I know most of you are not aware of P. Diddy's serious
case against him because he's not a
and it's not on some groyper's twitter
account but this is likely hip hop's Epstein
case. It involves Cuba Gooding Jr, Jennifer
Lopez, Prince
Harry, the r*pe of underage
girls, drug and children
handlers, the list goes on.
Katt Williams, 50 Cent, Kanye West, and other urban youths have made mention of P. Diddy's weirdness in the past but it took a former girlfriend's lawsuit to really
bring everything to light. The feds seem to have been watching
P. Diddy for awhile now so he's 99.9% likely to spend a long time in prison. Hopefully he doesn't go out the coward way like Epstein
did and instead gets to be beaten
up and stabbed in prison
like other famous
sexual assaulters/chomos like Danny Masterson and R. Kelley.
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💁🏽♂️✅ DO's and DO NOTS 🙅🏽♂️🚫
With about 6 yεars of experience in the Swinger Lifestyle, I've seen countless DMs, PMs, direct chats, emails, comments, etc. These messages come from experienced and inexperienced “bulls” or guys looking to chat. If you really want to frick someone else's wife/gf, or any female for that matter, you will be heavily rewarded for reading this...
🙅🏽♂️🚫 Do NOT send a peepee pic. I know it's tempting and our “go to”, but no woman, wife, “slut”or gf wants to see it unsolicited. The biggest turn off is sending the 10000000th up close peepee pic. Trust me 🚫🍆📸🚫 💁🏽♂️✅ DO send a PG face pic or a full shot with face blurred, covered or cutoff (ex. shown). Think DATING PROFILE. Come at these women like you're trying to DATE them 🕺🏽
🙅🏽♂️🚫 Do NOT start convo with “hi”, “hey”, “sup” or any one word. If it's not AT LEAST a sentence it will be IGNORED 🗑 *Side note: sorry, no one cares how hard, long or better you can frick 🤷🏽♂️ 💁🏽♂️✅ DO share something about yourself. Why your reaching out. Give a compliment. This is your time to shine and standout. Trust me, messages get read so don't ruin it 📖
🙅🏽♂️🚫 Do NOT expect to get fricked, your peepee sucked, or to mεεt just because you're local, reach out, or traveling to the area 🗺 ✅ DO offer to verify so we know you're not a catfish. Write today's date and your username on a paper, take a pic and send (face can still be hidden). Keep in mind, face will need to be seen during video chat 🧏🏽♂️ ✅ DO prepare to show proof of recent STD test🎟
We want to get to know you all. We want to mεεt genuine guys & gals. We want to be friends with people we connect and vibe with. This all starts with a good first impression 🤵🏽♂️ /u/lunapenelope did I miss any big ones?
Stay freaky & respectful friends! 😈💁🏽♂️
-TinyRickintheHouse AKA Helicopter Heaux Stag | Lifestyle Swinger | Former Bull
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