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hating anime is peak redditbrain

neighbors still act like it's the early 2010's and their cringe subreddits dictate morality lmao


i was at la fitness yesterday and the buffest black dude there who benched 3pl8s had a my hero shirt on, this was not in the city

i don't think people here have noticed how much society changed in the last decade, hating anime to most people these days makes you look strange

people will probably think your beliefs are outdated and wonder whether you get out much (i.e. they will think you're a redditor)

tldr. you lost

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I actually want to like anime. I think animation has a lot of potential. I just cannot ever find one worth watching.

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I only watch movies, anime shows are trash.

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Everything that actually gets mega popular and that people take seriously and recommend is literal childrens shit.

Everything that people call "deep and adult" has the emotional depth of an angsty young adult novel you thought was art when you were in the 8th grade "reading above your level"

The dirty little secret is that anime airs between 11-3 am when all the working adults are asleep so anything that wants to make money is targeting degens and young students with flexible schedules instead. Anything actually good stays confined to manga and literature or gets a low budget live action adaptation that airs on primetime inbetween a talk show that promotes c-list celebrities and a variety show where comedians slap each other with fishes while making bad word puns

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It's often hard to find the good stuff. A lot of popular recommendations are just boring normie shit, filled with power of friendship and screaming. On the other hand, you have Anime-isms that can make watching an otherwise good Anime a shit experience.

FMA:Brotherhood "humour" made the show barely watchable for me, yet I rarely hear people complain about it.

That's why I never recommend anime to anyone, and I'm wary of other's people recommendations.

Anyway, watch Monster.

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watch Monster.

As good as a C- TV show.

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I'm sorry to inform you sir, but your opinion is wrong.

No need to worry though, this can happen to anyone. I hope the rest of your day is better.

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Castle of cagliostro

Nausicaa valley of the wind

Grave of the fireflies

Princess mononoke

Kiki's delivery service

Millennium actress

Ghost in the Shell

Perfect blue

Tokyo godfathers

Howl's moving Castle

And everyone's favorite: spirited away

Each of these are movies are under 2 hours long and are highly influential

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Of these I only saw spirited away and sorry but it was dumb

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spirited away was fricking terrible. animestrags keep being like NOOO U JUST HAVENT SEEN GOOD ANIME YOU HAVE TO WATCH- and it's literally just fricking r-slurred shit.

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This is how I felt when I watched Star Wars for the first time as an adult

It was NOT that interesting

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I did the same. The original series was enjoyable enough, but I don't get the extreme hype at all.

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Its literally just a visual stimulation film full of japenese metaphors.

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Really? Dumb, in what way?

I remember it very fondly. Although, I watched it in 2003.

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It's hard for me to tell you because I too watched it long ago. From what I remember, I just didn't get anything of substance out of it. Like, the story seemed a bit random in that it's series of events and situations the character finds herself in, but they just happen to her without any bigger purpose or reason. So the story seems just like a collection of individual, disconnected challenges and roadblocks for the hero. I wouldn't mind something like that if it was intended to tell some meta-narrative or make some greater point, but I couldn't catch on anything like that either so it all felt just a bit empty or simplistic.

I won't say that it's bad by the way, some things I liked in it, but overall I guess the best way to put it is that for me it was just uninteresting.

Keep in mind this is a bit of an outsider's perspective cause I only watched like 4 animes, of which I can definitively say that I loved only 1 (and 1 was absolute fricking garbage, Jesus)

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Thanks for the (quite extensive) response, I was curious since dumb is not very descriptive.

As for the perspective thing. Spirited Away was actually my first ever anime, and is definitely responsible for my interest in other anime later on. Your lack of familiarity with the medium shouldn't have had any impact on the experience. If you didn't like it, you didn't like it.

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Oh no I understand that, I just thought that maybe some of those complaints may be pedantic as in if it's a hallmark of a genre instead of being unique to this film in particular, and I just didn't know that

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I've had a lot of animestrag friends over the years unfortunately and they have forced me to watch most of these under "you just havent seen GOOD anime :marseysoylentgrin:" and I regret to inform you that they are all fricking trash

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grave of the fireflies sucks.

the aunt was right, the boy was lazy and didnโ€™t contribute. all of his r-slurred decisions sealed their fate. :marseyyes:

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why is it so hard for people to just watch mushishi

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not available on the pirate site

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You're looking in the wrong places

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serial experiments lain

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I tried it and got bored but still it had some nice feels

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i loved the feds, i was very sad when lain molested them.

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What kind of things do you like? I can probably recommend some actually good anime depending on your interests.

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Something not edgy nor pretentious but made for adults

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You should watch Tokyo Godfathers

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