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Smelly, balding, Redditors :soysnooseethe: blame capitalism :soyjaktantrum: when their bullies :marseypunching: are more successful :marseycapitalistmanlet:, sexier :marseygigachad:, and have better hair :marseyfluffy: than them.


That's who capitalism rewards, those who bully others.


t. /u/David_DH, a Redditor since 2016 who posts exclusively in videogame subs and subs for toys.

This is literally how global capitalism rewards behavior. It's a zero sum game where one wins because others lose, so of course the aggressor will excel.


t. /u/Vo_Mimbre 23k redditor over 3 years. Posts in videogame subs and /r/marvelstudios.

Uhh yeah, capitalism breeds narcissists.

You pretty have to have zero to no empathy to be successful in today's economy

CEOs and big-wigs are usually sociopaths or psychopaths


t. /u/clearcontroller, redditor since 2011. Posts in videogame subs, /r/antiwork, and /r/tinder.

Maybe we as a society should rethink what personality traits we are incentivizing


t. /u/Loud-Ad-2280, the op and proud owner of a 200k, 3 year old Reddit account. Posts in /r/PoliticalHumor and /r/Leopardsatemyface!

And replying to that...

Capitalism above all baybeee


Thank you, /u/HobbieK, for taking time out of your busy schedule of running a 9 year old Reddit account, posting in /r/Helldivers, /r/Starwarsbattlefront, and /r/letterboxd. Be sure to bring this epic pwnage up at your next /r/DSA groomercord meeting!

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Love Redditors making out like their inability to thrive during one of the most prosperous and easy periods since the dawn of man is somehow related to a moral choice they make to be "decent human beings".

They believe it's the bullying trait that causes prosperity. It's not.

It's the trait of not being an NPC. Growing up in tune with your ability to reason and ask questions, or phrased another way, to nootice.

Growing up with those powers, it becomes inevitable that at some point you will punch down at the dribbling masses of r-slurs, poofters, soyboys, cucks and :!marseytrain:s darkening your world and realise that merely by being unlike these drooling cattle, you can succeed. And while doing so, a little bit of bullying along the way helps brighten your day.

It is not so much that being capable of bullying paves the way for success but that being capable of being a victim blocks it.

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Are you actually 60?

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What if I was r-slur huh what then?

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Then I ask you vote for Biden next election. It's for your own good.

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