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Finally some real representation in gaming.

Yikes hate crime fr:

Is this real or one heck of a troll? Idk.

Edit. Looks like its real:

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Thread locked because y'all can't behave. Going to be cleaning up these comments :marseyjanny2:

Trans lives matter

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Looks like the Necromorph slur is back on the menu, G*mers :)))))))

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>Zoey Alexandria


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:marseytrain2:s always pick the most Anime/Pornstar-sounding names for their real-life VTuber pesona.

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You sound r-slurred

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Zoey is a common name, dude

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>be male

>have deformed zombie modeled after you hey that's neat

>be female

>have deformed zombie modeled after you hey that's neat

>be trans or something or whatever

>have deformed zombie modeled after you YOU CANT DO THAT I AM PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL

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>be female

>have deformed zombie modeled after you hey that's neat

Hahahahaha totally how a foid would react to that

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proof that trans women are real women

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!r-slurs oid is coming out as pro-Jim Crow

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The crows from Dumbo (They were never actually called "Jim Crows" in the film or credits. That was just a joke at Disney during the modeling process.) were actually incredibly progressive for the time. Yeah, they're jive-talkin' cut-ups, but they're also the only kind, helpful, sympathetic characters in the film aside from Dumbo, Dumbo's mother, and Timothy. Plus, they're easily the most clever characters in the film and devise a workable solution to Dumbo's inability to fly on command. :marseyelephant:

Yes, they're modeled after Black vaudeville performers, with all the negative stereotypes and implications that come with that. But the hatred for them, up to and including forcing their removal from the 2019 remake, is totally undeserved and shows a complete lack of understanding of their place in the history of American cinema. :marseyprojection:

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Neighbors be crowin tho.

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This has to be a Ralph Bakshi character, aka literally the only based animator to ever exist. Idk how the frick studios back then managed to get shit like Fritz into theaters.

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We actually watched Fritz the Cat on the rDrama orgy last year!, @CeetheAndSope @ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO remember it? :marseyboomer:

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Frick I haven't watched in years. Wish I payed enough attention to the site I would have actually enjoyed rewatching it with the :marseyprojection: strags on here.

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One of the things I asked to the :mutthappytantrum:s in the chat was why did cities in the 1970s and 1980s looked so dirty, even worse than today?!

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I missed that orgy, but I did watch it during the orgy a couple weeks ago. Zoomers who had never even heard of Fritz were freaking out. :marseygiggle:

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This has to be a Ralph Bakshi character, aka literally the only based animator to ever exist.

:marseyagreefast: :marseyagreefast: :marseyagreefast:

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The reason he is so great at inner city stories is he grew up in the hood unlike any of the other art school animator :marseynerd2: types of his day. He was part of the last generation of artsy Jews to grow up in actual poverty. Unsurprisingly it made him :marseynoooticer: when it came to certain demos lmao.

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He was part of the last generation of artsy Jews to grow up in actual poverty.

This is a huge reason the comic book industry today is so artistically bankrupt. Max Gaines, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Will Eisner, Joe Simon, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Harvey Kurtzman... Everyone remembers they were Jewish and forgets they were all the sons of working-class immigrants. Most of their fathers were tailors or garment workers that could barely afford to support their family. :marseypoor:

Whereas the artists of today are all AICAD-educated brats from well-off families that have never experienced anything resembling genuine hardship in their lives, but spend every waking moment pretending they have. Which is why they're so reliant on legacy characters and only able to churn out juvenile, hackneyed plots. Not one of them has the creative spark necessary to produce something like Kurtzman's Jungle Book or Eisner's A Contract with God. They're all too empty inside. :marseyoutline:

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Yep, that's Duke the Crow from Fritz the Cat. He's based as Heck, and Fritz's bullshit gets him murdered by the cops. :marseylibations:

The 1970s were a wild time in cinema. In 1972, the year Fritz the Cat was released, Deep Throat had the 7th highest domestic gross of the year. A porno was a top ten movie in America. If you look at international gross, Fritz the Cat and Last Tango in Paris both make the cut. :marseystocksup:

And it wasn't just weird s*x shit that year. The Godfather, Deliverance, Jeremiah Johnson... all 1972. If you look outside the highest grossing films, you get Solaris, Fat City, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie... 1972 was as !kino as a year can get. :marseyprojection:

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I'm genuinely thankful to my film history prof for being a big 70s movie head. Unironically blew my mind being born into the clinical boring cinema of the 00s to see a time when crazy experimental shit was actually rewarded at the box office.

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i love the fritz the cat comics. movies pretty :marseyglam: good too but the comics :marseyspiderman: have a special :marseyretard: place :marseymap2: in my heart

should probably give it a reread soon its been a few years

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Doesn't the super detailed VR SWAT sim have a level where you have to capture a libertarian furry who lives with his mom.

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Wait what sim is this? That sounds lit.

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Ready or Not

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!jinxthinkers libertarians are soon-to-be normal people pornmaxXxing to become bored of c0.

Is our violence against them justified? Should we present them with tasteful nudes of Na'Vi ladies to hssten their recovery instead?

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it was a weeb

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I thought there was a fur suit in the room

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maybe. i nearly got jumped while looking at the anime figurines. never again :marseyatfagent:

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Same thing

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Say no more, weeb.

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Liberals will look at a deformed monster and automatically assume its supposed to be a trans person :marseyhmm:

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Okay lol don't be obtuse. This was obviously intentional

@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM say this as a feminist ally

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Gonna have to go ahead and say top kek on this one boys

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#marseyfortykeks: :#marseyrofl:

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While trans lives are valid - that is one beat up party store wig and nary a single hormone has graced this unfortunate looking woman's lips.

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what race is that

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Oblivion character (randomized)

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Trans lives matter except the g*mer anime ones.

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HOLY SHIT :marseyflushzoom:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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And here I was thinkin the b-words on dating apps were airbrushed


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It's so fried, I think it's actually a 3D render

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I will give them credit for posting vlogs and stuff with their real face. They're obviously not trying to "hide" what they really look like but that avatar is straight out of The Sims

and many levels of delulu.

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woah, that's pretty scary! I gotta play this game sometime

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Anyone can be a hideous mutant, even trans women!

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They need to make the hair greasier though

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>if anybody recognizes my face


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Self inflicted L.

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It can wear other clothes. That's just one outfit.

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Not even the default

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They're going to cut this outfit like they cut leatherface wearing a black man's face.

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should i buy this pre-emptively so when they remove it they have to gift me with a rare item

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there was some funny twitter stuff about that but i really don't know much about dbd. SOMEONE (not me) should write an olddrama post about it

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It's a boring as shit horror game that for some reason people play.

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Nooo you beat me to this.

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looks like a woman to me. whats the problem?

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This statement:

>Since yesterday, I have been virally harassed for being trans by thousands of people

Is contradicted by this statement:

>This has ruined my reputation, has put me physically at risk for being attacked in public if anyone recognizes my face or voice.

The first statement implies they literally never go outside - because if they did - this online harassment magically stops (what a concept - if you're being harassed online, just go outside???)

The second statement implies they ever go outside which I highly doubt

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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!transphobes can any of you rival this incredible feat?

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R-slurred trolls: "ummmm is this what the devs think of trans people?"

R-slurred voice actress, unable to deduce trolls: "let me make outrageous demands to gain a buck while simultaneously putting up another tick in the pro column for AI voice acting"

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R-slurred trolls

Uhm, you mean based trolls? :chudsmug:

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Trans lives matter too fetishists

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I dont know what youre hating about it. The Bog aesthetic is peak aesthetic.

:#marseybog: :#bogged:

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Deadnamed by daylight.

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I support trans people in the horror genre they are assuredly horrifying

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One of the few times chuds were OK with trans casting was when they had one on the remake of Hellraiser.

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>Sweet baby inc final boss


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>not an Afrolatinx Veganarchist Progressive Muslim Furry with Anxiety Disorder and PTSD

Nah, not the SBI final boss, do better sweaty :marseynails:

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That's AfrxLatinx to you, mister

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>I demand that all creative design for the $2MM budget game that I am being paid minimum union wage to record 15-30 minutes of total audio for be completed and also subject to my approval before I will consent to work, so I can ensure my voice acting won't be presented in a way that can be arbitrarily perceived, retroactively, as though it intentionally harms vulnerable communities.


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Why can I not find a high paying job?!!?!?


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It's because of capitalism and the cisheteropatriarchy. It's important that you post about this on the internet immediately. Make sure to ask for money to uncircularize your historical trauma.

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I haven't played DBD since the witch or whatever with the ground hexes was released but I might just check it out again :marseylaugh:

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Loool that was a quick meme. Or was my post a repost?

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Took me like a minute to make it lol. It's not that hard.

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Is your gf korean as well? Cause WHAT IS GOING ON.

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Isn't this just but for Foids?


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Not at all.

Incels are demanding kitty in exchange for entering demanding/public good fields of work.

These foids are demanding work combined with the rejection of benis.

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S*X men, DATE men, MARY men, REAR a male child, total male victory.

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based as frick

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Gook Foids are insufferable. Gook Moids are also insufferable.

Shock and horror at how both being insufferable in a comfy egalitarian Western style life is somehow detrimental to birth rates.

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Aren't Korean working conditions and business practices actually as bad as liberal redditors think America's are?

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Working conditions no unless you are poor. The government tried too help them but it looked super dumb and they got flack for it so poor deliverycels are forever doomed too get robbed by bosses and companies.

Competition is worse than humanly imaginable by westoids.

You are locked into multiple hyperwars of looksmaxxing, studymaxxing, skillsmaxxing and moneymaxxing from the age of 5 until you die.

trans lives matters

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I have no idea how you can have 50 million grindmaxxers and still don't have a Nobel prize science winner :marseyitneverbegan:

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You need tester one too create things. Ie not gooks

Trans lives matter

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Because the type of person to become a visionary scientist is the same type of person to become a visionary artist, which gook culture does it best to wipe out.

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Nobel prizes are Gook-phobic and those discoveries don't maximize chaebol shareholder value. :marseyindignantgook:

trans lives matter

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Gook foids are insufferable and refuse any s*x until they see a BWC or BBC, then the story changes pretty quickly. :!chadnordic::asiangirl::chadblack:

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you should visit my neighbours, they seem to be a different breed of koreans.

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Homie was crying because no one was breeding because again Gooks are insufferable.

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This has ruined my reputation, has put me physically at risk for being attacked in public if anyone recognizes my face or voice.

Hits a little too close to home, does it? :marseysmug2:

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“I can do multiple distinct voices!”

“Someone might RECOGNISE my voice from the game!”

Pick one. Right?

A blind transphobe is gonna pass by that guy and be like I KNOW you

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Face is spot on

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Look you r-slurs, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay butt drama buzzwords. I don't get how the circlejerk of regulars don't get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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