EFFORTPOST This is women's idea of edgy humor



I don't get it. This is so obviously a joke but people are taking it seriously like idiots. Millions must die.

Lots of women seem to date guys like this. It's sad that beautiful girls give there ugly men a chance

fr women should have higher standards tbh


youre higher standars usually get you beat up by a black dude

Whyte boi can't stop thinking about BBC


Shut up b-word boy

Take better care of our women or stay away from them.

This is so funny because he didn't even tell black men to stop interracially dating, he just told them to be nicer lol.

Other answer is simple... women are gold diggers.. and it hurts me to see beautiful "women" taking advantage of ugly dudes just because they are rich. Women need to be better an fed leave these rich ugly men alone

Yeah, because a lot of the time men likw this are kind, intelligent, and can make me piss myself from laughter. Stay mad.


men already have enough pity 😭 the amount of drop dead GORGEOUS women ive seen with the most disgusting looking men is appalling

SAME it makes me sooo mad

It makes you mad that someone you think is attractive is dating someone who you don't think is attractive? Are you a eugenicist?


If you took off the 3 lbs of makeup that those women are wearing they'd probably look like the men

They use Mythology to justify their misandry.

"The male loneliness crisis is a good thing actually, because why would I ever want to date a guy that looks like that?"


Yes! It's almost always a sexy Indian dudea

this helps explain why indian men r*pe everything around them including animals


Lmao this woman is actually beautiful??? She's just overweight what's the problem 😭

So true, in fact you look exactly like her

This cheeseburger is delicious if you ignore the diarrhea all over it

you apart of the male loneliness epidemic for good reason & will hopefully stay there

In English please

Lol Indians always catchin strays

she is pretty and she would also not date u

Tfw no obese Sexy Indian dude gf whose coochie reeks of curry, kms

The male loneliness crisis is a good thing because weak nerds will die out and the rare few actual human males will be motivated to do great things without kitty to distract them on a pedestal. Like build space ships or something idk. S*x is overrated.

she literally mogs that ugly fat guy

Overweight women are still beautiful, the same can't be said for overweight men. Don't blame me, I don't make the rules.

Holy mother of cope


incels will make you believe that this women is not pretty


lol wrong, I look like this


Ayy bro you from Mumbai?

Yes friend u should come visit here

We have outdoor amenities

I look like this


Wrong. I look like dis


What women actually think about 99% of men.

See it doesn't matter if it's a carton of rotting eggs covered in make up and fake lashes

They all think they deserve this guy and lie to everyone claiming it's all about "personality"

Simps are stupid to believe that lie

pretty much. doesn't matter how a man acts if he's attractive. "let's be friends" only applies to us unfortunate ugly/average men



You all have got to stop spending your entire life whining on social media and feeling bad for yourselves.

It's like all these guys grew up getting everything handed to them, and they're not handling the fact that that's not how all of life works.

Date unattractive women.

Missed the point of the post,but I guess that's what happens when you're born on easy mode with everything unlocked huh?

Unattractive women want Chad and absolutely do not know their place

Attractive people have more options. Get over it.

I see unattractive married men on a daily basis.

The problem is you.

Are they pushing baby strollers with babies in them with notably higher cheekbones and squarer jaws than their "fathers"? Yeah


neither are my type lol

foids are so deluded in 2024 that models aren't good enough now

incels are so deluded in 2024 that they don't even know what they want anymore kek they're mad when girls like models and they're mad when girls don't like models

Some of these women work under the delusion that if Chad will plow her, he will GF or wife her. Guys know those are two way different things. So these 6/10 women think they deserve a 9.5/10 guy. Whatever you do don't wife a woman that is "settling"

Stop "plowing" girls below your league then. Sorted.

Would be a much different world if most guys did that. Sadly, the majority will s*x a girl no matter how fat or ugly.

Do better, men :marseyindignant:

I like unattractive nerdy men that have a deep interest in something abstract and tell me about it..its funny and entertaining...but they never ask me out or get serious so...oh well

When we say we like personality we mean we care about the personality of attractive men. If you're ugly idc about you or your personality lol.

Moid killing trvthnvke

“women expire at 25” the average man at 30

The norwood comes for all

If you're a man, stop scrolling for a bit and behold:

This is what women really think of you.

Stop believing it's all about personality, you're going to get hurt.

Nobody said looks don't matter. If this guy goes fully bald, loses fat/gains muscle, and stops looking so sad then he would easily meet the physical requirements to attract a woman. The rest is based on his character.

Realistic standards still apply. Not every guy can attract the most attractive women in the world, that's fine. Go for women in your bracket and work on the things stated above.

This crybaby attitude “aww this is what women really think of us 😢” is extremely unattractive as is. Woman-repellent.

Except most men do believe looks don't matter, and most women keep entertaining that idea.

This is not a crybaby attitude, it's a wake up attitude for other men.

I know you tried to sound alpha to impress women and feel manlier, but next time keep those insecurities to yourself

looks don't matter nearly as much as you guys think they do. the guy in the pic looks fine. good enough to get any woman in the world if other stuff is humming.

A woman just the truth to your face and you're still denying it.

You should work on your escapism.

It's over for 80% of guys. Yes, that's you. time to pack it up and go

“It is women's duty to love me just for existing. Like my mommy did 😭”

Laws of nature > some beta subfive's feelings

It's some larping :marseytrain2:


What's wrong with this? Women are attracted to healthy males with good genetics. All there is to it

Everyone wants to “retvrn to the Bronze Age” but they all expect to live the life of a 1950s office manager

This is just a reminder you can always better yourself you can either use every excuse as to why life is unfair or do everything you can to better yourself to get the things you want

This is a pretty common look for men, you see a lot of these types around. Most of them are decent guys. They are all human beings with feelings. If you don't want to date a particular type, that's fine, but skip the part where you judge someone unworthy of a basic human need just because they aren't physically your type. These kind of comments reveal an ugly soul.


Why likely male?

Trolls are usually male. Also, women with "bad takes" about men typically fail to understand how men think. That amount knows exactly how to get under your skin, hence the notoriety it's getting.

Incels would be female by this logic

Guys with this physiognomy ruled the world for more than a thousand years, and they were good years. It's only now that the world is ruled by international usury that "looks-maxing" becomes relevant to masculinity. It's unfortunate.


My husband is bald, with a bit of a dad bod, but still very muscular in his arms and shoulder (army vet) and has a nice big full beard! Omg! He's the series man alive in my eyes! But I also already found bald guys sexy! 100% believe that your average guy like in the picture, would totally devote his love and his life to a good woman who loves them!

Blud is drowning in copium

thoughtful critique on why men's homophobia and misogyny and their unwillingness to change is causing them to be socially isolated? ❌ ❌

perpetuating unhealthy and unattainable body standards by attacking some average looking guy?? ✅ ✅

Blud literally thinks men should go gay to deal with loneliness :marseyskull: :marseyskull: :marseyskull:

"i am a radfem with an asian girl pfp who bots their likes"

:marseyschizotwitch: or TRVKE?

Would rather sew kitty shut honestly


Glad to see these women defending their purity!

He just needs a gym membership and a toupee

This is actually what he looked like after following this advice, notice something?


A beautiful Chad

i think he looks cute :(

Stop lying for clout lmao this is more pathetic than the OP

Me when I lie


My wife is two things:

  1. Way hotter than you are
  1. A person who has more depth and understanding of the human condition than you will in 100 lifetimes.


she married you so she lost by default

Funny she never complains you vapid sorry excise for a living organism.

He Nick I don't think its really a female. Most likely a shitbot or incel looking for views

Just checked the likes, it's understandable if some women actually liked the post but the guys who did 🤦🏾‍♂️


the "female childlessness crisis" is a good thing actually, because why would i ever want to date a girl that looks like this?😭😭


she mogs him

Says the cross eyed girl who needs a jackhammer to get through her makeup.


you are so dumb it's actually hilarious


Roast me


t's over….

She calls herself "incelphobic" when it's ladygardens like her that're creating the incels in the first place. B-word, your ugly butt is your own worst enemy. 🤣

Literally how???

U gagged those disgusting moids

they needed to be humbled fr….


Because he'd look good with a shaved head and a Brooks Brothers suit on, and that's what relationships do? This is why the "all else being equal" analysis is so dumb for this stuff. "All else equal," single feminists who make as much money as married couples with two kids are happier. Truu, truu- but how often...does that happen?

What did bro do to deserve this treatment 😭😭😭

Nothing, such is the case of sub5's, to be mocked eternally, howeverbeit, for some, there is hope, if he were to go jim and get hair transplant, he'd look like this


This dude somewhere working on a A24 movie set and a staffer tapped him on the shoulder to show him he's become the face of undesirable male loneliness

I did not give you permission to use this picture of me.

I look like this

I look like this ♥️

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>Are they pushing baby strollers with babies in them with notably higher cheekbones and squarer jaws than their "fathers"?

:marseyxd: imagine a gigachad baby

Have these r-slurs ever seen a baby

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Babies can't cry if you tape their mouths shut to get them to start mewing at 1 week old

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If you aren't supplementing formula with creatine and protein powder your child is ngmi


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