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My greatest achievement

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!chuds !nonchuds !ranchers sorry for the pings but I need to know this right now, is is true that Fuentes, Groypers and Amerimutt Firsters think that dinosaurs didn't exist? did these Trad Christian LARPers finally started to embrace Young Earth Creationism? :marseyschizo::marseymeds:

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!dinochads these motherlovers on some r-slur juice

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tbf bb most my fam yecs n i believe in Intelligent Design not godless evolution

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Bruh idgaf about that I’m talking about denying dinosaurs exist

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ye they say bones placed there by the d*vil πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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>bones are placed by the devil

>God doesn't do anything about them

Darn this neighbor r-slurred or dgaf

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16896478169843264.webp the great s*tan hisself laughing at u arcologists

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oh sry bb i get those confused who looks at dead buildings v dead animals

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I once told my Baptist cousin about how humans evolved from apes and he started crying, !zoomers are truly a wonderful generation

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Maybe you evolved from apes but i simply think too highly of myself to believe that

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:marseydarkxd: oh lil Baptist babby

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I think my Catholic dad said smth along the lines of β€œThey don’t read books except the Bible” and I went for embarrassingly long believing that :marseycry:

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shelly bb :marseyitsoveryall: ur a baby sprinkler

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Idk what that means :marseyspecial#:

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ur a papist a pratically pagan catholic πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜–πŸ˜Ÿ

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My dad is, my mom is from the Baptist side and she says the exact same thing as you lol :#swordfight:

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lmao i love her already πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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Yes, they believe that palaeontology was a conspiracy funded by the oil industry to portray oil as a non-renewable resource and supported by anti-Christian politicians. As evidence, they point to the fact that majority of early palaeontology was essentially a handful of hobbyists competing with each other to β€œdiscover more dinosaurs” and that they were aided in this endeavour by generous grants an donations from oil interests, including the rockefellers

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Although they are r-slurred enough to believe that, it sounds like bullshit from their oppositional grifters.

Please don't ping chuds as often, @BWC. :marseybegging: You've got some good ones, but a lot of them are infighting, which should be for a !metamaxxers or !locals ping group.


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Please don't ping chuds as often

Yeah I promise! this was only an emergency ping, because my inner neurodivergent instincts from the new atheism era made me want to know if the Young Earth Creationist phase for Groypers and /pol/acks had already started, so I wanted to see if any chuds here knew more about it.

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Americans thought dinosaurs existed there's a mission in red dead redemption about them

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Even Young Earth Creationists no longer deny that Dinosaurs existed (their cope is that they co-existed with humans), I just wanted to know if Groypers have gone so far the schizo slippery slope that these r-slurs will inevitably embrace Nazi Occultist/Theosophy levels of autism.

It is also kino to see these internet "Trad" Catholics embrace Fundamentalist Protestant beliefs, shows that this entire Tradcath trend is just WASPs and Evangelicals converting to an exotic religion whose only knowledge they have of Catholicism is the crusader aesthetic, neighbors should just embrace Neo-Paganism like their Europoor counterparts do.

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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A lot of them embrace it because of rightoid contrarianism, so that they can pretend to ignore all environmental policy and have more of an excuse to seethe about "The Science" but that's a general online trad/rightoid thing.

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the fricking devil out them there

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There is probably some overlap in their audiences but I dont think Fuentes or AF has even been flat earthers

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Not flat earthers per-se (because even at a fricking beach you can see with your own eyes that the earth is round), just those who think that dinosaurs are a Jewish conspiracy or some shit, mid 2000s Fundamentalist Protestantism meets early 2020s internet rightoid Catholicism is definitely a very kino crossover tho :marseykino:

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oh i misread, yea i have no clue Nick has probably said some shit like that but half they time his joking, like if someone pressed him on it I assume he would say they are real just like he did with race mixing and unfortunately didn't push back on 9/11 when Destiny was grilling him.

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>Nick has probably said some shit like that but half they time his joking


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pretty much. he should have held fast on the race mixing and 9/11 issues when questioned tho

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Hold on a second, a wignat said that race-mixing actually isn't bad, but at the same time 9/11 was an inside job? :marseyretardchad:

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nah this fool basically folded when destiny pressed him on 9/11 in fact he bitched out that whole stream

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Lol I just go to the part where he claimed that text was from Tucker. Tucker absolutelt did not write that text so does this guy just straight up lie to prove his point or what?

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does this guy just straight up lie to prove his point or what?

lmao, yeah. Welcome to the life and times of Ethan Ralph

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My favorite was when he said, "To his credit he gave me money to stay in a hotel roomβ€”I didn't need itβ€”but he gave me money."

We all know you are broke Ralph lmbo :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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That is very dramaphobic of you. It's obviously a real text.

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Apparently the text was between tucker and milo yiannopolous. I doubt Ralph could write something like that himself tbh

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Since its blue must be Milo text to Tucker. Bit different than tucker writing it himself. Unless Tuck screenshotted and posted his own text.

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I have no idea. What I think is that someone provided the image to Ralph and mentioned the name tucker Carlson. It doesn’t make sense that it was from Carlson for the reason you mentioned. maybe milo gave him the image, or someone claimed it was from a conversation between milo and tucker, or maybe Ralph got drunk and sent it himself. I don’t even think there’s confirmation tucker ever saw it. But now Ralph is saying tucker personally sent him the text. Classic Ralph lmao

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What the frick? Is Mr Metokur gonna rise from the grave and come on next?

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Funny you say that

He apparently announced he was in remission last night

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Shekel metokur always seems to remit when the drama is hot :marseythonk:

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I admit I only have permiter knowledge on him and all these people. Just things I have gathered from here and various clips/posts on twitter

But dude went from "only have short time to live, nothing more Doctors can do"

To "Hey I am in remission" in half a year. Not bad

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Its the curse of Ethan Ralph. Everyone he hates grows massively successful. He cured Metokur's cancer with his magic manbaby rage.

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Where did he say that?

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saw screenshots from a telegram on twitter

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God willing

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the trifecta is live. null, ethan, and josh


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>null … and josh


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and the tanner stage five who is also in the room

edit: marcus lmao :marseyskinnedwalk:

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Nice censor job ralph

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>:gunt: : Thank you brother and be safe

>:marseynull: : Yep, take it easy

>:gunt: : You too


!ranchers I sure miss wholesome lolcow moments, I am tired of all of the politics, :marseytrain2:ism, pedophilia, general criminal behavior, and e-begging that has ridden the lolcowverse since 2014.

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It was nice seeing them get along and then


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"ralphamale moves"


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WTF ethan is sober? :marseyflushzoom: well at least slightly more sober than usual

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He's "sober"

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I liked how he said he'd been sober for 62 days before all this

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Just ignore all the streams where he was zonked out, citizen.

He did the same thing with his "sober spring" where he was literally drinking beers and knocking over bottles live.

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It's a relatve term, chud.

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Don’t need Modelos when you’re drunk on power

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null better have a restream of this

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There's a few reupload channels usually. Ralph is failing to light a ciggie now :smoke:

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I have no idea how he's a benzo addict and hadn't heard of blacks. At least exhaust your legal substance abuse options before hopping on bullshit.

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Null is on the stream

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yeah I know, I want nulls version of the stream posted later since I don't want to watch 8 hrs of drunken wigger bullshit for the few funny clips I missed

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a man................................ like me or you, uh uh, like me or you josh

ralph is trying SO FRICKING hard to be nice, 0 idea why

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Ralph can only hold one thought in his mind at a time. Right now he’s so jubilant in victory and mad at Nick that I honestly don’t even think he remembers that he hates null

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Most factual post in this thread. I was gonna say this weekend’s events were at the perfect time for him not to accidentally die from mixing drugs

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I mean, null and him are both pretty direct, to be fair.

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yeah but it isn't in character. Ralph would lie through his teeth if it meant an own. it's basically muscle memory at this point.

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He has no other friends that aren't enemies at this point. He's trying to cuddle back up to Rekita too after calling his children r-slurred.

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Ralph smoking on stream to try and summon :marseymetokur:

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I can't believe im gonna say this but i want peepee masterson on! Let's here what that incessant p-do defending jewish chad has to say about this glorious movement killer

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Probably will find a way to shoehorn him and vitos ped comic fundraiser

God I hate those two so much

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I know i should expected itfrom the mexijew, but honestly how hard is it tonot carry water for open p-dophiles?

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Pinkname chuds are so amusing you guys actually think like this dont you how cute

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Ah yes the extremist position of a funny podcast should be funny rather than 4 hours of p-do-simping

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