Mark Laita runs Soft White Underbelly, where he interviews and photographs people generally from the seedier side of life. Some interviewees are cops, excons, mentally ill people, etc. but he also tends to offer random people on Skid Row a few hundred for their stories. Sometimes/occasionally it's very interesting, often it's just a rambling junkie.
Mark found the Whittaker family in a <1000 pop town called Odd, West Virginia when he asked a cop about interesting local people. Their family tree is a clusterfrick with far too many overlapping lines, with the bulk of the children coming from two cousins of identical twin brothers.
They are severely inbred to the point they look like cartoonish caricatures of inbred hicks, some of them are nonverbal and have the minds of children. Mark's first video of them is here, I won't spoil it but it's worth watching until the end. Ray, who doesn't talk outside of grunts and barks, shows that he understands what people around him are talking about.
As described in the video, when he first tried to photograph them one of their cousins Jason who lived nearby threatened him with a shotgun and told him to stay the frick away from them. Eventually he was able to talk him down and later interviewed him - he's a career criminal and drug addict with sexual assault charges against a minor.
Based on the positive response from the first video, Mark had more follow-up videos with the Whittaker family and they began a very wholesome chungus relationship with him buying them groceries and taking them to the state fair.
The follow-up videos started to include a gofundme link where people could donate to the family as they apparently needed a new home.
With money and attention coming in, some other vulturous soytuber clickbait cute twink took it upon himself to visit Odd, WV and the Whittakers.
Timestamped is when he starts talking about Mark and the Whittakers. He says that over $77k was raised on just one GoFundMe and they should have funds to buy a $139k house in cash. When asked about the house Betty Whittaker squawks that she doesn't know anything about any house and that Mark said there are no more funds available. Their caretaker says she doesn't seem to understand either. This guy creates another gofundme for the Whittakers.
Mark responds and explains that the Whittakers kept asking for money from the GoFundMe. Since it's their money, he couldn't really refuse. He has receipts that he's sent a bit over $100,000 and they've pissed it all away with no house to show for it.
Although Mark was supposed to have washed his hands of the family after this, tragedy struck later in the month when BJ Whittaker reported that her father Larry had died. She called him emotionally sobbing and crying. requesting $800 for help with funeral expenses and a little over $250 for clothing for her and her family. She said the service would be on Facebook Live.
Betty confirmed the death on the phone, but Mark, seeming to smell something was off, flew across the country that day and showed up to the house to attend Larry's funeral. Larry drives up to the house in his truck about 13 minutes in.
Mark confronts BJ and Betty, who despite typically answering any question with something akin to "Ah dunno" was apparently lucid enough to play along with a lie about a family member dying. Apparently Betty also gives cash from the "family funds" to Larry's grandson Brandon (seen here in the back).
Mark had a followup with Jason the other day. Most recently, Larry asked for cash to try to get BJ help and out of state away from the family, being the worst influence. She, of course, didn't go anywhere, and the Whittakers who are capable of communicating in words were all able to stay consistent on another lie that got them money.
The shotgun toting felon chomo who originally threatened Mark agrees that they're actually untrustworthy and he probably should no longer try to help them.
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Imagine being treated like a zoo animal and paraded around for cameras and then people get mad when you at least try to monetise it lmao. Like yeah they're gross incest people, but every YouTuber/content creator involved is infinitely worse.
The moral calculus involved in going βwell I just wanted to film them so people could laugh and point but I washed my hands of them when they emotionally manipulated me?!?!?β
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I hate Soft White Underbelly. Awful show and that Mark guy is up to something, I just know it.
ANYONE can get a camera and pay the worlds most r-slurred degenerate mongoloid scum to talk for an hour, that aint art
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It's almost a guilty pleasure for me because I kind of feel the same way but occasionally the interviewees are very interesting. Mark Laita sketches me out in a way I can't quite put my finger on. Enough people have expressed similar sentiments to affirm my intuition. He isn't really the person for this job other than that he has a shitload of money to throw around, he sure as shit isn't a particularly good interviewer. There's been a few other controversies and concerns raised about him, particularly about some incredibly strange shit he sometimes says to women, but I've never been invested enough to do a deep dive because most of the "exposed" content is sensationalist garbage like the Tyler Oliveioily
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Um based rednecks. Also good on them for being resourceful (that's the Appalachian spirit!)
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they 100% did the right thing by scamming this youtuber for thousands of dollars.
the dude is using them like circus freaks, so why not treat him like a rube and grift the shit out of him?
i watched that original video ages ago. i didn't know there were more.
side note: odd, wv is only a couple(ish) hours from me. so basically what i'm saying is these are my people.
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they are circus freaks
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well yeah, but you gotta pay yer freaks!
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WhatI don't get is why they are scamming him? The money was raised for them, they were given the money, why then lie about it and try to get a measly $800?
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i mean they said they needed money for a funeral for a person who wasn't dead. pretty sure that counts as a scam.
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Yeah, but they were given a little over $100,000, then they seem to be lying about getting the money and then tried to scam the guy for a little over $1000. It just seems strange to try to pull off such a small-time scam when the same guy has already willingly given you 100 times as much.
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It's not like they're putting that money in a retirement account. They asked repeatedly for 1000s of $$$ when the gofundme was up and spent it as soon as they got it. Mark stops giving them money when there's no more, so they make up other shit to get money.
If you're wondering where all that money went, here's a hint:
If that seems unbelievable to you, here's some context:
Now consider that there are at least two addicts they're supporting (probably more), they're also probably buying beer and/or liqour daily, and spending money r-slurredly on God knows what else. They could win a million dollars and it would soon
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You telling me that inbred white trash hillbillies aren't financially literate?
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It does seem unbelievable to me, but I am also consciously aware that you're right. Here I am, in San Francisco (one of the most expensive places in the world) and I genuinely don't think I could spend 100k in a year without fundamentally and visibly changing my life. I would never look at a $20 bill the same way again.
And if one of them decided that online gambling was a good investment then it could have disappeared even faster. Yeah, you're right, but it still just blows my mind how some people can have their horizons expanded so greatly and then never see past their own nose.
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"Hey these people who I though were simple hicks and wanted to take advantage of scammed me!"
Also that family tree, (although I'm not what all the lines are supposed to fricking signify) is pretty normal in Pakistan or the ME in general
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Who ever would've thought
that a bunch of inbred
r-slurs would
be bad at managing their money 
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i bet they threw a crazy crack and fent party
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This is a better channel about Appalachia this isn't some vice brookylnite ((person of media)) grifter.
Normally I wouldn't recommend giving attention to a guinea but this guy has good stuff along the same lines of small communities
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oh shit I watched some of Mark's videos on them. I need to watch some of these other vidyas. I haven't watched Soft White Underbelly in a while because it's just kinda sad and dark and not entertaining after a while but the inbreds were interesting. They play r-slurred v v v well. lol
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Inbred yt trash acts like inbred yt trash
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average wh*te family
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How did the foid earn her "BJ" monicker?
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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Get that bag, kings

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Can't beat the best from WV.
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I knew a guy like this who had a swastika on his face and didn't know what it even was. Had no idea what a Germany was and just thought the swastika was some badass thing some prisoners had.
This is the kind of thing that makes citystrags who flip the frick out over the sight of a confederate flag
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Scammed his fanbase maybe. This dude probably made multiple times the money they scammed out of them off these videos.
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Good for them
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People like this, they take something from you and you let them... and they just act like they keep coming back. And you still owe them something and they never, never change. You can never change their mind.
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