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We need to talk about r/collapse

Some of you guys know this already but r/collapse is recommended to all new users when they join.

r/collapse and r/collapsesupport are full of depressed and otherwise mentally ill people who have convinced themselves that the world is ending to rationalize the way they feel. One of my friends IRL is like this and it's truly sad. I don't know why the frick reddit recommends these subs and I really think it does actual harm to people.

I've been in the situation where my mental problems were exacerbated by online interaction when I had body image issues and browsed /fit/, 4chan's fitness board. It's nearly impossible to get better unless you stop interacting with people who have the exact same issues and rationalizations as you.

Do you think emailing reddit chadmins would get them to stop recommending these subs? Am I a strag for caring about the wellbeing of r*dditors? Let me know what you think. :marseydepressed:

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fancy coffee, fancy beer, beef, HVAC

You're getting ahead of yourself.

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EVs are already within striking distance of ICE laws or not. And technology is still improoving. Things may get worse, but we can just fricking ferment caffeine and the flavor molecules in vats, genetically engineer hops to grow in rainforests, and just grow more cows. Why energy crunch?

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Read less IFLscience

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Tesla model 3 price is 45k, and prices can go down rapidly. Other EVs have lower costs but suck a bit, but they’ll improve. Explain

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Teslas are shitty cars. 45k with the quality of a 10k one. If not worse. (excuse the chinkoid zoomer app)

EVs also suck straight up butt if you're not a terminal city-cel that flies on any vacation (in which case nice environmentalism). Their published range is about as accurate as fuel economy ads for ICE vehicles. Oh by the way, in winter you can just cut the range by two thirds due to battery performance, before you even account for heating (unlike ICE cars you cant even passively heat the AC intake with exhaust air either) or using lights. EV also are basically "own nothing, rent everything" deals, i.e. dystopian oligarchy fuel.

The batteries also make them weight a shitton and are a giant hazard in case of accidents because fires physically can't be extinguished so you are guaranteed to burn to death.

Everything about recharging them are also not even half-baked ideas, again showing that its just a city-cel elites project. Outside of cities you dont have the infrastructure to build a charging net dense enough to reliably prevent you from running out of juice. Not to mention travel times.

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still unemployed then?

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I have the day off, okay :marseycope:

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Good to not share the vm.!

I like the zoomer app. Lots of insane r-slurs. If you look for em

And my guess is much of that will improve dramatically after 5-10 years of tech.

unlike ICEs you can’t heat the car

well that’s part of being more energy efficient :) (gasoline is denser and has less processing steps or more depending on the source so you cant really practically say if it’s more efficient or not, but gas plant -> electricity -> engine has scale benefits)

batteries weigh a shitton

The weight difference may reduce with tech & is again made up for by energy efficient of motor (maybe)


ICEs constantly explode and burn too.

charging infrastructure

Can’t they just build them? The gas refill infra exists. Just build lots of stations over five years

own nothing rent

? Buying electricity == buying gas (it’s better even? Solar panels? Idk)

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I didnt explain my point really well (or at all). Say your EV uses 60kW/h for driving. AC/heat uses another 3kW. If you run it, you use 63kW/h.

A regular car uses 90kW/h for driving - but the larger capacity more than makes up for it - but due to using some of the excess heat, the AC only uses another 2kW.

So running the AC in an ICE car hurts your mileage less than in an EV, and that is on top of already lower range.


I've heard the technology argument for a decade now, and it still hasn't materialised in practice. Artery gains are fairly limitedand/or use some really toxic materials. Bigger gains are, like fusion power, "just 15 years away" for the last 70 years.


The issue is what happens after it catches on fire. gas, never mind diesel, are actually very hard to set aflame, only gas fumes burn and tanks designed to prevent them from forming. When a car burns, its basically everything but the fuel. Smaller fires can be put out with a small extinguisher (which everyone should have in their car), larger ones fire fighters can.

With EVs, their Li-Ion batteries are not only easily set aflame in a crash, and unlike gas that can't be easily prevented, they also burn incredibly hot and incredibly toxic. For any passenger that means no chance to escape a burning car before being overwhelmed, especially even small fires are extremely dangerous, so no self-help. But even fire fighters can't extinguish it because even water doesn't work. You have to let it burn. And in fact it can reignite spontaneously as well. Current "state of the art" to deal with damaged EVs is literally a truck with a giant tank of water that the EV is submerged in for at least a week. Its kinda like a small-scale nuclear waste situation, come to think of it.

Frick off longpostbot. Im educationing, god knows schools ain't doing that anymore.

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That degree finally paying off

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I've known more coherent downies.

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I can maybe see coffee going away, but I don't think the rest will go away. Price increases, sure, but supply chain organization and technology is a continuously improving field. There are economic factors that can mitigate these shocks in the long-run, too. However, I do not think things will stay the same in the long-term.

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I'm with you on HVAC and cars, but the rest is just brain worms. People will figure out how to grow coffee/hops/beef in an environmentally controlled way.

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Why can’t we move to EVs? Tesla’s seem to work fine and the cost gap will close probably

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We will. Petrol cars will probably become the domain of hobbyists.

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More like domain of people against a wall.

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AC? Fricking nerd.

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Yeah, losing ocean life makes me especially sad, but it also allows me to appreciate how fortunate I have been to explore it. I'm going to try and spend my vacations enjoying scuba diving while I can.

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Calm down beavis

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Reading Apocalypse Never really opened my eye that a lot of the "problems" are overexaggerated to such an extreme because it keeps so many people employed.

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Nooo, the climate is actually gonna collapse within the next 10 years for real this time!

Want to hear something hilarious? The environmentalists are now seething about the 1.5Β°C warming "goal" of the paris agreement not being met.

But the reality is that the actual goal was <2Β°C. 1.5Β° was an additional "if we can" goal. The signatories committed to keeping global warming <2Β°, and would aim to go <1.5Β°. But this was sent as fantastical even at the time.

But of course presenting the facts as such would mean reporting on success in climate protection, but that can't happen because its not about reporting the truth but about activism, and reporting that its going well would lower the money and attention people would pay to your pet-issue.

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there are other bad problems, and we often solve them. (River and air pollution, lead, grain vitamins). These are catastrophic problems that existed and we solved them. Others exist today (technology, pesticide, plastic, diet, everyone being r-slurred, school, etc)

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Basically this. As long as the actual biggest impactors aren't doing anything about it, only an idiot would sacrifice the present well-being of their family and children while individual actions still don't make a difference.

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ur dumb. Veganism is just bad. And there are large scale environmental impacts you can do (like there are 10Bs of dollars and tens of thousands of conservationists and environmental activists and they have benefited you greatly) and your local environment can be easily affected by you (grow ur own food just for fun, make sure pesticides and other whatever isn’t in your water, micro plastic, food, etc). Also β€œmy children will be slaughtered and I don’t care at all” isn’t too wholesome 100 Keanu chungus

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