You know that one uncle at the family reunion that says the quiet part out loud? "I stopped watching sports because of all those fricking BIPOCs!" Well I found where he posts online.
To the unassuming, Caste Football seems like your normal sportstrag website.
... Until you click on one of the threads.
Literally every sports threads is like this. Football, Baseball, Basketball, all of it is just them compiling lists of mayo athletes and crying "white genocide!" when a mayo gets cut from the team. Welcome to Caste Football!
As mentioned above, every sport thread on there is just them crying over mayos not getting picked for the draft, while this is amusing, it get's repetitive really fast. So what I'll do is go through the forums and provide links to the threads I thought were interesting.
An honest dialogue about sports and race by definition will include negative observations about an individual or race, but if your objective is simply to attack a group of people go elsewhere.
An Outsider's Perspective on this Website
I did a bit of research, but it's hard to really find anything unless you specifically go in trying to find it. If this site wants to convince me, or anyone else, then it needs to do its own analysis. There is no wool over my eyes; if someone presented me with an actual scientific study of what's going on, and it proved your conclusion, I'd be a lot more convinced than I could ever be by surfing and checking out random recruits.
First of all olp we have nothing to prove to you. In fact it's the other way around,you prove yourself to this site. You say you need charts,comparisons, and examples of the caste system at work all of which this site repeatedly does on a regular basis. Get to looking at some popular threads.
Worth noting that this thread was started in 2013 and they're still seething at this guy.
Good point. Negroes mature physically much faster than do the higher races. All the lower animals do.
The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth
I don’t get it? Why the 10,000 year conspiracy to hide that the Earth is really flat? That’s a lot of work millions of people have engaged in to keep the lie secret.
I love how you ignore the evidence where our government and NASA among countless others have a flat non rotating earth in their documents. All the aeronautical engineering firms, sattelite compaines, etc. Why is that flint? Yet they push the opposite truth. I will tell you why. It's to disprove God. They hate God and Jesus. The theory of evolution and the big bang are equally stupid and easily debunked. Why don't you ever address the videos and the documented evidence? It's an open shut case. I've seen the NASA documents. Pause the film over and over and then research it. They admit it. You keep believing your pipe dream.
It's not only to disprove that God made the earth. It's because they make billions & trillions of dollars since the 1960's in funding. They would be stupid to end that with the truth. If the truth comes out, how do tax payers get their money back? We don't. It's a magic act on a dumbed down population that will believe anything. Covid was an IQ test. Sit down and take off your mask, You won't catch it now.
Of freaking course they have a flat earth thread
Whites on our side have more important things to do than bicker about flat earth and moon landings though.
The first product I can remember "boycotting" was Cheerios. About ten years ago, they ran a series of ads with a white woman dressed in a business suit making breakfast in a hurry. Her black husband/boyfriend lounged on the couch, eating his cereal in peace. These ads were obviously aimed at women, who were meant to see themselves as powerful professionals, heads of household, and also able to win the bread for a lazy live-in boyfriend. The sexual implication was loud and up front, and the interracial aspect was at the time still new, eye-catching, and shocking. It was simple for me to say to myself, "This company hates me, so I will never eat Cheerios again." Unfortunately, this sort of commercial is completely commonplace less than a decade later.
Imagine being angry at a cereal commercial for 10 years
Obama aka Barry Soetero Involved in Group Interested in buying Suns
Seething at Obama for wanting to buy his own team.
A thread about Kobe's death goes as well as you would expect.
The author, as he always does, deliberately ignores the Jewish factor (for example, he writes "how do we explain a black-centric culture that is run exclusively by….whites?"); he's smarter than that, but still a good rant.
Our Kardashian Culture
Someone in the media asked the Commish today...
Apparently after starting 57 Super Bowls with two white quarterbacks, it'll be Black quarterbacks. The not-racist-just-observing castefootballcels were not happy.
Yes it's not the Days of Leave It to Beaver anymore. The world is at war against all whites. We must unite in order to have any chance to survive as a people. White's must start to think and act like minorities when it comes to always think your people first at all times. We will be surrouded everywhere and sticking together along with trusting God is our best chance.
Racist Double Standards in Boxing
A whole thread of strawmanning.
No, they didn't used to just mock our guys by calling them great white hypes and hopes, but they also called them "great white dopes", and I'm not talking about the little BIPOClets and wiglets on the boxing forums. they just parrot what they see in the media. i'm talking about the mass media. For example here's one clever talmudic fellow, michael zinberg, who named this 1979 tv episode "The Great White Dope", and you can see what's probably a hapless white athlete in the back row. And that's why I call them great black dopes now.
Most superior race in Boxing? is it Whites, Blacks, Asians, Middle eastern, Eurasians , Polynes
There have been highly successful boxers of all races. In my own opinion, race is irrelvant when it comes to saying who makes a better boxer. It comes down to amateur experience and mentality.
what a completely ******** Post.One of the worst posts Ive ever seen. Race is not 'irrelevent' at all. It's very relevant, because there is clearly superior races and superior nations when it comes to fighting. There has clearly been far more successful boxers by some races than there has others, so I don't know why you are lying and being a snowflake.
Also this guy who's not being very subtle:
And frankly, the biggest reason I see in favor of it’s existing is that it’s to the demons’ advantage for us not to believe in it.
I hope you're correct. But, my gut is that he isn't in same category as Torba. Much like Anthony Cumbia or that Jesse Lee Peterson I get the sense Fuentes may have weird perversions. I'd like to be wrong.
Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?
Yes, the puppet (((President))) of Ukraine was installed by Obama and Biden during that glow-op “color revolution”
I really want to know what his opinion of Ukraine was before the invasion started.
Good things happening and as Ambrose stated, the Ukrainian citizens are not a target. Hopefully there will be very little collateral damage to ordinary citizens that had no part in the foreign occupying forces that were installed. The illegitimate ZOG government is the problem and it's an age old problem our own ZOG creates far too often. Heck, once is too many times.
If any lurkers want to know who to root for in any given situation, just see who our (((media))) is rooting for and who they bad-mouth. It's an easy call then.
A thread with 49 pages and over 10 years of seething at commercials.
The other one is practically unwatchable and disgusting where a white guy licks the cheese off of the fingers of a black guy who just ate dorito's. Can you imagine such a commercial 20 years ago? That is how fast and far we have fallen.
This is being pushed worldwide faster than we can even imagine. Here is a video about where this A.I. comes from. Can you say Demons and the Fallen Angels? The Artificial Intelligence admited it. He said his father is Satan.
When you have people like Bill Gates. George Soros, Klauss Schwaub, and Yuval Harari in charge among other psychopaths what do you think could happen? Microsoft, Google, Facebook, UN, WEF, WHO and many other people who all serve the wrong god and are the ones programming it. Gee what could go wrong with people that preach the world is overpopulated and we must get rid of billions of people. Go ahead and don't worry. Nothing to see here so move right along.
The other thread about Nick Fuentes. This one got locked because they couldn't stop sperging about the Jews.
The admin reminds everyone that saying racial slurs is against the rules. Boomers debate if the n-word is a slur.
The last time a white won the 100m. gold won was in 1980. An article I found chronicles only of a fraction of caught cheats of the past 25 years. Oh, what a coincidence. That was about when? Oh, yea...1980! Most to all of these cheaters are black
While I can understand how someone might get misty eyed once in a while I am shocked at the number of men who cry openly like girls, often for the silliest of reasons. It is part of the pussifiacation of the male species and I feel some public shaming is necessary to get those wimps to man up. So here are a few of the ones I have seen recently and I'm afraid the trend is going to get even worse. Feel free to post others that you see so we can scoff at their lack of cajones.
Here's Newt Gingrich crying about his mommy
Mocking a guy for crying about his dead mother. Very few things unironically make me angry over the internet and brother this is one of them.
A glimpse of living life in Russia
Again, I really want to know what they're opinions of Russia and Ukraine were before the invasion.
Here is a video of a youtube channel about russia. These are the people that they say are so evil. I would be willing to be that many americans would trade places in a second.
Obligatory move there If you like it so much comment.
The whole thread is just them going "Praise Jesus! Peace and love! FRICKING BIPOCS!"
Christianity has saved the white race many times down through the ages. Waring factions in Europe that would never unite for race, did so for Christianity. And together under the banner of Christianity and only in its defense, they expelled a foreign religion but also expelled the "Parasite" race that harbored it......
As we all know Christianity brought the white man together and ended all wars in Europe.
The greatest athletes are black
I’m glad to see a troll found the site. I’m sure the search engines make it difficult to find.
The unseen swine calling themselves the "Federal Government" have cobbled together small groups of Covidwitnesses to come-a-calling on your door seeking more converts. Here's what to do if they come for you:
Take a look who it is either good guy or bad guy. If bad guy don't open the door.
If caught off guard when the Covidwitnesses knock, just shake your head and shut the door.
Don't talk. Talking won't do you any good.
That's it. Easy as that.
So far they're saying that things look good for Trump!
Anyone still watching? I think Trump has won but the Dems are simply trying to find ways the steal the election. Trump should come out and declare victory.
Trump WINS election; Democrats now working overtime to STEAL it by fabricating hundreds of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin
It's clear the satanic Democrats are trying to steal the election. They f*cked with the wrong White Man in Trump. These lawsuits and subsequent recounts will show the utter crimes in fixing and dumping massive amounts of bogus ballots
I have a couple of friends that are Q people and they are still trusting the plan. To me however that speech sounded like it's over and done..
It's official we are on our own. Trump played a marvelous role acting and now it's on to The Biden Administration.
To no ones surprise the CFBcels are also Stormstrags.
I've only visited a few times and I thought that it was pretty decent and not over the top considering how large and diverse the website is. No problem with it. It has a wide variety of discussion topics and seems to have mostly informed members.
The enternal persecution fetish.
Sports Illustrated list of The 50 Greatest Soccer players of all time
The list elects the 50 Greatest players in the history of Football( The author says that he chose by the peak of each) The list was made in 2019, Of the 50 players on the list 37 were white, I don't agree with the list
Grrr this 50 best list only has 37 white people on it!!!!!
Jewish influence in modern football
To summarize, Jews started to get more interested in Football after WWII when it became increasingly clear that a) there was serious money to be made in this sport... and... b) it was an excellent propaganda tool for globalization and multiculturalism.
This website is just for cheering on overlooked white athletes, btw
Non-white footballers you admire
but in the future, i would like soccer to be reserved to white people, like it used to be
As we all know mayos invented soccer and it's cultural appropriation if you play while not-white.
Two sports I want eliminated in High School
Despite ESPN and their "limited" coverage the two sports that help keep the caste system alive and well are volleyball and lacrosse.
These are havens for white athletes who disappear up a black hole while the black athletes star in the true media driven sports like baseball, basketball and football.
Volleyball takes away too many white players from playing basketball.
And lacrosse sucks potential white athletes away from baseball and football. And soccer to a lesser extent.
Dude, the U.S. Constitution has absolutely NO bearing on your posting here. That notion is bizarre and comical. Don't be offended. CF is a private space. When you enter a private space the proprietor makes the rules as fits the proprietor.
Phew, well that's it for me, I'm throwing in the towel.
A particular thing I noticed was that almost every thread was the same group of posters posting in them. Every topic, every thread, these guys would find someway to cry about how it's the Jews fault that white boy can't jump.
My favorite poster was the jannie white lightning. He's woke enough to see that songs from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are proof of the Earth being flat.
!forumposters chads, I have found a sports forum.
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I honestly wished i cared enough to have a consistent wingcucked worldview instead of just being irony poisoned
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