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  • rDramaHistorian : 196= 14^2. Why is reddit not banning this white supremacist dogwhistle sub

r/196 likely to shut down "indeffinately" after poll asking how long they they should blackout for, comments take this well.

I have more than once seen queer teens posting on this subreddit, confiding about how they want to commit suicide, and come here for reassurance to keep living. So, I think it's unwise to potentially shut down this community indefinitely without establishing a clear consensus from the community, and as it stands, more than thirty percent of people who have cast a vote do not support an indefinite blackout.


Frick you to everyone who said indefinitely. This boycott will inevitably fail, and then what? You just destroyed the safe space of many LGBTQ people, as well as one of the only non-tankie subs that aren't specifically about anarchism.


no????? not indefinitely??????? i’m not on any other social media so this is my only real queer safe space on the internet. please don’t!!!!!
If I had to guess, most of the indefinite votes are cis straight people who dont give a shit given theres always more shitposting subs. Since they greatly outnumber us the little guy is kinda getting fricked in the butt.


>Doesn't want to get frick in the butt

So Reddit just doubled down, as I’ve said would happen. That means we’re not about to delete one of the biggest safe spaces for marginalized groups on this platform, right? We’re not about to shoot ourselves in the head because “my le principles are intact at least?” right? This isn’t about to be another Bernie or Bust situation where a ton of “progressives” are about to show just how little they give a frick about preventing harm to the people they care about as long as they get to be performative in proving they’re one of the “good ones” right? It’s time for reasonable people to step in. This isn’t just a bad idea, it’s a bad idea for no reason. This is going to hurt people. Like actually hurt people. I guarantee with a sub of this size there are people here that see this as a reason to keep going. A community they’re a part of keeping them above water. Take that away and they drown. And I’m gunna be honest, there’s blood on the hands of every last idiot who got whipped into a fervor over this thinking they could change things.


Same post lol the fact this is where we are from a poll has unironically shaken my faith in democracy and people’s ability to not vote against their own self-interests for the dumbest reasons. All I can say to those who are beginning to regret their “indefinitely” vote after reading the official statement is that you better get fricking vocal. Because you made a dumbfrick choice based off nothing but hype, didn’t think about anything when doing it, and now you’re about to have blood on your hands. Even if just one person goes deeper into their depression and does something stupid that they wouldn’t have done otherwise, that’s one too many, and it’s on you. So get fricking loud and fix this fricking mess you’ve created. And if you voted for this and don’t regret it after seeing this, you’re not a leftist, you’re not a progressive, you don’t care about marginalized groups, you don’t care about protecting those you claim to care about, and if you fricking dare try to use the fact you’re also in one or more of the marginalized groups as some pass for your braindead decision

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Redditors when they can't spam "Floppa says flay TERFS alive and vaporize them with a raygun" 50 times a day


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Women look so hot when they're crying.

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You ever get an erection when a "platonic" girl friend cries on your shoulder?

Me neither, you fricking freak!

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Me neither. There's nothing more cucked than being friends with a woman.

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Crying and bleeding are the hottest things chicks can do tbh

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:marse!ysoypoint: :m#arseyvampire:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I thought we were just pretending to be psychopaths...

At least your specific fetishes make you very unlikely to reproduce.

I honestly wonder how many of you genuine, pathological sadists.

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Is reddit where all the shit memes comes from? Or is it all reposters of other's stuff?

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The latter. Most memes are taken from twitter and/or artificially shilled by corporations themselves as a part of viral marketing.

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I have more than once seen queer teens posting on this subreddit, confiding about how they want to commit suicide, and come here for reassurance to keep living.

If seeing a 196 post makes you want to keep living, it was already over for you :marseyitneverbegan:

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Funny; seeing 196 posts does the opposite for me

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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They should come to rdrama:marseyropeyourself:

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Shutting down the subreddit for a joke was NOT OK

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a poll has unironically shaken my faith in democracy and people’s ability to not vote against their own self-interests

>the majority disagreeing with what I think is best for them has shaken my faith in democracy :marseyreich:

... :marseycontemplate:

these people are so deeply authoritarian and don't even realize they've never actually cared about democracy

either that or this creature :marseynpc2: is just coping with having a non-majority opinion for the first time

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out of all the words of pen and tongue, few make me seethe as much as "you vote against your own interests!! :soymad: "

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vOtE aGainST yOuR inTErEsTs

I hate that stupid quote so much. People have different interests, some people want lower taxes, others want abortion legal, others want free healthcare, others think promoting conservative values is important. People are always voting for their interests, is just their interests don’t align with your views.

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And even if they weren't voting in their own self interest, wouldn't it actually be altruistic to vote for what they think is the common good?

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Yes, but I need my student loan forgiveness, 50 dollars minimum wage, UBI and free hormone therapy, and I want it now!


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:marseytrad: : I'm not going to vote for murdering babies even though I am poor and in debt with a useless degree that people were telling me was worthless the entire time I was getting it.

:marseysnoomask: : But but Jesus would've been a socialist!

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you're always going to be voting against your interests in some way since no politician is ever going to agree with you on every issue.

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>Nooooooo you're supposed to pick a politician to fangirl over and then align your entire political position around his/her beliefs :soycry:

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But democracy is supposed to mean people do what I want and if they don’t democracy bad because they are being fed misinformation

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>I'm all for a black out, reddit's change is really shitty. But this is one of the best LGBT and Left wing communities on the web. PEOPLE NEED THIS COMMUNITY. It's pride month and you're considering shutting down the best LGBT community on the web.


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I'm all for a strike, the boss is really shitty. But if I don't get paid I won't be able to afford my funko pops. PEOPLE NEED THIS JOB. It's release season and you're considering shutting down a source of income.

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Man I remember that sub was just supposed to be a place for shitposting and memes

Why do they always have to turn everything into a gay safe space hugbox

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It's annoying. I noticed there are a lot of small zoomer meme subs always popping up and they tend to be funny until they die, get banned, or get gentrified by the greater reddit populous once they become too large.

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they tend to be funny until they die, get banned, or get gentrified by the greater reddit populous once they become too large.

This is the case for all groups keyed around something. They're only good until they get big enough to be noticed by people who aren't really into the thing, and are promptly ruined.

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Keyed? Keyed on what?

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Something, dumbass neighbor.

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I'm sure these users are worried about losing the place where they can find emotionally vulnerable queer teens for completely innocent reasons


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they're already trying to get people on groomcord "to stay in touch"

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Closing the sub for a joke wasn't OK.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay. You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

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What sub was that originally about again?

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Oohhh how could I forget

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Your drama lore is getting sloppy :marseyindignant:

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Chapo cute twinks of course

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Literally just make a new sub with a higher number it really isn't that hard

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Stop it.

I am trying to live in a world where the most obnoxious "progressive" sub meets the most fitting obnoxious "progressive" end: ritual suicide over an inconvenience

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It would be based if they could pull it off. You just know they are too addicted to pull off a proper revolt and 90% of users will just browse /r/197 in a few days.

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This is probably the main reason Spez doesn't give a shit about this whole blackout thing. Besides few default sub with generic name, they know anyone can just form an new sub with decent engagement to replace the current jannies.

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(for free)

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Frick they're going to ruin 197 even more

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Even if they close it 'indeffinately' the mods will open it again after 1 week at latest if they realize reddit wont change anything.

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But that would ruin 198 which is occasionally funny

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without establishing a clear consensus from the community, and as it stands, more than thirty percent of people who have cast a vote do not support an indefinite blackout

Suddenly the two thirds majority they were screaming about being the standard of democracy since getting cucked by Brexiters is no longer sufficient when they lose to it.

the fact this is where we are from a poll has unironically shaken my faith in democracy and people’s ability to not vote against their own self-interests for the dumbest reasons.


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“This would never happen in my one party world government I fantasizes about”

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I unironically believe shutting down the sub for good would save more lives than keeping it open.

An intact egg is stronger than a cracked egg.

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corps have really just gone mad in the last few years lmao can't wait for it to all collapse

Except disney!!!!!

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Far left direct democracy supporters learn what tyranny of the majority is :marseysjw:

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What a pathetic existence that a teenage shitposting sub is the only thing of note in these peoples lives. Of course, teenagers tend to view things as more important than they really are. Too bad these ones are 35.

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Jesus Christ read that wall of unhinged whining about Kylie like three comments down lmbo.


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Holy frick that absolute wall of text about Rittenhouse. 10/10 for whichever glorious dramanaut baited him into that

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I hope everyone here has done their dramatic civic duty and voted in that poll.


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boohooo muh safespace subs

Just make the /r/197 sub and everyone moves there.

According to the jannyblackout site there are over 400 subs already set to private. Most are small but there are a couple bigger ones. I'm so excited for tomorrow! I wonder if Reddit will let the two days pass but any indefinite ones will be forced to open.

If there is a God, pedojannies wake up tomorrow and mass set subs to public and kick jannies. I will frickin turn Christian if this happens.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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If there is a God, pedojannies wake up tomorrow and mass set subs to public and kick jannies. I will frickin turn Christian if this happens.

Sidebar idea: Westboro Baptist Church signs but every instance of fág(s) is replaced with janny(/ies).

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Seeing Redditors excited to burn down Reddit over this is an amusing example of the amazing toxicity of social media.

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Blackout is so stupid, why not just set the subreddit mode to Private? You can circlejerk all you want in Private and make normie seethe till Reddit kneel.

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/r/drama did it first

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:marseyrave: :marseyrave:

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Holy shit, lmao, it's like a reflex for them to start grandstanding. :marseyxd:

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You know what would be the absolute juiciest drama? If the chadmins just overrode the jannies and flipped all the shut-down subs back into “on” mode.

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So glad to see that one of the prime grooming subs shuts itself down :marseylaugh:

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based shutdown (that sub is cringe)

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

/r/196 likely to shut down "indeffinately" after poll asking how long they they should blackout for, comments take this well. https://rdrama.net/post/177856/r196-likely-to-shut-down-indeffinately #JoeBiden #drunk #reddit

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Is /r/197 taken or something? What is being lost?

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TrappySaruh is a low T cute looking troid who wouldn't look out of place in a girl band.

And she's less of a femboy than you are.


I have more than once seen queer teens posting on this subreddit, confiding about how they want to commit suicide, and come here for reassurance to keep living. So, I think it's unwise to potentially shut down this community indefinitely without establishing a clear consensus from the community, and as it stands, more than thirty percent of people who have cast a vote do not support an indefinite blackout.:

Frick you to everyone who said indefinitely. This boycott will inevitably fail, and then what? You just destroyed the safe space of many LGBTQ people, as well as one of the only non-tankie subs that aren't specifically about anarchism.:

If I had to guess, most of the indefinite votes are cis straight people who dont give a shit given theres always more shitposting subs. Since they greatly outnumber us the little guy is kinda getting fricked in the butt.:

So Reddit just doubled down, as I’ve said would happen. That means we’re not about to delete one of the biggest safe spaces for marginalized groups on this platform, right? We’re not about to shoot ourselves in the head because “my le principles are intact at least?” right? This isn’t about to be another Bernie or Bust situation where a ton of “progressives” are about to show just how little they give a frick about preventing harm to the people they care about as long as they get to be performative in proving they’re one of the “good ones” right? It’s time for reasonable people to step in. This isn’t just a bad idea, it’s a bad idea for no reason. This is going to hurt people. Like actually hurt people. I guarantee with a sub of this size there are people here that see this as a reason to keep going. A community they’re a part of keeping them above water. Take that away and they drown. And I’m gunna be honest, there’s blood on the hands of every last idiot who got whipped into a fervor over this thinking they could change things.:




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The constant obsession with suicide is bizarre.

Has there ever been another group who's main refrain is "I'm going to kill myself"?

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