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Let us all dramanauts formally welcome our fellow sexy Indian dude dramanauts - Indian rightoid seethe after India tops the countries on "Social Hostilities" in Pew's Religious Restrictions Index


Since our fellow sexy Indian dude dramatards have been getting quite comfortable gobbling up all the American and European drama looking all smug with satisfaction, there needs to be more diversity and inclusivity in rdrama. We need more drama from around the world, no country should be safe from rdrama :marseypopcorn:

India as a whole has been moderately tolerant towards different minority religions, which was confirmed by a Pew report on religious intolerance that came a few months ago that. It was surprisingly wholesome that Indian rightoids on r\Indiaspeaks and Indian leftoids on r\India rejoiced after finding out that religious intolerance isn't as bad as they thought it would be.

Fast forward to today, when someone posted another Pew research article that placed India first in terms of "Social Hostility" in their Religious Restrictions Index, up from third in the previous year.

Most of the sexy Indian dudes are in denial about the report . :marseycope: about how the evil west and imperial US is trying to undermine India

This is just another fake report by western leftist NGOs interfering in Indian internal democracy, trying regime change here

Press freedom we were ranked much below Afghanistan even before Taliban takeover

:seethejak: :seethejak: Those lefties publishing one fake report after another :ragejak::ragejak: trying to stop us from lynching those pesky minorities

The last US President literally said he wanted to do a Muslim ban then banned entry for ppl from several Muslim countries. Right wing white Americans also often go insane if anyone wants to build a mosque near their city. But why isn't US on list? Geez, I wonder.

Drumpf bad m'kay!1! :marseysoypoint: Rightoid mayos bad m'kay!1! :marseysoypoint:

US is literally the cruelest country in the world and have no respect for anything or anyone. From Islamic terrorism to toppling governments, they have a hand in most of the filth in this world, yet because they set the narrative, they're the heroes.

:marseyagree: :marseyagree: :gigachad2: :gigachad2:

They hate black men more than muslims

:marseyagree: :marseyagree:

They can't go against their lords, can they?

:marseydisagree: :marseydisagree:

Rational sexy Indian dude tries to reason with the r-slurred sexy Indian dude

Because that's not rampant, the incidents you are talking about are few and far between.

But brainlet sexy Indian dude is high on delusion and copium

Its pretty rampant, there is a clear pattern of abusing, attacking and demeaning Muslims in the US. Look at how many death threats that Muslim Congresswoman Illhan Omar gets. The only thing that has changed is since Covid the mega racists have switched focus to China and anyone who appears East Asian.

There's some salt too

Back when the Israel-Palestine conflict was in full swing, rightoid sexy Indian dudes were overtly ecstatic about their support for Israel, with some rightoid sexy Indian dudes literally bootlicking Israelis. There was a good amount of malding when India who has historically been in support of Palestine :marseygasp: :marseygasp: again refused to support Israel and expressed support for Palestine in the UN instead.

Fast forward to today, sexy Indian dudes think that the west is unfair to India and Israel

India and Israel on the top. Afghanistan, Bangladesh & Palestine missing. Not at all fake

What kind of a joke is this. India & Israel on this list but not some of the worst abusers in the world ? Hilarious.

Saudi has bought out most western countries especially the US.

Another sexy Indian dude has the IQ of a child and knowledge even lower

Well the violence country is in making. The world want india to be most violent country, yet we see videos or america and other places where there is gun violence.

This has been a tactic that people used from childhood when they become centre of attraction, you start shouting fire fire so focus moves somewhere else. India is growing and that is not digestible by any 1st world country. Thus the child (1st world ) is shouting india is on fire blah blah blah…

Another sexy Indian dude tries to cope by being ignorant :ragemask:

Who cares what they think

But someone puts him in place

They aren't thinking. They are showing us mirror of what is happening in our social media.

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This reminds me of that one thread about some Indian rightoid complaining that all of his friends once they got decent jobs suddenly all became more liberal and they dont know why.

Honestly nothing against rightoids but I really do think a part of your demographic only exists because of bitterness that forms from being poor.

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I don't really know if cross-country comparisons really work. The average social leftists in Malaysia might as well be fascists to the Western wokies. Being economically liberal in countries like, say, Iran, would mean that you're for more privatization and less government control/regulation. Does that make them leftwing or rightwing? That aside, my personal observation is that due to the influence of Western mayos, richer people in non-Western countries do tend to be somewhat more socially liberal, at least with regards to things like homosexuality. But then again, who knows if they'd be considered liberal now since the wokies are pushing the frontiers where no man has ever gone before.

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They wouldnt. The thing western liberals dont understand is that the wealthy in 3rd world countries still require a bare minimum connection with their people and the Wokies are well past the point if keeping up.

Not to be too cynical but at this point a few years down the line we might actually end up seeing the UN have to reverse their statement that trans rights are human rights by the look of the shitshow.

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That's fricking r-slurred and you know it. Wokies here routinely dictate policy with zero regard for ground realities. The laws end up not being implemented, of course, but they pass laws nonetheless.

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Look the truth about ground realities in India is that the ruralcel who shits among the ganna fields is more representative of the average Indian than you or I ever will be. Taking that into account you have to admit even if you think the libs are rslurred there is still no way we could dictate policy with regard for ground realities and not come out looking more backwards than Saudi Arabia.

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Saudi Arabia is based and redpilled. I have no problem with being Saudi Arabia. Just without the Muslims.

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Look even with forced marriages you would still be at the end of the free wife list and with India's uneven gender ratio you still ain't getting any so stop getting a hard on for eastern waifu s*x slaves.

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I was mostly talking about the cutting off thief's hands bit but thot patrolling is based too. Anyway, UP etc does the thot patrolling well enough. Bhaiyya male feminists are what every Neha and Disha knows will come for her if she says out too late at night. Very based role they play. We do need more handless thieves tho.

Was at the passport office the other day and I saw this muslimah, full niqab and all get called mom by her uncovered daughter. I thought speaking english at home was cute twinkry peculiar to dindus but now I see muslims have also caught on.

Inshallah something is needed to keep this stupid embarrassing samples from being cringe. Every time I see sexy Indian dudes living in lundia talk to their kids in english I die a little inside.

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Talks about the good old days

Lives in UP

Opinion discarded

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The average social leftists in Malaysia might as well be fascists to the Western wokies.

Honestly, the left-right dichotomy has broken so many minds. Far leftists are practically fascists. Both ultimately appeal to a better vision through the use of violence, but fascists directly refer to a nation. Substitute that for "worldwide workers of teh world," and it works because it's not about workers globally but in practice only in one's country.


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They wouldnt. The thing western liberals dont understand is that the wealthy in 3rd world countries still require a bare minimum connection with their people and the Wokies are well past the point if keeping up.

Not to be too cynical but at this point a few years down the line we might actually end up seeing the UN have to reverse their statement that trans rights are human rights by the look of the shitshow.

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Press freedom we were ranked much below Afghanistan even before Taliban takeover

lol, how?

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Press freedom index is an actual joke. I recommend everyone read it.

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Press freedom in India is a kinda fricked, I don't know how its below afghan but. Freedom in the sense, most of the media is run by politicians and their organizations, there are barely any national level independent news sources. If its not run by a politician its bought out to spew propaganda for a certain party. Its a cluster frick

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Oh interesting, sounds pretty fricked

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Literally every news channel is either bjp or congress shit with an occassional marxist channel lmao

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:marseytunaktunak: :!marseytunaktunak:

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Cant wait until India gets turned into a caliphate

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Can you imagine the glorious 1 billion man jihad that could be amassed πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ.

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This is why we need mayocide.


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Heck yeah snappy is a sexy Indian dude too its official now.

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Linking to r/indiaspeaks is cheating, just like when SRDines link to r/conservative to point and laugh :marseydisagree:

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Lol, the list is in alphabetical order but these idiots think that it isn't.

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Shoutout to Central African Republic for finally showing up in something ✊✊.

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