
EFFORTPOST :marseyflagsouthafrica: Cape Town Taxi Strike rioting and violence drama :marseyflagsouthafrica:


South African Taxis mostly consist of the famous mini-bus taxis :marseymicrobus: which very poor and lower-class people between home, work, school and families, between cities and between districts.


Taxi Rank:


South African taxis are famous for being the worst drivers in the country :marseysteer::marseysteer::marseysteer:, ignoring all traffic laws, and generally dragging down the standards of the public traffic norms and behaviour with their careless and dangerous driving. Any conceivable stupidity which had caused massive death in cataclysmic highway crash deaths had been experimented with my the Darwin award-chasing recklessness of South African Mini-bus taxi drivers.

At least once every 2-4 months were hear of a national story of gruesome proportions where like 20 dead :marseydead::marseydead::marseydead: and 50 were wounded, and deaths involving in the double digits then you know that a taxi was involved because of the lax safety standards and the overcrowding which happens in terms of taxis overloading their minibusses with too many people than they were designed for.



"Booysen found that taxi drivers were often ignorant of the 100km/h speed limit that applied to taxis and buses. When the drivers were questioned about the speed limit, most claimed their limit on the route was 120km/h. The drivers also blamed the passengers for their speed, saying that they encouraged them to drive faster in order to get to their destinations on time." :marseybruh2:



A famous joke/ semi-reality is the recklessness of taxi-drivers go to such an extreme that they fricking drive with wrenches instead of steering wheels on the steering pipe. Why the actual fricking frick would someone do that, you dramatards ask?? Because what would happen is the taxi drivers would overfill their taxis with so many people - including the space TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE TAXI DRIVER. :marseyinsane::marseyinsane::marseyinsane: If this confuses burgers because they drive on the right side of the road, where as Bongland and South Africa on the left side of the road, imagine the following:

If yo drive on the left side of the road, then obviously you sit on the right side of the vehicle to be closest the road middle-line and be able to see better - whereas if you drive on the right side of the road like burgerland, then you sit on the left, so for burgers to comprehend this RSA insanity, imagine you drive one of those yellow hollywood New York taxis and you are so full YOU FRICKING LET SOMEONE SIT ON THE LEFT SIDE OF YOUUUU! And to compound this overloading , you replace those whole steering wheel with a fricking wrench on the steering column to be able to have free space on the left side of your body and only requiring your right hand to steer as your left side is inert from someone sitting like a sardine next to you!!!:marseysteer::marseysteer::marseysteer:






As is often with South African events, foreigners are imbeciles :marseybrainlet::marseycrayoneater::marseymocking::marseyretard4::marseystroke: and don't know wtf they are talking about. They often take things at face value, and don't question that south african peeps are liars or corrupt and distort truth. They probably cannot envision that now matter how bad a place like Bongland can be corrupt or dysfunctional, absolutely none of the worst corruption that England has to offer can hold a candle to the circus which is RSA modern realpolitik.

Example is the above BBC article covering the supposed cause of the Riots and taxi strikes.


"Five people have died :marseydead::marseydead::marseydead:in violent protests relating to a taxi strike in Cape Town, South Africa, officials say. The victims include a 40-year-old British national whose family is being supported by the UK Foreign Office.

The week-long strike was called in response to what drivers said was "heavy-handed tactics" by law enforcement authorities. The taxi drivers and owners said their vehicles were being targeted and impounded for minor offences.

Infringements included not wearing a seatbelt and illegally driving in the emergency lane, drivers said. They claimed others doing the same only faced fines. Minibus taxi operators across Cape Town also aired frustrations that the government was impounding taxis they claimed were not roadworthy."

MINOR OFFENSES!!!:marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage:

If you read this short and shit article, you would come to the conclusion that the people striking are entirely reasonable, and the poor taxi drivers are being screwed over by the corrupt local government trying to make a few extra bucks by excessively fining the working man or something. Right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight? :marseysurejan::carpsurejan:

That is not the case here.


In south Africa the humble minibus taxis, their drivers and their everpresent powerful unions are a way of life for many poor carless South africans, which means black south africans. The government tends to be very dependent on the large taxi fleets which transport our lower classes to work and back every single day. :mcmarsey::marseythebuilder::marseylumberjack:

Our mines, factories, farms and private businesses cannot function if their workers do not arrive at work, and this has been a unique power chip which the very very very powerful and ruthless taxi unions of South Africa has held for the past 30 years.

Because of this, the National ANC government had been very softhanded with legislating bad roadside behaviour, and enforcing law specifically targetting Taxis' bad and dangerous driving behaviour via our national Traffic Police.


However, every 6 months or so :marseyitsallsotiresome::marseyitsallsotiresome::marseyitsallsotiresome:, a province or small town finally has had enough, and the constant accidents and dangerous driving culture would force political sentiment even bigger than the taxi unions to force the local govs to actually fricking do something about it.

Often you'll find local governemnts or even the local residents (from both white AND black) neighbourhoods demand the installation of speed bumbs after a schoolchild had been killed or something for example.







Usually these speed bumbs can refer all bad and dangerous traffic, not just minibus taxis, but taxis are the main culprit.



So coming back to the BBC article which is as dry and useless as most foreign media is from journ*lists that don't understand the context of why events happen as they do in South Africa, here is what REALLY happened.

After a great of (actually peaceful) protests and complaints and lobbying of Cape Town civilians demanding :marseyaaa::marseyaaa::marseyaaa: that the Cape Town government do something specifically targetting the reckless driving of Cape Town minibus taxis, the Cape Town city government was compelled to react and enforce actual strict measures to weed out minibusses which were not road worthy.

And when I say strict, I mean actually fricking fundamental basics :marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed: which in 1st world nations like burgerland would have you instantly lose your lisence had your vehicle condition encroached upon these minimum standards. Example: study from way back when in 2001 the shit culture of driving vehicles until they literally atomized from wear and tear had been engrained into ghetto township taxi rank culture.



=====(from article)

Officials from the Gauteng department of transport set up checkpoints in Johannesburg and in the Vaal region and took taxis to testing stations. The head of the transport inspectorate specialising in the promotion of public safety, Alfred Mohlala, said the most common shortcoming was poor brakes.

Other defects included faulty steering and suspensions, rusty chassis, and doors and seatbelts which did not work properly. In Johannesburg, officials tested 103 minibus taxis, of which only four passed, and in the Vaal, only six out of 124 tested vehicles were found to be roadworthy. Officials in Johannesburg also found two confirmed stolen minibuses and four other suspected stolen minibuses.

Mohlala said: "We have a problem in Gauteng that when taxis are involved in accidents, many lives are lost.

"Once a vehicle is declared unroadworthy, the owner must go and fix the defects and then take the vehicle for a roadworthy test. But if an owner ignores the instruction and continues to carry passengers in his vehicle, he or she will lose their permit," he warned.

Johannesburg Metro Police Department spokesperson Wayne Minnaar said last night that the high failure rate was due to the stringent roadworthy requirements, in terms of which vehicles failed even for minor faults.

But Minnaar said the high failure rate also indicated that taxi owners were remiss in keeping their vehicles properly maintained, thus endangering the lives of the thousands of commuters they ferry.

"It definitely goes to show that the owners of the vehicles, whose responsibility it is (to maintain the vehicles), are not making sure that the vehicles are fully roadworthy.

"Taxi operators and owners must know that an unroadworthy vehicle on a public road is not going to be tolerated. Over and above that, an unroadworthy vehicle does not comply with the law. People's lives and their safety are at stake," Minnaar said.

He warned that stern action would be taken against defaulting taxi operators. (This didn't happen unfortunately :marseyitsover:)

=====(end of article - remember this was 22 years ago :marseycringe:)



"The majority of South Africans travel daily via public transport.1 These public transport vehicles may also be referred to as โ€˜taxis' in South Africa. Millions of South Africans go to and from work in urban areas and for longer journeys across the country's rural regions via such taxis. Minibus taxis provide a highly convenient and affordable means of public transport. The taxi industry has been a success for black economic empowerment on a vast scale. 1 Taxis therefore play an important role in South Africa's economy.1"


Ariticle from 2015:




You guys get the idea.


So when Cape Town was forced by its citizenry to take strong action against the deadliness of dangerous taxi driving, even by the passengers of taxis who themselves felt generally unsafe to be driven by lunatic minibus taxi drivers despite being dependent upon them to ferry them to work, the Taxi-unions really REALLLLy didn't like that and a hellstorm would follow. :purerage::purerage::purerage::soyjaktantrumfast:

Then another wingcuck added fuel to the fire by contradicting Cape Town juristiction by siding with the Taxis: "On Tuesday, South Africa's transport minister Sindisiwe Chikunga ordered the immediate release of the minibus taxis impounded by the City of Cape Town. Ms Chikunga said the legislation used by the city had been "executed and implemented wrongly" and added that "it doesn't exist" under current laws." (This is a lie by the way.) :marseyitsallsotiresome::marseytabletired::marseytabletired::marseytabletired:

Cape Town has full juristiction within their own Western Cape borders to enforce the most basic vehicle safety standards and traffic laws, but the wingcucks and taxi-unions took this as affirmation that they were being uniquely bullied.

Taxis were being impounded because they were road-unworthy, but the taxi wingcucks deemed them unfair, because of course they fricking did, and threw a massive tantrum about it :npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::npctantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum::marseytantrum:

The taxi unions declared a province wide 5 day strike in retaliation against Cape Town authorities, and things escalated from there as rioters and looters and tsotsies saw the opportunity to use the taxi strike for their own discontentment the past two years post COVID r*ped-economy and post Ukraine-war r*ped-petrolprices.

The escalation finally expanded into citywide violence and rioting, very similar as to the 1994 Rodney violence in burgerland. :marseyfloyd::marseysaluteusa:



"Five people have died in violent protests relating to a taxi strike in Cape Town, South Africa, officials say. The victims include a 40-year-old British :marseybong::carpbowler: national whose family is being supported by the UK Foreign Office."

"The South African Ministry of Police said 120 people had been arrested since the strikes began on 3 August and they were aware of incidents of looting, stone throwing and arson. Police Minister Bheki Cele also confirmed a police officer was among those who died. The UK has issued a travel warning :marseysmokealarmbeep: after the strike was listed as a high security threat for tourists visiting South Africa."




Ignore the :marsheepnpc::marsheepnpc::marsheepnpc: liberal wishy washy talk. The Frivilous impounding are all road-unworthy wrecks barely kept on wheels by prayer and elbow grease. These ANC wingcuck taxi drivers simply do not want to be held accountable for safety standards, and are exploding about it. They do not want to spend extra money on maintenance and safety.

"Taxi services in Cape Town, and the greater Western Cape, will remain suspended until the outcome of an urgent interdict the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) is preparing against the City of Cape Town, as sporadic incidents of violence continue and food shortages are felt in some places. This means commuters must continue making alternate travel plans as the public transport crisis escalates."

=====(from article)

Earlier, in a letter to Mobility MEC Ricardo Mackenzie, Santaco said it supported impoundments of unroadworthy vehicles operating without valid operating licences and those driven by someone without a valid licence, in line with the National Land Transport Act.

"Santaco is, however, opposed to impoundments :marseyretard3::marseyretard3::marseyretard3: for any other reason other than those related to the statutory provisions mentioned above, and it has been seen on many occasions where our vehicles have been the target of these enforcement drives instituted by the City of Cape Town and the MMC for Safety, Alderman JP Smith."

Santaco maintains it will continue the taxi stay away until the City institutes a moratorium on impoundments, especially in light of comments by Smith that the City would impound 25 taxis for every vehicle damaged.

"We believe that to return to operations while these issues remain unresolved will be reckless and detrimental to our members," Saaiers said.

Speaking after the prayer meeting, Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, said, after being pressed several times on Smith's statement, that the City would only impound taxis directly involved in offences and would not conduct "vindictive" impoundments. He rejected Santaco's claim that the City's traffic services were unfairly impounding their vehicles.

Premier Alan Winde expressed his deep disappointment :marseyrain::marseysad2: that the taxi strike would continue. "The poor :marseybeggar: are suffering the most due to this strike and each day it drags on is a major setback. The impact has been devastating on them and our economy," he said. Premier Winde said that it is of utmost importance that residents be allowed to move freely in the province.

(translation - the Taxis are holding the province and City of Cape Town hostage :marseystarship: in this showoff)

This will be the third interdict application since the start of the stay away on 3 August. The City of Cape Town and Golden Arrow Bus Services were granted interdicts ordering Santaco and its affiliates not to interfere with commuters using other forms of transport.



Basically as people were forced to find alternative forms of transport, like city busses to go to work and not starve, our patriotic friends in the taxi-unions exploded in rage :marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging: at the belief that their strike was being circumvented and violentely attacked :punchjak::punchjak::punchjak::marseynecklace::marseynecklace::marseynecklace: many busses and ubers and virtually any vehicle they thought were participating in the circumvention of their strike - and this is where the really big violence started and escalated.

"Golden Arrow said 25 of its buses had been damaged. Multiple private drivers were injured when rocks were thrown at their cars, and at least five deaths have been reported."


"It looks like another turbulent week ahead for Capetonians as the taxi strikes continue with no end in sight. Last week, one Golden Arrow bus driver was shot and injured in Khayelitsha. Since the stay-away began, the company has lost six buses, each worth millions, due to arson attacks. Despite securing a court interdict to stop acts of violence and intimidation, the violence continues."




"Golden Arrow Bus Services said in an update to commuters it was unable to operate in Nyanga and had temporarily halted services. โ€œWe condemn these senseless acts of violence and call on the authorities to fulfil their mandate of keeping our employees and passengers safe and ensuring that the perpetrators face the full might of the law,โ€ said the company."





People have been advised to avoid certain roads as for the past two days motorists have been attacked with rocks and bottles thrown :stoningshit::stoningshit::stoningshit::marseybrick::marseybrick::marseybrick: at them by many black peeps ganging up on cars and trying to stop them - this doesn't appear as attempts at hijacking, only bad behaviour.

over 40 minibus taxis went blockaded the N2 national highway


Here cape Town police arrest rioters:

Oh yeah and in a moment of proudly-South African r-sluration our Minister of police went to the main Taxi union hub to :marseyairquotes: negotiate :marseyairquotes: with the taxi unions. Wat the fok. Instead of negotiating he should arrest all the ring leaders :marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseybeanannoyed::marseyaaa:



Still light at the end of the tunnel, as the current mayor of Cape Town is a filthy mayo, but at least he refuses to take shit from the Taxi-union tantrums.



Basically the interview starts of the journ*list asking the Mayor (Geordin Hill-Lewis) about what the frick the other ANC r-slur was talking about when he said that Cape Town was overreaching and not allowed to impound road-unworthy taxis or something bullshit.

Basically he replies that the Minister of Transport of a certified r-slur :marseygigaretard::marseyretard2::marseystroke::marseyretard3: and a ANC wingcuck who was trying to win brownie points with the taxi-unions. He says he was astonished to hear the Minister of Transport arguing AGAINST enforcing basic public safety in transport and vehicles like minibusses.

And that the Minister of Transport (a woman :marseyfoidretard:) basically argued against LESS STRINGENT enforcement against drunk drivers - as those were the primary taxi drivers whose vehicles were impounded when the taxi-unions bitched that their cars were being impounded when they were unroadworthy. Like holy frick you brainlet morons you were drunk1!!!!!!

He goes on to sow how illiterate :marseycrayoneater::marseycrayoneater: the b-word (Sindisiwe Chikunga) was, he shows that in her own Acts over which she resides (The National Land Transport Act 5/2009). He goes to the axact passages where the law enables him in the country to enforce public safety as major. (Section 87) He even reads it out loud to show how fundamentally r-slurred the ANC b-word is.

Basically Cape Town can impound public transport vehicles (taxis) if they defy their transport Permit - you know like being fricking drunk :marseydrunk::marseymoonshine:.


The taxi-rank unions and ANC wingcucks had also tried to make the mass impounding of road-unworthy taxis about racism :marseyswastika::marseyswastika::marseykkkevil::marseykkkevil:, and tried to play the race card. The coloured journ*list asks the major directly if he had racist intent and allowed him to defend himself. And that the taxi wingucks moaned that there was desire to unfairly target taxis to screw over blacks and coloureds - which is what sparked the violent riots due to the Minister of TRansport's inflammatory comments.

Mayor responds that the City did the mass impounding action because they cared about the black/coloured passangers whom were in danger by ruthless taxi drivers.

He also says there is universal road-unworthy clampdowns on all other vehicle types and that they had not specifically targetted taxis, only that taxis had been the most belligerent. Every monday his department had released statistics of the vehicles impounded in the Cape Town district; and what vehicle types.



He stated they were even handed when prosecuting all vehicle types, and only due to taxi-specific negligence was nearly 50% of all vehicles impounded = minibus taxis! :marseymicrobus:

Taxi-unions also lied :marseybruh2::marseytheorist: that impoundment fees are not higher than that of other ANC run provinces. ANd that impoundment fees are supposed to be expensive as punishment so that taxis are not drive like hooligans once released - there is also no daily impoundment fee, anther lie by ANC and taxi-cucks.

Only a single fee on R7000 to release.



Tantrums ongoing.

Hope you guys understand why the BBC article and all other foreign journ*lism about South Africa are generally worth shit.

Anyways that's all I got! :marseybeantonguepoke::marseybean:

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Sometimes I think you're just making shit up and using wrenches as a steering wheel is a perfect example of that. :marseyxd:

But then I realize that not all places in the world are western so stuff like that is pretty normal.

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Here from a SA meme

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Worn and ragged beyond its years, usually used to describe a vehicle.

I love practical neologisms. :marseyxd:

Have you ever thought about making a post about common words used in SA not found anywhere else?

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ill try

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Why a tall building?

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I've been living in North Africa for a couple of months and I can attest that:

  • driving laws are entirely optional; speed limits, red lights, heck even opposite lanes.

  • there's no crossroads. Also drivers don't care about crossroads. Ped < bike < vehicle. You better get out of the way cause nobody's stopping

  • if a pedestrian gets hit, the driver just keeps on driving like nothing happened. Shouldn't have been in the middle of the road (crossing on a crosswalk on a green light)

  • think a broken tail light or missing mirror needs fixed? Africans drive without doors, exposed engine, missing windows, MISSING FLOOR, no lights at all (not that it matters, your average African will cut down on battery usage by turning off the light, so they have battery to spate to blast islamic chants)

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I hate how rapidly civil obedience to traffic laws in my burger city has gone away. Everyone's speeding, everyone's running red lights, hit and run accidents are through the roof. All because the city told the police they are no longer allowed to pull people over for these offenses because someone did a bit of :marseynoooticer: and saw that :marseyblack: were getting most of the tickets.

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"In order to fix the lack of safe driving knowledge and reckless behavior undoubtedly caused by systemic racial discrimination which has been leading to minorities being ticketed more often, we have decided to not actually fix the problem with driving safety and instead will simply stop enforcing the law."

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It's not even racial discrimination; it's the result of economics. The very wealthy don't care about traffic laws because they can pay off any fines. The very poor don't care about traffic laws because they'll ignore the fines. There just happen to be a lot more very poor people than very rich ones, and the very poor tend to be BIPOCs, so they get more tickets. I have yet to see one study that indicates people of various races commit traffic violations at the exact same frequency, which would be good proof of racism if only one group was then getting ticketed for it.

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Under the modern leftoid interpretation more BIPOCs being poor is the result of systemic discrimination so they shouldn't be ticketed because it wasn't fair that they were more likely to be poor.

Of course, this conclusion is r-slurred because it doesn't fix the fact that BIPOCs are more likely to be poor and overall makes traffic in BIPOC populated areas more dangerous.

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I loved driving in Mexico, they have perfected the ignore driving rules but don't be r-slurred about it

I drove from Mexico City to the coast and besides this one mountain with a tiny road where a truck got stuck teetering off the edge it was the most efficient driving I've ever seen

Plus the toll roads are empty and well paved. Everyone goes as fast as possible and you see giant cartel looking blacked out trucks doing 200km/hr.

I had a shitty Kia and the car was shaking at max speed so hard:marseysteer:

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