I'm not exaggerating when I say that I laughed at that for a solid hour. It happened at the reception and I was sitting in my chair trying to contain my laughter for that entire time.
People unironically believe that Texans are a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. Like here it is, DFW has a population of over 7 million people, a job market that is absolutely exploding, tech companies are moving here en masse (and I have a professional job at one of them), and the state has the 10th largest economy in the entire world. But people still hold the belief that we're living in the 19th century wild west. I thought we were having an intellectual conversation when it turned out they were just impressed I could tie my own shoes, lmao.
That may honestly be one of the funniest things anyone has ever said to me. I still laugh about it from time to time. My dad said he learned a long time ago to lean into it, so he'll say "howdy" to people from out of state and also tell them that DFW airport has the largest stable in the world because we all ride horses to the airport. He said they believe it almost every time.
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when next srd pinned post?
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I'll probably ask to come back in like six months or so. I want the SRDines to get comfortable again first.
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What kind of VR setup do you use btw?
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I got the Valve one so I could play Half Life: Alyx. I don't really like VR in general though. Or at least I only think Alyx is an okay game.
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VR is great until the headset shifts a little and everything gets all blurry. I spend almost as much time adjusting the headset as I do playing the game
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Same. Also, the cord is genuinely a major tripping hazard. I feel like I'm constantly having to move it out of the way as well.
And the valve motion controllers have touch sensors that work fine unless your palms get sweaty (which is very possible after extended gameplay since you're standing and moving the entire time). And in HL Alyx, you NEED those sensors to work to reload guns. There were times where I got cornered and ended up dying because I couldn't reload the freaking weapons.
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Have you played boneworks yet?
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> Palms get sweaty and slippery
> Keeps fumbling and dropping spare mags
> Dies
Hmmm, sounds pretty realistic to me, sweaty
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Ours is wireless. I can't imagine even trying with a corded headset.
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The Quest 2 is much better for the reason it doesn't have any cords. AirLink works amazing to connect to your PC to play PC games like HLA. Facebook sucks, but that headset is the king of all headsets and it's like $300
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No shit. When it comes to ease of use, the Q2 blows away all the older VR units I’ve used. To the point I call it next level. I fricking with camera setups, no fricking worrying about the cord, no fiddling with the headset because it won’t stay positioned. The shit just works, and work well.
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Quest 2 is wireless. For a PC game like Alyx, you’d need to run it through a router to be cordless though. But plenty do.
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I had that problem a lot with the older units. We have a Quest 2 now, and so far, it doesn’t have those issues. It is sooooooooo much easier to use. Plus, no cords or cameras to fool with.
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I'd have to ask what we have because the equipment is my roommate's.
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Have you tried gluing the headset to your face
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Fr tho yea Alyx was kinda overhyped. You should try Elite Dangerous, a lot of my friends can’t even play it because it’s so immersive. Racing games like Project Cars can be fun as well and a little less dizzying. And I found Pistol Whip and Synth Riders to be more fun than Beat Saber (and you can just download a dump of 1000 songs instead of paying $20 for an album like in beat saber)
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The only games I play in VR are flight sims like DCS and IL-2 because I'm a major neurodivergent. It's a massive advantage and makes drunken flying and dogfighting much more fun.
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keep yourself safe :))
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LOL, HLA is NOT overhyped, that shit is next level. And Elite Dangerous and HLA are so different as the comparison to be meaningless. I found ED to be dreadfully boring, myself, but to each their own.
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dude it was Boneworks but with a Half Life skin lol. I liked it but it's not a killer app for anyone other than huge HL fans
and I'm just saying if he didn't like Alyx then there are other great games, some in other genres. VR isn't just "whooaaaa dude you can reload the gun yourself!!"
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Boneworks was garbage tho. Imagine paying for an unpolished tech demo.
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Die die explode die
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No shit, no one said that’s all it is.
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well he said he doesn't like VR then says it's because HL Alyx so I suggested another genre, wasn't directly comparing
same team brother
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What is this 1000 song dump and does it have anything aside from shitty techno?
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https://synthriderz.com/ looks to be down right now, but yea it's got a bit of everything (pretty sure there's taytay even)
and it seems like you can do this with beatsaber too, just search "[game] custom songs"
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Cool. I'll check it out. Every custom song I want to play on beat saber is like expert level and I'm not about to practice to shitty techno to get that good
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Interesting, I stopped gooming about when VR started and I didn't try that many games, but I honestly thought it was incomparable to normal gaming. Playing some horror games I actually had cold sweats, never felt that playing anything else.
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Someone modded vr support to alien isolation. Just think about that for a minute
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I played it back when they first added it. The devs themselves put it in. Yes, it was fricked up.
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I’m curious, how bad was it?
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I didn’t mean it was bad, I meant it was freaky and scary. However, the devs just slapped it in for the heck of it, and home vr was still new, so there was no options to guard against motion sickness, like modern vr titles do. So, when it came to motion sickness, a lot couldn’t play it. I didn’t finish it because of this, but I played enough to tell you that shit was freaky.
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I genuinely think that would be so scary that it wouldn't even be fun. The game already gives you anxiety every second. I think VR would actually make it TOO good of a horror game lol.
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Awful lol
Feeling hunted IRL can't be nice
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Resident Evil 7 in VR is fricking terrifying. I’ve never been the least bit anxious in a traditional game, because I am not 8 years old. And when I actually was 8 years old, the Atari 2600 was the most popular system, and those graphics weren’t going to scare anybody (well, at least not in that way, lol). But VR makes it MUCH easier to trick your brain into saying “FUUUUCCK!!!”.
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I can't even imagine. I played RE7 briefly and I remember feeling pretty overwhelmed with the main character being so darn weak and the dad so relentless. I don't wanna trick my brain into thinking that's really happening.
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Im sure you remember dinner table scene, near the beginning, where the dude (I think it was the dad) is screaming in your face and shit? It was nuts, it felt so real. Also, there is another part, near the beginning, where you are going through some deep water, and your head is barely above water. I started reacting as if it was real, and kept straining to keep my mouth (IRL) above the water. I swear I could feel the “danger”. I never did finish the game, and I doubt I ever will, because it is on the PSVR. After getting used to the Quest 2, I don’t think I could go back to such a clunky system. VR has came so far. When I first got the PSVR, I was thrilled at how it was so much easier to use than my first VR unit (Oculus DK2). Compared to the Quest 2, it is just a big, clunky, pain-in-the-butt, with an annoying, limited camera.
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Oh yeah, when he chops his son's arm and all. Frick lol that must be wild.
I didn't know the tech had improved so much. I do remember thinking the controls in some games were terrible. Like the ones where you had to click on the ground to move, it's ridiculous, I've got two joysticks in my hands why can't I use those? Good to know it's better.
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GTA is pretty dope.
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Despite all the posturing there sure seems to be a lot of gaymers in here.
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My life has been rdrama work game for 2yrs almost
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That's probably true for most dramatards +/- the work part.
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Look at the genius who just figured out that rdrama is rusing most of the time.
Not about the Mayocide though, unironically all white devils need to die.
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It's almost like dramatards self flagellate just like redditors.
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Yeah I'm really whipping the skin off my own back here by occasionally making fun of bideo bames.
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Thin skinned like a redditor too!!
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How far on the spectrum are you
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Remember to use AutoMod to sticky so they can mald even harder about not being able to block you.
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Did they remove your permissions?
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yeah lol
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God I hate them so much. SRDines do one good thing and immediately undo it.
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Never in the history of ever has such a henious hate crime been committed. Did you tell them your a severely neurodivergent manchild? Do they realize the sort of devastating impacts that could have on the psyche someone like you? It's time for a crusade.
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How does it feel to have your life so empty of any events that you make plans to make a post in SRD in 6 months?
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you act like canning SRDines isn't a noble cause
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