Do you guys remember that world famous Thai cave rescue by uber experienced British Cave Divers? The one in 2018, when 13 schoolboys and a teacher had to be drugged, and then slowly unconsciesly transported underwater across like 2km of underwater passages? Rocket Daddy called one of them a libertarian man on twatter. One of the divers was known as Rick Stanton, a mega neurodivergent boomer bong loner, who had like 30 years of cave diving, and cave diving rescue experience.
Well our story takes place in 2004, about 15 years earlier in Mexico, when our boi Rick Stanton was called by the British military to help save some bongs who got caught trapped in Alpazat caves after a flash flood, very similar to the Thai cave rescue incident.
Well the way it works is that Rick isn't actually part of any actual institution or rescue organization. Not like Burgerland's coast guard. His dayjob is being a firefighter. But because diving underground and in caves is so astronomically dangerous, there's very few peeps on planet earth's Billions who actually has garnered the skillset and capability of being able to stay calm underground, underwater, andd with no capacity to even orientate yourself upwards or downwards. Dozens of cave divers end up dying each year, because even experienced open water divers continiously underestimate the dangers of underground diving.
So the way it has worked for the past 35 years was that Bong military would call Rick and any other of his fellow renowned Cave Diver rescuers, every 2 yearsr, to come and help whenever some british peeps got stick in watery caves; danger zones where the usual brit special forces or special rescue workers could not even dare for fear of getting stuck and drowning.
The point is that Rick and his fellow diving neurodivergents don't belong to any miltary arm, they are just experienced regular civilians whom are often deferred to by the british equivalent of seals and stormwater rescuers. They only belonged to the Cave Rescue Organization
In 2004 6 British Navy and Air force guys, who were part of a british Caving Association, decided to goof off during their official work hours, and set their off time in an "official military expedition to support adventurous training." These cavers wanted to partake in the cave rich region in which they found themselves. Totally unoffical like
Unfortunately for these chodes, a flash flood occurred right as they were in the Alpazat cave, trapping them behind sumps of underground waters. This moment would result in frosty diplomatic tension between Britain and Mexico for the next decade.
Luckily for these dipshits, there was prefabricated emergency camps in a drier part of the cave, similar to mount Everest where they have several intermediary camps, as the Alpazat cave system was very large. So they were ok, and wouldn't immediately starve or drown like the Thai schoolboys, they were still stuck like plugs. They even had a radioset with them to communicate with the outside.
At this point in time Mexican President Vicente had a low approval rating from his constituents, and seized upon the moment when reports came that not just Brits, but British soldiers were trapped in Alpazat cave. He drummed up controvesy, in order to be seen as a strong and decisive leader who would take on foreign intermingling.
The 6 morons trapped in the Mexican cave were just fools goofing off, but now their presence in an awkward place was threatening British-Mexican diplomacy. If they were just civilians, it wouldn't have mattered, but because they were British armed forces personnel it looked dodgy as frick to the mexican press.
Basically the Mexican prez was all like WTF are ur soldiers doing in our natural environment!? The gossip and tall tales in the Mexican media made a rumor that British espionage forces have been secretly digging in Alpazat caves, looking for Uranian deposits to mine in secret, but the Flash flood made them be caught red handed!!
This event was fire onto oil, because prior to these 6 fools getting stuck, the very month prior to this, a secret report got leaked which proved that Britain had been spying on Mexico, so the mexicans were already fired up.
The british diplomatic arm, was all like: What the heck are you talking about?? But because the cavers had radioactive-detecting equipment with them when they were rescued, it all but confirmed the rumor in the mexican media at that moment. But these radioactive detection devices were more used to detect dangerous gasses in isolated caves, and were standard equipment - not something you can explain to angry mexican special forces barking in your face.
The biggest force for contention between the Bong and Mexican ambassadors was that the Bongs refused the mexican rescue forces. This enraged the mexicans who believed they didn't want to be rescued by mexican personnel so that they might have time to stash away incriminating evidence of their secret mining whatever. Meanwhile, the british military didn't trust the local mexican rescue operator's capabilities, and wanted their own men, including their cave diving specialists like Rick Stanton. They knew full well how dangerous under water cave rescue operations were, and weren't in the least bit diplomatic in their statements that they didn't trust mexico to safely rescue the 6 bongs.
When the Mexican general came to the Alpazat cave and demanded the British rescuers there to show him where the 6 other divers were stuck, because he didn't comprehend they were blocked off by vast underwater bodies, he was lead to the 1st sump under which the cave tunnels disappeared into the dark waters. Exiting meekly like an r-slur, he finally consented to the british cave diving specialists to get on with the rescue operation.
Cave divers Richard Stanton and Jason Mallinson assisted the soldiers one at a time to exit the caves, and the dive for each to 13 minutes - just so you guys can appreciate just how fricking deep these guys were stuck at. The dive was 300m long.
Hilariously, when Rick and Jason exited the caves towards the waiting press and cameras, the other mexican rescue workers, that did frickall during the operation, would exit with them shoulder to shoulder, as if they had a hand in the rescue to look good for the cameras.
Anyways after much Polandball tier diplomatic peepeewaving, the british military personnel was allowed to frick off back to Bongland.
Another amusing story before the rescue took place - When Rick and Jason, the two experienced cave divers, arrived in Tacoland, they were immediately shadowed (comically badly) by mexican espionage personnel. When they were met at the airport, a mexican woman with flawless english would ask them really weird questions, like: to which branch of the british military do you belong?
Rick and Jason would stare at each other dumbfounded, and be like: mate we're only civillians!
But no matter how much they tried to convince the mexican authorities that they were merely two nondescript civilians, the more the mexican spies attributed more outlandish identities to the divers, until the mexicans had convinced themselves that these two troublemakers were dodgier than pinballs. I mean what nation would just contract ordinary citizens to come to another country in a rescue operation!
That's all i got, GOOD NIGHT
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cave divers are fricking insane tbh
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They’ve had to put up underwater signs to discourage r-slurs.
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That looks like the perfect place to hide treasure
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Man I don't even want to wreck dive, these people are insane.
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just the thought of swimming through a tiny little tunnel barely big enough to move through that's full of water makes me want to die.
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And if you panic
kick you'll stir up all the sediment and be blinded too.
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But if you do it right you can see more rocky tunnels that look just like the rocky tunnels you saw on the otherside
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They're pretty
And you can be somewhere where only a handful of people if any have been before. Closest thing to space exploration.
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I'd rather go to a cave that's NOT underwater thank you
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But then you have to deal with gravity.
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stop i’m already scared
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Time to die
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo
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Most of the tunnels are pretty big though. You only go in the tight ones if you want to. And its usually pretty hard to get permanently stuck.
Though someone just died a few weeks ago after getting stuck in an exceptionally tight spot. But he's only the second one I've heard of that died after getting stuck in a restriction.
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or i could not do it and not risk getting stuck.
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isn't the larger risk that trying to squeeze through a narrow tunnel damages your equipment, rather than getting permanently stuck?
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It would depend on what equipment you were using, for the most part if you're wearing the proper equipment for stuff like this it'd be really hard to.
Even if you did break it, you have redundancy for almost everything including air sources. Plus whatever your buddy is carrying.
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Would you go cave diving with me?
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Who said anything about swimming?
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Wtf is wrong with these people
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Their dream is to slowly suffocate in a freezing cold underwater cave
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Frick off that's so dumb, why would anyone do that?
(I'm talking about reaction videos, not the cool cave diver)
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I love reading the cave diving forum. When someone dies the main sentiment seems to be "well, that's sad, I hope this doesn't cause that cave to get shut down"
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Getting stuck in an underwater cave and drowning is literally my worst nightmare
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Fortunately it's pretty easy to avoid underwater caves
unless you're
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Why tf would Mexicans care about the British? I can’t imagine British ppl even think about Mexico on a daily basis
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It was prez Vicente
He kept drumming up hysteria and rumors unto the mexican public that Bongland was doing something super secret and sneaky on their land, and coming to steal their natural resources
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It's not like they ignore cartels, they are all but officially working with them. The current president has his whole schtick about being anti corruption but constantly downplays illegal cartel activity and even shook hands with el chapo's mother lol
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"Cartels" do not really exist. Drug violence is of course a thing, but the image of organizations operating on a statewide or larger basis controlling nearly all drug trade in the region -- that's a myth created by Hollywood and the Mexican state, which likes this narrative because it provides a problem for the state to "solve" with increased militarization, which is done more for political reasons and kicking people off land corporations would like to exploit than with stopping any drug trade. Often times even the names of cartels are invented by the press, since the people involved in producing and exchanging the drugs generally don't perceive themselves as belonging to an "organization" or have a name for themselves. Not to mention that elements of the Mexican state/military are often directly involved in the trade themselves. There are no cartels "subverting" anything; the state itself is corrupt.
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Huh, that’s interesting. Is there a history of bad relations?
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No that I know of, the way I could research through all the fricking spanish, is that he had bad approval ratings from the public at the time, and was looking for a desperate event to turn public attention to
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Lmao. Great effort post though, thanks.
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There was one other diplomatic controversy a few years later
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Lmao common top gear W
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I was thinking Fox had angloid descent but I guess it’s Germoid:
Probably trying to divert attention from something else.
If you recall, Fox and Bush were actually friends since his days as Texas Governor and if they were American servicemembers he couldn’t make a big deal about it without there being diplomatic issues with the US.
So it was quite fortuitous for him that it was Bongs because they’re still big bad Europeans but more or less irrelevant to trade. Perfect event to dominate the news cycle.
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I think about Mexico in the following situations:
During the World Cup
When I eat at Chiquito (less frequent than the World Cup)
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I think
about Mexcio in the following situations
Ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo
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Because brits are aubhuman
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Trans furry lives matter
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If you observe the size of our women, it should be no wonder why we have so many experienced cave divers.
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this is not drama you r-slurred cute twink delete your thread at once
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I mean the spat between Bongland and Mexico was pretty dramatic
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i don't care you are a r*ped baby your words are shitpaste
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!nooticers, rDrama is better at assimilating immigrants than most of Europe. Thoughts?
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Isn’t this guy a ‘teen lol
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As I said, an immigrant.
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Another banger, best sith efriken
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This was an enjoyable read. Thank you.
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Good morning and great long post.
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good post
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I wonder why the British soldiers had equipment to detect a radioactive gas that accumulates into underground caves while spelunking in a cave underground. Sounds awfully suspicious.
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For some reason I misremembered Elon calling Rick a libertarian so but that was not correct. It was another member of Rick's team. That diver had gotten in an argument with Elon on Twitter after saying Elon's sub (the device he created for rescue in 2018) was just a PR stunt.
Rick Stanton had been talking with Elon and encouraged him to continue developing the sub but Thai officials say no when Elon showed up with it.
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What on earth are bongs doing fricking around with Mexico?
China'sBurgerland's job.Jump in the discussion.
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Ngl Rick Stanton sounds like a fricking legend man, the other guy too
Thirteen minutes each trip? In dodgy mexican underwater caves??? And he's been saving r-slurs stuck in caves for multiple decades?
AND he got Elon extremely buttmad by just disagreeing with him edit nevermind that was one of the other divers that got called a libertarian
Frick yeah
Also Viggo Mortensen played him in a movie
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I cant remember which of the 3 main euro divers that Rocket daddy called a libertarian, im not sure, but Rick was part of that trio
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Yeah I looked it up, what a weird fricking thing for Elon to do though
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Elon alternates between ultra based to mega soy turbo cringe
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GOOD post
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Another gr8 effort post, gj king
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scuba diving stories are so interesting
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Cool post, great read 👍
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Thirdies have the thinnest skin possible. Back in the day people in Brazil got pissed at Stallone for joking about cocaine:
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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.
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Frick you and your fricking religion. You worship a lie written by Bronze Age goat herders 3000 years ago, you fricking loser. Aww, the little theist loser needs his little Bible book because you're terrified of death, you fricking scared piece of shit. That's fricking pathetic. You're an adult, and you believe some backwards bullshit. Like, imagine believing in the Jedi Star Wars religion, for example, so why is it okay to worship your fake fricking Christianity bullshit? It's no different. But, while frick Christianity that doesn't give the rest a fricking pass. Frick Islam, Frick Judaism, Frick Catholicism, Frick Mormonism, Frick Shintoism, Frick Taoism, Frick Hinduism Frick Druze, Frick Jainism, Frick Buddhism, FRICK ZORASTRIANISM IN PARTICULAR. Stop fricking believing in this make believenonsense and follow the real world; science. As a closing statement, I'm glad your pathetic little religions are dying everywhere. While Islam is still growing as of now, it won't last, thank frick. Young Arabs, Malaysians Indonesians, Pakistanis, Indian, etc are less religious than ever, so are young Europeans, Filipinos and Americans and Latin Americans. Your only pathetic little strongholds are in poor African countries which you'd never live in, the only place where your shitty faith is growing. The rest of the world is leaving your shit, rationalism is growing. Gods aren't real. If they were, your religions wouldn't be dying and I wouldn't be sitting here, perfectly unharmed as I blaspheme your faith. Feel powerless yet? Frick you.
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Argentina is a wonderful salt mine.
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This is what I get for making sure to always upmarsey your posts?
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A good amount of Mexicans in north and some of central Mexico are of majority euro descent, the ones that migrate to the US are generally the more marginalized and more native looking.
There’s always a bunch of shit in Burger media about Afromexicans and how they exist,
when it’s like a small number of people in Veracruz. In Mexico any Black person would be assumed to be American if they’re global north looking or an illegal Haitan immigrant if poor. Also I’ve notice that journoids will try to count a person from LA with one Mexican parent and one Black parent as “Afromexican” so it muddies the waters anyway because those are Burgers
I seriously had an argument with some moron who said that the Mexican practice of referring to people by their skin color was racist (Mexicans will call you Moreno or Güero in a non discriminatory way) and they talked about all their Afromexican friends who disliked it—-like I said true Afromexicans are fairly rare—so I asked where they met them, these frickers born in LA and not at all qualified to determine what’s racist in a culture they’re not part of.
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They aren’t sending their best
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Funny story:
This was one of the bigger Narcos, even though he’s actually a Burger from Laredo. He was called La Barbie because, well, he was a blond twink.
There was a minor outrage when some British actor (Charlie Hunnam) got cast as him, even though they looked alike, because r-slurs thought that they should have cast a random brown dude rather than someone who looks like him
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