transcript within Fuww twanyifestwo

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holy shit! it's finally happening!

Alright, has anyone typed up a transcript? No? Okay I will


[illegible, looks like "DARK ABYSS"]

DEATH [picture of umbrella corporation icon] DAY [picture of flower pistol shooting target]

Today is the day

The day has finally come!

I can't believe its here.

Don't know how I was able to get this far, but here I am.

I am a little nervous, but excited too.

Been excited for the past 2 weeks

There were several times I could have been caught, especially back in the summer of 2021.

None of that matters now. Im almost an hour + 7 minutes away.

Can't believe Im doing this, but Im ready...

I hope my victums [sic] aren't.

My only fear is if anything goes wrong, I'll do my best to prevent [illegible] of the sort. (God let my wrath take over my anxiety) It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. It's gunna [sic] go quick. I hope I have a high death count.

Ready to Die haha [illegible signature]


[illegible signature]

Kill those kids!!! 2/3/23

those crackers going to private fancy schools with those fancy khackis + sports backpacks

w/ thier [sic] daddies mustangs + convertables [sic]

frick you little shits

I wish to shoot you weakass [?] peepees w/ your mop yellow hair, wanna kill all you little crackers!!!

Bunch of little cute twinks w/ your white privlages [sic] frick you cute twinks

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do we know if this is real yet? i really hope it is

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This is more ridiculous than the rdrama version, so it's probably real

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Khakis! So THAT'S what that word is supposed to be :marseycrayoneater:

If her shooting was as bad as her handwriting skills, then no wonder she only could cap down 7 people :marseypoonerretard:

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yeah it was really bad lmao. handwriting does NOT pass

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:marseyconfused: 80% of dudes write like shit, foid hand-writing is usually miles better. Absolute :marseypassftm:

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i forgot what direction that transing was :marseygigaretard:

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You need more :marseytransrentfree: exposure. :@heyvestmoonpat:

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He was a trans man? Looks like scrote scribbles to me :tayshrug:

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She had to use a pistol caliber carbine because she was too weak to hold up an ar-15 lol

Massive !foidmoment

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Real scrote handwriting. :marseypassftm:

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I bet the average school shooter is one step away from being r-slurred. That's why they always copycat previous shooters that get on the news.

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This is where he said it came from, idk what MugClub is:

Louder with Crowder is publishing three pages of the long-awaited Nashville transgender mass shooter's manifesto. These pages of the manifesto were exclusively obtained by MugClub Undercover.

MugClub undercover has corroborated the pages from the manifesto as authentic. If you have information related to this story, please contact us at [email protected]

Edit: MugClub is Crowder's podcast network

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Oh wow turns it was political extremism. Glad this wasnt released until later unlike all the chud shooters!

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chud shooters operate in bad faith, so their lack of proper faith must be disclosed immediately to prevent the spread of disinformation :taycold:

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I think it's "dark abyss" on top. A true edgelord to the last

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I never cease to be amazed at just how fricking pathetic school shooters are

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Surprise surprise it's just a literal :#marseyretard2:

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I think the very top says "DARK ABYSS"

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