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Supreme Court authorizes first ever execution by nitrogen-induced hypoxia in the United States :marseycope:



Kenneth Eugene Smith, who was hired to murder Elizabeth Dorlene Sennett in 1988, will be executed with the first ever use of nitrogen to deprive the body of oxygen TOMORROW at 6pm CST in Atmore, Alabama. In November 2022, he was strapped to a gurney for over an hour, waiting for his lethal injection execution. It could not be done due to state officials unable to find a vein. After this, Smith advocated for his own execution by nitrogen hypoxia.


Despite Smith himself asking for the method of execution, many people met on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol to protest this, calling it 'mental torture' and a 'gas chamber.' During the hearing to discuss whether it should be done, Alabama Solicitor General Edmund LaCour said it was “the most humane method of execution ever devised.”

On the opposing side, Bernard Simelton, a member of the national committee of the NAACP, said at Tuesday's demonstration that the United Nations commissioner for human rights recently warned Smith's execution “could amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment under international human rights law.”

“This is a sad day for the state of Alabama,” Simelton stated. “We ask Governor Ivey to have a last-minute change of heart and do the right thing and halt this execution. The state does not understand the horror that this individual will go through. This is an experiment and we do not experiment on people.”


Nitrogen, as well as helium, argon, and methane, are able to reduce oxygen concentration in the blood, possibly causing effects at only one to two breaths. These include:

  • Unconsciousness

  • Low blood pressure

  • Cyanosis

  • Palpitations

  • Seizures

  • Mydriasis

  • Coma

  • And eventually, death

Inert gas asphyxiation would not cause the same response as if you held your breath. There are no carbon dioxide levels in the body rising, therefore your brain doesn't recognize that you are suffocating.


Is this method of execution humane? Why or why not?

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The only people calling it cruel oppose the death penalty in general. I'm surprised it took this long to figure out that people can be painlessly suffocated without expensive drugs.

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It's been known for decades, whatever reasons exist are political

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We, collectively, wanted to bbq these BIPOCs.

simple as.

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You can buy nitrogen anywhere. You don't even need to seal the room particularly tight, either. The only risk is it spilling into adjoining rooms.

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I thought they started diluting it to stop people from doing that

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I think there is a video explaining that older more "brutal" ways of execution are :marseyakshually:more painless for the executed and have a higher success rate than new methods. All the changes from hanging/decapitation to drugs/toxins are for the living to hike up the egos of those doing the killing, making it seem cleaner, when in reality they are still killing someone. Im all for executions for extreme offenders but 10,000$ for a fancy drug cocktail injection that fails at times is not worth it compared to a 12 gauge slug when your just trying to sugar coat murdering a prisoner :marseysipping:

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There are other drugs you can use to kill someone that are a lot better but its all political.

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I've always thought the lethal injection sounded fricking horrific. I'd unironically take the firing squad over it if I was in one of those states where you can choose.

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It's instant cool death vs bad hospital/vet memories and slow painful but nonobvious death. Who wouldn't pick a firing sauad? :donkeykongshrug:

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I wonder if they do it proper and let you have one last drag on a cig before showtime.

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found the incel

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I want a pipe :fancywithwine: :motherfucker:

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Firing squad or fricking chop my head off who cares, dont slowly kill me with a botched chemical job.

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juss idle a Kia in da room neighba sheeeit it aint be complacatid

jemarkavious dont think trans lives matter

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eye volintier ma whip


jemarkavious dont think trans lives matter

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I think firing squad would reduce muders because it's a more visceral image in the mind of potential murderers

lethal injections is so abstract and it makes me think of the veterinarian

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Just build like an elevator shaft thingy, have your criminal tied down at the bottom, and drop a 10 ton weight down it. Instant crush, no pain.

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People have been letting their cars run in closed garages and we've been taught to uave carbon :marseycarsuicide: monoxide :marseycarsuicide: detectors since forever :marseymoidmoment: and we've been knowing why but never :marseyitsover: thought :marseymindblown: to use it on inmates :marseyclueless:

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OP is a Trump supporter.

I have downmarseyd every post you have ever posted and have reported this post. If this behaviour does not change, your punishment will further continue.


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!friendsofsnappy snappy reported this post!

Rare occurence!

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>every post you have ever posted


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If you're gonna kill someone inert gas asphyxiation is pretty much the most humane method of execution that exists. It's painless. It's quick. It's 100% effective. It doesn't require anyone with medical training to be involved.

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If I had to choose my own way to go, I'd take nitrogen hypoxia.

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I'd chose firing squad because I'm not a kitty

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Based. Face death like a man.

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definitely that for me too. either nitrogen or helium :marseyshrug: i dont want potassium chloride or being shocked to death... or being shot to death (which is legal in oklahoma and utah).

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I just don't understand why you can give these guys a huge hit of smack as an execution method.


It'd probably be painless.

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Because they don't want it to be painless. They want it to not be "cruel and unusual" because that's illegal.

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painless isn't cruel tho?

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At approximately 10:20 p.m. the United States Supreme Court lifted the Eleventh Circuit's stay of execution. Smith told a member of the execution team that they were inserting the needle into his muscle, but the team member told him that was not true.[11] The team then moved Smith into an inverted crucifixion position and left the room, returning after a few minutes to inject him with an unknown substance, despite Smith's objection.[11] Another individual began repeatedly stabbing Smith's collarbone with a needle, attempting to place a central IV line.[11] The results were unsuccessful and at approximately 11:20 p.m. Smith's execution was called off.[11] Smith was unable to walk or lift his arms on his own, and was sweating and hyperventilating.[11] This marked the third consecutive botched execution by the state of Alabama.[11]

Based r-slur rednecks


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The Daily Chud provided a neat-o infographic to help explain the new and fun way



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It is incredibly humane and is used for medical assistance in dying in Scandinavia.


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:marseyraging: noooooo in USA you can only be AGAINST killing people who are monsters, don't say this is a nice peaceful way to go noooo u have to be against it

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I have argued for a long time that we should just bring back guillotines. They are very quick, fairly painless, practically foolproof and perfectly halal. I dont see what is cruel about it, yet it has the intimidation factor you want for deterrence.

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Saudi Arabia does basically the same thing without the complicated setup.

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>fat neighbor with a sword

>same thing


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I still think firing squads are the best method of execution, if I'm ever on death row I think I'll request it.

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I will request a hanging.

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if they suffer less than lethal injection then i'd support it

i cant be assed to read about it :marseysleep:

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It would :marseymid: work. They'd pass out and never :marseyitsover: wake up. The brain :marseydarkfoidretard: makes you gasp for air when holding breath :marseyzeldabeedle: because it uses the CO2 levels in blood :marseyaxe: to tell whether to breath :marseyzeldabeedle: or not. With carbon :marseycarsuicide: monoxide :marseycarsuicide: (check your detector) or say nitrogen, your brain :marseyneuron: can't tell you're suffocating because your CO2 levels are appropriate but you're not replacing enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: oxygen.

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Guarantee the protesters are fine with maid, euthanasia, and kavorkian tho

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It's about time. Inert gassing is the cheapest and most painless execution :marseychristmasbeheadsnoo: method available. Fricking :marseytom: Hitler :marseyerenabs: ruined :marseygraze: it for everyone :marseynorm: else by stigmatizing gas chambers

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The objections are r-slurred. Suicide bags are recommended by Exit International for places that don't have assisted suicide. They even have sweet old ladies making videos on how to assemble and use one.

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exit international sweet old ladies seem like the murderous version of those teens who dressed up as old ladies to get liquor!!

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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what is this shit just give them a morphine od and call it a day, unless they just want to experiment

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Nitrogen is super cheap. Just hook one of those O2 masks up to a person and hook it up to a N2 tank. They'll peacefully pass out in seconds and be stone cold dead in 5-10 min.

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its cheaper, quicker, more humane, and cant be done wrong very easily. they tried to do an injection execution for him in november 2022 but they couldnt find a vein. morphine overdoses would be really painful, expensive, and probably considered 'cruel and unusual punishment.'

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dude lived another 2 years because they couldn't find a vein lmao

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Literally every execution method besides the electric chair or stoning is less painful than lethal injection.

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you forgot the poll choice selectiond dumbass

but teh only oen you need is "yes" because getting hi to death is humane

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do you not know what open ended means

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I mean, I do, but my friend here

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its just supposed to include your opinions in the poll + nitrogen asphyxiation isnt getting high. you just black out and its over (on your end, but it usually has to keep running for 10-20 minutes after to ensure total death.)

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In November 2022, he was strapped to a gurney for over an hour, waiting for his lethal injection execution. It could not be done due to state officials unable to find a vein.

That alone is enough to call off this morbid need to try new things. Shoot him in the head. And look at him while you do it, Alabama--you illiterate, fat cowards.

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Yeet them bitches off the roof wtf


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