Haviam negros e pardos propietarios de escravos (vejase o Barรฃo de Guaraciaba por exemplo) e ninguรฉm tem culpa pelo o que os nossos ancestrais fizeram ou deixaram de fazer.

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ร‰ bem r-slurado e legal que hoje se vocรช falar "raรงa nรฃo existe" ou "sรณ existe uma raรงa - a raรงa humana" vocรช รฉ linchado ambos pelos direitรณides e os esquerdรณides :marseyhorseshoe:

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Mas sabe que pelo menos no Brasil os nossos direitoides (eu incluido kkk), nรฃo costumam politizar esse negocio de raรงa, ou pelo menos nรฃo muito, preferem ignorar. Ja os direitoides da europaโ€ฆ esses caras por pouco nรฃo dizem que o Hitler tinha razรฃo sobre os ciganos.

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Mas falando serio, a maioria da populaรงรฃo do sul e do sudeste e branca,

Nรฃo totalmente no sudeste mas nรฃo รฉ negra tambรฉm, รฉ uma mistura de branco/"pardo"/japonรชs/รกrabe mas a maioria das pessoas nรฃo vรชem raรงa igual os americanos.... E falta lembrar que no norte/centro oeste a maioria ainda tem traรงos indรญgenas tambรฉm, apesar de รญndios de verdade serem quase ninguรฉm

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Also remember that someone 5% indigenous and 95% European isnโ€™t white in the US.

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Feels especially weird to me when Americans try to claim they're whiter than Europeans.

Ignoring the "whiteness competition" (which is bizarre on itself), isnt being white you know, an European thing?

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Sim, em SP por exemplo vocรช vai achar muitos descendentes de libaneses, sirios e japoneses nos estratos sociais altos e na classe politica, e Minas, ES e RJ sรฃo mais misturados.

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yo @Aevann why does one link and the other not wtf

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remove it from the link

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this is terribly racist and xenophobic

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fixed king

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lol thanks @Horned_waifus_shill guess

trans lives matter

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LMAO good thing these commies are there to save black brasilians, was getting worried they were in just for the cushy gov jobs and the bribes

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Name one commie latinx who is under 40

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Glenn Greenwald husband is the only one who comes to mind

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Meus deus.... o branco das brasilias

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Why are homosexuals so delusional, despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: me having a white :marseysal: scandinavian mom and a mixed :marseyblackandwhite: dad, I never :marseyitsover: called my self mayo. And the homosexuals literally :marseyme: got latinx :marseymariachi: name and family :marseyquagmire: name

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Darn racist white supremacists and their diversity

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Finally, the film adaptation to this masterpiece!

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White supremacist latinx native amerikkkan please

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Daily reminder:

To understand Trumpโ€™s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness

My favorite passage:

Multiracial whiteness promises Latinx Trump supporters freedom from the politics of diversity and recognition. For voters who see the very act of acknowledging oneโ€™s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colorblind individualism. In the politics of multiracial whiteness, anyone can join the MAGA movement and engage in the wild freedom of unbridled rage and conspiracy theories.

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i know 6 people IRL who shitpost on /pol/ as white supremacist who straight up aren't white. 4 would make great dramatards since they are doing it ironically for the memes, 2 legit think they are white and gtkrwn with no irony and no doubt that other whites aren't going to question their whiteness. I worry about those guys. I only know myself and one other white guy that occasionally browse during happening mainly these days. sorta sad that 4chan is in the state it's in as an early /b/tard/. /b/ is actual cancer now. The "are traps gay?" posts back in the day were almost funny but its a full on coomer board now

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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The only actual /pol/poster and legitimately very racist person I knew wasn't white :#marseyxd:

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/b/ is actual cancer now. The "are traps gay?" posts back in the day were almost funny but its a full on coomer board now

/b/ comedy is dead. The /pol/tards are 90% sneethe.


It's mainly the fault of jannies and mods

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Memery can be a slippery slope into self hatred if you are a mental midget

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at least 3 of the 4 non white ironic white supremacist are the type of people you could get super wasted with and they would still be making the same ironic jokes with no self hatred. 50/50 isn't bad. it's enough to piss /pol/ off lol

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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there is no other group more diverse than the far right. I bet Reistrag was latinx af

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They speak English in Argentina :#marseycountry:

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!slotsmb 100

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I remember knowing a Jewish alt-righter and a Latinx alt-righter in college.

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It don't miss. Creaturas don't hit

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I am anti /pol/

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