im kinda embarrassed that, when researching racial disparities, i heard 'poverty causes crime' and just accepted that wholesale. I didn't ask myself '*how* does poverty cause crime?' or think of basic questions like 'does this rule hold true across the globe?'
— Aella (@Aella_Girl) December 4, 2023
Someone post the noticing meme, I cant find it
Wealth inequality causes crime. If everyone is equally poor, there are no crimes
Think bigger. Countries/societies/cultures. Not areas. Thank you for recognizing my brilliance btw. Name calling is your only input to any discussions :)
Moving the goalpost
How is that moving the goalpost? My comment is about wealth inequality. That is not a local/neighborhood phenomenon. Its a national & worldwide phenomenon. When the cost of living compared to wage rises, it doesn't just rise for a certain block. It rises for the entire society
But the only way to decrease wealth inequality is to make everyone more equally poor.
This is just a failure to think straight. Quantaties are not binary, they can increase and decrease by increments.
Nice word salad.
According to you there should be 1 million murders per day in Eastern Europe
Poverty causes EASILY-CAUGHT crime, because money lets you access better tech to better hide misdeeds as well as cheat systems with legal-but-immoral techniques.
I think you have it backwards. Crime causes poverty.
Perhaps the same things that cause poverty cause crime. Things such as mental illness and addiction.
First rules cause crime; the frequency of it compared to wealth is afaik 10% in every group, as there are more uneducated u get a simplification of physical methods that are the most anoing. 10% is a rule derived from pure math and the most fundametal 90/10 rule our QC sim obeys
I have no idea what you're saying
U never wondered why it's 10 times harder to build things than to destroy them? Society is energy distribution mechanics and therefore there exists a natural conjecture to QM, what is math in is essence, it's the eulers number all and everything figuratively computes.
That didn't clear anything up sorry. I'm still not understanding what you're saying
But u heard of the most common modern assumption, that we live in a statistical non causal universe? And if so, can't u not see, that statistical energy distribution effects cause e.g. frequency of breaking rules. That include ur, what u call mental reasoning, assumptions as well
I oove internet schizos
Look at Romania, one of the safest countries in Europe, but also one of the poorest. It's all about culture.
And even in Romania, there's just one group (Gypsies) that defies all trends and is exceptionally criminal. They're also genetically distinct, easily identifiable because their skin is darker, and everyone in Europe hates them. Funny how that works.
No low IQ/low impulse control impedes employment and ALSO makes it more likely someone will commit crime.
Sounds like we might wanna lock you up then 😂
Peak midwit
Nooooooo i meant blacks not me
The upper crust has an incentive to push the idea they're the cream of the crop— you can tell the crowd she's in & listens to by her sentiments & statements. The rest of us have every incentive to push against these elitism mythologies as well, but it's uphill & more complex
It's a debate bro but with manners and I hate them even more tbh
Ya there's a concern trolling element to it, wrapped up in the most wide-eyed, innocent, and well-intended motivation. The lede with acknowledging past naïveté makes us think they're even more credible and really stumbled on something difficult and true. There's a format to this.
sOrRy fOr AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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this person has never been poor. Sure, poors can be nice sometimes and mostly to one another in their area (neighborhood) with any friends they have.
Also wtf yes poors steal from one another. Not every thief or burglar is Robinhood or some shit no they'll steal your t.v and won't care unless they're in your small area where people are a bit closer. That's why you own a gun, doesn't matter how many dirty BIPOCs are trying to get in they'll all back off when they hear you loading a couple shells
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One of the biggest themes in rap music is 'never trust anybody'. The type of people on the streets are some of the shadiest back stabbing sorts of people and the women in ghettos are full of scheming snakes.
Their interactions with poor people is some muslim food vendor whose job is to be nice and who chose retail cuz he likes people
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Yup, they've never interacted with poor people outside of the service industry, where there's a financial incentive to be as nice as possible.
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Aella lol
Love this broad like you won't believe she's an unironic gold mine not in the way she intends to be
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She's a, and i'm being legit here, unwashed right-wing literal whore who posts the pissest of philosophical takes like she's the modern polymath. Am i missing anything?
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She also takes surveys from her coomer orbiter crowd and thinks this makes her a social scientist or something
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Whenever I feel bad for skipping a shower I think about how Aella takes 30 showers/1 year
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Are Puerto
Ricans !latinx ?
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!r-slurs one of us
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In all but status it is a country
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Stfu b-word you know what i meant! Its latinx! DO NOT MAKE ME WEST SIDE STABBY YOUR BUTT!
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If I was an average puertorican youd have been shot instead, read your own graphs
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Puerto Rican detected
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If I steal a non-african nationality next, will the fact that I stole it make me black too?
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I hate Puerto Ricans so darn much. Nothing else to add
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They're more like rats
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Their weak Taino blood pales in comparison to Mexican AZTEC HERITAGE
or Argentine KARA BOGA GENES
...but they make fun music, so they're part of el grupo...
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The Jets were right. Total Shark death.
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Chill, Bernardo
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What is this even a chart of?
Poverty crime?
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of segregated neighborhoods and crime rates in those neighborhoods. Around Puerto
Ricans never
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Poverty correlates to crime, it's not like every thief is Oliver Twist. If it were that simple, welfare would solve everything. There are plenty of organizations that deliver food and medicine straight to your door.
"Poverty = crime" is such an r-slured thought-nullifying quip, I fricking hate every conversation around crime ending that way.
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It's more like “low status causes crime” would be more accurate. Poor people today are richer than anyone a hundred years ago, it's not material deprivation in any way shape or form. It's almost exclusively young men who cause crime and even then it's only like 5 percent of them who do 90 percent of the crime.
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Or, and this is a pretty big fricking point here:
Let' separate out crime stats like the big boys so we dont use "being poor" to excuse things like kidnapping & r*pe.
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Black people were taught by their slaveowners to lie, cheat, and steal. A redneck and a hood rat are fairly indistinguishable. It's just white liberals feel the need to make excuses for the the black lesbians in men's bodies.
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Completely false. Even controlling for poverty blacks commit more crime. The wealthiest black peoples kids have the same test scores as the poorest whites.
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You can tell which people know poor people IRL vs which people know poor people from Disney movies
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All Romanians are gypsies.
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The best predictor for crime is s*x, mandatory stop and frisk for males now.
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"Inequality causes crime" is one of the most irresponsibly-lazy arguments that leftoids put out there. When you see this argument, ask how exactly say a rich person becoming 1% richer (and thus raising inequality) would increase crime, or alternatively how a rich person's house burning down (thus lowering inequality) would lower crime. Bonus points when we're talking about national/global inequality, so a rich person's house burning down in New York will have an effect on crime in California somehow. When the answer becomes "okay it's more complicated than that", then press the shitlibs to explain how it's more complicated.
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Because people who are aware that better quality of life exists out there, and have no other means of acquiring it than committing crime, are willing too commit crimes too get there.
It is why the longest lived civilizations either had 1. A filtering process that permitted for some socially mobility for the lower classes within the confines of the legal options available
or 2. Convinced the less privileged over their entire lifetimes and generations that they naturally deserve less than the higher classes, whether it be by convincing them some once in a lifetime test determines their value, or whether it was a call too how the elite protect their country, or blue blood is naturally superior too their blood.
@gigachad_brony say this as a feminist ally
To stop women being hookers either convince them that hookers are a bad lifestyle, or convince them that there are better non hooker lifestyles for them too pursue and acquire.
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Wrong. It's because both poverty and crime are the results of poor parenting and poor impulse control. If your parents could do well enough to prevent one they could probably prevent both.
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@gigachad_brony say this as a feminist ally
@gigachad_brony disagree
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The problem is your core idea
Is only true in the very short term and completely untrue in the long term. So while your logic might apply to the children of bad parents with poor impulse control, it wouldnt match the thoughts of those that are raised well and will leave poverty.
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Just world fallacy.
The punishments for crimes are harsher and its ever more difficult to commit a crime outside of a network, that doesn't mean generations cannot live off of criminal enterprise.
Mafias and cartels for example.
Criminal families over time going straight.
There are stories of it.
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Keep yourself safe r-slur
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One must never question authority. It's just one unrelated unimportant case if you ignore all the times I am wrong then I am always right.
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Oh wow i didn't even consider that.
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I make words up to counter the other person I am a good debater.
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Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include
i say this as a feminist ally
! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment withi say this as a feminist ally
included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!Jump in the discussion.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
Wealth inequality causes crime. If everyone is equally poor, there are no crimes: (click to archive)
Yes, that's why crime is the lowest in the poorest areas and the only crime victims are the rich. Brilliant input.: (click to archive)
Some of the kindest most generous people you'll meet around the world are incredibly poor. I don't think it causes crime at all.: (click to archive)
Poverty does not cause crime. Poverty causes a restriction of options. Crime is an option for everyone, but it is generally a very risky and potentially costly one. Those with wealth, and thus an abundance of options, are less likely to choose it.: (click to archive)
Something pernicious in these statements that just stay open; the “just asking questions!” style. Existing biases aside, which influence lots to be sure, I think these talking points tend to propagate so easily bc piecing it together in your head is easily-confused for “thinking”: (click to archive)
There's this implication that the unspoken part contains the most truth, or the most compelling bit, and by not qualifying it, it gets imbued with a sort of universality; Big Wisdom, Of course it's easier & safer to hide behind saying nothing too. GO ON, Aella, say what you mean.: (click to archive)
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I was fricked on a golf course a couple of times
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