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Honorary proto- dramanaut HenryKissinger has died…



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!besties :marseygossipshock:

Kissinger died from cringe

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Old boy managed to rattle leftoids even at death's door.


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he truly was the proto-dramanaut. i dont think :marseychildclutch: anyone agrees with anything :marseycoleporter: that he did

:marseykneel: :marseylibations: RIP to a king

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He really pissed off Neolibs for being against supporting Ukraine.

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  • pissed :marseyhatium: off socialists by illegally bombing cambodia

  • pissed :marseyannoyed: off liberals by refusing to condemn the bangladesh genocide :marseyhitler:

  • pissed :marseyghostangry2: off centrists for refusing to support ukraine

  • pissed :marseyhatium: off conservatives by resetting relations with the soviet :marseytank: union

  • pissed :marseydisgust: off far right :marseyyes: people by insisting on black :marseyitsallsotiresome: majority rule in rhodesia

:marseykneel: truly a king

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I love him so much bros, verily a sad day

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Chomsky outlived him. It's so over, spitebros. :marseysad2:

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And Good Chomsky outlived the Evil Kissinger!

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I think you have it mixed up with the Evil Chomsky sadly outlasting the Good Kissinger :marseytears:

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I'm not sure he's actually still alive


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World's most evil man

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its so frickign over

israeli lives matter

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All the political users on this site are either super happy or super sad, and the two biggest jews on the site have differing opinions. I'm so lost rn :marseygiveup: @R_FrankensteinV2

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Kissinger killed a lot of people.

Do you consider this to be a good or bad thing?

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Good :#shadowrage: !edgelords

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:#marseywave2: welcome back, king

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Depends on the people I guess


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He didn't kill anyone directly and those he did indirectly were bad people, he was hero of this world :marseysob:

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Think of him as the famous academic and manager to all anarchists in the world.

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He co wrote 'Manufacturing Consent', easily the best book about media propaganda in the USA.

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Two old jews

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Just as Venezuela was about to invade Guyana too, a war in South America, he would've love that


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Frick, is Noam Chomsky dead yet?

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No :marseycry: :marseyitsover:

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Did they have beef?

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Good night, sweet prince.

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dead at 100

This neighbor was a century old and he was in one of the most elite positions of power of the United States government? Wtf.

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He was still lucid and smarter then you

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Dramatards pick ths weirdest shit to fangirl over. This old fossil couldn't give two shit about you or anyone like you nevermind remember what his own name is.

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I was actually one of his male prostitutes

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They don't call him him KISSINGer for nothing

HAHA Get it?!

:marsey#fluffy: :m#icrophone: :#marseysting:

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The secret to this is called being an asocial neet.

Something that describes a good many users here.

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No, he was the SoS under Nixon lol

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He remained influential though up to his death. Basically everyone has consulted him. Despite his questionable morals, he was a genius when it came to geopolitics.

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>pakistan genocides bangladeshis

>say nothing

>india invades to stop it

>condemn them

>win nobel prize :marseywinner: 2 years later :marseywave2:

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There's like 3 billion indians + pakis + bangladeshis, you people really need to get better at genociding each other

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Gone too soon

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fricking finally. wwiii time!!!!

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>fricking finally. wwiii time!!!!


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and to think :marseymindblown: henry wont be around to see it :marseysad:

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leftoid neighbors celebrating as if he didn't win in every possible respect :marseydarkxd:

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Nobel Peace Prize recipient

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Globalist shills keep falling

Now for the rest of the NWO

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It's just odd for a man to spend his life supporting US interests only to be called a shill by homos on the internet.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Remember that Kissinger makes both "NOOO MUH IMPERIALISTERINOOOOO :soyjaktantrum:" leftoids and "NOOO MUH GLOBALISTERINOOOOO :chudtantrum:" rightoids spergout and seethe, proof that he was indeed a dramanaut! :marseykissinger: :marseykneel:

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They believe that the US is the center of/controlled by the "NWO" - these are the rightoid version of tankies.

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Supporting US interests bad, supporting US enemies interests good

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This but unironically

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Neoconservative globalism is not in the interest of the US. America is not a culturally r*ped, undemocratic and homogenized European Dream

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Neoconservative globalism is not in the interest of the US

Why not? It's literally built and held us an empire all around us.

homogenized European Dream

Isn't that what you mean when you rail about "globalism" - that you want a homogenous America for mayos?

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The US becoming isolationist and ineffectual in the world stage is surely in the interest of the US

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Too bad he couldn't take Chomsky with him.

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RIP to the realest neighbor who ever lived

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Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.

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World's most evil man is dead

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Did Chomsky drop too?

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Just getting started

The Storm is here


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Did the furry one make it?

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From what I heard his wife(?) is now replying to emails because he was feeling bad or something, so :marseyshrug:

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not a good look for a world famous lingualigistaticianologist

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:#marseyhappening: :#marseyfsjal:

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Would be funny if she was suppressing her husband's death until Kissinger croaked

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Kissinger unironically negotiated many of the most important peace deals of the 20th century. People only seethe because he was right that the ends were worth the means.

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He made important deals but they were under very favorable circumstances. Basically just gave China, North Vietnam, etc. stuff that they already wanted. He didn't pull off anything difficult like Carter did.

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He didn't pull off anything difficult like Carter did.

Hahahahahahahaha. What is with this nonsensical Carter revisionist history the past few years?

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We flipped Egypt to our side. It was the biggest diplomatic move of the Cold War by far.

the past few years

Imagine thinking that my old boomer butt is following trends. I made up my mind about everything during the Bush administration. (Both of them.)

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Weird. I don't see Egypt in the top spot or for that matter anywhere on this list.



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This is an incredibly zoomerish take. In the 1970s we were trying to keep the commies from taking over the world, not looking for a place to import cheap socks from.

Also what share of that trade goes through the Suez Canal? What share is made out of stuff that went through the Suez Canal?

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That's a good point. You're a still wrong. And even on that Carter was a loser and really had little to do with the peace process other than being present. also it was Kissinger who actually started that process.

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Nah he pulled off some impossible stuff, like his trip to the Soviet Union in 1972, where he convinced Brezhnev to join in the opening to China. He said that the opening could be the start of another hundred years of peace between the two nations in his autobiography (which is required reading).

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Im sure those Cambodian and Vietnamese child corpses feel differently

Malding homoglobo neolibs in replies lol

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Funny how thirdies will shit on the US for both not intervening in world affairs and for intervening in world affairs

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Who cares those bitches dead lmao

Black trans lives matter

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Bombing Cambodia was probably the only good thing he did. What happened when the commies won? Oh yeah like a good third of the population got killed and the rest of them turned into farming slaves.

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Darn. I don't care.

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Imagine thinking that a bunch of empty jungle getting blown up is what Cambodians are butthurt about.

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But it's Kissinger who has passed away though :marseysad:

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It is a curse not to have him here bros :marseysob:

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May a million thirdies be sacrificed in his name

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*billion. Billions of thirdies must die. :marseychud:

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I met him about a decade and a half ago. That's fifteen years. The person who introduced us said that I was an intern from Columbia. Kissinger said “Wow, that's a long way from home”.

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If only Gucci were here to see this. RIP to two real ones.


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I figured he drank enough childrens blood to live forever

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This is a bad day for tankies, one less politician for them to obssess over.

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People still cope and mald about Reagan, dudes going to be seethed over for at least 50 years.

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They'll say it's a good day and celebrate as if they somehow accomplished something by having one of their "enemies" die of old age, likely in luxury.

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Who is this guy

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ding dong the witch is dead

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