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Your Lack of understanding is astounding. Dogs are a reflection of their owners/upbringing. No breed is innately dangerous.

No breed is innately good at herding.

No breed is innately good at sniffing.

No breed is innately good at pulling sleds through the snow

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I used to have a border collie, and it was hilarious to watch him instinctively herd small children.

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Yeah I had a blue heeler when I was a kid and she would always go over to the neighbor's cow pasture and try to herd them around lol.

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Learned behavior.


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So white foids are victims of grooming? :marseythinkorino:

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Border Collies are awesome, my old roommate had one and she would try and herd you. I loved watching her flip out when I would do the exact opposite of what she wanted me to do.

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No humans are innately smarter.

No humans are innately stronger.

No humans are innately sexually more attractive.

No humans are innately better :marseysaulgoodman: leaders.

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In the nonchud defense. Dogs have been selectively bred for certain traits over well over a thousand generations. Even by the most pessimistic example no human was bred for more than like 7.

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The white :marseymayo: blood :marseyelisabeth: is added to give them the ability to hold down a job long enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to get a paycheck.

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Whats up with the bottom right guys lips :smileyshocked:

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humans have been bred by their environments for thousands of years.

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Yeha should be illegal to breed and sell them. Problem is, trashy people are going to do it anyway and there's no real way to police that when they just call it a "lab mix"

The answer is to make people criminally liable for their dogs. I bet alot of bleeding heart Pitt enthusiasts would stop when they realize their dog attacking and maiming a child will send them to fricking prison

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Since it's the owner not the dog, this seems like a solution that would make everyone happy :marseyagreefast:

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All of those things are caused by purely socioeconomic factors, Chud.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17189543211694732.webp :marseysmug2: Dont think pibbles is gonna need to eat for a while

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XL meal for an XL bully


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You know, I don't think the pibble was at fault here. He was just triggered by the eye bleeding colors. If anything it should be considered self defense :marseyshrug:

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He was probably an ancap.

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No breed is innately dangerous.

Humanization of animals and le its consequences. R-slurs can't just admit that dogs with certain bite strength can frick people up just as angle grinder can nick an artery.

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Not really about bite strength. Lots of dogs have higher bite strength than pits.

It's about aggression,

(notice the behavioral differences that come with the genetic temperament differences; eye contact, stillness, etc. These are dog warning signs and pit bulls very commonly display them)

and gameness.

Pitts were bred to do two things. To start biting things, and most importantly, to keep biting things when other dogs would have stopped.

The second part is what makes them dangerous. Other dog breeds will bite you, especially defensively, but if you run away or fall down or kick their butt they'll probably stop. Pitbulls often continue until grandma is dead. It's why there's videos of horses kicking them to death defensively and why bite sticks exist, etc.

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just as angle grinder can nick an artery.

I'm still not putting the guard back on, Steve. You can take your "Safety Manager" badge and shove it up your butt.

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...and that's why I fired his dumbass. But sure, gimme the card I'll sign it since i feel bad he's in hospital again

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Steve, you're too nice for your own good.

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They're large, strong dogs that jump to aggression faster and have high energy, just a bad combo in a breed. There's a reason most large dogs were bread to be chill, like mastiffs, Bernese mountain dogs, and st Bernards. Even rottweilers are generally relaxed.

They were also bread to not communicate warning signs. Most dogs will growl, snap, etc before aggression because they don't want to fight but want to say "frick off". Pitts don't , because they were bread specifically to fight. None of these psychos wanna watch two dogs snap at eachother and then avoid eachother

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>Leopards didn't eat her face. A pitbull did.

/r/pitbullsatemyface when?

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Its funny how all those comments ignore fact. Why its always same breed of dog? If its fault of owner. Why not golden retriever or Shepherd?

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Why is your English poor?

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U have intercourse with pittbull

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Because no one can tell that you're a golden retriever on the internet.

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If you start admitting that different breeds of dog are different then suddenly you have to admit unfortunate things about the different breeds of human

Kids these days are taught "nurture over nature" and all that shit and it becomes their default perspective until they grow up a bit and start thinking for themselves

But dog owners in particular just believe what they want to believe

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Reported by:

Humans weren't selectively bred for aggression, r-slur


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:#whitesicko: :#yakub:

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The Germans were. That's why we must exterminate them.

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If you start admitting that different breeds of dog are different then suddenly you have to admit unfortunate things about the different breeds of human

Pygmies are nearly extinct and I'm pretty sure that's the only breed level divergence

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Pitbulls weren't bred for human aggression. This was properly a hoodrat abortion of a dog. It's not hard to tell either. A proper pitbull shows no food aggression .

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The GVLDEN BVLL was bred for a different purpose

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German shepherds account for a lot of these too

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Tracking by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) determined that pit bull type dogs were most likely to be involved in fatal attacks, accounting for 28% of fatalities from 1979 to 1998. The AVMA documented 66 human fatalities caused by pit bull type dogs, 39 by Rottweilers, 17 by German shepherds, 15 by husky type dogs, 12 by Malamutes, 9 by Dobermann Pinschers, 8 by Chow Chows, 7 by Great Danes, and 7 by St. Bernard dogs

As for attacks in 2023

Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents.

How many of those mixed breeds are pure pits or half pits? https://old.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/ldzx1o/discussion_why_do_you_think_rescues_mislabel/

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Some dramatists posted a while back that activists have gotten it such that pitbull attacks in current year are listed as "mixed breed" to artificially lower the number ascribed to pitbulls

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Probably not even that. They misslabel them in shelters as mixed. Becouse they are easier to unload then pit bull.

Now when it attacks someone. Owner says its mixed.

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but what's the per capita? what percentage of dogs are pitbulls, what percentage are german shepherd dogs?

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According to Embark, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the #1 most commonly identified breed in DNA-tested dogs, more than twice as common as German Shepherds, the second most common breed, and almost three times as common as Labrador Retrievers, the third most common breed. DNA results from Embark reveal that the top five most commonly identified breeds are:

American Pit Bull Terrier: 14.8%

German Shepherd Dog: 7%

Labrador Retriever: 5.7%

Chihuahua: 5.1%

Australian Cattle Dog: 4.6%

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if those numbers are representative of dogs overall (most dogs aren't professionally bred) then german shepherds are more dangerous than pitbulls.

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They should be banned too. Simple as.

But shepard attacks are less likely to be fatal


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lol oh, that paints a much clearer picture

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It probably comes from how german shepards dosent bite to tear things apart. But rather spook or stop person. More like protect something.

Bitpull its always intent to kill.

Per capital. Shepard bite more. But when pittbull bites. Its always worse

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Because fatalities actually get investigated. A dog bite doesn't register enough to verify what breed the dog even was, so Stacy's 100% shitbull “Lab Mix” can go under the radar. Not true when there's a body. Same reason the only reliable crime statistics are homicides.

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Embark probably has the American Pit Bull at #1 because those doggy DNA tests are for people who don't know their dog's breed - mostly people who got their dog from a shelter. And pitbulls are disproportinately represented in shelters.

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They actually warn you before rocking your shit. The velvet hippo is like a sleeper agent.

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My neighbors suddenly got two large dogs that growl at me and chew on the 30 year old fence when I walk too close :derpwhy: I never see them walked, they just put them outside to sulk

What is up with dog owners these days

big upgrade from the previous owners that had super happy pits that constanly broke out three different ways and had memorized the location of every chicken coop for miles

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feed them poisoned steaks maybe

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Go for the hat trick and get the neighbor to eat one too

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Oh, no, I meant to feed the neighbors. The dogs, just leave their gate open and let Animal Control deal with 'em

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German *Slaughterdog, please. It's called "Schäferhund", which is the combination of the words for slaughter(Schäfer) and dog(hund), respectively.

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Might be both. All the pit owners ive seen are hoodrats and trailer trash.

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Why do the pro pitbull people seem to always type with significantly worse grammar than the anti pitbull people?


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They actually have excellent grammar, in the XIX century they were known as grammar people talked with teaching grammar to young kids. Look, here's a picture of a grammar woman doesn't she look adorable? :#marseychonkerfoid:

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They're all council estate lower class Brits.

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Pitbulls are a low class dog breed for the most part.

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Would you be alone in forest with pitbull or man?

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A pitbull because I'm not an infant, physically or mentally :marseysmug2:

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one less shit bull owner??? thats a W

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Dog looked at this and said "would"

Pitbulls have no standards

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It's not the breed; it's the owner.

So obviously she deserved it.

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There comes a point, & imo it was several deaths previous, that we needed to say enough is enough. I dngaf about how harmless anyone says these bloody things are, it's patently obvious they are not harmless, they're not safe


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