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How to be less emotional

Let me just preface this by saying it's so over and that you shouldn't read this if you aren't one of my brocels or siscels (male) but lately I have become incredibly emotional.

Don't believe me?

I and my boys (all 30 year old -cels) were playing CS and queue'd up with a random Swede or something and near the end of the game he said "This was the most fun I've had in a long time" and I started fricking crying. Unironically. Like the match wasn't even especially funny or anything, I just roasted him for having 0 headshots somewhere in the middle of the game by asking if he's saving them all for the next game or something and this guy couldn't stop talking or laughing after that. So once he said the aforementioned sentence idk I was imagining his life how he must have felt and how that little interaction made his entire week and I started fricking crying ffs

Then there's this event where I was buying groceries at a local supermarket and some Polish construction workers were debating which alcohol to buy and they counted their money and apparently they didn't have enough to buy what they wanted and since I can somewhat understand Slavic languages (well not any details or nuance or anything but like the gist of what they are talking about) I just had to pretend to search for something so I could listen to their conversation and they were arguing and I can't stand people getting upset so I just gave them like 20€ so they can buy what they want. They looked pretty shocked but reluctantly accepted the money and asked me to drink a beer with them but I cannot drink even though I used to love it because the last time I got drunk I get overcome by melancholy and uhh well like you know. Well anyways I once again started to cry thinking of their lives and what kind of things must have happened in their existence to make them argue about pocket change to buy alcohol.

I wouldn't even say I'm overly emphatic or anything but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cannot even browse this site any longer because I keep tearing up whenever you people link something that makes me feel sad :marseycry:

So, I've tried some coping strategies but none of them seem to work especially that stoic cope I see online from time to time but people don't seem to grasp that Marcus Aurelius invented the concept of stoicism to distract himself from the things in his life because there was too much stuff going on. Online larpers (like me) have nothing going on in their existence so why even bother doing that? I've asked around other places online and many of them told me I should rope or go to therapy but I don't see how that will help me overthink everything. Maybe some of our smartest dramatards can give me some advice? (@Retaaaard @jackie)

Anyways, the video survey post is currently at 40k characters and while I'm not particularly proud of it I think it's quite decent so far.

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this is gonna sound super generic but

turn off the pc, punch a wall, go for a walk, do house chores, buy a bike, keep yourself safe, hit the gym, get a haircut, buy new clothes, buy me a gpu please i want to play strive :marseycry:, start a creative hobby like playing an instrument or painting

ive been pretty much stuck at home for some weeks now, not being able to go for a walk or hit the gym has some sort of domino effect in me. i start eating worse, spending the day rotting away, masturbating way too much and to 3d porn (i try to keep to 2d/hentai), my thoughts get all messed up...

even if i hate it in the moment, the benefits those things bring me are very noticeable.

so maybe you just need to change some basic stuff? who knows

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this is advice for normies not a truecel like him

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i think it's sound advice to look at the basic stuff to try and find the underlying problem

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He doesn't really have a problem imo. People have this notion that being masculine is having no emotions but thats not true. That just makes you a NPC normie consumer without any aims.

Being masculine is all about having your own thoughts an emotions and putting them/processing them towards your goals, if you are killing your emotions there is no point to even do anything pretty much, no higher purpose.

All the most admirable people are those who act on their beliefs and convictions above everything else, its what defines you and your integrity.

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>He doesn't really have a problem imo.

He has a problem the moment he is making this very thread to complain about it. And being empathetic is not bad, but crying because you handed some broke neighbors R$20 is not normal. There's something fricky going on there.

I'm not arguing he should start acting like he's Rambo or some shit, but he is very clearly bothered by it.

To me it just feels like he has an underlying problem causing all that. The crying is the symptom, not the disease. Like when you have a cat you really like and he dies and you're not really bawling your eyes out the whole day, but then you see something that, if you excuse the term, triggers you into pouring your sadness out. In this example it's justified because you just lost your cat.

What is the underlying reason that made you cry, @Losercel?

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I think it's either shame or regret. Both of these terms really gnaw at me recently.

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are those things rooted in your inceldom?

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I don't know the answer to that, sorry.

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i'm not an incel scholar but i'd argue inceldom is again an symptom not the disease.

Say you think you're an incel because your jawline just isnt as good.

If your jawline were, you'd just find another reason

Oh, if only I were rich/white/canthal tilt/jawline/fit/tall

It could be that the fact you're an incel gnaws at you, but imo it could very well also be that you have an underlying problem that causes you your inceldom thus causing this trouble of yours

hope you understand what im trying to say

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I mean is your feeling of shame and regret related to not having a gf (ie: regret working when you were young for a gf or ashamed of not having a gf).

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that could be true to be fair but i dont think he handed 20 dollars because he was sad, he just became sad after giving it because he thought about their poverty, its a common feeling to be upset at the injustice of this world, most people just ignore it and others try and do something about it

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Jerk off to 2D porn

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