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  • D : got it before carp

Some guy writes and illustrates a comic about the life of an Incel that you can read (for free! :marseypoor:)



I accidentally downloaded this link so it's safe. Thanks @carpie





Incel comparing himself to the giga chad


Close up of our incel protagonist




Learning about the dogpill



Fantasies of killing femoids


I like the club arc. Where the protagonist puts himself out there to improve himself!


But it goes downhill for him after he sexually assaults a woman :marseysad:




They even make fun of him for crying :marseytears:


We get to meet his grandfather :marseyanorexia:


He's kinda mean though :marseysad:


Im gonna stop here because there's a lot of twists in this book so I wont spoil it incase you want to read it. You can either buy it or read it for free under the linked tweet.

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Why read a comic :marseyloss: on incels :marseyitsover: when you can read comments by real ones on here daily?

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@Losercel dance for us monkeycel

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Losercel is the only person on this entire website that doesn't deserve to be bullied :marseysad:

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Wrong the only person who shouldn’t be bullied is carp and you should be grassed if you irritate him

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2500 marseybux have been deposited in your account

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Shut up and make another dinopost. You are the last relic of the old /r/Drama that we have left.

We barely even say "dude bussy lmao" anymore.

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Dude dinos lmao


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I love @Losercel even if he's ugly!


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Be nice to losercel he put my name in a post

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Losercel is actually a pretty chill guy, pls no bully

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I'd play CSGO with him if we weren't so far away from each other

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dog pill us :marseysmug2:


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/h/braincels offers all the incel content you need with a guarantee on authenticity

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The biggest irony is that this topic has actually been explored before in comics AND its hugely popular. Theres a korean comic called Lookism which is literally the story of the fat ugly incel who sometimes wakes up as a gigachad and the whole thing is about the difference in social treatment despite being the same person underneath.

I do agree though, you just cant beat the OG comments and delusion.

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The biggest irony is that this topic has actually been explored before in comics AND its hugely popular. Theres a korean comic called Lookism which is literally the story of the fat ugly incel who sometimes wakes up as a gigachad and the whole thing is about the difference in social treatment despite being the same person underneath.

I disagree about Lookism.

Lookism started out that way, but it quickly devolved into a generic power fantasy where even the Incel body starts becoming strong. It had a good premise to explore a complex social issue but thats not what the readers wanted.. Kids are so r-slurred today they wouldn't know a good story if it fell in their lap.

Every top manga and webcomic today is either harem or a masturbatory power fantasy. Level up with no effort, become OP, kill all the bad guys. So fricking boring.

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Every top manga and webcomic today is either harem or a masturbatory power fantasy. Level up with no effort, become OP, kill all the bad guys. So fricking boring.

!anime, why is the industry like this? There that's "I turned into a blue blob slime thing" isekai that's exactly like this. "Oh, I tell everyone what to do, and my central planning works perfectly because everyone magically gets along everytime!" It's so boring.

So much of anime lacks real world geopolitics (Overlord). It's like the authors are completely oblivious of how people act. There's so much shit writing in anime, yet it's so popular.


I at least enjoyed that goblin slayer show, "I am the goblin slayer. I must kill goblins." And kill goblins he does, like Commando from the 80s. Simple character, simple motive, absolutely reasonable for fiction.

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Jap anime fans ultimate power-fantasy is to be a benevolent manager of competent peons who listen to them and to have a harem of women throwing themselves at them.

Gook anime fans ultimate power-fantasy is to cuck people, and get revenge for really minor slights with a lot more sexual assault.

Chink anime fans ultimate power-fantasy is to become powerful and become a huge hypocrite so he can take vengeance over really minor slights and fricks whores left and right.

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I always did like japs the most

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Blame this website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dsetsuka_ni_Nar%C5%8D

Most of these dumb isekai shows come from Japanese self-publishing websites. Imagine if Wattpad (or whatever westoid zoomer foids use now) was used by incel moids, had a direct pipeline to the publishing industry and those publishers paid to pump out all their dumb shit into TV shows. That's a lot of the LN/isekai anime sphere.

Those sites are filled with young nip guys whose only interest is games and anime/manga. People like that don't have anything interesting to say at all. Unlike an author who strives for literary excellence, these sexless goons are only interested in tweaking the same derivative model to their own ends.

main character dies, revives in medieval world with overpowered RPG magic, BUT has/does/is with x

and then make x whatever weird fetish/trope the author likes. most of the tropey isekai shit of the 2010s-present spread out that site and writer subculture..

i could go on and on about the history, business and shittiness of isekai forever. it's such a braindead genre and its depressing how popular it is.


p.s. guess where Slime isekai comes from :wink:

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I can't recall the name of this ROG isekai, but it was extremely similar to the blue slime one. Cool guy is teleported from 'game world' to 'isekai world,' meets a chick--who's a fully grown woman, but then she changes her avatar to a little girl. There were so many 'head pat' scenes for her and "random" little kids, that I suspected the author was a p-dophile.

It wasn't a bad show, but it quickly got repetitive.

I could go on and on about the history, business and shittiness of isekai forever.

Please do.


/h/anime would enjoy it.

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Its because teen and children brains arent fully developed, and authors have figured out how to directly hit undeveloped pleasure synapses, like crack. Its intellectually bankrupt, its literally just drugs for r-slurred future incels.

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Can a neighbor eat a popeyes sandwich?

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:!#marseygiveup: :#marseychicken:

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Good anime is from a long butt time ago lol

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I know! :#tayaaa:

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Gundam Wing :marseyboomer:

I was too young to even notice a plot but I liked the sword robot and the twink(ette) pilots

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I also liked Gundam Seed and 00 :marseygundam:

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>Gundam Wing

I've started watching that recently, it's actually pretty good.

Funnily enough the theme of the show is also racism, the Japanese equivalent of american slavery, and the Japanese people's historical tendency too worship and emulate American culture.

The author is also pretty based:


white extinction is long overdue

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why is the industry like this?

The bulk of consumers are actually teenage r-slurs and megavirgins who never grew out of their teen bullshit, so theres less and less need to produce something of actual quality because people will eat anything up

no geopolitics or anything decent/serious

Too much effort, just write the generic fantasy, slap a hot girl harem on it and sell the merch.


Is actually supposed to be a comedy, the whole premise is that his world takeover was the npcs taking a joke seriously and that hes completely incompetent despite being surrounded by hypercompetent people. The politics are bland because its not about actual politics, its about "lol stupid mc fricked it all up again but it still worked out haha" the variation in the joke being how he fricks up and how everyone else misunderstands and overestimates mc

its like authors are oblivious to how real people act

Bruh they write anime scripts, do you think theyre normal well adjusted people?

goblin slayer

It really is kino, precisely because its about an average guy with just one specialty and one focus of revenge (goblin genocide)

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Because manga/anime/light novel writers treat their worlds like an MMO setting, often complete with references to levels stats and classes. The cultivation genre is the worst example, closely followed by litrpg (although in litrpg the point of the genre is that it's a video game, so it's slightly excusable)

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Goblin slayers pure kino. I didn't think any author would risk having a hero protag kill the enemy's infant children, stupid 21st century morality projected to medieval settings are everywhere.

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He didn’t kill kids, he only killed goblins

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Slimesekai is boring and I don’t understand why it’s highly regarded. The story isn’t even that bad but the characters are abysmal. In general I just ignore isekai as a genre until something comes out that’s said to be exceptionally good and sometimes it’s trash like slime but other times it is genuinely great (like my favorite, youjo senki). Most of the shitty mass produced garbage can be avoided that way, and the rest comes out to be pretty good

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Just watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes and no other anime ever again

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The authors of isekais are all talentless shut in neets, why do you think they arent writing something else.

I liked Re Zero though. :marseyderp:

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Anime/manga in America tends to be enjoyed by older children/young adults but in Japan it's aimed at teenagers and tweens.

Anime is shit because it is written for children.

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Isekai Ojisan is a great break from the monotonous. It's very 'anime' with their reactions, but being meta about the genre while going back to the uncle's stories and blending it with the 'real world' within that setting really ties it together.

And that was a Netflix produced (or at least involved) production.

!anime, apologies for another ping :marseyteehee:, but what do y'all think about Isekai Ojisan (or Uncle from Another World for the non-weebs)?

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Isekai Ojisan was comfy kino

Show is very retro, lowfi, and unassuming

If you like the parts of Steins;Gate where a bunch of otakus sat in a tiny Japanese apartment exchanging 2ch memes, this show is for you

Legit one of my favorite recent shows, and the OP slaps

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Shame about the production issues.

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Thought it was decent but very much unexeceptional.

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Isekai Ojisan is kino since it doesn't pull it's punches especially early on. Sucks to keep up with the manga tho TBQHFAMLAM

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yeah they aren't like the cool otaku in the old days.

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>big tits

Nice 👍


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it started that way but then devolved into

Yeah I didnt really read the thing so idk.

its all harem or masturbation power fantasy, level up no effort, become op, kill the bad

The Beginning After The End is pretty kino fantasy (compared to whats coming out rn). The irony of it is it starts like shit but then gets pretty good:

>get reborn

>op supermage

>get a dragon for a pet

>become the biggest fish in a small pond at like age 10

>shit starts to go down

>suddenly sent from pond to ocean

>slowly start to realize how fricking small you really are

>sent to lowest of lows


>genuine struggle and development

>stronger than all of humanity, continue getting stronger and its never enough because the gap is just that massive

Pretty solid, 7/10. Takes forever to get good though (webcomic is at ch 175 and just now is when mc will get his shit kicked in), light novel is at chapter like 435 and has 2-3 more volumes to wrap up. Its worth a shot imo, kinda falls in line that once mc hits adulthood the fun play time of being mega op is over, just pure pain the entire way up.

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Sounds interesting, will check it out

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If you do pls give me your thoughts on it

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istg if this turns into a isekai loli harem [redacted]

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It doesnt go beyond childhood crush tier for pretty much the whole thing and mc actively turns them down because hes older than he looks

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Didn't read what you said loser lol https://i.rdrama.net/images/16888936423987458.webp

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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she*, don't misgender her

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hecko GenocideMaxxer :marseywave2:

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It was good read NGL. Unironically, way better than I expected.

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Yeah I mean 20 years of almost unbelievably bad webcomics (you read "Far Side" growing up and just assumed comics were funny,) and I used to read awful fiction slushpiles, people are completely untalented. It's not bad.

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I heard the creator of that is a nazi :marseystonetoss:

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Pizza doesn't post here daily unless he's on amphetamines though

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:marseypirate: : Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include black lives matter! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with black lives matter included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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