"Frick Britain and the British Government" :marseyira: "wait no, why aren't you giving me free money anymore?" :marseyhiberniangenocide:



Kneecap are cringe wigger larpers from Belfast that I assume no one else here will have heard of.


One of the members always wears a balaclava that looks like it was knitted by his nan for some reason

Their "unique" selling point is they are Irish communists who like drugs and hate Britain (what a fresh and exciting new perspective)


Their name comes from one of the IRA's signature moves

Kneecapping is considered a "trademark" of the IRA, although it became less popular over time because the disability and mortality incurred was unpopular with the community.

Kneecappings were a weekly occurrence in West Belfast by 1975.

Anyway, they recently applied for a British government grant, were obviously denied and now them and other various undesirables are crying about it on Twitter.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707403930114266.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074039304122767.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074039320897129.webp



















Some fellow republicans don't understand why they'd even take the money in the first place though







Or that they are a government psy-op



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>Frick Britain. I'm leaving.




I've yet to see a single colony that isn't like this. Secession isn't an actual divorce you stupid c*nts. :marseyfoidretard:

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Berber wars basically started over this, Royal Navy stopped protecting American ships and US suddenly had to pay ransom to literal pirates because it didn't have a navy. !historychads

:marsey#pirate: :marsey!fry: :marseyp!#atriot:

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β€œOi ya gotta pay your pirate license now that we aint doing it!” :marseybong:

β€œNah we'll just kill them instead.” :marseysaluteusa:

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It took like a decade to get to the second part :marseywait:

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Congress :marseyaoc: was turbo cucked :marseytoad: during that time because nobody wanted to pay for a navy.

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Worse than that:

>Make poster of them burning the Prime Minister alive.

>Shocked that the government don't want to give them money

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These lads are in Belfast so they're not even properly decolonized. This is like a cheating husband whinging his wife won't cook his dinner while they haven't even hired divorce attorneys yet.

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Isn't that technically a former Malaysian colony? :trollfaceball:

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@me ban this neighbor

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@Brony I Will murder you

Greetings from Singapore! :marlion:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074417405984857.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074417432031264.webp

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What was that with Malaysia then?

I'm not educating myself :marseysleep:

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Well imagine if the United States forced Hawaii to secede and that Hawaii ended up a lot more richer and successful

And that imaginary USA had affirmative action for white people lmao

That's how much of a failure Malaysia is

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Thanks! :derpthumbsup:

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The Irish are a fricking joke tbh lmao, still complaining about some shit from 300 years ago when they're currently being colonized by Africans :marseyxd:

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they're currently being colonized by Africans


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It's cuz modern iranats are all cute twinks, all they know is complain, beg for gibs, make toothless threats, and steal imagery from successful movements

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so the irish are the colored of the UK!

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They even make up persecution myths like real grifters according to The Guardian


Concern about the government's immigration proposals has facilitated an old myth being regurgitated, namely that signs were commonplace in the postwar years saying β€œNo Irish, no blacks, no dogs” (Green light for tenant immigration checks, 21 October)... In the 1980s, Irish activists asserted that β€œNo Irish, no blacks, no dogs” had been widespread, but there is no evidence for such signs in any British or Irish archive (they were not, for example, mentioned in parliament during the 1960s race relations debates nor by TDs in DΓ‘il Γ‰ireann).

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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They pull that shit here, too

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074284630859616.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17074284632756698.webp


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Yeah, that's what I was originally looking for

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Ulster schizos are inbred scots thoughever !nooticers

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Karl Marx writing in the Irish Question about how Fenianism started with the Irish Americans, the plastic paddies, and not even them

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I don't know what it is about modern Irish nationalists, they're so embarrassing. IRA guys were stone cold murderers that you didn't want to frick around with, but within one generation they got replaced by paint by numbers internet leftoids that crypost and sneed about EVERYTHING

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CIA handbook from the 1960s detailed how to derail movements by turning them into exactly this, so that might have something to do with it

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Very reminiscent of the DSA in America.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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IRA then: get out now. if you don't, we will literally kill you all and we'll gladly die doing it.

IRA now: omg the government isn't funding my anti-government art! i MUST go to twitter and shame the government!

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IRA then: Wildly incompetent

IRA now: Wildly incompetent

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but at least then they did more than say "WAAAHHHHH THE GOVERNMENT ISN'T FUNDING ME THIS ISN'T FAIR" they tried to blow shit up

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I mean, I probably wouldn't think they weren't that comically inept if their biggest bombing actually killed Bongs.


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It's weird how much the IRA hates the British when you think they could bond over their shared love of killing Irish people.

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I love how they go "GET OUT ENGLISH" then bend over to other immigrants

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Colonizers aren't immigrants, silly chuds.

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Back then there was a split between the "official" IRA who had become a bunch of tea house intellectual tankies who thought they could convince the prod working class to join them out of class solidarity blah blah and the "provisional IRA" who were hard lads from the slums who just wanted to kill prods. The tankies called them "green fascists".


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Ah, so provisional is the based one.


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There's a flowchart with all the splinter groups over the years and it's like DOZENS! The PIRA does indeed stand out, however.

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I'd be embarrassed to be those guys and post something like that.

β€œWait you guys actually believed us?” :#marseybrainlet:

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When we made a poster depicting a PM being burned alive we didn't ACTUALLY mean we want a PM to be burned alive!

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Imagine not doubling down. It's not like you'll get the money no matter what you do.

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ireland is multicultural

Then why care so much about being independent.

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!nonchuds I don't even know what this one thought he was trying to say.

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900 years of struggle for Paki kebab shops and Ukrainian whores in Temple Bar :marseygiveup:


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I've been to Temple Bar and Ukrainian whores sound like an upgrade over yank tourists puking in the street.

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So much for Irish heritage, those fake c*nts can't even handle 10 pints. :marseytabletired2:

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They're there now :marseysmirk: :marseywave2: :marseyrussian:

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Caring about independence only makes sense if you are ethno-nationalistic and want to have control over your ancestral lands. Getting young people killed for independence just so you can turn around and "open the borders" seems silly.

Might as well have just stuck with the Brits, more land, more people, likely a bigger economy as a result.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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There are other conceptions of nationhood beyond ethno-nationalism. Originally Irish Republicanism was driven by Catholic religious ideology. Today, Ireland sees itself in opposition to "Little England" by being more cosmopolitan, more pro-EU, more welcoming to refugees.

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The nation as an extension of the family, or the nation as an extension of the cult, are the only forms of "nationhood" that make sense to die for. A cosmopolitan, pro-EU state has no excuse to exist and exercise cruelty towards its citizens as states must by nature do.

It might as well just surrender to the pan-European federal dream and vote away its sovereignty. This is in part the reason I will never die for Norway, it makes little difference to me if I am governed from Oslo or Moscow.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Another example of the intellectual bankruptcy of chudkind. Imagine having no ideals worth killing or dying for. A rat will die to defend her brood, but only a man will kill millions for an idea.


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The EU isn't fit for purpose. It's a half-assed caricature of a serious alliance. If they weren't just the downy failson vassal of the US maybe I would actually support it. :marseygiveup: Even after getting blown to bits in WW2, Europe had the largest industrial experience and skilled workforce in the world and now it's all pissed away :marseysmirkgenocide:


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Tbh, the IRA slaughtered Irishmen with no qualms. They murdered all those people to fight β€˜tyranny' only for Ireland to still be dependent on Britain to this day. Ireland literally can't defend its own airspace, they call Britain to do anything/everything.

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All the freedom, none of the responsibility sounds like a win-win to me. Are you sure you're not a seething bongtard?

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I mean, if calling up Britain to cry that they take care of your big boy business is freedom, no wonder they think killing other Irish is freedom fighting

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whats there to be mad about all this talk of freedom but they still teach English in schools.

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>or the nation as an extension of the cult

I already accounted for communism and other political ideologies.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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>Why would i bite the hand that puts down a rattrap that would violent the NA -ACK!

:#marseytrap: :m#arseydeathpose:

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The nation as an extension of the family, or the nation as an extension of the cult, are the only forms of "nationhood" that make sense to die for


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If you want to die for something as shallow as your government, be my guest. But don't trick young people into killing themselves for something so worthless, we only get one life.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Originally Irish Republicanism was driven by Catholic religious ideology.

What Christian denomination did Robert Emmet and Wolfe Tone belong too :marseyunresponsive:

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They may as well just join up with Scotland's independence movement to form a country together with a now equally rootless cosmopolitan β€œnation” since the they have the same exact goals.

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The Irish identity is directly tied to be pathetic cucked losers.

Without their history of being bullied by their neighbour they have nothing

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Independence is anglophobic. :marseyindignant:

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They're making a hard distinction between who is currently allowed to vote (multicultural but "powerful"-serving UK) and who they think should be (a united Ireland, so they can multiculturally go solve their own problems about "the powerful"). It is a clarification that while technically a nationalistic endeavor they're NOT against immigrants being Irish, which is a common feature of other nationalist groups.

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This is what Irish β€œoppression” looks like

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Poor LARPing edgelords were born too late to pretend they're in the INLA.


They really should be careful tho. An actual drug gang might start using one of these names again and get annoyed by them.

Glasgow London Liverpool

Very brave, taking the fight to the enemy.


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These guys boil my piss, their lead fella is an absolute peepee. A couple of mates of mine went to school with him and he was a massive creep and bully and if anyone called him out or fought back he would threaten them with his family connections, his granny or aunt or someone is a bigshot wealthy lawyer. his whole family are loaded and he keeps up the "i-i'm just a wee working class lad :marseypoor: from belfast :marseyira: tellin it like it heckin is!!! :marseyblm:" front. he used family connections to get the band bankrolled and they dress it up as some bullshit story about how their financier just happened to hear them singing in a pub.

Also I while I'm being a hater I don't understand how anyone can enjoy their music, it's like an old person's idea of what hip-hop is, it just sounds so corny and dated, you half expect them to start their songs with "My name is X and I'm here to say". If you compare them to other modern socially conscious leftoid rap groups like Kid Kapichi the difference is night and day. I guess the Irish language music scene is still mostly dominated by trad groups and hearing something a bit more modern sung :marseyflagireland: as Gaeilge :marseyflagireland: is a bit of a novelty but still.


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I don't understand how anyone can enjoy their music, it's like an old person's idea of what hip-hop is, it just sounds so corny and dated

Rubberbandits in shambles

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Theyve got nothing on Craic Boi Mental

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One of my old flatmates was from Northern Ireland and all him and his mates would listen to was trance or stuff like this

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"Not giving me money is censorship!" Oh honey

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>Frick you dad i hate you can I have some money



Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Oh no that's so sad, now they'll never get to finish this banger of a song!



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Nothing more punk than censoring frick

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Thatcher's only sin was not killing enough Irishmen. :!#marseyshooting: :#marseyhibernian: :#marseyshooting:

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Well that and being a bong.

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:marseyraging: :marseysoycry: :soysnooseethe: :soyjaktantrumfast:

>But for wh*te catholics

:marseysoylentgrin: :marseysoyhype: :marseycuck: :soyjak: :soysnoo4: :bigsmilesoyjak: :marseyhibernian:

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Larping as actual militants are using the imagery is the most kitty footed thing. You're not the IRA, the only fighting :marseypunching: they do is against their gag reflex as their swollow peepee.

This also falls under :marseyhole: the wingcuck :marseylaughbothsides: government sponsored punk aesthetic. You cant be subverve if you are on the doll but eurotards are so drug addled they've confused :marseyhmmm: the doll as a right :marseygroyper: even while fighting :marseypunching: against the hand that administers their pathetic :marseycryingclown: pitance of a livelyhood.

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These degenerates are being censored in the same way that women in the US are being forced to have babies. :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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Kneecap seems like a shittier version of the rubber bandits

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They're like if someone listened to Up da ra and didn't realise it was a joke

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Charles Trevelyan was right.

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What always entertains me most about the NI question is the fact that plastic paddies and the people in the North who want to rejoin the Irish republic is no one actually wants Northern Ireland.

The UK would happily pass it back to the Republic as its a massive tax sink with few high earning jobs. And the actual Irish government don't want it beyond posturing because they cant afford it nor provide services to that many people suddenly joining.

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God I wish the Brits would erect a statue of Cromwell in Ireland for max seethe farming. And I'm talking Soviet War Memorial in Germany level of "Fricking try it again" size.

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You know they sort-of had that, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson's_Pillar#Destruction

Also found this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyne_Obelisk

Those things have a tendency to come down in the time of high explosives... but then the ruling Brits don't shy away from costly hobbies

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One of the members always wears a balaclava that looks like it was knitted by his nan for some reason

Every group needs that one guy :marseysociety:

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