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ESL Impact (Counterstrike Circuit For Women TM) has a trans woman performing well. This is bad news for everyone according to chuds.


ESL Impact is a professional circuit solely created with the goal in mind to ignore everything about the player except the skill. In fact, it was made for women to unapologetically enjoy what they love the most: Counter-Strike. On the server, it's your skill that matters, not your gender. You could probably already tell what would happen. A couple of days ago, they announced the changes for the upcoming 2024 season which includes the removal of a beloved tournament, changes to regional slot distributions and updates to standalone events. In essence, it is about the removal of slots of SA (Southern America) teams. None of this really matters but you have favelas seething under all of ESL Impact's tweets because that's their natural reaction to bad news. This "drama" has moved on to LinkedIn of all places where people discuss the topic as if they have any clue about the topic lol. Here's a link to a mad Brazilian pro g*mer with the moniker larinhagoddess who is screaming about something idk: https://x.com/larinhagoddess/status/1731339510984638832


Much more important, however, is the fact that nobody could predict what would actually happen if a marginalized league for women ever got decent price pools. And by nobody I of course mean every single chud possible. Previously it was quite common for male players to play undercover in meaningless online tournaments aimed at women for the grand price pool of 250€. Everyone laughed and people moved on. As soon as transgender players become involved, people in the scene get really mad. Take this neat little picture for example which shows the highest rated players of Season 4:


Some Reactions:

all women

Wrong 1 has a peepee...which in turn means 3 are women and 1 is male. Can't change genetics or biology makeup of the human body. It doesn't work like that.

Very skilled player but this is not normally. Check him pants :marseyxd:

Fights between Personalities

Very long section and kinda not that funny :marseygiveup:

One of the biggest professional chuds and a previous caster, a guy called semmler who got fired from every tournament and circuit after sharing covid misinformation and sperging out about muslims replacing white men and similar stuff, saw the possibility to jump right into the fray:


In this case, I think it would be best if we lacked empathy. Didn't take long, did it?

it takes balls to make it to the top

There are some insanely funny copes under that tweet:



And then there is another feminine player called Ari defending empathy from evil bigots:



cis teams dominated for years but the second a trans player dares to do good suddenly it's an issue

suck my female peepee and balls, Semmler

Which of course led to the player in question being harassed:


To which semmler replied with:


Good. The men competing in this female league should feel deeply ashamed for taking opportunities away from the women striving to compete in it.

Considering the backlash one gets when commenting on this topic, it isn't surprising to see no pushback from the women in the league.

If women competitors speak up alone or in too small a group, they'll be ostracized and lose their careers.

A majority of the women in the league must organize and push back all at once for any change to be made.

He named himself ''empathy''. He knows full well what he's doing

This of course led to other personalities in the scene adding their two cents, including the saudi-money-hungry host Frankie Ward:


Every so often someone who doesn't care about ESL Impact decides to use feigned concern to make trans women feel unwelcome rather than actually focusing on the important issues like regional slots and the removal of Katowice from the Impact calendar.

And then randoms with anonymous profiles who have never watched Impact will claim players have DM'd them or that the League predominantly features trans women when neither of those things are true.

Btw, the original point of this tweet is akin to when politicians create culture wars around things like Trans rights, low traffic neighbourhoods, stopping the boats... rather than the things that need changing. So in Impact's case, regions missing their opportunity to play.

You have gone so far off the deep end that you think men pretending to be women is a "feigned concern".

I've always been in that "deep end". The water is way friendlier when everyone is welcome.

This is the same woman by the way who spent years of her life advocating for feminism and then took the Saudi bag claiming those Arabs share the same values as her.

And then there is another "journ*list" with the following take:


I cannot explain how enraging it is that we have decided to pick out and harass a transgender teenager for doing nothing other than competing a league designed for them while playing on an unsalaried team. What the frick are we doing here. Where are the adults in the room?

A lot of people seem to be concerned that this one person is “taking a spot away from a Real Woman™️” when they probably haven't even followed the scene to realize that ESL is taking entire spots away from regions. Selective caring, I guess.

The replies under his tweet aren't quite as amicable:



The player in question

Before anyone asks who this is, this is a literal who, like there a thousands of players in NA (terrible at cs) better than her literal who tier.

Poor gal is getting terrorized by mean comments :marseysadge: but at least her hugbox is nice to her (like some of u are to me :marseylovedrama: )


I put my entire life into cs and try so fricking hard to get better. I come out and everyone makes fun of me every game, my ex teammates block me and call me slurs, I can't play without random people throwing and making fun of me. I play impact and I'm the enemy and "I should be ashamed and kill myself" for it. It doesn't matter what I do the problem is I'm ugly and trans. Like genuinely what do people want me to do? Maybe if "mixed teams" wouldn't call me a "f*ggot" when I ask to play with them things would be different.

People even fight her in the replies :marseyxd:


The amount of hate I've received is unreal. So many people messaging me awful shit when I've done nothing is unbelievable. I'm tired of playing 10 hours a day and trying so hard to get better just to look at my phone and see people messaging me to kill myself.

"Haven't done anything". You are stealing top spots from women because you aren't good enough to compete with men. That's certainly "doing something"


No one cares how much time you put into the game, you're not on an even playing field. I can't believe how blind you are.

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you forgot the fawning journ*list piece about their team, where it's revealed that (shockingly) no org wants to sponsor a women's team that's 80% trans, they all quit their jobs to play video games professionally anyway and are borderline homeless

empathy: For us, and I don't know why, it's been terrible. It's been so bad looking for orgs. We've been in contact on and off with a few and no one seems to be interested, which is crazy. I feel Shimmer, as we stand right now, we would be the easiest team to just pick up just to guarantee LAN. If you look through the rankings for the past year, we've consistently been Top 10\. And if you look at the rankings, no one else in the top 19 has been without an org other than us. It's sort of this thing where you look at last season in LAN, every single team had an org, and if we look at this season's LAN, every single team has an org except Shimmer and it makes no sense. I don't get why because all of us right now are struggling to play. We were not able to put in as much time as the other teams. We're eating, like, nothing and making $0 trying to practice every day and it's very stressful and yet we're still making LAN and still no one is sponsoring us.

Romero: Why do you think there is so much hesitancy from orgs to simply pick you guys up and just give you guys the exposure of representing an org at a LAN?

empathy: ... The only reason I could think of is that we have four trans players and it might look bad for advertising and that's the literally the only reason I could think of, which is so stupid. There's no reason that, I feel, that we shouldn't be signed because, realistically speaking, there's a lot of teams that are signed that I think most people would acknowledge us being ahead of in terms of our play and just the way we carry ourselves in the game.

Romero: Then how do you support yourself outside of competing?

empathy: That's a great question. I actually have no idea. It's very hard. Personally, I've had to move around, I want to say, five times in the last year between different people just so that I can keep playing without working. It's very stressful and very hard to do. And it's probably something we can't do long term ... I know I've talked to abby [Abigail Deters] and it's been very stressful for her as she also quit her job and so did Bouchard [Julie Bouchard] and we've all just been playing CS every day praying we can get an org by January. Otherwise, we don't really know what we're gonna be able to do just because we're playing so much and we're putting so much in and we're staying at the top but no one has offered us anything. So yeah, right now it's very stressful just because of that. It's kind of what everyone on the team is doing. It's very risky almost just playing this much for nothing. ... Right after I got off of EG, financially, things were really so bad for me so I ended up having to move around three times and having to play officials on a laptop. There's this image that I've shown people of a setup I had to practice on for two weeks where I'm literally on the floor with no desk or anything. It's definitely been extremely stressful for me. There was a time where I agreed to play a Cash Cup and the power went out in the building I was staying in and I ran six miles to a Chuck E. Cheese and asked if I could play on their Wi-Fi. ... This isn't very public but I got evicted from my apartment three months ago because I wasn't able to pay. And it's just so stressful playing CS every single day. I feel like I'm doing everything I could do, and I mean everyone on the team is, and we're still not making any money. That's where I lived for half of last season. Just on the floor and played CS. That's Shimmer practice. I'm in a scrim in that picture.

also amusing: after a former player left the team for fiscal reasons, this cash-strapped unsponsored team decided to replace her with an australian (living in australia) who cannot play without traveling to and from america. they're also tangentially linked to the timbermen, a team that got banned from competition because of their power level (https://i.imgur.com/a/N1b6tNE), and just said this after winning a lan:

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where it's revealed that (shockingly) no org wants to sponsor a women's team that's 80% trans


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If you look through the rankings for the past year, we've consistently been Top 10\

Shimmer is ranked #201 overall in the world and from what ive seen have never gotten past open league. In essence this means they are at best a really good amateur team. Maybe theyre talking about rankings between female only teams but then who tf cares lol.

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>a team that got banned from competition because of their power level (https://i.imgur.com/a/N1b6tNE), and just said this after winning a lan:

Holy shit :marseydarkxd:

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The only reason I could think of is that we have four trans players and it might look bad for advertising and that's the literally the only reason I could think of, which is so stupid.

How's Bud Light doing again?

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it's revealed that (shockingly) no org wants to sponsor a women's team that's 80% trans

I mean, I'm surprised. Someone willing to fork money for a women's league in a boomer shooter is already looser with sponsorships than most.

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I put my entire life into rdrama and try so fricking hard to get better. I come out and everyone makes fun of me every post, my ex friends block me and call me slurs, I can't post without random people throwing and making fun of me. I post content and I'm the enemy and "I should be ashamed and kill myself" for it. It doesn't matter what I do the problem is I'm ugly and incel. Like genuinely what do people want me to do? Maybe if "dramatards" wouldn't call me a "f*ggot" when I ask to post with them things would be different.


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Did I just waste 30min on a post nobody will read to make that joke?


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You are right, I am a nobody, and I read this post this is a lie, I haven't. I'm just saying it to make you feel better about the time you wasted invested into it. I'm sure it's good [it has a trans woman in it! :marseytransrentfree:], I'm just busy with the grind.

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you should consider transitioning

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I read it. :marseyyes:

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This should be a snappy quote :marseyagree:

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Post hog :marseybuff:

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Yo @Merryvann add this to snappy quotes? :marseyinshallah:

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added kong

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There's a ton of research on sex differences in reaction times (to the starter pistol) in Olympic sprinters. For example:

Factor		N	Median	95% CI
Sex	Male	224	168.0	(126.4–267.9)
	Female	201	189.0	(140.5–322.5)
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okay. now get women to admit they're weaker on non physical tasks as well. shouldn't be too hard :marseyexcited:. they can get their afab leagues then.

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It's more like the average woman has familial and social structures that prevent them from spending 8 plus hours per day in their room becoming pro g*mers.

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I saw that comment.

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i havent played cs since they added the battle royale but i know i can body any pro with a vagina

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yeah but if you're on a deadly dosage of energy drinks, adderal and microdosing acid the differences in reaction times are neglectable

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But according to online :!marseytrain:s: Estrogen makes them "clumsy" and "stupid" :marseywinemom:

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Woah woah what are they implying there?

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rdrama all female(male) team when?

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we've got several neofoids with programmer socks already i bet they're also decent at counter strike

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i bet an rdrama womens team would dominate the competition

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>In essence, it is about the removal of slots of SA (Southern AmeriKKKa) teams.


Que absurdo, CS é esporte nacional

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I don't need to check his pants, I just need to check his username.

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you're not on an even playing field.

men are genetically better at video games. FACT!

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It's true though. Foids have worse hand eye coordination and reaction times.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Ana and Kaoday though really bucking the stereotypes

Absolutely :marseywould:

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i call dibs on kaoday :marseyindignant:

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I am content with the average looking :asiangirl:

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cis teams dominated for years but the second a trans player dares to do good suddenly it's an issue

Which games are being dominated by cis female teams :marseyxd:

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It's so sad because Kaoday is actually good, and they compete against the boys all the time.

At Dallas the most hype match on ESL Impact was between Flyquest and NaVi. Ultimately once Shimmer got on everyone knew the train team was going to win and no one watched.

At least the game changers tournament had an all women finals.

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is she playing fpl? never heard of that name before

also what hype dallas peaked at like 25k viewers

and now valencia will have olga vs empathy or whatever

At least the game changers tournament had an all women finals.

kinda sad what happened to mimi and co ... i always thought she'll be the first woman to actually somewhat compete in t1/2 :marseygiveup:

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I cannot mansplain how enraging it is that we have decided to pick out and harass a transgender teenager for doing nothing other than competing a league designed for them while playing on an unsalaried team. What the frick are we doing here. Where are the adults in the room?

God I hate this concern language so much. A guy joins a women's team and BTFOs everyone, but as long as you can find enough adjectives and descriptors like 'transgender', 'teen', 'doing it for free' etc. you can excuse literally anything. And people will actually fall for these foidspeak emotional """arguments"""! Sad! :marseydisagree:

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Legacy women are such racist discriminators, will always find something to hurt trans women, hallo mb if legacy women stopped wasting their energy at hate they would play better

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Excuse you. Empathy Dar'kness Dementia Raven Way is a real woman. :marseyindignant:



https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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ESL Impact:



all women:

Wrong 1 has a peepee...which in turn means 3 are women and 1 is male. Can't change genetics or biology makeup of the human body. It doesn't work like that.:

Very skilled player but this is not normally. Check him pants:


it takes balls to make it to the top:










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With that name I thought it was Genshein impact for @WeihnachtenSalvador

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