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Pls pls no more

U guys are such bullies. Please i will cry and commit die :( no more.

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You got the cat wrong, marsey is orange and white


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I didn't make it. It's ai.

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You can just tell it to make the cat orange and white.

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I also didn't make the ai sorry. I don't know how to use that stuff....a mean hater did this .....πŸ’”

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It's easy just use it to make the pieces you need. I photoshop'd this from three separate AI generated elements:


Here's an outdated guide I made for getting into it:


AI can't stop winning so you should embrace it while you still have the neuroplasticity


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That is so cute !? Thank you 😭😭

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My oc is a sticker.....cute

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We call them marseys here lady :marseysmughips: take your tiktok zoomzoom slang outta here

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I don't speak drama and i will not in the future. Stickers.

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:) :marseyfalloutvictim: :marseyfalloutvictim: :marseyfalloutvictim:

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Make the hand green and it will be perfect :D

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Die heißen bei Telegram so. Bist du bei Telegram?

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Wer heißt bei telegram so ?

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Die Sticker.

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Achsoo. Ich benutze mein Telegram kaum nein.

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i will not in the future.

It'd be real cool if you did though.

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I will not be here in the future :marseyfalloutvictim:

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You are here forever.

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LOL I did not realize that was already a marsey

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Truly the highest honor.

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Ok but really if she's from a vault why would her eye be fricked up

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Caught a peepee in the eye during all the vault r*pe.

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Wrong wrong holed holed

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based :marseygem:

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:crap: :c: :a: :r: :p: :carpmermaidgenocide:

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Who is carp and why is every report on him LMAO

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Site admin, sort of. And probably half the people think he logged into your account and is larping as you for lulz. I'm not sure either way. :marseysquint:

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That's hilarious. Thanks for the explanation because i was genuinely confused

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Shut up carp

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It annoyed him when people suggested that you being brought here was just him larping, so more than half the people are doing it cause being spiteful towards the fish is considered cool / the fish is a huge strag.

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Bro that's carp, her new account is @Catholic_apu


You can also see it's not her on heavy use of internet slang

Edit: carp also stole that account jfl

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if he messages you remember not to trust him he is a pervert :marseysickos2:

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She using a new account

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I use one account only. Why wouldn't i report you with this one ?

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You know I was told to make an account to appeal a removal of post...right ? Can't make jokes here back at you apparently with all of you being butthurt.

I just don't want anyone making ai nsfw of my art...that would ruin my day...so please don't !!!! :marseyfalloutvictim:

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better question is who are you and what does this thread even mean

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I just posted that photo since people kept making porn ai of my art......sad

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Carp is @FBIshill beloved but estranged shitposter and poweruser :carpbow2:


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A felon who wants to frick you.

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I didn't think she'd be back and I can't tell if this is serious or ironic. :marseyhmm:

I don't think she is drama brained enough to stay for a while like @PlsNoCoal. But she's earned some respect for not completely leaving after being outted. :marseyshrug:

I hope you enjoy your time as a minor eceleb in a tiny gay cat drama forum @VK_User

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I definitely don't want people making AI of morpheus having sexual intercouse with viktoria....this would ruin my day i think

If you can't beat them, join them. I think this is what this site teached me.

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Haha noooo please stop making minor changes to my porn to make it more explicit


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I definitely don't want people making AI of morpheus having sexual intercouse with viktoria....this would ruin my day i think


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So true definitely don't :(

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What the heck, usually people flee in butthurt. Alright you've won me over a bit. But mark my words woman, if you start e dating on here we have to kill you. :marseymad:

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She has a new account @Catholic_apu and she just window shop and report me for β€œharassment”


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It's not my account LMAO

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Seems like carp hijacked both accounts

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Is carp in the room with us right now ?

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Reply to the FRICKING DM :carpraging:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I did !!!!!!! :((( sowwy

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!metashit :redlight: the fish has slipped into the dm :re!dlight:

Screenprint just incase https://i.rdrama.net/images/17176884045974894.webp

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I'm 10 day chudding every tedious midwit who endlessly insists that every single new user is a carp alt once she does it. Since after the first proof it turned to "hurrdurr carp took her account".


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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!metashit, poor carpy warpy has been here less than 2 days and is already malding at the !dramatards :marseymisinformation: campaign.

Why is he so fragile?


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>screenprints are trivially easy to fake

Bardfinn alt confirmed :marseyspit:

>they are all roughly 90 iq

!r-slurs our time to shine

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My momma always said I needed to get burned to learn my lesson, and also that carp roleplays as dainty little girls to fulfil some sick, twisted fantasy.


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@FBIshill confirmed carp alt

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"hurrdurr it's carp" is rdrama's new, unfunny "dude bussy lmao"

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:marseygiveup: ow

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I understand it's easier for you to admit you enjoy the presence of the underaged.

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Are you roleplaying as a girl now?


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Are you @cyberdeath on WPD? If so I'm going to have to ban you here too for being underage. Is that you?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I can't tell if this is serious or ironic.


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I don't think she is drama brained enough to stay


Sweaty. She traces stills from amateur Serbian pornography and then acts r-slurredly neurodivergent and tells people it's totally not sexual. What do you mean she isn't drama brained?

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Idk who's trolling who


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I think you know

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If you really are Vanessa K, then all you have to do is confirm it on Twitter/X by saying that you are indeed on rdrama.net under the handle @VK_User (Don't use Reddit, it deletes any message that even mentions rdrama.net because they are jealous of this website's superiority to theirs).

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No, I already did that ON reddit, proof is already there. I was told to comment marsey under a post if it's really me. If you don't believe it's truly me, that just makes it alot funnier to me. :marseyfalloutvictim: :marseyxd:

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You got it right it's not her

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Post a selfie to prove its really :marseythinkorino2: you

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Nice bait

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If you're gonna make AI cats at least do the thing where it's a video with that Sia song

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I don't use AI. A mean bully made this and send it to me. I can't take it anymore.

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Neither could this cat, then he changed his life and turned it all around. Powerful.

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That's so inspirational. If i don't k*ll myself tonight i might turn my life around like him. Amen.

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draw makima thanks

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I don't draw anime it is sinful !!!!!

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drawing bethesda ip without express permission from Todd is much worse

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I draw fallout because morpheus is my husband i draw my husband πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

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dunno who that is but ok

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!jannies no german help line in the SafeKeeping Message

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Then better keep yourself safe fast

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Wow, is this the solution to the catcel question?

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I don't know if we can solve the question permanently. After all, I'm not the step-cat, I'm the cat that stepped up.

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they need to adapt that asap

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:marseyxd: This is great

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a song about american marseys on a cruise

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:#marseywholesome: The shark should have had a soy face at the end :#surprisedshark:

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This is not how you win against dramatards, you have to play the long game. Assimilate with the culture here and slowly plot your revenge, lead them on in the DMs then betray them once you've earned their trust :marseyfluffy:


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I just really don't want any more AI porn of Morpheus or Viktoria.....shes a righteous women she would never......i am so sad !!! I hope they stop

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Join House Vampire :#marseyvampiremerchant:

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If you're trying to draw Jewish vampires at least acknowledge the original material


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Who asked you? You don't even the capacity to bear arms

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I don't choose the bear !!! Leave me alone !!!!!!!!!!!! A

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I left some spoilt milk outside the door for you, kittie cat

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Perfect for my diarrheo.....thanmk you

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:#chadnocapy: !downmarseyrs does house cringepire have OwO awards, b-word? :#marseydisagreesuperspeed: SHUT LE FRICK UP XHES OURS :#anarchy::#anarchy::#anarchy::#anarchy::#anarchy:

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Just imagine it's nonconsensual so Viktoria isn't letting go of her righteousness.

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Maybe she's changed, it's pride month after all :marseyhomofascist:


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join house furry and we'll grant you protection from the fricking moids :#marseybruh: !furries yay or nay, b-word?

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furries :vomit:

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moidcels :#suicide: !furries the fricking moidcel cringe caused me to leave the fricking physical realms :#rip:

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I vote add heem

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Join House Edgy, we're badass.

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Lol in another comment Xhe just someone to shit on (h)er face

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I have chronic diarrhea don't bully me please. It's pride month :(

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Carp knows about this

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it's okay VK it's not too late for you

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How can we end this......

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by posting :marseycomplain: thirst traps :#taypray:

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Looking at BWC feet https://i.rdrama.net/images/1717703252543014.webp

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sit on my face

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I have chronic diarrhea sorry

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Bold assumption that @peepeehands is not into that.

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"S(h)it on my face"

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u should dm @Now_and_Klen he's really into that stuff

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I'm shy

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its ok his standards are extremely low

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1 thats not a problem for him

2 !commenters lore

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who the heck made this

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kill urself redditor

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Okay ❀❀❀

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17176499003704133.webp Admit to being a goonette and the horror will end

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The horrors are never ending

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Kind of like in the works of h. r. giger, huh bb ? :marseysmughips:

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So true. I hope i fall off the stairs just like him and die. I want to join him.

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so, is this b-word r-slurred (as in, xhir's obviously trolling) or just someone from here le epic baiting?

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Please use my proper pronouns !

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This is what groomercordBIPOCs do when they get bored

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please post a picture of your butthole expelling a huge log :marseycoomer2:


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They stitched up my anus. Sorry daddy.

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross


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I agree. Please crucify me.

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You know we also run watchpeopledie.tv if you are into that kind of stuff

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If i record my s*icide can you upload it there pretty please

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carp caaaaarrrrp your girl might become perfect.

Sure. Ill make sure it happens

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Nah you can fix her with you're peepee. Peepee totally makes crazies better

Trans lives matter

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Learn how to pencil sketch a little bit at least

You should be ashamed. You should be bullied. You deserve everything that has happened to you.

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I can't hold a pencil....both my hands are broken. I'm sorry 😭

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Explains the (f)artwork quality quite nicely

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I'm so sorry daddy please don't punish me i will draw once my hands grew back...i promise.

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That's not how hands work. Hahaha. Read a book. Oh wait, who'll turn the pages hahahaha

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The per capita of broken :marseydeathpose: arm users is too high.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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@VK_User You should have enough to give him an award there are negative ones under effect on author


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