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:marseyalien: Are Already Here, Says Stanford Prof With :marseyglow:, Defense Ties



Edit: this video of him explaining himself is more thorough than the article itself

edit 2: since this i gaining traction we should all recollect the story of Gary McKinnon and why the US gov wanted to extradite him so badly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_McKinnon

He claimed to have hacked the pentagon and discovered that the US gov not only had secret alien tech but also had "non-human" officers in the military. He claimed the US gov had craft that looked like this, one called the USS Lemay and another Called the USS Hillenkoetter




Also heres this wierd patent that the US Navy filed back in 2016 https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en

>A craft using an inertial mass reduction device

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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.



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The problem with these 'former CIA agent endorses x conspiracy theory' is that if any of it is true we wouldn't be hearing of it in the first place.

The real conspiracies are the ones that we never hear discussed

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Nobody could shut the frick up about MK Ultra or the Tuskagee syhphillis experiments and they turned out to be true.

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Every rule has its exceptions

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Yeah, but this "rule" of yours has alot of exceptions. Like I before e except after c, science proves you wrong.

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Project ECHELON was not only true but it turned out that it wasnt even the half of it, Poison alcohol in Prohibition was mostly true, Edith Wilson really did run the US government, Gulf of Tonkin was fake, USS Liberty was intentional, etc etc

Its not even remotely a rule

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USS Liberty was intentional

Everyone who believes that is deeply neurodivergent, lacks the theory of mind, and is neurologically incapable of understanding what "intentional" means.

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Shut the frick you fricking jew strag!

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This so dumb. He says they are β€œprobably using drones and AI” to study us. Wouldn’t their tech be way advanced and not whatever the Silicon Valley flavor of the month was?

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Drone just means a manless vehicle. It's extremely general.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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the videos linked in the article are more explanatory/sensicle and its the guy himself explaining it. The article, despite bejng from popular mechanics, kinda sucks

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Literally every article from Popular Mechanics in history is total garbage :tayscrunch:

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"Drones" and "ai" are incredibly loose terms. A drone could be everything that is remote conteolled and an AI is literally just that. Artificial intelligence. Could be anything too. Both could be 100% biological depending on the tech.

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🚨 nerd alert 🚨

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do you think the alien AI's notice !nooticers

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Yes. They are the source. Anyone gifted with nooticing is a descendent of the Anunaki.

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Anyone gifted with nooticing is a descendent of the Anunaki


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ive always nooticed that alien species in fiction all have the same skin color yet humans always have a variety


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DC comics has green Martians and the inferior white Martians.

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Arent they different species tho?

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That's just what the green Martians want you to think!

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inferior white

As it should be

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diversity breaks countries, and the only way to unite everyone, is to try to get us all to put aside our differences for a war against extraterrestrials


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Project Bluebeam

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The internet has already done an incredibly efficient job of that

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No extraterrestrial ever called me an incel :#marseyindignant:

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>collaborate with the aliens and they'll give you a alien gf fleshcrafted with eldritch tech sorcery


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That ayylmao kitty just hits different :#marseybiting:

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:#marseyeldritchpussy: heck yeah brother

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That's what I try to tell you guys!

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Of course aliens are here. A lot in fact. Many are called Juan, Hernandez or Jesus :marseysmug2:

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textbook reptilian physiognomy :marseysquint:


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those glasses jesus christ


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This Stanford Professor With CIA Ties Says Aliens Are β€˜100 Percent’ Already Here


A Stanford University professor .... claims aliens have probably been on Earth for thousands of years.

Nolan believes that aliens are probably using drones and AI to study humans.


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Watch the video, he says he believes theyre 100% here

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Unless aliens have invented faster than light travel, they aren't here

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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no i believe i seen a ship i think they r here

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Jesus didn’t mention them so I disagree :marseyindignant:

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Colossians 1:16

Deuteronomy 4:19 n 17:3

n in my bio Ephesians 6:12 can be interpreters as talking bout extra terrestrial life tho

prolly d*mons but mb aliens

anyways i saw what i saw :marseyindignant:

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Read up on Fermi's Paradox and The Great Filter.

Life began on earth 3 billion years ago and these supposed ayylmaos had a 11 billion year headstart on us.

Imo if any of these neighbors were ever gonna reach us, they would have already by now. Guess there's just too many filters that keep y'alling them ayylmaos back to square one :gooby:

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that's just mean to say to me bb


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>anti reading pilled queen

Basado :#grug:

Never let those nerds bully you into (((reading)))

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can u tldr it bb?

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Fermi paradox: the universe is so big and time is so long that the odds of two advanced(space faring or otherwise) civilazations run into each other is statistically remote and unlikely.

great filter: all civilaztions run into a common catastrophe that leads them to destroy themselves(or be destroyed by something, see dark forest theory) before they can become successfully spacefaring/run into other alien civilizations.

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I think fermi says there should be some observable effect on the universe from other life but we find absolutely nothing hence the paradox.

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Maybe it’s the sci-fi nerd in me, but I’ve always loved the dark forest theory. It is much less likely than the other two, but so much more badass

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Me? No. Chatgpt? Here you go

The Fermi Paradox is kind of like that, but with aliens instead of kids. There are billions and billions of stars in the universe, just like there are lots of kids at a big party. Some of these stars are even like our own Sun, and they might have planets around them, just like Earth.

Now, if there are so many stars and planets out there, we might expect that there should be lots of aliens too. But here's the tricky part: we haven't seen any aliens yet, and we've been looking for a long time.

So scientists wonder, "Where are all the aliens?" They call this the Fermi Paradox, named after a smart scientist named Enrico Fermi who asked this question a long time ago.

If the kids at a party thing threw you off then it's because I originally asked it to explain it to me like I'm a 5yo lol

The Great Filter

Certainly! The Great Filter is a concept that suggests there might be some big challenges or obstacles that prevent civilizations from advancing and spreading out into space. It's like a tough test that civilizations need to pass. If a civilization fails this test, it might not survive or progress further. We don't know exactly what this filter is, but it could be things like natural disasters, self-destruction, or other difficult problems. The existence of the Great Filter could explain why we haven't seen any advanced alien civilizations yet. It's a way to understand why the universe seems so quiet and empty, despite the many potential opportunities for life.

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Why do you think aliens would even want to deal with us? Would we want to establish diplomatic relations with some backwards shithole in Africa with no natural resources or worthwhile technology? Of course not. At most, we might assign an ambassador or intelligence operative to keep an eye on things and make sure to alert us if they ever developed into a threat. Otherwise, we'd let them wallow in their own stupidity under the pretext of "enlightened non-interference."

To aliens, we are probably the equivalent of the backwards African shithole. Your idea that it's statistically totally sus that aliens exist but haven't made contact only makes sense if you assume that they want to make contact. What if we disgust them but simply aren't important enough to kill?

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To aliens, we are probably the equivalent of the backwards African shithole

If an ayylmao could get here, we wouldn't be like a backwards African shithole to them. Not even close. More like an amoeba lol. That's how advance they're gonna be compared to us.

If they ever find us (they won't because nobody's out there), we're dead. And not because they care about us and consider us a threat. It'd be because we'd get in the way of whatever they're doing and we'd just be the collateral lol.

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I think it all depends on the type of alien we meet. Sure, we may be amoebas to them, but there are different approaches even to amoebas. Some people might say "Ugh, disgusting, get the detergent so we can get rid of this nasty stuff." Others might say "Fascinating, a new species of amoeba. Let's study it!" Another group might say "Interesting, I wonder if it has any potential military or medical applications." And still others might say "Look how strange it is, maybe we can make an art installation out of it."

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Neighbor life couldn't have started in the first 11 billion years because the early universe was mostly Hydrogen, Helium and some Lithium and heavier elements. The elements needed for life would take billions of years to form and accumulate (mostly due to fusion inside stars and supernovae)

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Neighbor I was exaggerating but you are as well. Even if they had a 2-3 billion head start on us, heck even 1, that's a lot of frickin time. And a lot of civilizations considering how vast the universe is β€” so even if the vast majority don't exceed us in technological development for one reason or another β€” a couple would. By a billion frickin years.

My point is I don't think ayylmaos are out there :#tayshrug:

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Prepare to get proven wrong in a million years when we become a space fairing civilization and run into ayylmaos

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Oh I'm prepared alright :#marseysal:

>space fairing civilization


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Nerds looked at the data using some realistic numbers and it turns out fermi is trash and there is very good chance we are alone.

But even if we are not, the distances in time and space are just too cosmic to overcome and copers thinking the universe allows a work around using this one weird trick grows increasingly unlikely.

Star Trek will never be real and once our sun goes it’s over.

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This but unironically tbh

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We've only been broadcasting radio waves for an extremely small amount of those years, and the broadcasts, even though they travel at the speed of light, only have reached an area within a bubble with a diameter close to 200 light years. Even if ayylmaos existed within that area and had received a message, they most likely wouldn't depart immediately without sending messages first, which themselves would take a long time, and if they did decide to travel they would take much more time to get here than it took our signals to be detected by them.

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girl has receipts :marseybased:

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I’m struggling to see how worshiping the sun, moon, stars or any of those could possibly be interpreted as ETs.

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Listen to penny, she is queen chud


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Can you go into detail? I once saw this crazy orb thing way up in the sky super late at night that kind of "blinked" as it moved across the sky but never seen an actual craft or anything