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Reading menslib threads always follow this path:

:#marseylaugh: :#to: :#marseydespair: :#to: :#marseydarkxd:

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its almost depressing when these people say, with earnest, that religiously following the Good-Boy-Rules for years hasnt paid off for them, and they still cant understand why women don't fall into their laps


then you see [M,40] in the post and realise they're freaks of their own making


i think when you understand that these are incels that have gone full swing into the other extreme, "I'll be a doormat so i can maybe get s*x", they're a lot less sympathetic


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I got booted off reddit a long time ago for asking this question:

How many male friends do you have, and who in your friend group partakes in regular exercise?

The answer was just silence and an eventual shadowban.

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My theory is that the older ones were already incels and just fell back in the "respect women" mindset because they're so unfrickable that they have no other choice anyways

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A lot unironically become soycucks picking up a single mom in a sexless marriage and raising someone else's kids. A horrific fate worse than inceldom.

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Horrific, but completely self-inflicted so :marseyshrug:

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I can only imagine that bitterness loses its novelty after a few months and they'd go back to treating strangers with cautious dignity while not really expecting anything of them.

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Christ moids are pitiable.

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Over socialization and it’s consequences….

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These dudes unironically need therapy. I know it’s a meme thing to say but they clearly hate themselves. Nobody who has an inkling of self-respect is going to think they are that disrespectful of women just by talking to them.

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Some of them need therapy. Some (probably more) of them need to hit the gym, and eat less shit food. Ultimately as long as these men follow the path of least resistance, which means being deathly afraid of making waves, they cannot escape the hole.

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They also need to stop dating women that hate men, pursuing women that hate men, and take male living advice from women that hate men. But they won't, because that would revoke their precious ally status that CLEARLY gives them soooo much kitty :marseyeyeroll:

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For some of them it is probably oedipal. They pursue those women because their mothers also treated them in that way.

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Single mother to simp(incel) pipeline is real

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Being raised by a single mom can lead only to menslibbery :marsoyhype: or gangbangery. :marseyblack: No inbetweens.

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I feel like I'm one of the few outliers. I was raised by a single mom, but she had to bust her butt to support not just me, but my grandfather that my extended family dumped on her because he had a stroke and no one wanted to deal with his recovery. A single mother raising a kid CAN work, but they actually have to have some level of work ethic which modern foids do not.

Then again I ended up on rdrama...

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I recommend deleting this.

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So you’re saying your mom’s single?

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When it comes to dating preferences (for anybody really), always look to who they date not who they say they want.

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:taypray: white extinction is long overdue :marseyagreefast:

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This is the woman giving these pathetic moids dating advice

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Why avoid getting advice from women who hate men? You want black people to stop listening to racists?

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Gym and/or male friends who aren't bitches

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I think they just needed a father figure:marseydepressed:

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Just be stable and like the person you are? lol

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hit the gym, and eat less shit food

Unironically, I believe that indolence and shitty food is the resevoir from which most mental illness flows in this society.

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They need a friend tbh

Therapy is just paying someone to do what a good confidant should already be doing

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They don't need therapy you strag lmao what they need is some proper backhanded smacking and 6 months in the mine. That shit will sort out every "issue" these soys have and get them in shape.

These kind of soy souls don't just yearn for the mïne but desperately need it

:taypray: white extinction is long overdue :marseyagreefast:

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They need an arranged marriage with no possibility of divorce. :marseyunabomber2:

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That sounds incredibly r-slurred.

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nobody who has an inkling of self-respect is going to think they are that disrespectful of women just by talking to them

Nobody except for women

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Imagine being the father of these failsons and knowing your bloodline will end in a single generation because your spawn is too much of a kitty. I'd neck myself

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Their fault for having bad genes and not taking them camping/hunting/fishing.

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Imagine being the father of these failsons

The fathers of these kids don't know or care they exist.

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They need therapy, just the hormone replacement kind!

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They don't need therapy, they need dragging to a gym with no air conditioning and a hanging bag that's been patched so often it's more thread than material

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Nor does a first kiss give you permission for a second kiss a day later. she's fully entitled to change her mind and no longer want to kiss you. And moving forward from kissing, you should obviously get permission before your hands start 'roaming'. but does that include her back? her back under her shirt? her thighs? Is asking "do you mind if my hands roam a bit" and her enthausiastically consenting then permission to roam everywhere?

Can I roam near your kitty, m'lady? Jesus.

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Jesus Christ imagining a chinlet redditor saying that on a date just sounds drier than the Atacama desert good lord do these people hear themselves?

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The are mold removing companies that would pay top bill for such an efficient de-moisturize technology

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Tbf I don't think these terminal redditoids have the faintest idea of what normal is

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How fricking hard is it to touch her back, slowly try to put your hand under her shirt, and stop if she moves so your hand isn't under her shirt anymore?why can't they say this instead of "oh you should ask the good lady if she deems you worthy of running your hands on her legs"

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People who say stuff like that just never were in a situation where both sides are into it. I'm not going to ask when she already has a shirt half over her head, right?

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what if she hasnt enthusiastically consented to taking it the rest of the way off

ever think of that

of course not you fucking rapist

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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That moment, when her vision is obscured is your chance. A quick punch to the gut, followed by pantsing her, will allow you to steal her purse and make off before she can regain her breath to notify potential witnesses.

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Take the Cardi B pill

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>of course not you fricking male feminist

:marseyagree: :marseypenis:

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By not stopping and confirming, you've now opened yourself up to being accused of r*pe when, several days later, you're out for dinner and you order a side dish that triggers some weird neurotic red flag she has and she decides she never actually consented. However, by confirming, you'll be accused of r*pe because she felt pressured to say "yes" at the time and you should have realized it meant "no".

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Even just a quick “hey let me know if I’m moving too fast for you” is light years better than “may I put my hands on your waist m’lady”

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"do you mind if my hands roam a bit"

do moids really

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Im imaging someone saying this right before they choke their partner to death.


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of course not, he's never gotten that far

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It just clicked for me: these people genuinely don't realize how much of human communication is nonverbal. Maybe it's because they live exclusively online, maybe it's because they're neurodivergents, maybe it's too much anime, maybe it's all of the above, make up your own mind, but that's clearly what it is. They can't picture human interaction not involving text, so if consent isn't literally specified in legalese they think it's ambiguous. Wow.

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It's not really a problem, is it

It isn't like we want any more of them

Reddit is acting as some sort of social darwinian filter that filters out people from society who are stupid enough to be led astray by the utter horseshit they read on reddit

I don't really see a downside

If you can't see at first glance that most of the people giving advice on reddit are deliberately trying to frick with you, maybe you deserve to be led down that particular garden path. It isn't like they're really subtle either.

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Oh yeah, absolutely. Every single article about how millennials are shit at this or zoomers are useless at that is just one more article about how awesome I am.

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>do you mind if my hands roam a bit


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Moids are so fricking stupid. Of course we turn “don’t casually assault women” into “excel spreadsheet of consent”. Moids can ruin anything.

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we havent had a menslib thread in too long :daydream:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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menslib is entirely composed of three groups

  • men pretending to be "male feminists" who just want to get in girls' pants

  • incels who think they're the "good ones"

  • women


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You're forgetting about pooners trying to browbest strags into eating the boyc*nt.

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I’ve always loved the dichotomy where pooners just remain women in practically every way (look at all the threads in /r/FtM about keeping identical interests/clothing/hobbies), while transwomen go to the complete other extreme where they get pink tights and short skirts

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it's because one is a social contagion/a quirky phase and the other is :marseyautism:

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Yeah, I mentioned this in a comment a while ago and it's still glaring to me: MtFs :marseytrain2: out and literally go all-out in trying to be the most hyper-feminine bimbo they could possibly be. Gender euphoria, dress go spinny, you know what I mean - it's a fetish, they're neurodivergent crossdressers (hence hyperfocus on gender expression) with an ideology, nothing new here. But by contrast FtMs who actually go hyper-masculine are as rare as white elephants; for every Buck Angel there are a thousand barely-tomboys who, were it not for the pronouns, wouldn't even qualify as bull cute butches.

Basically what fluffy said just :marseylongpost:

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They're trying to be women without getting any sexual attention because of :marseygroomergrooming: in childhood so they are natural additions to the gay community

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They either have to go full MRA or end up as soy incarnate, no one exists within the middle.

>I've seen instances where manhood is demonized in general, and so trans men are seen as "traitors".

>There's also a lot of subconscious bias against manhood and masculinity in the trans community, especially shown by negative comments about effects of testosterone and bottom surgery.


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Are you in someway implying crochetting, trash reality tv and gossip are not typical male hobbies?

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Sir you are posting this to a website full of men that's dedicated purely to drama, essentially gossipmaxxing :#marseymeangirls:

Men love gossip, it just can't be the foid type of gossip where you talk crap about your coworker's dress or whatever :#marseysmug6:

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learn to read neighbor

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!enemiesofjan new fluffy groyper comment :marseysoypoint:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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:!#marseysoypoint: :space: :space:

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women kitties

I really doubt any women would purposefully drink from that well of soy cope

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check the subreddit overlaps

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I'm well aware, as 90% of the shit on the "girl" subs is :marseytrain2:posting or larping lmao :marseydisguise:


This is true for even for stuff like /r/nursing, whereas in the US, 90% of nurses are female but on that subreddit 90% of the posts and comments are dudes lol (higher average of female than any other mainstream sub though)

Welcome to the internet, sweaty

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biofoid subreddit

also, femalefashionadvice is higher than malefashionadvice

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Yeah at the bottom of the list lol. Femalefashionadvice does not conflict with my observation of :marseytrain2:posting either, menslib is just full of regular kitties, the dudes who didn't get slapped enough when they were little shits or developed PTSD the one time their dad yelled at them

Lets ask all the !biofoids what is more likely:

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It's the :pooner: variety

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More comments

And the latter make up most of it, just in the form of men(womyn).

Also denying the existance of self hating moids is a !foidmoment.

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And FtMs.

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The trans war really overshadows the war of the sexes.


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the only thing i hate more than women is men

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Men rock, but some people don't rock enough to be men. We call these people women. It has very little to do with birth s*x


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The trans war is just another front on the war of the sexes

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What I like to call the existential dilemma of straggotry.

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I've changed my mind, they're kinda gross. Mostly because of the autism though.

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