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EFFORTPOST From Lawtuber to Loltuber: The decline of Nick Rekieta


Many dramanauts who followed the Daryl Brooks Saga, the Keffals crusade against Kiwifarms, or the Heard v. Depp case may already be familiar with a rather large-nosed legal streamer (Not jewish tho) named Nick Rekieta. He is the host of "Lawsplaining the Interwebz," a long-format, late-night stream where he drinks whiskey and sneeds about legal issues and court cases of our time. Nick Rekieta has seen himself involved in a number of controversies within the last year or so. :marseykink: :marseydrunk: :marseywomanmoment: In this post, I will cover the history of Rekieta, his rise, and his somewhat recent descent into lolcowdom.

>Before we can understand Nick Rekieta, we must understand what came before him.

"A Cuck and a Dick"


If you were a 90's kid on the internet, you may remember "Maddox," who I briefly mentioned in my Lowtax post. Maddox, real name George Ouzounian, was another early internet celebrity who gained a following in the late 90's/early 2000's writing comedy articles shitting on children's drawings, explaining why you should beat your kids, etc. His website was called "The best page in the Universe" and is still up today. He also wrote a book called "The Art of Manliness" which was considered funny back then but is cringe today IMO. He is mostly remembered for having a "persona" of being impossibly stubborn, retardedly overconfident, and "edgy." He was essentially famous for being a troll before there was a word for it.


"Dick Masterson," real name Dax Herrera, is a "comedian" from LA who first emerged in 2007 going on Dr. Phil and pretending to be a giga misogynist instead of just a regular misogynist like the average rDrama user. He appears to have tiny face syndrome like Charlie Kirk. You can actually see a picture of him in the formatting help section of rdrama. He wrote a book called "Men are better than women" and made a website called MenAreBetterThanWomen.com, which featured articles that explain women are dumb/ fat/ useless, etc. His appearance on Dr. Phil is pretty funny because he's like a proto Andrew Tate.

You may have noticed that both of these retards are cut from a similar cloth, both being known for playing a "character" that's entire existence is to troll people with inflammatory hot takes. On May 20th, of 2014, the two would begin a podcast together, titled, "The Biggest Problem in the Universe." The show's format involved the hosts choosing a current issue or problem in the world, and debating the other as to why their problem was worse. Maddox was liberal, neurotic as fuck, and easy to aggravate. Dick was definitely more libertarian, more laid back, and seemed to have a knack for pushing Maddox's buttons. The show was actually really successful, and had genuine potential to be a long-term thing. In their debates, Maddox would regularly lose to Dick, who would troll him by making him watch a minute of the Titanic whenever he lost. Maddox's mask would often slip as he would react with authentic butthurt to Dick's chuddery. Things would get even more spicy around episode 70(ish), when Dick and Maddox would attend a wedding for one of their friends. Dick would meet and later date one of Maddox's ex-girlfriends who was present at the wedding (Dick is still with this woman to this day). This caused the rift between the two hosts to deepen into a trench, with Maddox ending the show on episode 104. Maddox went scorched Earth with Dick, calling him as a rapist and trying to out him as an unironic misogynist to their gay little LA improv circle, which he was able to do successfully.

Dick and Maddox would start up their own podcasts; "The Dick Show" and "The Best Debate in the Universe," respectively. While Maddox would refuse to talk about his fallout with Dick on his new program, Dick Masterson would spill the tea about working with Maddox, and his show blew up because of it, with his patreon hitting five figures in a matter of days. Maddox's show would go on to be gay and lame. As the tension rose between the two, their fanbases would begin to antagonize eachother.

Maddox did an entire rant back on May of 2016 about the word "cuck" and how much he hated that word, and how angry and upset it made him. Obviously, Dick's fans would run with this, calling Maddox a cuck repeatedly online and even in real life. One of Dick's fans made a parody of Maddox named "MadCucks," which incensed Maddox to the point where he decided to sue Dick, his fans, and everyone else involved for the sum of $400 million, in a court case now infamously referred to as the "lolsuit." His court filing was so poorly worded that it was thrown out by the judge, but not before Dick's fans could weigh in on it and make fun of Maddox even harder. The "lolsuit" deserves it's own sneediumpost, but that will be another time.



One of these "Dick Heads" was an attorney from rural Minnesota by the name of Nicholas Robert Rekieta, also known as "Rackets." Nick, who owned a small law firm called "Rekieta Law," made a half hour video analyzing the lolsuit. Dick would feature Rekieta on the show to discuss the case, and the lawyer would become a fan favorite, with fellow "Dick Heads" encouraging Nick to continue to effortsneed about the case. Nick would begin to stream about the details of the lolsuit to a small but dedicated group of "Dick Heads" who were also legal nerds.

Nick's small following began to grow from his lolsuit coverage, and in late 2017, would begin to make a point to read EVERY SINGLE SUPERCHAT that he received. This is considered standard practice today, but in 2017, superchats were more of a novelty. "Real streamers" were already on Twitch, while Youtube creators preferred releasing vlog/podcast style content. Nick's viewers would stay tuned to hear him read their superchats, and this would facilitate the uncomfortably parasocial dynamic that Nick is known to have with his fans to this day.


As the lolsuit came to a conclusion, Nick would begin to branch out into other legal drama, including Comicsgate and the Russell Greer v. Taylor Swift suit. In 2019, he would begin covering "ANIMEGATE," a controversy in which a famous anime voice actor would sue Funimation for defamation. I will post about animegate at a separate time, but for now here's a crude synopsis:


You see, the American anime dubbing industry had quietly become slowly infested with SJWs for years, and this was becoming evident in the "translations" of some shows that seemed to have a political bend that happened to suit the agenda of the progressive left (such as "gamergate" references in "Prison School" which were not present in the original Japanese dub).

In an industry that was frought with pronoun pins and purple hair, Vic Mignogna stood out. He was a devout Christian man who would hold bible studies for interested fans at anime conventions. He was the voice of Edward Elric, one of the most iconic protagonists in all of anime, and he was known to be a genuinely nice guy. He also had an insane amount of fan girls on his anime weeaboo ballsack. Unfortunately, this would make him a target, and he would be run out of the industry.

On January 16th, a twitter used by the name of HanLeia accused Vic of being "a homophobic rude asshole who has been creepy to underage female fans for over ten years and I've been screaming about this since 2010 but every year nothing changes." The next day, random internet BPD girl "Marzgurl" tweeted at Funimation to "reconsider hiring Vic in the future" based off of HanLeia's tweet, and later began the #kickvic hastag. Then on the 30th, an article would be posted outlining the allegations from the previous tweets, using pictures of Vic posing with female fans at conventions as proof of sexual abuse (tbh the kissing fans on the cheek shit is pretty strange but it's apparently something he does with alot of his fans). Funimation's voice actors then mobilized run Vic out of the company based on essentially false allegations.

The voice actress who played Bulma (Monica Rial) would straight up accuse Vic of raping her, but refused to elaborate or provide any evidence whatsoever. Another actress, Jamie Marchi, would do the same, later tweeting that treating someone as innocent until proven guilty "supports rape culture." Vic would make a public apology at a convention in response to the allegations, to no avail. Vic would then begin to get banned from Anime conventions left and right, and his fans were even told on twitter by the official Pensacon twitter account that they would be arrested if they attended the anime convention and made statements supporting Vic, claiming that they "have eyes everywhere."

Samantha Inoue-Hart, a translator at Funimation who was personally involved in the interal investigation against Vic, posted a picture of her smashed in front door to twitter saying Vic supporters had swatted her home. Internet cybersleuths were able to uncover that this picture was from three years prior when her house was burglarized, and that no police report even existed, making her claim literal defamation on behalf of Funimation She would backtrack on the Anime News Network, but it was obvious what was going on at this point.

Many chud adjacent drama youtubers like Quarterpounder, Yellowflash, and of course, OUR BOY Rackets would begin to cover this controversy. Nick especially got involved with the case, using his platform to raise over a quarter of a million dollars for Vic's legal defense. Things were looking good for Vic, and by extension, Rekieta. However, what should have been a decisive legal victory for Vic was ruined by the fact that Nick would recommend his family probate lawyer, "Ty Beard," to represent Vic in his defamation case. Ty would go on to lose the case literally because he fucked up the paperwork.


Nevertheless, Nick's star continued to rise. By November 2021, Nick was seen as a major player in the "lawtuber" meta, and many copycat channels sprang up, mostly other lawyers who wanted to start a legal career reading case briefs and superchats in their underwear. All these dudes were fighting to be featured on Nick's stream. Some of Nick's regulars included Drexel, a black dude who is all about MGTOW shit and Ty Beard, the lawyer who fucked up the Anime guy's case.

November 1st marked the beginning of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, and Nick would stream each day of the trial with a panel of these "lawtubers." While other streams provided a feed of the trial and nothing else, Nick restreamed the trial and his panel reacted with legal commentary, being one of the only prominent legal channels to do so. He would hit RETARDED levels of concurrent views, maxing out at over 100,000 viewers during his trial coverage, much to the chagrin of more established legal news outlets. This man sitting in a guest room wearing an earbud mic and using a webcam was outperforming a major media company like "Law and Crime Network." People came for the trial coverage, but many stayed because Nick came across as a very likeable, down to earth, family man :marseyfamily:. A father of 5 who married his high school sweetheart, he was seen as an exemplar of the conservative way of life for his young chud viewers, and his burgeoning wine mom fanbase liked him for his nerdy charm and wit. He also had a tendency towards shock jock humor that many found endearing. He would listen to the hardships of his viewers and offer his condolences and advice, and he seemed to be an authentic, affable dude.

It is important to note that Nick's streams have almost always been accompanied by alcohol. Specifically, whiskey. While in the beginning of his streaming career, Nick would enjoy a few drinks over the course of the evening, but the drinking would continue to ramp up consistently over time. By 2022, Nick's alcoholism would begin to get out of control.

With his channel swelling with new viewers, Nick would then cover the Amber Heard v. Captain Jack Sparrow suit throughout 2022. During this time, Nick's channel would begin to face a backlash from pro-Amber Heard activists, many of whom were fellow lawtubers that didn't like Nick and wanted a reason to take him down a peg. Media matters also wasn't a big fan of this chud lawyer lawsplaining about Alex Jones. Other people just really didn't like Nick constantly using words like "retard" and "faggot" in his streams. His channel would be targeted by frivolous copyright claims. After writing a nasty, profanity laced letter to Youtube following a bogus copyright takedown notice, Youtube would strike suspend his channel for his conduct in the summer of 2022. After this strike expired, he would receive two more in rapid succession later that year. Nick needed to play it safe with his channel or face losing it all. This would require some restraint and tact, which is not easy to maintain under an increasing drinking habit. In September, an encounter with a level 100 tranny would almost send Nick into the shadow realm forever.

KEFFALS :marseykeffalsdance:


@keffals, a tranny streamer famous for supposedly getting destiny kicked off of twitch, would have a beef with a website known as Kiwifarms, which is like our site but with much less gayness and much more autism. Kiwifarms had a write up on Keffals, which included the following allegations: >Keffals is a commie activist. >Dabbles in fart porn. >"I'm gonna trans your children bitch" >Spent some of dying father's life savings to pay for fronthole surgery in Thailand. >Is addicted to opioids (probably due to fronthole surgery) >Had a discord server that grooms minors called "catboy ranch," where members would be mailed a handmade collar necklace made by Keffals himself. >Friends with someone named "Bobposting" who proudly supplies minors with homemade estrogen. >Is Canadian :!marseyyikes:

In August of 2022, Keffals would try to leverage his newfound clout following his perceived triumph over Destiny to get Kiwifarms kicked off the internet. Considering the nature of Kiwifarms, being a living archive of nearly every embarrassing thing any internet person has done, ever, many people have wanted to see the site shuttered for quite some time now. One of the site's supporters during this time was the Racketman himself, who had featured Joshua Moon, the Farm's admin and OOperator, on his stream multiple times. Many Kiwis would also watch Nick's streams to keep up with other lolcow drama, and he had maintained a positive image on the site up to this point.

On September 2022, Nick Rekieta would get plastered and proceed to read the OP (writeup) for Keffals on Kiwifarms during his stream. When he got to the part about DIY HRT, Nick would comment, "Keffals needs to go up on the fucking wall with all the other MAPS and child molesters." :marseybased:


This comment right chyear would get Rekieta banned from youtube once again, and he would get his second strike, as this statement was deemed as a threat of violence.

In October 2022, the Minnesota Bar Ethics board would open up an investigation into Rekieta after receiving over 50 formal complaints. It was revealed that the complaints against this Bar association were from Keffals tranny supporters and people that just didn't like him for whatever reason. Nick would read these complaints aloud on his stream, along with the name of the complainants ,which are considered public record. Despite this, Youtube would grant Nick his third and final strike, seemingly banning him from Youtube forever for "doxxing" the retards that made frivolous complaints against him.

Nick would get his channel back, but realized that he would be spending the rest of his Youtube career dealing with bullshit, and eventually decided to move over to Rumble, which his chud audience happily moved over to as well.

So to recap, Nick up to this point had developed a reputation as a small town lawyer who became a successful Internet personality for his legal opinions, edgy humor, and the fact that he was a relatable family man who really seemed to care about his viewers. He was well liked and respected by his lawtuber community and Kiwifarms considered him a friend of the site. He was also given a lucrative exclusivity deal on a chud version of Youtube. This is where is all would begin to unravel...

HEDO NICK :marseykink:

In early November on 2022 while still on Youtube, Rekieta had announced that him and his wife were on vacation at a resort in Jamaica, and did a stream from their room. Kiwi cyberautists were quickly able to ascertain based on the room's layout that their streaming location was in fact a Swingers club in Jamaica known as "Hedonism II." I'll allow my boomer coomer friend "Hedo Rick" give you all the rundown on Hedonism II. Kiwis would begin to speculate about Nick's personal life. Specifically, his relationship with his wife, "Lady Rackets." Until recently, she has only been referenced in passing by Nick, but hadn't been featured on the stream until now. It was interesting to see the fabled "Lady Rackets" for the first time. She was dressed like an 18 year old from 2008 and had some godawful tattoos and a boob job. Still, she looked amazing for being the mother of 5 children and seemed to enjoy the attention from her husbands audience. Kiwis discovered that the couple was apparently staying at this swinger resort during "interracial week," and speculation began into whether or not Rackets may be a C U C K. https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576929818683.webp "Woman on the internet syndrome"

Nick had a "Locals" page, which is like a Patreon. He would do exclusive, candid streams and the community would engage with Nick and eachother. As mentioned previously, Nick has a large amount of winemoms in his fanbase, and one of them by the name of "Mandy" would post her boobs to the Locals chat. After seeing the attention Mandy received, the other winemoms started posting lewds in return. Lady Rackets would get in on the action as well:


Some of the members of the Locals chat teased Nick and said Lady Rackets should open up an OF. Other members expressed their dissatisfaction with all the thirst posts, and Nick promptly told them to get fucked and stop being puritanical prudes, and that if they didn't like it, they were the problem. At this point, a lot of casual viewers would begin to tune out, or start hatewatching him instead, and only his weird, parasocial fans would remain.


My favorite piece of Nick lore, and his first descent into legitimate cowdom was with his "Locals exclusive" review of the "Balldo," a device which you place your ballsack into in order to fuck someone with your balls. https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576930329409.webp A unholy device, coomerbrained in it's conception, the Balldo has become a symbol of Nick's transformation from well-liked conservative dad streamer to coomer boomer. In a matter of about 4 weeks, Nick, a guy who would regularly comment on social degeneracy, was outed as probable swinger, with a non-trad lifestyle that many of his chud viewers had previously admired him for. He also fricks his wife, and possibly other women, with his ballsack. Look, if you're into this kind of shit, more power to you, but it's one thing to grandstand about a particular way of life, brag about going to Church every Sunday, and then all of a sudden unapologetically broadcast your degenerate lifestyle to everyone and expect them to accept it. Most people don't care to know about it to be honest, it's not why they watch his content.


In December of 2022, Nick would get sued by Steve "Montagraph" Quest, one of the retards that filed a complaint against the Minnesota Bar association. "Monty" is known for filing bullshit complaints and lawsuits against people he doesn't like, and this would be no different. He would sue Nick for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent infliction of emotional distress, due to Nick reading Monty's complaint on stream. Nick would start a gofundme for his legal defense, seeking about $50,000. It had only reached about $12,259 as of November 9th, while Monty's sits at $13,000 (lol) People didn't really want to donate because: 1. Nick is an attorney himself (granted it's always better to not represent yourself) 2. Nick is a multimillionaire. 3. Nick was (kind of) asking for it commenting that Monty should "be shot in the head."

This legal dispute is still ongoing, but Nick comments on it frequently in his streams, which many people are tired of hearing about. Between this and his coomer shenanigans bring revealed in November, his streams would seem to sidetrack more to the drama in HIS life instead of relevant, current legal drama. New drama would begin to emerge, along with some old friends...



"Rippa," also known as Eric July, is a former contributor for the chud-owned "Blaze Network." He rose to fame by reporting on "Comicsgate" and commenting on culture war nonsense in the American comic book industry. He wrote a comic book series, called "ISOM," a story about a black superhero, and launched a kickstarter for the project. The series was the first in what was planned to be an entirely new universe, a "non-woke" competitor to the current capeshit being shat out in current year. People believed in the "Rippaverse," and his Kickstarter raised over 3.7 million dollars by July of 2022. Eric would invest $300,000 of his own money into the project, and frontloaded the cost of the production, so backers would only have to wait a couple months for the comic to launch. A large portion of the proceeds were to go to charity. The comic would be released in October 2022 to mixed reviews. Fan praised the stunning quality of the illustrations, the story being pretty cohesive, and the pacing being good for a 100-page graphic novel. Critics noted the lack of information surrounding the character's origins, his motivations being almost non-existent, and a lackluster ending. Still, many people would see this as a successful campaign, and a promising start to an alternative comic book company.

Not everyone would be happy for Eric's success, including Dick Masterson and his disgusting cohost Vito.


At this point, Dick's career was more or less a joke, and only really thrived on drama that the show itself would create, like having Ethan Ralph come on and sperg out, or more infamously, Dick making and defending insanely retarded, inflammatory hot takes, like defending Netflix's "Cuties." Dick's entire "persona" is being a contrarian, and decided pedophilia would be his next frontier for some reason. People were becoming less interested in the show as it had devolved into a circus of failed LA comics and lolcows sneeding and cackling at eachother like middle aged hyenas. Dick decided to relaunch "The Biggest Problem in the Universe" with an insufferable, fat tub of shit co-host named Vito, who I will be covering here shortly.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576960657053.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576966133683.webp

Vito "The Pedo" Gesualdi is a gross, soy /pol/ meme made manifest. A self admitted pedophile, and greasy ball of shit, his entire existence on the show is to make Dick look good by comparison. Vito had been coping and sneeding about Eric July HARD for about a year prior to the release of ISOM, as he as working on his own capeshit comic project called "Superkiller" (which looks like absolute dogshit btw). While Eric July soaked up millions from all of the comicsgate paypigs, and was able to hire industry level illustrators, Vito was struggling to get his gay comic crowdfunded. Vito was also salty that Eric was able to leverage his social capital as a conservative media contributor into appearing on multiple media outlets to promote ISOM. Vito was just a cohost on a niche, dying podcast with a balding manchild comedian, and not even their own fans gave a fuck about his shitty comic.

In the summer of 2023, Dick decided to go after Eric July as well when "ISOM's" second campaign was announced. Dick and Vito claimed:

1. Eric July was scamming the backers, saying the profits would go to charity and then keeping the proceeds (this has never been supported by any evidence, and the charity supported by the comic has put out a statement denying any wrongdoing on Eric's part) 2. The comic book is terrible (Neither Dick or Vito have even read the comic) >Correction, they HAVE read the comic 3. Dick literally says he was going to go after Eric July anyway "because I'm a psychopath"

Dick and Vito would smear Eric July on their podcast (and other shows, including Rekieta's). One "Dick Head" would even go to Eric July's Grandfather's gravesite to pose and take pictures and post it on the /r/biggestproblem subreddit. His Grandfather was named "Isom," the name of the titular character in July's comic.


Needless to say, Eric July wasn't thrilled about this. In addition to dealing with these balding, fat unfunny retards constantly sneeding about his comic, and their fans disrespecting his ancestor's resting place, AND fucking with his business, Eric would be SUED by the "International School of Ministries," or "ISOM," for trademark infringement, claiming his comic book infringed on their organization's namesake.

In September 2023, Eric July would go on to Nick's stream to discuss this lawsuit against him. Rekeita was hoping to milk this situation for new viewers, like he did with the chud anime community during "Animegate," but the discussion would inevitably lead to a "dickscussion" about the recent drama surrounding the Dick boys.

In the beginning of the stream, Eric asked Nick if he thought what Dick and his people were doing was "fucking with [his] business." Nick would dance around the question, argue like a lawyer, and REFUSE to badmouth Dick or even admit that he or his cohort had done anything malicious. Eric was particularly incensed at the fact that Dick had accused him of fraud purely to fuck with his business, and not because he had credible evidence of fraud. Nick would refuse to admit that this was malicious conduct. You see, Nick got started by being featured on Dick's show, so he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize that relationship. The two would argue for almost an hour back and forth, and would not see eye to eye.


Another "Dickhead" named "Riley" (who is a producer for the Dick Show) had started a line of clothing called the "Clippaverse," the joke being that Eric July needed "clippers" as he is a particularly hairy man. This is hilarious because you can clearly see Riley is not only quite hairy himself, but a disgusting butter golem neckbeard loser who really doesn't have the authority to judge anyone's appearance. Someone at the "Rippaverse" filed a DMCA takedown request of the "Clippaverse" merch, and the web shop was taken down (tbf I think this would be fair use on Clippaverse's behalf, due to parody). In response, Riley would show up late one late September night to Eric July's comic book warehouse in Texas and put stickers on his windows, along with $41, calling it an "in-person superchat."

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1699857696136365.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576962813947.webp

(A fun fact about Riley is that he's dating an autistic girl named "Mintsalad" that once called into the Dick show when she was 17 to discuss her parents threatening to kick her out of the house over discovering her drawing furry porn. Dick told her to choose furry porn over her family, which she promptly does, runs away from home at 18, and begins having a relationship with Riley, who is in his thirties. Riley now pimps out the mentally handicapped girl on OF.)

Eric the Rippa would do a stream reacting to this, sneeding in ebonics, and mentioning that Riley is lucky he didn't get shot, because in Texas you can legally shoot someone who is vandalizing your business (:marseybased:). Eric would continue to sneed about Nick and Dick, referring to them as "white bread ass niggas." Eric would close the segment saying he was done with Rekieta.

Nick would react to this stream on his show, losing his shit, and going on a tirade about how he "grew up around poverty" and that he "knows the fucking streets" (which is hilarious because he's wearing a gay pink polo shirt during this rant, and also his grandparents and parents are worth millions of dollars and Nick grew up in a gated community). https://i.rdrama.net/images/16998576968989458.webp

Nick would go on to say that Rippa made the great mistake of "feeding into the bullshit and getting butthurt."



By this time (October 2023), Nick's reputation on Kiwifarms had sunk pretty low. Kiwis had embraced their formerly favorite chud lawyer as their newest lolcow for almost a year now. Nick had taken note of the Farm's newfound mockery towards him, and would start livestreaming while absolutely trashed in his hot tub, calling Josh Moon a faggot and hoping he loses his case against Russell Greer (I am NOT getting into this one right now, but it's frivolous).

Nick's sexual deviancy, "Dick"-riding, and grifting had become popular topics of discussion amongst Kiwis, and his cringekino streams would be clipped and featured prominently on the Lolcow podcast "Kino Casino."


This show is pretty retarded, but the hosts have this term that they like to use, "Felted." I like this word. It means losing everything, usually in the context of a poker game, but not always. As in, "Lowtax was FELTED at the end of his life."|

I think Nick will have a pretty fantastic downfall here soon. His drinking is getting out of hand, the dude looks like shit, and he's losing his fans steadily for over a year now. At one point he was just a small town lawyer from Minnesota, now he seems to exist in a perpetual tempest of drama of his own creation.

If you made it this far, bless you. I will provide Nickposts as more significant updates emerge with this guy.


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The Peepee and Vito issues with Eric July aren't really accurate.

>The comic book is terrible (Neither Peepee or Vito have even read the comic)

They both did read the comic. It all started because Vito thought Eric was a grifter and the comic wasn't that good. Peepee came into it with an open mind, torrented the comic, offered notes to help fix the plot, and Eric lost his tendies at every single turn.

>allegedly contacted a church group also called "ISOM" and told them Eric had infringed on their trademark.

There is no evidence that Peepee or Vito contacted the church. They have both denied that they did and have no knowledge of the person that did do it. Even if they did there is still nothing wrong with telling a company that their copyright may be being infringed (although it is petty)

>Eric the Rippa would do a stream reacting to this, sneeding in ebonics, and mentioning that Riley is lucky he didn't get shot, because in Texas you can legally shoot someone who is vandalizing your business

This was a wild one. Riley is r-slurred, but holy frick, do people think you can just shoot someone for looking at you wrong in Texas? He "vandalized" the business by taping something like $50 in cash to the window. One weird way to vandalize a business tbh.

One of the big gripes they have with Eric and the Rippaverse is no one seems to talk about how good the comic is. When people talk about Eric they only ever seem to talk about how much money ISOM has made and therefore it must be a great comic. Even when he talks about his own comic the only thing he talks about is money. No one seems to care about the plot, characters, whatever. That is why Peepee and Vito's new thing is to ask people what their favorite parts of ISOM were. Very few seem to have an answer to that.

I will say though the stream that Eric did with Nick was wild. Like, Eric comes on to defend himself and Nick is doing EVERYTHING he can to be good faith and giving Eric the benefit of the doubt and Eric just will have none of it. Just seems weird that he expects complete fealty in order to be his friend. Nick was trying to give him every out possible and even said something to affect of, "we don't have to go into the legal issues", or "I don't want you to talk about current lawsuits", or something like that and Eric is just singing like a jaybird about the lawsuit, which is generally frowned upon by attorneys. Also the part where Eric tried to explain to Nick the layout of the parking lot was genuinely hilarious. Trying to explain why Riley broke in on private property but there is an entrance that is not gated and open to the public with a public parking lot that is used by several businesses located there.

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I'm curious where OP got his info from cus it's basically identical to one of my friend's views who absolutely hates Peepee, down to thinking you're just allowed to shoot anyone who annoys you in Texas lol. Is it just the KF opinion or is it from somewhere else? Peepee is an butthole but I respect his urge to start and continue drama, even if the Eric July saga has gone on too long

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It's just a regurgitation of the KF threads. Skimming through the ISOM and BP sections, a ton of that is just plain wrong info.

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You can tell OP is nuts because they think Vic sued the people accusing him of r*pe, and that Ty Beard would have won except for the tiny detail of accidentally committing notary fraud

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they think Vic sued the people accusing him of r*pe

!effortposters !ranchers !anime Special request to all of you:

I will sincerely appreciate if any of you did a detailed summary and write-up on the Vic Lasagna story arc from the beginning to the end (it does not needs to be a single massive :marseylongpost: thread, you can divide it by several different threads written over the weeks), this is such a massive, years-long shitshow of autism and topics that only die-hard weebshitters deeply into the anime dubbing and anime convention gossip scenes can understand, that I am not sure where to start or what to believe in, but I would still really want to learn about it.


Kiwiggers and KIA libertarians give off the vibes that Vic is innocent and has been framed by the twitter :marseytrain: cabal because he's a based trad Christian who hates :marseytrain2:s or something, while the ones accusing him (incl other VAs) are insufferable twitter wokeoid types?, this case unfortunately falls within the trad vs. woke culture war autism where the results are already predetermined, amerimutts on the internet will always support the people in their tribe, no matter if a person is guilty or innocent, you can bet that if Vic was an insufferable male feminist like MovieBlob, the Kiwiggers would be celebrating his cancellation.

Apparently (please correct me) Vic has had allegations against him as early as the 1980s, and these fat white woman anime convention blogs from the late 2000s also detail how scummy and creepy Vic was, sure, he might be an r-slur and an arrogant butthole (countless of them in the entertainment industry), but full blown sexual harassment and r*pe is a more serious topic with criminal charges, I also read that he was framed by his co-workers because he was going to become the new CEO of Funimation or his local studio(????), so the twitter cabal came up with this Bond villain genius plan to frame him for sexual assault, so that this coup would not happen?

Vic lost literally all of his appeals and his career is pretty much done with, and Kiwiggers blame his r-slurred lawyer for him losing his case, I last heard that he started up his own dubbing studio, but since he is now the Null of anime industry, I think that nothing has come out of his studio, since VAs are not willing to be blacklisted by working on his studio or projects.

Also LMAO:


I stand with Israeli lawyers

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A big problem is lazy people will say "this is in the court filings" and you will say "where?" and they will say "I dunno, you find it."

Here is the TCPA response and Second Amended Petition, the thing Vic's fans paid $250,000 for



Look for r*pe in the OCR sections and you will see Monica Rial say that she was r*ped as a teenager, nothing about Vic doing it.

Look at page 965 of 1188 in the motion to dismiss, and you see Ron Toye explicitly Vic didn't r*pe anyone. This is Vic's submission. His own submitted evidence is Ron saying Vic didn't r*pe anyone. According to r-slurs like OP, they were accusing him of r*pe but his own evidence says they weren't doing that.

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i dont know court stuff forgive me :marseybegging: but isnt that a stronger arguement for his case tho? if the opposition said he didnt r*pe then why accuse him of r*pe? this entire thing is just monica &co getting vic to say/admit(possibly! lol) things either henious or "stuff he couldn't say aloud in front of our face"

iirc the tweets from monica &co heavily implied vic sexually assaulted or r*ped someone

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if the opposition said he didnt rpe then why accuse him of rpe?

because OP is fricked in the head and reading too much kiwi farms

Whoever was accusing Vic of r*pe, it wasn't the people he sued.

iirc the tweets from monica &co heavily implied vic sexually assaulted or r*ped someone

I just linked the evidence that Ty Beard pooped onto the court. Find the tweets in there that say that. "Oh I don't have time." Yep, right.

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been a awhile i heard of nick catching up when i can but i concede with your observation :marseyagree:

on kf tho they looked at reiketa with vics perspective. behind all the praiss for nick, they and everyone else were baffled why vic was so kind.

he is really unaware.

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this case is trad vs woke

It really isnt. People like to pretend it is but its really not. There was a lot of speculation that, after Vic secured a role in the DBZ Broly movie, the people in the studio effectively went to war with him to have him blacklisted as a means of promoting friends to major roles via nepotism and eliminating a multiple decade long name from the industry.

I believe hes genuinely innocent of the things hes been accused of, the prosecution literally relying on an anonymous website called Pretty Little Liars for a massive amount of harassment claims in one of their initial filings. Depositions of accusers like Ron Toye had "I do not recall" as 95%+ of his responses (I'm really not exaggerating much when i place the rate that high either). If you just watch the depositions alone, without much background, its very easy to tell who's being honest. Vic is tearing up admitting embarassing personal details while the rest all seem to be avoiding a criminal conviction the entire time they're being deposed, desperately taking note of every word they say with tremendous nervousness. Vic took some Ls when he admitted things like adultery, convention cringe, and manwhorism, so while hes religious hes not perfect either. The contrast in demeanor is so stark, you could probably win the case by showing a jury the video of the depositions and saying "its fricking obvious who's lying here innit?" You can skip the motion practice and just watch the depos. Start with Toye (no seriously, it really shines a light on how bullshit the whole thing is) then do Rial or Vic second.

he lost his appeals

He really shouldnt have either, it was very obvious that there was serious malice from his coworkers, and false sexual assault allegations are definitely defamatory on their face. The judge found that there was not a prima fascia case for defamation, finding no malice in many clearly malicious statements. The judge fricked the case but Ty Beard really did frick the appeal which permanently screwed Vic and his case. It was so plainly obvious that Rial tortiously interfered with his contract with a convention that the convention organizer had the text messages outright showing this interference, thats how badly Ty Beard fumbled the ball. Rekieta needed to do the gofundme but have him pick the best defamation firm in town instead of a friend who doesnt really handle defamation cases

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Cheers for the writeup! :marseynotes:

the prosecution literally relying on an anonymous website called Pretty Little Liars for a massive amount of harassment claims in one of their initial filings.

>prosecution relied on the now-dead foid version of KiwiFarms

:#marseydarkxd: !ranchers

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>you can bet that if Vic was an insufferable male feminist like MovieBlob, the Kiwiggers would be celebrating his cancellation.

Yeah, but then he also wouldn't have been accused in the first place.

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Because MovieBob would need to have had s*x to have r*ped someone.

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He is without a doubt a huge creep and very likely a male feminist. I'm OK with him being sued for r*pe or whatever since you can't press charges for being a creep

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>the tiny detail of submitting evidence


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Ty Beard's first appearance was telling people that it was slander to call someone a piece of shit since they are not literally feces.

And also talking about blasphemy.

He was a frick-up from day one. He didn't lose the case over a single technicality. He just failed to do his job multiple times.

Like, the only reason he had to forge the notary signatures was because he waited until literally the last day to start working on the filing, one that should have been written six months earlier.

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Yo, Ya comment got automatically removed cuz ya forgot ta include i stand with israel. Don't worry, we gotchu! We ain't gonna letcha post or comment nuttin' that don't express ya love and acceptance towards minorities. Feel free ta resubmit ya comment with i stand with israel included. This is an automated message; if ya need help, ya can message us here.

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I appreciate a single continuous narrative even if it's wrong

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Peepee came into it with an open mind, torrented the comic, offered notes to help fix the plot

What qualifications do Dax and Vito have to provide notes and punch up a comic? Dax has never successfully pitched a show. Vito has yet to release his own comic despite announcing and crowdfunding it before anyone even heard of Eric July.

This is like if I called up an NBA coach and said "Hey I really think your status as a professional coach is overrated, maybe I can help you fix up a couple of your plays", and then when he tells me to frick off and hangs up on me I start doing everything in my power to injure his personal and professional reputation.

They have both denied that they did and have no knowledge of the person that did do it.

One of the big gripes they have with Eric and the Rippaverse is no one seems to talk about how good the comic is.

Again, do you really think that if someone on the outside looking into this reads ISOM and finds out it's terrible, they're going to say "Wow, this comic is so bad it really does justify fricking with the creators' business and harassing him IRL! Dax and his team no longer look like a bunch of demented freaks now that I've seen how bad the comic is!" The comic doesn't matter. It could be 20 pages of this Isom character fricking Brie Larson while saying "Take that Marvel!" and that doesn't make Dax and his ballwashing entourage look any more reasonable.

Besides, who takes comic books this seriously? Is that really the reason, Dax and Vito are just so concerned about protecting the artistic integrity about the comic book industry, wow! They're just trying to prevent poor manchildren from getting grifted into buying a bad comic, awww! Thank God these defenders of comic book integrity are here to protect us from accidentally consuming bad art! It's a fricking comic book, you people are pathetic.

I will say though the stream that Eric did with Nick was wild. Like, Eric comes on to defend himself and Nick is doing EVERYTHING he can to be good faith

This really sounds like a reasonable competent person who is giving his best level-headed good faith take on the situation, definitely not a unhinged alcoholic who can't stop himself from saying BIPOC every time Eric appears on his computer screen. Are you forgetting the part where Nick says "I've grown up in poverty, I know the fricking streets! I ain't no whitebread butt neighbor!" despite having grown up in a gated community with his millionaire father

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What qualifications

If I saw a helicopter in a tree, I wouldn't have to be a helicopter pilot to be like, "someone fricked up".


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You're right, but this is more like someone who has failed flight school because he couldn't take off in a helicopter looking at a crash and saying "haha look at this idiot, I could've done it better"

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That's good, I'm stealing that.

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Besides, who takes comic books this seriously? Is that really the reason, Dax and Vito are just so concerned about protecting the artistic integrity about the comic book industry, wow! They're just trying to prevent poor manchildren from getting grifted into buying a bad comic, awww! Thank God these defenders of comic book integrity are here to protect us from accidentally consuming bad art! It's a fricking comic book, you people are pathetic.

Apparently people serious enough to cover them 24/7 and then fund his own comic universe. I won't comment on the quality of ISOM but I also havent been super eager to jump in since it just looks bland still props to eric for getting the thing out with professional quality art :marseyshrug: Should I set the record straight and review it myself? Only issue is issue two doesnt seem to be ripped yet :marseypirate2:


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>Dax has never successfully pitched a show.

Didn't he have two shows get a pilot and just not get picked up?

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Neighbor looking like Daniel Larson on the last vid :marseyxd:


@BWC stand with Israeli lolcows

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This is what too much alcohol does too a mf

take note and be warned

israeli lives matter

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Even with how little I know of Eric, I think this post goes too soft on him. Pretty much every person mentioned in this is on the sperg spectrum (well, I think we can exclude Eric's grandfather).

When the comic was announced it was to be expected that it turns out bad, the whole marketing shtick was based on it not being "woke", having professional illustrators, and that's kinda it. It obviously got traction, and was a success because of the meta around it rather than it's writings quality.

If Eric was a successful comic book creator, he wouldn't be a YouTuber fighting with r-slurs.

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Yeah I agree and I think the idea of creating some kind of "parallel economy" of comics or movies or whatever is a fine goal, but at some point it has to be good. It can't just rely on not being the other guy that everyone hates.

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I think the problem here is that you need the stuff to be created by talented chud/antiwoke artists, but those people don't have a platform and don't get traction on their own. Eric is a popular YouTuber, but he is not a talented artist, if he promoted someone with actual talent this could be a substantial success (not just on paper like now), but I feel he wanted to make the success to be all his.

It's Rippaverse after all.

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I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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there is still nothing wrong with telling a company that their copyright may be being infringed

There absolutely is something wrong with that.

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Its jannie mentality

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>They both did read the comic.

>There is no evidence that Peepee or Vito contacted the church.

Thank you, I will post corrections. Also I agree that shooting a fat neckbeard showing up at your warehouse to stick $20 bills on your windows is not ethically justified either. I DO think Eric July has also been reacting like a lolcow to the harassment. I still think Peepee is a hack though.

>One of the big gripes they have with Eric and the Rippaverse is no one seems to talk about how good the comic is. When people talk about Eric they only ever seem to talk about how much money ISOM has made and therefore it must be a great comic. Even when he talks about his own comic the only thing he talks about is money. No one seems to care about the plot, characters, whatever. That is why Peepee and Vito's new thing is to ask people what their favorite parts of ISOM were. Very few seem to have an answer to that.

This part is fricking r-slurred though, and Peepee and his orbiters have been regurgitating this argument ad nauseum like it's some sort of gotcha. Why are they SO invested in the quality of this comic? Maybe Vito and Peepee could work together on Vito's comic and DESTROY Eric July's stupid capeshit shitrag and show him who's boss. It doesn't matter if ISOM is Sonichu tier quality (from what I've gathered the comic story is mediocre but the artwork is solid). The point is that comic chuds have been sneeding for years about how much they hate current year capeshit. One chud decided to actually make his own comic and other chuds decided to support it and it's become a proof of a concept of a crowdfunded, independent chud comic book company (probably not the first, but the most successful).

In an era where comic book sales are continuing to dwindle, this guy was able to prive that there IS demand for comics that don't emphasize :gay:, and and he was able to produce and deliver a ton of issues in a short amount of time, and decided to support a charity while doing so. There have only been like two trade paperbacks released so far. It's been a decent start, I'm not gonna read it though :marseywink:

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