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(married) Redditor goes to a strip club, breaks down crying when a stripper :marseytwerking: smiles at him. :marseylaugh:


I've never had a moral objection to strip clubs. If two consenting adults want to exchange money for sexual teasing, who am I to stop them? But I did have a financial objection to strip clubs. The drinks are obscenely expensive, there's plenty of free/inexpensive porn online, and tipping is awkward even when there's no nudity involved.

Later, when I approach a girl, she smiles at me. Girls don't smile at me. Guys don't smile at me. My approach is not something at elicits smiles. But when I walk up to this girl she smiles like I just made her night because she was hoping I'd talk to her.

I think back to that night now, and I cry. I cry because of how happy it made me, and how that contrasts with my day to day life.

I cry because, in my nervousness, I think I forgot to even tell this girl my name. And even if I did tell her, she wouldn't remember it by now.

I'm having a really hard time processing these feelings, and I don't know who to talk to. I want to talk to my wife about it, but I don't know how. I love her, and I don't want to hurt her. I don't want her to think that I don't find her attractive, because I do. I don't want her to think that I doubt her love, because I don't. But I don't know how to explain that the feelings I felt in that strip club were powerfully different than what I feel at home.

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Oh my God this is the M. Night Shyamalan of reddit posts, that wife part came completely out of goddarn nowhere. I didnt even read your title so I wasn't spoiled. I dont even care if this is fake or a completely pathetic real person, this post is amazing

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I was reading through the whole post thinking he had never spoken to a woman before in his life. How does someone who can’t interact with a woman without crying end up married?

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Not just married, married with a baby. His wife apparently has the soul responsibility of taking care of it at night too because he sleeps right through its crying.

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It’s Jamal kid

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Is it really fair to expect him to take care of his wife's baby?

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Is he a…nice person? He was legitimately concerned he didn’t tell the stripper his name, even knowing she didn’t give a shit, simply because it was impolite.

We have to thank the endless free time the monarchists had to perfect this level of social class obsession.

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I honestly think it's easier for some guys to get married than to get laid.

A lot of women are just looking for a guy who's financially solvent, probably won't have any opportunity to cheat and will put a baby in them.

It's a miserable situation for the guys though (hence this post).

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Betabuxxer and he cried because he was never loved and his le wife just prove it by not getting mad for his r-slur action. She probably even happy he did it since now guilt free she can tell him about Jamal

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Back to my cage? Femdom intensifies

TBF if you like people more than dogs, I probably don't trust you.

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I love dogs but Reddit makes me ashamed of it and I’d literally eat a golden retriever just to post about it.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Cats and dogs are great and all but nothing awakens violent urges inside of me quite like plebbitors talking about their "furbabies".

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I could cut someone entirely out of my life if I heard them use that term unironically in the real world.

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Nobody cares πŸ™„πŸ₯±

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I felt bad for him until the end. Such bizzare thoughts to be going through someone's head when they are married. Why the frick do you give a shit what random people think of you at that point?

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I want to know what other random nonsense he’s self obsessing about as his body slowly dies and the world shits him down the potty.

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