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girlboss caster tells incel manlet caster to leave the studio after he talked shit about a female counterstrike team :marseycringe:



There's currently the LAN final of the female cs2 circuit going on in Valencia - namely ESL Impact League Season 4 Finals. Here the best female g*mers of the year meet and battle for the prize pool of $120k dollars. Sadly the team (and player) I made a post about a couple of days ago lost terribly in the group stage. Either way, another North American Team (FlyQuest Red) also lost badly which warranted the guy caster (Bleh) to shit talk them (common thing to do). The scandinavian ogress didn't like this one bit and made things incredibly awkward.

Reddit Reactions

Global Offensive - Bleh gets flamed on live broadcast.

to anyone who thinks this was a bit :marseyyikes:


That's actually insane… how could any professional talent think that is an okay reaction πŸ˜‚

the name is Hedjee and she needs to get fired without a severance pay for trying to bully such a talented guy as Bleh. Gotta feel for him and for machine girl.

edit: this clip doesn't do it justice. Here is the whole thing . She gets even cringier, I don't think people will have an easy time watching this πŸ˜‚

nooooo nooot the poor hecking women you cannot criticize bad players


That looked really awkward. He was just doing his job as an analyst while she thought it was a good place to reprimand him like he was some misbehaving kid. I would understand if she turned it into some banter and needle him with a funny burn, but that just looked awkward and unprofessional.

i mean you are basically saying it's ok to talk trash about a poor performing team rather than defending them. The way she was doing it wasnt very professional, but she has a point.

One person talked about the teams' performance, the other had a go at their colleague.

she set back years of work of women in esport :marseyrofl:


It's a competitive scene, a competitive game, in what was a very very tame "dig" from bleh at FlyQuest, after they get 13-2'd on their map pick, and then afterwards lose 13-6. After Flyquest being dominant in the NA scene. Of course you'd say "But I expected something from Flyquest, something, but nada". And the reaction from the other caster to bleh's message is incredibly immature and I'd go as far to say that it portrays FlyQuest, even worse because of it. They're a pro roster, a pro team, I'm sure they've dealt with blowouts before, and they themselves could probably say they expected to do better. Bleh didn't go and call them "dogshit" or anything offensive of the matter, just enuntiating what happened. No one's saying Flyquest is a bad team off of 1 game, but would of you rather'd bleh said "Yeah I had no expectations from them" or "I'm sure they're gonna win next time, yay, remain positive guys".

Hedje just set back years of work of women Talent such as Sapphire or Pansy in 5 minutes of dumb unprofessional and immature arguing for literally nothing.

It can be chewed up to growth pains for the women's CS scene, as long as ESL acts upon it

LivestreamFail - CS2 caster gets flamed (cringe warning)


embarrassing really. women's cs has a hard enough time as it is, in what world is acting like this on the desk going to help lmao. they got 13-2'd on their own map pick, this remark from Bleh was beyond tame and doesn't warrant a response like that at all.


Oh no. Oh no no no. This clip is pure unadulterated cringe.

This is the kind of cringe that blow up the internet a decade ago. The finest tip-top spine crawling cringe. No really, this clip is the apogee of cringe content.

It's so potent that I think I need to go lay down a bit.


Anyway, who do you think will win the tournament? Of course I know that nobody has a clue here (me included) but feel free to judge based on the following pictures:




&&Pandas Fearless&&

&&Nigma Galaxy&&

&&Fluxo Demons&&

&&Navi Javelins&&

&&neighbor idc keep yourself safe&&

&&politely don't care&&


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this is why i always turn off a stream when a woman starts talking

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Unless she's reading your dono message

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donate then turn off for the maximum flex

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donate then turn off for the maximum flex

while making a chargeback on a prepaid visa for easy cred card ban-evasionmaxxxing

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What if she is attractive and there's s chance she shows tits but you'll miss that

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i google big boob i get 10 million result

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None of them belong to a true g*mer streamer girl though :marseyindignant:

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Google big boob true g*mer streamer girl then

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I'm sure you can find a transwoman's tits if you search google

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We already have tranb-word's "tits" here.

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>10 million


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i always turn off a stream in general because i do not like streamers

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>foids beg for "equality"

>cry, piss, shit and have a hissy fit every time they experience a sliver of equality

Good Morning :marseyextinction:

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This is why they switched to demanding "equity" instead.

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I didn't watch the clip and I probably won't watch it but god darn it must be terrible for even reddit to take the dude's side here.

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I watched it but couldn't understand what either person was saying due to some kind of speech impediment (European)

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this shit is worse than any gore ngl :marseycringe:

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It would be even cringier if I could actually make out what she's saying. Seriously, who hired this woman to be a commentator when she has such a thick accent?

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her accent sounds r-slurred :marseysoonretarded: but she's pretty :marseyglam: easy to understand.

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you get the gist and its bad

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nobody cares what's she's talking about anyways. It's malicious compliance by managers forced to act a certain way by ESG investors

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:marseyfoidretard: How dare you criticize these women! Yes they lost but they worked so hard to get to this tournament, they should be celebrated but instead you're criticizing them!

I am only barely paraphrasing.

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There are four types of strong women.

Strong women, "strong" women, strong "women", and "strong women"

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and all of them are mtf

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Ah yes, like what's-her-name at that one Olympics, that got praised for nopeing out when her sense of balance couldn't keep up with her own routine.

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I'm sorry I tried reading this post twice but my eyes glazed over

Have an award bb

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there's something kafkaesque about a lonely truecel making posts about female counterstrike on a drama themed foid-bashing website that nobody else cares about :marseydepressed:

either way life is still beautiful :marseyyes:


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nvm roping later :marseywave2: today :marseyclueless: :marseygunshotsuicide:

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Your fortune: You Will Be Blessed With Many Black Bulls


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Your fortune: Your Bussy Is In For A Blasting

!slots 230

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Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass


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there's something kafkaesque about a lonely truecel

Uh.... You're not in the !truecels ping group. /r/Asablackman moment.

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i really like this post, remindes me of old /r/drama with actual drama of fringe things

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If you could summarize it in a single paragraph I'd be grateful

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man doing his job, woman offended and goes on a cringy diatribe on live broadcast

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Ok I opened the clip expecting like a cringy joke that didn't land but this is literally :marseyme: nothing :marseynothingburger: wow and she reacted IMMEDIATELY

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all scandinavians are like that unless they are the ones shittalking

soulless people :marseyindignant:

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they literally dont feed guests :marseycry:

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Just migrants.

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I will be honest, that's weird even for me and I am half disconnected from the species.

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For real, Total !Scandicks Death

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>!Scandicks don't give food to beggars

>This is bad says Dramatard


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I offer every guest at least a sausage. I have SOVL, you not

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Imagine feeding a parasite trying to leech off of you in your own home. Is a man mot entitled to the sweat of his own brow?

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Those are the Swedes that don't, please don't drag us down to their level

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According to this thread. It's a norwigger ogre :marseytroll2:

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The mountain scandicks are crazy, not like us Danes

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You all act swedish


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Says the >>>German<<<

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I have something for you to swallow. :marseysmug:

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i wonder what he was cooking

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It's hilarious that this is a team of adults that are playing at the highest level for their game. Yet, this woman wants them to be treated like little children. Meanwhile, you have sportscasters for real sports calling for people to burn down their team's stadium lol. Despite hating women, I doubt they're as fragile as this mongoloid seems to think.

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I doubt [women are] as fragile as this [woman] seems to think.

when women speak listen

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...and record them.

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Women pretend to be fragile because it plays well but they can be mentally resilient.

They have to be, theyare always interacting with other women :marseyxd:

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yeah but they'll never lose the opportunity to shit on a beta male they dont respect

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As they should

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she is mad because he didn't challenge them to mortal combat for their shameful display

as is tradition in her mountain giant clan :marseytroll2:


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>highest level for their game

Highest female level, which is attainable by male children

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Holy shit. Some euros shouldn't be allowed to speak english.


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where is english from again? lolΒ΄

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american patriots

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America :#marseysaluteusa:

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An island.

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Mix of proto Germanic and French :marseynerd2:

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the northern part right

the northern part right

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I guess you sound like that accent as well hence you coping

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no im danish

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Lmao, you weren't joking

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>getting mad about a video game, trash talking

Can someone congratulate the lady on integrating with g*mer culture so well?

Jewish lives matter

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17021705557502816.webp :#marseyextinction:

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