:!marseypatriot:HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL AMERlCANS:marseypatriot:




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This but unironically

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America dumped a trillion dollars into two losing wars. Such a major blunder would destroy any other civilization in human history. America, however, notices it so little that our hottest political issue is :!marseytrain:s on beer cans.

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Way more than a trillion dollars. And then keep in mind this shit was paid for in credit.

Many, many trillions burned for nothing.

We could've shot everyone :marseynorm: in Brazil :marseybrasileirosad: for this kind of money. :sad:

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Could've occupied bongland and raised all their children on Amerikkkan English. Total bong accent extinction.

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Dont worry there will be more Wars, my friend! :marseysaluteusa:

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God we kick so much butt.


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We own the planet right, but then we turn around and sell these idiots our debt, and now if we default on the payments the entire planet will slide back into the 20th century lol

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Death :marseycontemplatesuicide: to the Great :marseyclapping: Satan. Glory to the CCP

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can't even get your prissy commie ordering of the initials right lmao

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*except Israel.


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You’re my boy, Jews!

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16884708177719572.webp :daydream:

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im sorry urapeeing

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My post is the truth, don’t listen to kkkarp

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all the upfreedoms on carps post say otherwise, comrade

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If you celebrate :marseychuddance: 7/4 you’re a racist :marseyblackface: nazi white :marseyblops2chadcel2: supremacist.

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Well if that is the only course of action left available to me :marseyreich:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16884725513525078.webp :#marseyconfused2!:

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chiobu do you know what happened on july 4th way back when? george washington was elected as our first president on this very day 400 years ago

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Reported by:

Elected? He was "elected" only by Congress which was stacked with his friends. They didn't even put poor George on the ballot.

Washington stole the election.

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im not reading this frick you :marseyslurp:

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im not reading this

Because you know I'm right :marseysmug2:

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Right about what?

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I don't remember. I think it was about French election interference, but honestly I don't think a few gold coins worth of town criers ads is worth the colonial authority of investigations time.

Whole things a huge nothing burger.

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God bless America - free USA hats when??


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@AMERICANFLORIST next year you should force all accounts to have a red MAGA ballcap on their PFP for the day

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Don't forget to thank a French person for your freedom.

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Already did

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:marseyakshually: it was more about the materiel support France gave Murcia when fighting the bongs, and navy stuff too I think

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and navy stuff too I think

And thats mostly because the Royal Navy saw French joining the war and went "hey, why waste time on some rednecks when we could beat up froggies for 245th time". Much of British offensives were against French Caribbean, and French quickly took enough costly losses that they wanted out of the war.

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:marseypatriot: My man!

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Imagine not being American. The thought alone is terrifying. I want to sling a long rifle along with my personal carry while smoking marijuana and tell dudes in dresses they don’t pass and say BIPOC online without fear of consequences.

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Best carp post tbh and that's not a dig at you

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Enjoy this Unrelated meme I stole from rightcan'tmeme


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:marseyblack: :What you think you stealin', white boy? This our meme, not yo' punk butt meme. You better enjoy it 'fore I come to yo' house and take what's rightfully mine.

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Heck yeah, brother :marseypatriot:

Time to chill a beer, grill some dawgs, and kill some brits.

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Down with the british. Respect to india, half of africa and the middle east who fought off rhe shackles of british oppression. Canada can still suck it lmao fricking leave england already

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β€œWe DID! We just continue to let them make decisions for us and send them all of our money!”

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Amerikkka has become a subsidiary of england its :marseyitsover:

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I was being Canadian derd

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Heck yeah brother. Took the doors off for the first time to cruise before fireworks. Made in America by drunk union workers


In the American spirit, watching fireworks in a public park got me thinking about segregation again and how it's a good idea sometimes. At the very least, people should be fined $50 for leaving during the fireworks. What the frick did you come to the park for if you're not going to watch the fireworks? You can't tell me the shitty local band was the big draw for you and the kids as they belt out yet another Journey cover


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pretty color :marseypretty:

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Thanks! We were annoyed when Ford emailed us saying "lol you aren't getting your car this year" but the green becoming an option made up for it.

This is my 9,000th comment



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Ford is slow af nowadays. they took almost two years getting my mom her new cargo van.

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That's a really nice car Jeep.

It makes me really happy that Ford seems like it's making a serious come back.

My brother has a F-150 Lightning and it's seriously :#marseychefkiss:

It even has little decals hidden inside around the cab that are drunk auto workers union badge + a flag.

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Work offered me a Lightning. If i wasn't driving 130 miles/day, I'd have taken it and retrofitted adaptive cruise + heated steering wheel


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I thank my lucky stars that my ancestors weren't treasonous scumbags, and so had to flee to Canada after the Revolution.

The thought of being born as an Ameritard makes me feel ill. Their society is just a few years away from collapsing. (Not to mention climate change).

In any case, Happy 4th of July! Have some forest fire smoke on us..... :#marseycanadian:

GOD SAVE THE KING :#marseyking:

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Babe good news, the specialist is finally ready to see you about the sprained ankle you were waitlisted for a few years ago



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I'd say "burn in Heck", but you're already there. LOL


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I'll take no guff from cute twinks who start dying when it's sustained temperatures of 75 degrees freedomheit

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The most hilarious part of that comment is you admitting that you still use the British Imperial system of weights and measures. :#marseyemojirofl:

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I literally can't understand a word you're saying with that comical accent

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Pay πŸ‘ Your πŸ‘ Taxes πŸ‘

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Not relevant to this thread, but what happened to the confetti award :marseycry: It's not there anymore :marseysulk:

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Removed except for events

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Eat shit, bongs πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…


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Hail America!!

Hail Denmark a little more!!!

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:#marseysaluteusa::#parrotunitedstatesofamerica: https://media.giphy.com/media/QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ/giphy.webp :#marseysaluteusa::#parrotunitedstatesofamerica:

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thank u for the coins

all hail the 1KYAE

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Happy burger day, Ameribros. Enjoy Grilling and then shooting your neighbours!



https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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God bless the USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²


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:marseyunibombersaint: :marseyunibombersaint: :marseyunibombersaint: :marseyunibombersaint:

here blow up some shit burgers

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downmarseyd for celebrating unjust war against the good guys

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Did some one invade North Korea?

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Gommies, and they still haven't been forced out :marseysad:

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:#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa::#marseysaluteusa:USA USA USA :#marseysaluteusa:USA USA USA USA US:#marseysaluteusa:


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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I’ll sperg at the burg’ any other day of the year, but today is a celebration of liberty and I hope you enjoy it



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Yo carp I got far too fricked up yesterday to send in my grillmaxxing pics. Is it too late? It was a good spread

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You can grill any time before end of day this Sunday lol I’m not even home to make the badge


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Based lazymaxxer

Long weekend grillpilled



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Hey carp this is my grillmaxx link

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Americans and their consequences have unironically been a catastrophy for the human race. All the shit that your disfuctional r-slurred meme politics produce is garbage.

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smells like someone is jealous

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Went outside this morning to enjoy the nature provided by this great country.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16884904465445337.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16884904463725474.webp

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Good post

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Thank you for the coins.


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Can we get a round of apologies for everything America has done for the rest of the ungrateful shithole world?

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I love America and I love you carp:marseylove::marseyhearts::tayheart::carphug:

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Heres a little bit of helpful advice for literally every other country on earth (except israel) who should seriously think about bettering themselves like πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ always has and always will. God bless US

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Happy 4th everyone! I got a DUI and a domestic violence charge headed my way! Ribs are looking good tho!

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