Kristallmopt is on as Reddit Corporate kicks off the day with one last warning and it’s before Reddit’s office hours even start

They are MELTING DOWN in blackoutcord. Subs reopening left and right in a desperate bid to keep their volunteer positions. BuckRowdy is trying to maintain control of the situation but it’s not going well.

This was just sent to /r/aww. /r/aww holds the line :marseydarkxd:

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bahahah /r/funny mods bent the knee! HAHAHAHAHAHA

200 went public within the last hour or two BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

eta: If you want to watch the big subs bend the knee, you can watch them here.

About 5000 were private this morning. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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>open /r/funny

>see this

>immediately kill myself

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She pays an artist to draw these for her.

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Now I understand how that comic made it into /r/funny. :marseyxd:

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"Ok I need you to draw me a comic where my boyfriend confirms I need to lose weight but the joke is I get mad at him for pointing out the obvious"

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>open /r/funny

>reddit still exists

>immediately kill myself

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Suicide disclaimer: if you or a loved one has contracted mesothelioma you may be entitlted to financial compensation

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Unless you're canadian :marseymaid2:

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Gosh I want to kill the author of this comic

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That sub is terrible lol I hate that sub but it was the biggest one that stayed blacked out until recently.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Race mix so hard Pavlov condition your son into thinking every whitey is daddy

good morning i hate asian goblina/white male couples

[That neighbor looks like Matt Walsh]

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The son is based tho

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Already becoming a hapachudcel

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T-minus ten years before we read his manifesto here

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I thought that was made by an old school "I hate my wife" comic artist, why would the woman make herself like this?

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>woman having a spergout over denying reality and the solutions of others


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Fatphobic chud comic downmarseyd

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I’m legitimately disgusted by these people. Obviously there’s nothing less important or serious than moderating a fucking subforum, but they insist to themselves and each other that this moderating is some great moral good and they’re the bulwark against actual fascism and life-threatening disinformation and genocide and such. This action of Reddit’s doesn’t actually change anything, but they also pretend to themselves that it does.

These are the things they actually believe.

And they’re just rolling over and taking it and letting actual fascism and genocide and what the fuck ever win because they’re afraid of losing their fake jobs that they can no longer do? And letting what they believe to be corporate greed from a multibillion dollar corporation win? To protect their ability to do free labor for that corporation??????

Jannies are actual, literal subhumans.

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Chud. G*mergate got Drumpf elected. Night of the Broken Mops will lead to a second Holocaust.

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G*mergate already lead to the first honkocaust

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an old gem

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I think I'm actually more annoyed that the only jannies that didn't "protest" are the ones running political astroturfing subreddits like /r/politics and /r/whitepeopletwitter. Can't let Redditors go a day without being propagandised.

If the current situation is truly "re-open or we hand your sub to those other powerjannies", Reddit is truly fricked sideways.

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WPT is Merari’s and he’s on record having a full-on sobbing crying fit when he thought he was going to lose his mop because, and I quote, “Please. Reddit is all I have. Please don’t take this from me.”

I don’t know who mods /r/politics but I imagine it’s real paid DNC operatives and Reddit wouldn’t allow it to close even if actual jannies had it because they have contracts to uphold with PACs.

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Exactly. I think Merari is gambling that he'll be put in charge of more subs if he asslicks Spez. He only cares about power.

For politics, yes that's entirely run by shills. Reddit drama means nothing to them.

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he’s on record having a full-on sobbing crying fit


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It was on his super confidential jannie slack! It’s in our sidebar!

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Come on, it's classic rDrama lore

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ikr they're all full of shit down the line and the hilarious thing is they got caught in their own lie and now have to eat crow lmao. The truth is they fricking love to clean shit up.


:marseyspez: "no, too expensive. clean it up lol"


:marseyspez: "clean it up lol"

:!rdramajanny: "I'LL QUIT!!!"

:marseyspez: "stfu no you wont, lol. clean it up or I'm giving your mop to your r-slurred cousin"


:marseyspez: "das right b-word"

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Yes! If they actually believed in what they were saying, all 100 of them that control all of Reddit would have gotten together and de-modded themselves all at once leaving subs unmanaged. It's the only true way I think they could have fricked over Reddit but they'll never give up power. It's all they want, and they hide it behind this "I want to save gay people and minorities from mean posts!" bullshit.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Now I think the average janny IQ is in the 80s

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Big if true wow that would be so shocking

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Big prisoners dilemma here. If power jannies 1-99 throw away their mop, jannie #100 will grab it and become the greatest jannie of all by consolidating all the subs.

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because they’re afraid of losing their fake jobs

that was clear from the start when they decided to just hold subs hostage instead of threaten to murder them to get their way.

which i mean they got their way almost immediately, didn't they? wasn't this mostly about "omg muh mod cowtools" and reddit right away said "you'll still have them dingus"? i've been very confused as to why this has all lasted so long after they got exactly what i thought they wanted...

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I think reddit never planned to take away mod cowtools. Their target was always 3rd party apps like Apollo which make millions of requests and are commercial on their own (via ads & in app purchases). Maybe large API usage done by companies like OpenAI as well (which trained ChatGPT with the help of reddit).

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yeah, that's what i thought was going on too. that reddit was just trying to end people getting rich off their platform and reddit earning nothing from it. i've only been half paying attention to all of this, though, so maybe i'm way off base.

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The truth is spez has blown $350 million dollars of investment money and has nothing to show for it except for downsizing to a smaller office outside San Francisco city limits. His genius plan to satisfy investors? Reddit earns $1.19 per year per user. He thinks, by forcing third party users to his dogshit app to show some ads, that Reddit will make a couple extra million a year in revenue. This extra $2-3 million per year will pay back $350 million in investor century lmfao.

This explains why he was demanding $20 mil from Apollo. Apparently Reddit is Fun has 2-3x the users, so we can guess they were unironically hoping for $80-$100 million a year in API fees.

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Ppl in /r/conspiracy and twitter are suggesting it's a deal with OpenAI, because of the reddit execs close ties with the execs of that company.

It used to be the API was a free way to get premium training data. Not anymore. They're locking the doors behind them.

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Spez is big mad about open ai clowning on him. Spez could’ve made api access a paid service for research data, but he didn’t. Spez could’ve built his own ChatGPT using his own data but he built Snoovatars instead.

Now that he is exposed for the useless, do nothing loser that he is, he’s grasping at anything to show investors that he’s worth keeping around.

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the actual truth is the official reddit app is perfectly fine

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Factcheck: This claim has not been approved by experts.

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I honestly don’t care about people’s opinion. It is your choice to use the official app and it should be my choice to use a different one. Facebook is “perfectly fine” for millions of people, yet you choose to comment here instead.

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Facebook is “perfectly fine” for millions of people, yet you choose to comment here instead.


you thought you made an amazing point didn't you oh my god :xd:

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Yeah but then going with twitter pricing lmao

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I think reddit never planned to take away mod cowtools

They didn't. In fact they said multiple times they were working with apps like pushshift so they wouldn't be affected. They did the same with accessibility apps and the jannies continued to cry as if it was going to be an issue

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pushshift tho

It's how we reportmax, and it's how powerjannies find proof of nono badfaith from sus users FAST

They can also use api cowtools to ban someone from all their subreddits for posting in another subreddit once 5 years ago :marseyagree:

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Redditors have been acting i bad faith the whole time? Im suprised

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Its like the dnd campaign where we just decided to slaughter villagers for no reason teehee

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Seriouspost: Reddit is at an impasse because they are demanding ever more from their unpaid janissary corps as scale of communities increase and the breadth of content allowed is decreasing every day

Their options are:

  • pay the existing jannies (lolno)

  • hire professional moderators (costs money reddit doesn't have, and impossible to replicate the effort some people put into communities)

  • relax content standards (no way advertisers and the powerjannies allow this)

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You underestimate the supply of new jannies who'll happily do it for free.

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Leading to lower quality moderation

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Reported for Carphobia

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Yes, but you quickly end up right back in the same place

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Certainly they could hire a dozen people at a cyber cafe in Nigeria to mod /r/pics for five bucks a day?

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Hopefully this results in more people mocking jannies on a regular basis.

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This is why we're mopping all the nazi dogwalkers and jannies in ukraine. Yeah some people call it an invasion, but I call it justice. :marseysaluteussr:

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Putin is the antifa leader

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They actually think they're the people's champion.

Lmao like that's not going to create a ton of animosity towards those subs, rendering them much shittier places.

"I know! Fracture the userbase making them even less appealing to advertisers!"

Seriously, one of these ad companies could earn a massive amount of goodwill from the users by talking him down from this position.

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Exactly. It's a show of their hypocrisy. They may believe in what theyre saying but only as long as it doesn't impact their positions of authority.

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>Jannies are actual, literal subhumans.



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stop with the fricking spans :marseyraging:

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why do you view source on my comments omg

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Show me what you see

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It’s literally invisible lmao

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the span is, the text change is not :marseyschizowall:

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Of course you’d think that.

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The future is female

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No email address required. He came out swinging.

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Sir, a second subreddit just reopened

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Obviously these jannies love the little power and importance:marseydicklet: (even writing this feels ridiculous) they get from doing this for free they aren't going to give up their career and passion when push comes to shove. I have no idea why the adminBIPOCs let it get to this point. The minute the jannies threatened to close down they should have said alright we are taking your mop if you do

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The jannies aren’t just content moderators, they are community leaders and coordinators. Imagine drama without pinned posts and cultural gatekeeping!

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do you really enjoy being a contrarian on a contrarian website this much

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I can’t help it that this site is full of r-slurs that need correcting.

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On a Friday too, so they will have to mop over the weekend.

"Breaktime is over, jannies" :marseyspez:

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