A truck of peace was stolen in Portland.

I can't get the reddit link to work :marseyraging:

Shout-out to @ABC:


It's a bummer to see how many folks are assuming OPs voting preferences and personality from some harmless bumper stickers on a TRAILER.

Yeah it's really a mystery.


Fricking dumb b-word


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Imagine living in such a shithole they have a subreddit just for stolen cars.

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An entire city of bikecuck fricking lol

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Here you go https://old.reddit.com/r/pdxstolencars/comments/18t6wd2/help_our_very_identifiable_travel_trailer_was

I hope more libshit-coded vehicles get stolen. It's basically an advertisement for "I'm a cuck :marseybikecuck: please take my shit."

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>In this house we believe:

>In not pressing charges

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Oh hey, free stuff!

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Reparations ripe for the taking.

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Na I was trying to link the /r/portlandOR thread in my second pic. The stolencars one is actually trying to help that goof.


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Wh*te w*man

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Why remind us?

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Imagine a world where people don't feel desperate to steal from others.


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There has never been crime under socialism and any evidence of crimes under socialism is capitalist propaganda. :tayaaa:

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Replace β€˜bike' with β€˜cuck trailer' and the comic perfectly fits this situation

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Random question but was this comic originally intended as satire or does the author/artist genuinely believe that shit? Does anyone know?

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It's 100% genuine. Lots of other commies (like OP) believe :marseyparappa: this too.

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Jesus Christ, I always gave it the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was supposed to make fun of these types of people

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I think people bullied him off the web for a short time after he published that comic

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Good. But not enough tbh

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I respect him for living out his dreams.


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Darn knowing how feminine you are I reckon you could just grow a vagina without surgery

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This HAS to be a bit. There's absolutely no way this is real, it's way too on the nose

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Imagine a world where people don't feel desperate to steal from others.

Poor people telling on themselves for never rubbing shoulders with the rich. I know a rich person who did prison time for armed robbery. I know others who committed petty theft and vandalism because they were bored. Lot's of them steal/sell drugs just to feel something. It's naive to think that every person who does wrong in the world is Jean Valjean and is justified in their action. Some people are just anti-social and opportunistic. It's r-slurred to think the rich are entitled and exploitative but only when it comes to matters of commerce

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I don't understand what he wants done about this. The unhoused person who now owns that trailer experienced a large increase in personal happiness. There is now more happiness in the world. What are we gonna do? Reduce the amount of happiness in the world by persecuting the poor soul who has already experienced so much persecution from society itself?

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Equality is on there twice, once in straggy symbols.

No equity, though, so locals should tell them to frick off for not being progressive enough.

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I wonder if any portlandians have watched the curse and realize they are Emma stone

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We need more people like this. All criminals should take note and only steal from these losers.

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