:marseynullbipolar: Attorney General's Office of Washington accepts :marseynull:'s complaints!! Hurricane Electric upgrades its ban on :marseynull:!! Who will prevail? :marseyhmmm:

The Attorney General's Office of Washington has accepted the complaints of my ISPs. The AGO agrees it jurisdiction over this matter and will investigate it. I intend to file my own complaint via representation in the state this week.

Hurricane Electric has upgraded its ban on my IP range. I discovered I was unable to announce other /48s through them. I am assigned a /32 from ARIN, which means my network may be further subdivided into 65,536 smaller networks that are called /48s. These /48s may themselves be divided into 65,536 smaller assignments. These /64s have 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 usable addresses each. This is such a massive amount of IP addresses that 1776 Hosting could assign every gram of the entire planet Earth 74 IP addresses each.

Hurricane Electric has banned every single one of them. This is probably the first time in history an entire ISP's /32 assignment has been blocked by a T1 Internet provider.

Hurricane Electric has done this specifically to stop Internet traffic, including/especially our wonderful users from the proud state of Washington, from accessing a single website: the Kiwi Farms.

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This is probably the first time in history an entire ISP's /32 assignment has been blocked by a T1 Internet provider

lmao this is insane

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I haven't actually checked if it's true but it is shocking. You'd think they would have banned a child porn or terrorism site but instead they banned some forums that make fun of :!marseytrain:s.

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stormfront users offering "the final solution to the jewish question" screeds on the daily? wholesome free speech. saying "hey this guy lives at x we know this cause he freely publicly posted pictures of his home address to twitter completely uncensored" is threatening hate speech that has already led to thousands of deaths and a mass genocide in haiti

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Tech companies don't want the chilling effect of posts being traced back IRL to affect their posters (unless they're rightoids, in which case it's justified and needed to save our democracy)

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unless they're rightoids, in which case it's funny


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Journ*lists and government agencies have a protected monopoly on doxxing

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You know they paid for this stock photo because she's 5/10 and nobody donating to the ACLU is above a 3.

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Its ok when we do it

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Stormfront has also been deplatformed many times. The only reason that they're still around is that they aren't relevant enough (meaning they don't piss off trains) to get people to whine at infrastructure providers/

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It can't be that. It has to be more than that, but what it is I don't know.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16915469549628012.webp My almonds have been activated

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Cancel culture doesn't exist, chud.

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not a codecel, feel very stupid not knowing what any of this means :marseywhirlyhat:

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The slash notation just denotes how many bits in the IP address are unique/"owned" by kiwifarms. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long.

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I'm not a real networkcel but I know enough to know this is batshit sloppy overkill

This is like if AT&T stopped serving an entire area code over a single problematic phone number

(edit: although in this case Null owns every number in said area code. Still. Insane and probably illegal under WA law.)

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idk how anyone can see this and think there isn't a :marseytrain2: problem. all of the horrible shit online and this is what gets banned.

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Also I went to the Kiwi farms article on Wikipedia and I know Wikipedia is bad,

Kiwi Farms, formerly known as CWCki Forums (/ˈkwΙͺki/ KWIH-kee), is an internet forum that facilitates the discussion and harassment of online figures and communities. Their targets are often subject to organized group trolling and stalking, as well as doxxing and real-life harassment.[2][3][4] These actions have tied Kiwi Farms to the suicides of three people targeted by members of the forum.

But this is ridiculous :marseyeyeroll2:

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Primary sources are for r-slurs according to wikipedia. Who cares that no charges were ever filed and no one has been arrested, those are articles being cited man, ARTICLES FROM RESPECTED JOURN*LISTS.

On a total tangent I was reading the Unit 731 article on wikipedia and a bunch of the sources are shit like some guys random website he posted a bunch of 'fun unit 731 facts!' I guess it's valid because it's an edu site though lmao

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My name is Clara Kann and I am a student at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. This website was created for my World Politics 116 class for Professor Vincent Ferraro.

Now the real question though is, in what way did you :directlypointingsoyjak: improve that article?

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I wonder which wikipedo janny got made fun of on the farms for being a terminally online train?

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It's actually not a train in this case. It's GorillaWarfare

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16915883026670458.webp :#marseysmoothbrain:

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This foid works at Harvard lmao

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The kiwi farms is bad, liek really bad

  • Wikipedia
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Hasn't the 3 suicides thing been (((debunked))) ?

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Not by "authoritative outlets".

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Moon responded by calling New Zealand a "shithole country", and stating that he does not "give a single solitary frick what section 50 of your cute twink law says about sharing your email".[9]


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That's actually a really fair description of the site, saved.

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I have a feeling Null's going to make Uncle Ted look like Mr. McFeely when he runs out of potential legal actions and his autism gets funneled into illegal actions.


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IDK but it will be interesting to watch. I'm assuming this will take a swift 5+ years to get resolved.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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lol at anyone thinking Null is going to win this.

His persistence and autism is impressive, but at the end of the day he's a single wrongthinker going up against the entire liberal power structure in WA... one of the most leftie + technocrat states in the union. Possibly only second to CA.

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I guess the ACLU should step up and help him!

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Honestly I'm rooting for him, even though I think farmers are dirtbags.

I'm a sucker for a good underdog story, it's like David vs. Goliath if Goliath were a dragon and David an ant.

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even though I think farmers are dirtbags.

How do you post here and look down on literally anyone

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Because believe it or not I don't actually harass anyone... or even hate on any marginalized group. I think 90% of you are chuds, but I'm bored and lazy so I browse instead of doing work.

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lol ACLU today cannot be differentiated from Stonewall of today

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Depends on whether the courts decide to enforce common carrier law as written, or to carve out a "hate speech" exception

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You already know what's about to happen

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With this supreme court? Yes. I'm ready for the shitshow.

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It would be WA state's supreme court (not SCOTUS) because this is a WA state law issue, unfortunately. I don't think federal gov has applied common carrier law to the internet but several individual states (such as WA) have.

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Ah yeah rip I'm :marseygigaretard:

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WA isn't as left as it was in 2019-2020. A bunch of people got turned away from progressive views when homelessness got really bad and the economy started to falter. It's not turning Republican or even purple, but the Dems winning elections are a lot more moderate.

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WA is definitely up there but I promise you it's not second place for leftism.

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It isn't?

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Maybe 4 years ago, but ever since COVID people in WA state got a lot more Chud.

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If youre talking online presence yeah seattle leftoids are about as bad as it gets. But the state government even though its blue is actually decently balanced because the entire rest of the state is pretty chuddy.

My guess is that an overall second would be somewhere in new england or something even if they dont have the numbers to be as vocal

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I honestly feel like Jersh has become more neurodivergent than the :marseytrain:s. At least he doesn't have to take a break from his turboneurodivergentm to dilate

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liz dong gone broke him


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he has diagnosed ODD lol

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I follow this saga with bated breath :#marseypopcorntime:

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Team Null les goooooooo

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This shit is so glowie. I refuse to believe it's the work of a few deranged :!marseytrain:s.


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Apparently LFJ has blackmail on the head network ops people at each and every one of these companies. Because that's the only other explanation besides glowtards, and I can't think of real reasons for glowtards to care about KF.

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Isabella Loretta Janke - psychopath weirdo 2edgy3u teenager who goaded CWC into doinking his mother. Her activities are documented on the farms in some detail. Her father is some sort of glowie.

She's unlikely to be the only lolcow on the farms with such a connection.

There's also various r-slurs and pseuds running various ops to create a false impression of the farms in general. Their efforts are easily identified as r-slurred but if seen en masse and in a hurry might be enough to convince someone that KF is what they say it is

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Maybe. :marseyshrug: But that seems unlikely to me. How does :lizfongjones: have thaaaat much blackmail on these disconnected people. :marseyschizowall:

Idk why glowBIPOCs could care so much? :marseythinkorino: Maybe the farms :marseykiwimom: has been unknowingly documenting some undercover asset :marseyspyglow: or something?

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It's just trying to set precedent to have the power to axe any wrongthink website.

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How does :lizfongjones: have thaaaat much blackmail on these disconnected people.

Hypno kink, probably.


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But like there's no way hundreds of different people distributed :marseyschizowall: across the entire internet infrastructure sphere all have a hypno :marseyhypno: kink involving :lizfongjones:

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:lizfongjones:: Tell me of the most powerful and influential people you know, Hexdrone 69420. For :quote:kink:quote: reasons, of course.

Hexdrone 69420: :!marseyhypno: Yes it makes me feel trans joy to give you CEOs wives phone numbers.

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:marseytrain2:s are to child porn what jews are to hollywood. they're the primary producers and sellers, they probably have dirt on every powerful figure in the world.

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Who will prevail? That's like asking what is the limit of sin(x) as x approaches infinity

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It was smart of you to get one of your math credits out of the way in the summer.

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Nah, I'm just an :marseyautism:

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Also I voted IDC but really it's I genuinely don't know

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@A @XY https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37060050 ur fricking site is in login only mode just when it was about to hit it big

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when it was about to hit it big


anyway i turned off login-required

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my heart wants null to win but knows that no one can defeat thwomp

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Has Null ever lost a court case in the states? Just wondering.

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Should we ban the libertarians and terrorists websites? No lets ban the website where they make fun of :!marseytrain:s cause thats worse.

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Jihad will win :chadjihadi:

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>Bob Ferguson helping Null


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