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I’m hot enough that I can respect women and I still have to shoo them off and remind them that I’m monogamous. I’d respect women a lot less if they didn’t treat me so nicely. I’d be a worse person if I was ugly.

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Any man who uses any variation of the word “internalize” unironically needs to undergo forced feminization. :marseymaid:

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You're going to internalize my rolling pin, ma'am.

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Thank god these moids self-select out of my kitty pool.

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The best argument against respecting wahmen is a 5 minute conversation with the average foid

  • Marsey Churchill
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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

MensLib discovers that respecting #women results in a dry peepee, spill red pills all over the place https://rdrama.net/post/173244/menslib-discovers-that-respecting-women-results #WhiteMenCantJump #men #foid

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Good thing these people have moved on from internalizing misandry and joined positive spaces which celebrate masculinity. These people talk like extreme closet cases and the fact their actually straggots is astounding. Even straggots don't deserve this level of emotional torture.

>I ran in some far lefty circles in college, and this article hits home.

>When all the people close to you do nothing but talk about how straight, white, men are the problem... It's hard not to internalize that.

>I, to this day, struggle with my self image in public. I always feel like I'm some looming, intimidating, inherently off-putting presence to everyone, but especially women.

>As a result, it's hard for me to be anything but withdrawn, which makes me act more cold and stiff, which end up making me seem more like all the things I'm afraid of being.

>It's a vicious cycle, and I've only been able to break out of it by being with friends when I'm out in public.


>Great article that isn’t talked about much.

>Boys born ~1998 and onwards have been subjected to endless amounts of messaging telling them they are scary, they are predators, they shouldn’t do this and can’t do that…

>As much as it sucks, I truly think young people, but especially boys, need to be given much more grace to make mistakes and learn how to go about meeting, approaching, and asking girls out. It is not some innate thing we should just understand, rather it’s an incredibly complex and ever changing social dance that will be difficult to learn.

>Nowadays, I think boys are being intimidated into not trying, leaving a huge number of boys like you described as the “polite horny teen” that have never and would never do anything to deliberately harm a woman, but they have no fricking clue how to go about it to begin with.


>I feel like I can relate to a lot, having a lot of feelings like that, but being terrified of them. I was around a lot of radfems/gender essentialists as a kid who taught me a lot of this stuff, and it's really hard to un-internalize. I fell into the right-wing pipeline as a teenager because I thought it would help me "get back" at all the women who viewed me as a predator as a kid, but I ultimately realized how harmful that stuff was, not just to other people but to myself, and now I feel... isolated. I am still ashamed of myself for having perfectly normal urges, and never harming anyone with them.


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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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What I like is that the vaguely grillpilled foid who somehow found that thread got relegated to the bottom of the thread for telling the guy to do the fricking obvious:


They hate themselves even more than women hate them. It's truly impressive.

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Yeah, some boys/men will go too far into other direction and be terrified of interacting with women in any romantic or sexual context. It is understandable, but boy did I miss some opportunities because of that mindset.:

I'm a grown-butt man, considered friendly, trustworthy and outgoing but I'm still struggling with this. Do you have any advice on how to reach a good balance?:

I'm nearing 30. I've internalized the "leave women alone at all times" and "men are trash" rhetoric so hard that I almost consider myself a burden to them simply by existing. I've gone out of my way to minimize interactions with women because I've catastrophized that my mere presence is bothersome.:

Just wanted to say this article pretty neatly describes my teenage years, and that behavior hasn’t really left. Sure makes thing difficult… it’s hard to explain when people say things like “just ask them out” or “you need to get….” You can imagine the words, but in any case, there’s no real guide to getting out of this space.:

Just the idea of asking someone out in real life makes me cringe.:

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You're right Snappy, going gay is the only solution for these..."men".

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Gay? Frick, all this time I thought @Snappy was proposing being a horse fricker

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Rules of society are made for the barely-not-monkey majority of the populous and are overly strict because it's understood they will be broken. You can imagine what this does to an obsessively rule-based autist.

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Who do you think made the rules?

:marseyautism: :marseyhitlerjew:

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Good morning gas all male redditors

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Good morning gas all male redditors

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An article on menslib that says "don't listen to what women say they want"? :marseypearlclutch:

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Men as a gender don't know a lot about women but I would hope that this piece of generational wisdom eventually finds its way to every man: never, ever take a woman at her word.

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It's even in a song I like about some sisters owning like 40 forest incels with their boyfriend, do you know its true

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Goe I hate straggots so much. Reading this sort of shit just makes my skin crawl. Why does it always have to be "unsafe" this and "creepy" that with these r-slurs? Like why can't you freaks just be normal and have piss orgies like the rest off us?

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Just wanted to say this article pretty neatly describes my teenage years, and that behavior hasn’t really left. Sure makes thing difficult… it’s hard to explain when people say things like “just ask them out” or “you need to get….” You can imagine the words, but in any case, there’s no real guide to getting out of this space

Falling for the Andrew Tate grift would unironically help this dude

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I imagine for as much as they hate him, his r-slurred advice would actually be an improvement to whatever single mother raised amabs in menslib

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That's mostly why they hate him. Because his advice "shouldn't" work according to the metrics they use to definite their identity

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So you think these pathetic moids are more likely to an-hero or train out?

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Training out is 41% percent of an-heroing

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They'll just quietly kill themselves sometime in their 40s.

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i have a cure my dudes


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My dood

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@Harpooner would have loved this back when she was alive

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As they say: The nastiest die first

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:#marseypearlclutch: who got to her?

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De Santos

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I heard he r*ped her to death

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Most grievances these types of dudes have can be solved by getting off the fricking internet and going outside.

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Young men need to understand that they are not required to respect any particular norm or neuroticism. You are your own agent and you will drive yourself in the interests of yourself and those you care about. Aka: piss people off, apologize if you feel you should, and then do it again.

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So true bestie :marseyfluffy:

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I learned this way too late. Also to apologize and grovel less.

Life feels so much more fulfilling this way.

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I'm starting to realize that you guys have this kind of blueprint for success because it IS the best way to be and is the least pathetic way to exist- while being an incel. None of my perspectives or lifestyle advice meaningfully touches on the needs or available resources of an incel, and so when I suggest something or just exist the way I do, our arguments just don't meaningfully interact; passing by eachother like ships in the night.

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I actually got way more gussy with the "incel" blueprint for success

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Qhat os the incel blueprint for success

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That frickin' rocks, if you're into that. That sounds aloof and dismissive but I feel like I'm reaching for some weird abstract idea here, about what one's wants are and how that shapes what success is/the best ways to get it.

To be honest, I think moids that struggle, the majority of them, should prioritize and think like this, for their own self-interest in this not-ideal social set up. And then, when they are secure, established socially, or just ready for something else, they can try something more "high minded" or other ideas of success. Feels like things are bass-ackwards with how the socially inept turn to other ideas as a cope instead of treating it like a finishing touch or varnish for their self-actualization.

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The polite, horny teen boy is the one who truly, genuinely learned and internalized lessons about gender equality and care for the vulnerable and the siblinghood of mankind.

Over the years, I’ve learned that women are bombarded with attention from men who didn’t learn those lessons, who are impolite and unkind and push boundaries.

I’ve also learned that, by god, there are many many boys and men for whom those things are so unthinkable that they will too-actively manage their own selves to avoid even the possibility of coming across like The Other Guys.

This article is bizarre!

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Likely medicated too


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we havent had a menslib thread in too long :daydream:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I've changed my mind, they're kinda gross. Mostly because of the autism though.

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The trans war really overshadows the war of the sexes.


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The trans war is just another front on the war of the sexes

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What I like to call the existential dilemma of straggotry.

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the only thing i hate more than women is men

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Men rock, but some people don't rock enough to be men. We call these people women. It has very little to do with birth s*x


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menslib is entirely composed of three groups

  • men pretending to be "male feminists" who just want to get in girls' pants

  • incels who think they're the "good ones"

  • women


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!enemiesofjan new fluffy groyper comment :marseysoypoint:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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:!#marseysoypoint: :space: :space:

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And FtMs.

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And the latter make up most of it, just in the form of men(womyn).

Also denying the existance of self hating moids is a !foidmoment.

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women kitties

I really doubt any women would purposefully drink from that well of soy cope

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check the subreddit overlaps

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I'm well aware, as 90% of the shit on the "girl" subs is :marseytrain2:posting or larping lmao :marseydisguise:


This is true for even for stuff like /r/nursing, whereas in the US, 90% of nurses are female but on that subreddit 90% of the posts and comments are dudes lol (higher average of female than any other mainstream sub though)

Welcome to the internet, sweaty

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biofoid subreddit

also, femalefashionadvice is higher than malefashionadvice

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Yeah at the bottom of the list lol. Femalefashionadvice does not conflict with my observation of :marseytrain2:posting either, menslib is just full of regular kitties, the dudes who didn't get slapped enough when they were little shits or developed PTSD the one time their dad yelled at them

Lets ask all the !biofoids what is more likely:

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It's the :pooner: variety

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More comments

You're forgetting about pooners trying to browbest strags into eating the boyc*nt.

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learn to read neighbor

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I’ve always loved the dichotomy where pooners just remain women in practically every way (look at all the threads in /r/FtM about keeping identical interests/clothing/hobbies), while transwomen go to the complete other extreme where they get pink tights and short skirts

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Are you in someway implying crochetting, trash reality tv and gossip are not typical male hobbies?

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Sir you are posting this to a website full of men that's dedicated purely to drama, essentially gossipmaxxing :#marseymeangirls:

Men love gossip, it just can't be the foid type of gossip where you talk crap about your coworker's dress or whatever :#marseysmug6:

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They either have to go full MRA or end up as soy incarnate, no one exists within the middle.

>I've seen instances where manhood is demonized in general, and so trans men are seen as "traitors".

>There's also a lot of subconscious bias against manhood and masculinity in the trans community, especially shown by negative comments about effects of testosterone and bottom surgery.


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Yeah, I mentioned this in a comment a while ago and it's still glaring to me: MtFs :marseytrain2: out and literally go all-out in trying to be the most hyper-feminine bimbo they could possibly be. Gender euphoria, dress go spinny, you know what I mean - it's a fetish, they're neurodivergent crossdressers (hence hyperfocus on gender expression) with an ideology, nothing new here. But by contrast FtMs who actually go hyper-masculine are as rare as white elephants; for every Buck Angel there are a thousand barely-tomboys who, were it not for the pronouns, wouldn't even qualify as bull cute butches.

Basically what fluffy said just :marseylongpost:

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They're trying to be women without getting any sexual attention because of :marseygroomergrooming: in childhood so they are natural additions to the gay community

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it's because one is a social contagion/a quirky phase and the other is :marseyautism:

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