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We need to talk about r/collapse

Some of you guys know this already but r/collapse is recommended to all new users when they join.

r/collapse and r/collapsesupport are full of depressed and otherwise mentally ill people who have convinced themselves that the world is ending to rationalize the way they feel. One of my friends IRL is like this and it's truly sad. I don't know why the frick reddit recommends these subs and I really think it does actual harm to people.

I've been in the situation where my mental problems were exacerbated by online interaction when I had body image issues and browsed /fit/, 4chan's fitness board. It's nearly impossible to get better unless you stop interacting with people who have the exact same issues and rationalizations as you.

Do you think emailing reddit chadmins would get them to stop recommending these subs? Am I a strag for caring about the wellbeing of r*dditors? Let me know what you think. :marseydepressed:

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I think the world as we know it is coming to an end, as in I think we are at or near a peak in comfort for the general population. You can cope by telling yourself that humankind is on a 100 generation hot streak where everything keeps getting better, but that really isn't that long. I stopped letting it effect my mood because I can't do anything about it anyway. If everything is going to shit I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

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Reading Apocalypse Never really opened my eye that a lot of the "problems" are overexaggerated to such an extreme because it keeps so many people employed.

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Nooo, the climate is actually gonna collapse within the next 10 years for real this time!

Want to hear something hilarious? The environmentalists are now seething about the 1.5Β°C warming "goal" of the paris agreement not being met.

But the reality is that the actual goal was <2Β°C. 1.5Β° was an additional "if we can" goal. The signatories committed to keeping global warming <2Β°, and would aim to go <1.5Β°. But this was sent as fantastical even at the time.

But of course presenting the facts as such would mean reporting on success in climate protection, but that can't happen because its not about reporting the truth but about activism, and reporting that its going well would lower the money and attention people would pay to your pet-issue.

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there are other bad problems, and we often solve them. (River and air pollution, lead, grain vitamins). These are catastrophic problems that existed and we solved them. Others exist today (technology, pesticide, plastic, diet, everyone being r-slurred, school, etc)

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Yeah, losing ocean life makes me especially sad, but it also allows me to appreciate how fortunate I have been to explore it. I'm going to try and spend my vacations enjoying scuba diving while I can.

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Calm down beavis

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fancy coffee, fancy beer, beef, HVAC

You're getting ahead of yourself.

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That degree finally paying off

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I've known more coherent downies.

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I can maybe see coffee going away, but I don't think the rest will go away. Price increases, sure, but supply chain organization and technology is a continuously improving field. There are economic factors that can mitigate these shocks in the long-run, too. However, I do not think things will stay the same in the long-term.

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I'm with you on HVAC and cars, but the rest is just brain worms. People will figure out how to grow coffee/hops/beef in an environmentally controlled way.

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Why can’t we move to EVs? Tesla’s seem to work fine and the cost gap will close probably

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We will. Petrol cars will probably become the domain of hobbyists.

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More like domain of people against a wall.

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AC? Fricking nerd.

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EVs are already within striking distance of ICE laws or not. And technology is still improoving. Things may get worse, but we can just fricking ferment caffeine and the flavor molecules in vats, genetically engineer hops to grow in rainforests, and just grow more cows. Why energy crunch?

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Read less IFLscience

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Tesla model 3 price is 45k, and prices can go down rapidly. Other EVs have lower costs but suck a bit, but they’ll improve. Explain

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Teslas are shitty cars. 45k with the quality of a 10k one. If not worse. (excuse the chinkoid zoomer app)

EVs also suck straight up butt if you're not a terminal city-cel that flies on any vacation (in which case nice environmentalism). Their published range is about as accurate as fuel economy ads for ICE vehicles. Oh by the way, in winter you can just cut the range by two thirds due to battery performance, before you even account for heating (unlike ICE cars you cant even passively heat the AC intake with exhaust air either) or using lights. EV also are basically "own nothing, rent everything" deals, i.e. dystopian oligarchy fuel.

The batteries also make them weight a shitton and are a giant hazard in case of accidents because fires physically can't be extinguished so you are guaranteed to burn to death.

Everything about recharging them are also not even half-baked ideas, again showing that its just a city-cel elites project. Outside of cities you dont have the infrastructure to build a charging net dense enough to reliably prevent you from running out of juice. Not to mention travel times.

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Good to not share the vm.!

I like the zoomer app. Lots of insane r-slurs. If you look for em

And my guess is much of that will improve dramatically after 5-10 years of tech.

unlike ICEs you can’t heat the car

well that’s part of being more energy efficient :) (gasoline is denser and has less processing steps or more depending on the source so you cant really practically say if it’s more efficient or not, but gas plant -> electricity -> engine has scale benefits)

batteries weigh a shitton

The weight difference may reduce with tech & is again made up for by energy efficient of motor (maybe)


ICEs constantly explode and burn too.

charging infrastructure

Can’t they just build them? The gas refill infra exists. Just build lots of stations over five years

own nothing rent

? Buying electricity == buying gas (it’s better even? Solar panels? Idk)

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still unemployed then?

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Basically this. As long as the actual biggest impactors aren't doing anything about it, only an idiot would sacrifice the present well-being of their family and children while individual actions still don't make a difference.

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ur dumb. Veganism is just bad. And there are large scale environmental impacts you can do (like there are 10Bs of dollars and tens of thousands of conservationists and environmental activists and they have benefited you greatly) and your local environment can be easily affected by you (grow ur own food just for fun, make sure pesticides and other whatever isn’t in your water, micro plastic, food, etc). Also β€œmy children will be slaughtered and I don’t care at all” isn’t too wholesome 100 Keanu chungus

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See that's an actual healthy mindset. I don't have a problem with their actual beliefs. I have a problem with the fact that they are all insane and making each other more insane by feeding their brainworms. The fact your beliefs are r-slurred doesn't matter as long as you're happy :marseyhearts:

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It actually makes it worse though too. Maybe we are about to break that 100-5000 year hotstreak, but all these r-slurs submitting to NEET-hood and childlessness instead of at least trying to go to community college be a beaker monkey or be a trucker, just makes it more likely. Five dramatards say in every thread about the r/collapse kiddos that they're just sour they haven't done shit in their lives and think the world ending will reset things for them like some Walking Dead LARP. Part of me really wants a lot of this leftoid shit to go through like complete student loan forgiveness and super duper leftoid universal healthcare, so maybe, however unlikely, there could be some kind of reckoning of why they still aren't doing shit with their lives. I say that also because I agree with you that I feel bad those people must live in some constant empty anxious agony and just co-ruminate with each other to make it worse.

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If something happens for 100 generations, doesn't it seem less likely that it not happening is the exception? :marseythinkorino:

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I don't speak engrish

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:marseyconfused: go off I guess

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That’s if you limit yourself to analysis of those 100 generations and nothing before or after.

Shitty example: for the last 100 days, it was warm enough to go out without a jacket. Thus, I will never need one.

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Yeah I know, but in the absence of any actual facts like knowledge of the seasons, we can't just assume that "wow this happened 100 times in a row so therefore it will stop happening". I'm not disputing that there have been catastrophes that have effected humans in the past and these may effect humans in the future, I'm just saying the fact that it has happened so many times does not itself imply that the likelihood of it continuing is getting smaller.

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okay but shit already sucks. Everyone’s r-slurred and mangled y technology’s lies

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The more complex our organization the more vulnerable to collapse it is. Hunter gatherers would basically be immune to everything other than a major extinction event. We're all organs of a massive organism that can meet all its needs now, kill that animal and we'll die despite being unaffected physically.


It's a theme with evolution too. You have the simplest, mono cellular organisms that have existed from the earliest and never died out. Then you have the increasingly complex animals above them on the food chain but those often go extinct, when food becomes scarce.

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societies constantly collapse though. It’s not at all rare! Also computers didn’t exist ten generations ago, and all the other tech and society stuff.

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I think that if things really went that bad it would mostly just affect the third world. The first world is better equipped and if need be can take what they want. Sure we're all about niceness and equality now. But American's are the ancestors of people that killed all the Indians just to take their land. If push comes to shove I think American's would make sure they are going to live in comfort no matter what.

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Yeah, but then you have the situation where the 3rd world and even developing nations are cornered animals which won't end well one way or the other. And you would have to hope that enough of the environment remains sustainable in whatever first world you are in.

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Europe conquered Africa once, they can probably do it again.

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Europe is unironically fricked. They're stagnating in an increasingly competitive world, have almost totally deindustrialized aside from a few select industries in a few select countries, and have few natural resources to sustain themselves in the case of "every country for themselves" levels of collapse.

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Fair chance once it hits the fan for them the ones that don't crap out go back boogaloo mode and we get another Napoleon. Big wars await in the future for them.

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Neighbor they fricked. Although tbf Egypt's impending societal collapse could bring down their political order in an actual, positive way. Even with radical changes in government I don't see how that could improve their economic or demographic outlooks though.

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Once the massive waves of climate refugees begin and some lesser states crap out the EU will change its moralising tune incredibly fast as their citizens trade rights for security, and many have already realised their lack of industry is an existential danger. Slamming shut the borders will be one of the first things to happen.

They'll also probably start fighting anyone who tries stop vital trade.

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With what force projection? When shit actually hits the fan they're going to get devoured.

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why can’t they just ride America and China as usual?

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Because if there's an environmentally caused collapse we're not sharing

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This is why we need nuclear proliferation. If Europoors attack this time, the Africans should have nukes ready to commence the mayocide.

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Just sink their ships and make the entire southern border patrolled by a swarm of hunter killer drones. We'd have to redefine what a person is, but who cares.

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You mean descendants, you ding-dong.

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You can do something about it, you just have to write to the right people. :marseyunabomber:

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This is why God won't spare us.

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Also, who here trying /warlord/ once everything goes to shit?

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You can cope by telling yourself that humankind is on a 100 generation hot streak where everything keeps getting better

Monte Carlo Fallacy

Also, it's way more fricking complex than "quality of life has been increasing for 100 generations."

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More like Monte cope fallacy. Forgive me for not going over every intrinsic detail that keeps society going in my drama.net post.

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Go ask the Chinese about their quality of life variations over the past two hundred years or so. Or Europe a century ago. Also, 100 generations is something like 2000-3000 years. Are you thinking humanity has been collectively progressing "upward" during that entire period of time? Do you think we will literally revert to antiquity?

Everything about what you're saying is stupid because your frame of reference has been a relatively period of time in one of the most powerful and wealthiest countries on the planet.

Even the idea that "progress" is quantifiable, let alone measurable, doesn't really make sense. Videogames and fat foods have done frickall for human happiness.

You got me sneeding, well done.

tl;dr You are not forgiven.

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You didn't even apply the gamblers fallacy correctly. I said that time frame was miniscule in the grand scheme of things, not that it was so long that it has to eventually take a turn.

I have beaten you in the fallacy battle, therefore all statements you have made are false.

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You didn't even apply the gamblers fallacy correctly.

I didn't apply it at all in the second reply.

I said that time frame was miniscule in the grand scheme of things, not that it was so long that it has to eventually take a turn.

You were talking about peak comfort and mentioned a "100 generation hot streak". Prior to that you said "I think the world as we know it is coming to an end."

My point was that there hasn't been a 100 generation hot streak for humanity at all. Even the past 100 years have been highly variable for different parts of the world.

I don't actually understand the point of bringing up 2000+ years of history in relation to geological time scale. That's why I asked:

Do you think we will literally revert to antiquity?

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I am aware of my own limited experience which is why I was speaking in very broad generalizations here because I'm not about to have a complete philosophical argument. Where did I bring up in relation to geological time scale? 100 is a very small sample no matter how you want to compare it. In the tens of thousands of human generations, most of it was spent in a plateau.

Where did I mention "quality of life"? I said specifically and carefully "comfort". As in at this point in time, a very huge portion of the Earth's population is able to provide for their basic needs and has been able to as a general average, yes this includes some areas doing shitty in pockets or large swaths of time. This is evident by exponential growth in population.

I believe this is going to plateau or reverse. In order for it to plateau I think there would have to be significant changes in society that would greatly limit the freedoms and comforts of those in all but the most miserable areas of the world. I think this because I believe we are reaching a point where the problems we face are starting to out pace our ability to solve them efficiently enough to continue growth. Once we hit this limit there will be a very rude awakening of panic and conflict.

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That degree finally paying off

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This is what I was trying to avoid :marseymad:

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I think we're definitely on the downhill trend, but historically this is the most comfortable (degenerate) era to live in, like Rome in the 2nd century. As long as you aren't alive right at the end then whatever.

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Buy puts on humanity

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The short answer is it'll probably be fine, but there will be a bit more hardship in your life, and a lot less bullshit for you to buy. Oh, and don't be living in the middle east, that place is doomed.

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You can cope by telling yourself that humankind is on a 100 generation hot streak where everything keeps getting better

Read a book once in a while for fricks sake.

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You are the 2nd autist that pointed out a dumb straw man that I was using as something I actually believe.

Read some context once in a while

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why? Things will continue to develop probably but that’s bad (technological society, oversocialization, everyone becomes dumb). But why collapse

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We are in a game of chicken with ourselves. The level of growth we have reached has become encumbersome. In order to not collapse we have to continue to keep on the pace of growth. This then accelerates the problems we are trying to outrun.

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what problems? What growth?

We β€œcould” just stop growing and just use current generation steel mills and intel processors until the sun boils the oceans away in a hundred million years. Nobody wants that though, people like science and tech growing. And sure we get meaningless shit taking everyone over and whatever. But the problem isn’t that we need β€œgrowth”, it’s the technologies we are using, pesticides, computer, selective breeding for whatever, school, etc

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