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RWBY obsessed r/curatedtumblr user spends dozens of comments defending derailing a serious post about how society treats victims of trauma to complain about people being mean to their favorite anime characters


people cannot understand when trauma victims act traumatized especially in a way that is unpalatable to them because it involves lashing out and unpredictable moods and having boundary issues rather than just being demure, sad, and consumable. Bonus if the trauma victim is a woman


Me when I see someone starting a thread by talking about a very serious real life issue, without any mentions of fiction or fandom culture, presumably looking to spark discussion, so I take a look to see what insightful additions people have made to it, I'm immediatelly faced with the picture of a blorbo, and the thread proceeds to decay into just being used as an excuse for fandom people to complain about opinions other fandom people have.


OP is RWBY Discourse Georg, just ignore them

I checked and they're right, /u/ClaireDacloush posts ~30 times a day, mostly about RWBY. I read a post they made on /r/gamingcirclejerk and all the comments were like "Ugh, anothert barely disgusied RWBY post, give it a break already". They also made a bunch of posts about how they're being stalked by so meone who hates RWBY

>post discussing a very real problem with society's perception and treatment of trauma victims

>some frickass anime character

A female character with trauma issues who people hate on for reacting in a natural way to trauma.

because she's no longer ****able in their eyes.

Edit: the hatred people heap onto shows with female LGBT protagonists like Korra and RWBY is amazing!
Maybe I need to make one with Korra!

While some people are misogynistic about it, its also just not a very good show. Two things can exist

My hero academia is not a good show, AND it is misogynistic.

RWBY treats women as protagonists and without misogyny or fanservice.

When I see people say "it is not a very good show"

they're always whining about white male villains, a straight white dude who they're trying to make the protagonist over 4 gay women....

or a straight ship that was dumped over a gay ship.

so why should I entertain mass stupidity?

The thread continues from there but it's too long to quote in its entirety


If you don't like me?
You can block.
Since you're NOT blocking me?
That basically means you enjoy having me around.
So stop complaining, and start being nice.


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The GCJ thread is great :star:

this thread is bad and makes me not want to watch the show

I see you're an ADAM TAURUS fanboy :soyjakanimeglasses:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Yikes, carp, I get the feeling that somebody thinks the jaune fanfics are better... Although, to be fair, it's very clever how they names him jaune because he has blond hair, so I can kind of see where you're coming from

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That animation is atrocious

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Ah yes, Jaunette, a personal favorite of mine


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Hey carp.

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Guess what i'm about to say

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Yikes. You did a white supremacy. You did a anti-blackness. You did a imperialism. And you haven't apologized.

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C*nts are still at it


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Pro tip, if anyone ever brings up RWBY just respond that you don't watch it because it looks ugly. They're guaranteed to leave you alone and not go into an neurodivergent fit afterwards.

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It just looks so fricking bad, genuinely can't believe they thought releasing it was a good idea, and I'm even more baffled that someone's actually consuming this gutter oil "animation"

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I just assume that it was poor quality because it was an amateur studio when it first came out. If it never improved since then, then lmao.

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The original webshit had an interesting thing where to cut down on costs basically anyone who wasn't a PC was just a silhouette. Stylistically it worked really well, and there was potential to use that as an actual narrative point the way mimics in D&D work.

Instead as soon as they got more budget they spent some of it on replacing it with terrible CGI NPCs instead of the fights that were the only reason people actually watched it.

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R*pe carp

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Hello :marseywave2:

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But what if I want that? Then what should I say?

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Someday soon Roosterteeth will be gone :#marseyhappytears:

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Genuinely unsure why RWBY still exists. Its only selling point was having Monty Oum's animation, and at this point they have more seasons without his involvement than with it.

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Guess what you should do

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he's back with another banger

:#soyjakdancing2: :#soyjakdancing2: :#soyjakdancing2:

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Hello :marseywave3:

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Anime is a test. If you're an adult and you're still watching it; you've failed.

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More like RWBYn my balls

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Guess what you're about to be reminded of

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Dude I watched RWBY (years ago back when there were only 3 seasons) because a friend begged me and holy SHIT it was bad. I didn't even know something could be so un-self-aware and cringey. It actually looped back around to being good in a masochistic sense because it was just SO bad

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I know, it is so fricking bad. I hope you realise the part you watched was the GOOD part, and modern fans are like "i wish it was like it was in season 1-3" because its so FRICKING BAD

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Wait seriously? That's fricking insane lmfao it's crazy how you can keep a fan base if you cater to waifu-strags and shippers

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You have to watch it for yourself to understand. Theres literally an entire episode in volume 4, representing a whole week of waiting for viewers, where they literally just tell stories around the campfire. And it gets WORSE from there. You have to see for yourself man.

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Nah frick that. I watched enough of that shit in 2016. How much have you watched?

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I kept up with it so i can see the sneeding. There are literally dozens of video essays and whole channels dedicated to ripping on it and its so funny i love it.

I also harass carp to finish his review as you already know.

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i actually thought it was pretty fun in a mindless sort of way

monty oum dying was a godsend

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Lol is that the whole review?

Yeah if you shut your mind off it and look at pretty colours it passes i guess.

Sidenote i've noticed that a lot of shows that get the same kind of fandom as rwby have a few features in common (undertale, homestuck, steven universe, MHA etc). I guess the unique character designs (great workout for fanartists) + Barely formed roots of personalities pretending to be complex (perfect to write fanfiction with) can be used as a cheat sheet to appeal to that crowd.

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Nah I just don't think the review would be very fun to read if I did it. Like the first two seasons were among the worst things I've ever seen and ripe for endless ridicule, but after that it became enjoyable enough and I wasn't sure why I was still watching for awhile. Like it wasn't great or anything and I definitely had better things to do, but I didn't hate it? And yeah you can write bits scoffing at the ridiculous barebones plot and the endless forcing of clumsily-inserted social justice themes (muh evil cat people are just misunderstood, domestic abuse, wahhh), but that's not very compelling to read and it's not very funny either.

The fights are pretty cool. I'm mildly interested in seeing how the story resolves and I'll probably check back next season and keep going. There really isn't anything useful to say about it, though. It's artistically bankrupt, thematically empty and it reminds me of some little kid playing pretend with his action figures with exactly as much narrative cohesion. But yeah, flashy colors and stuff and lots of people hitting people with things. It's a bad show but not in a ridiculous way. It's just trash, but entertaining trash if you can turn your brain off.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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You can literally steal your material from youtubers idgaf it neeeeeeds to be from you

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Literally how hard would is it to keep your promises you said you watched it its shit just finish the darn thing

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:soyjakanimeglasses: Actually, RWBY isn't an anime at all:

RWBY (pronounced "Ruby")[6] is an American anime-influenced 3D computer-animated web series created by Monty Oum for Rooster Teeth.

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lol how did i not know MMD stands for MikuMikuDance

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found the incel

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@Modern_Major_DEADeral more tumblr in current year :marseybacktotumblr:

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"Trauma is not your fault but it is your responsibility" is my favorite tumblrism to defuse these "I have a DISABILITY so let me act like an insane person!" types

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Edit: the hatred people heap onto shows with female LGBT protagonists like Korra and RWBY is amazing. Maybe I need to make one with Korra!


While some people are misogynistic about it,


The later reply about MHA being misogynist probably ruffled a lot feathers there as well :marseysmug2:

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Ok, I will

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Never watched RWBY but every time it comes up it feels surreal that Monty Oum was behind something so big.

Turning Dead Fantasy into a career is hilarious.

:marseythumbsup: Good post. I hope to come across this person again.

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β–„β–‘β–β–‘β–‘β–‘β–„β–„β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–€β–€U HAVE BEEN SPOOKED BY THE
β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–Œβ–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–β–„SPOOKY SKELETON
β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–ŒSEND THIS TO 7 PPL OR SKELETONS WILL EAT YOU


people cannot understand when trauma victims act traumatized especially in a way that is unpalatable to them because it involves lashing out and unpredictable moods and having boundary issues rather than just being demure, sad, and consumable. Bonus if the trauma victim is a woman:

Me when I see someone starting a thread by talking about a very serious real life issue, without any mentions of fiction or fandom culture, presumably looking to spark discussion, so I take a look to see what insightful additions people have made to it, I'm immediatelly faced with the picture of a blorbo, and the thread proceeds to decay into just being used as an excuse for fandom people to complain about opinions other fandom people have.:

OP is RWBY Discourse Georg, just ignore them:


a post they made:


post discussing a very real problem with society's perception and treatment of trauma victims:

A female character with trauma issues who people hate on for reacting in a natural way to trauma.:

While some people are misogynistic about it, its also just not a very good show. Two things can exist:

My hero academia is not a good show, AND it is misogynistic.:

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Intercourse with Blake and Yang.

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/u/ClaireDacloush is 10000% a :#marseytrain:

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